Yangzhou, Guan Yu big tent.

"Okay, please tell your Majesty, and say that the general already knows.

Please also rest assured, General Ben assures that Jingzhou will not be lost.

This Yangzhou, this general will also be dedicated to His Majesty as a congratulatory gift for his accession to the throne!"

Under Liu Bei's eight-hundred-mile urgency, Guan Yu, who was in Yangzhou, quickly got the news of Yuzhou, and at the same time got Zhuge Liang's judgment.

In this regard, Guan Yu could only ignore it.

Yuzhou has already been lost, what else can be done?

At this time, not to mention whether the troops can defeat Yuzhou, everything that has been paid in Yangzhou before has been completely wasted.

You must know that the destruction of Gan Ning's 100,000 sailors made Guan Yu's flesh hurt for a long time.

Yes, the remnants of Gan Ning's army have found the location of Guan Yu's army, and at the same time, Guan Yu also knows about the destruction of his water division.

This really gave Guan Yu a slap in the face.

No matter what he thought, he would never have imagined that the Jingzhou sailor, who galloped on the river, would say that it was gone.

Now there are less than 30,000 of the 100,000 sailors left, and there are no warships.

This is really equivalent to being completely defeated.

At the same time, it was precisely because of the fall of the water division that Guan Yu's original plan of advancing by land and water could no longer be implemented.

Now, there are only two choices in front of Guan Yu.

Either return to Jingzhou, give up the previously laid Yangzhou territory, and restore the state of confrontation from Xintong Chu.

Or, go to the end and continue to attack Yangzhou.

With Guan Yu's character, he naturally chose the second one without any hesitation, and he was iron to the end.

Originally, Guan Yu's choice was not a problem.

But it was because of the appearance of Lü Meng that Lü Meng conquered Yuzhou.

This completely caused Guan Yu to fall into passivity.

Now through the information sent by Liu Bei, Guan Yu also knows that there is no problem with Zhuge Liang's judgment, and it is even very likely that Lu Meng will really attack Jingzhou directly as Zhuge Liang expected.

But the truth is the same.

The current Guan Yu can't retreat at all.

If you retreat at this time, it can only be a loss of troops in vain, and you will give Chu a Yuzhou for no reason.

"Command the whole army to launch a general attack when it dawns tomorrow.

No matter how much it costs, we must bring down this Shouchun!" "

Only by taking Shouchun and completely cutting off the contact between Chu and Jiangnan can Guan Yu keep the fruits of his victory.

At that time, whether it continues to attack Yangzhou or occasionally returns to the army to rescue Jingzhou, it will have the strategic initiative.

Now, whether it is Guan Yu or Lu Meng, they are just fighting for the strategic initiative at that time.

Vertical said, Shouchun.

"Damn! Is this Guan Yu crazy? Now, this is completely taking people's lives to add ah!" Seeing

that the Han army was like dumplings falling into water, constantly being shot down from the top of the cloud ladder by his own armor, but still did not stop the crazy attack, the Tibetan tyrant was in a hurry.

Today, there are less than 50,000 defenders in Shouchun City, and they were besieged by Guan Yu before, and they don't feel how to rely on the high walls of Shouchun City.

But today, this Guan Yu went crazy and ordered his subordinates to attack, and the Chu army gradually couldn't resist it.

According to the situation in front of him, Zangba knew in his heart that he was afraid that he would not be able to hold out for a few days and Shouchun would be conquered by this crazy Han army.

"General Zangba! As Sheng expected, it must be that Lu Dashuai brought enough pressure to this Guan Yu on the side of Yuzhou, otherwise this thing would not have gone crazy so much.

As long as we resist for a few days, the situation will inevitably turn around. "

It's different from the pessimism of the Tibetan tyrant.

In Xu Sheng's view, the occurrence of this Guan Yu just proves that Lu Meng's army has made some gains, which makes this Guan Yu feel the pressure.

"I don't know what you say.

But the problem is: When you look at the Han army, it's like you're completely dead.

With the reserves of materials in Shouchun City, we are afraid that we will use them to fight naked in three days!"

Xu Sheng's words also understood.

But in the current Shouchun, there are not so many arrows, rolling logs and other materials to defend the city to resist the crazy Han army.

Don't wait for the good news from Lu Meng's side, his side will be martyred first.

That's a tragedy.

"General Zangba, we are not without reinforcements now!

Our south gate of Shouchun City is not far from Feishui.

As long as we can contact General Tai's sailor division, we can completely let the sailor come to Feishui to support Shouchun City!

At the very least, we can relieve the defensive pressure of the south gate and even the east and west gates. !!

Tibetan tyrant, who was still bored, suddenly heard Xu Sheng's words, and suddenly came to his senses.

I can't imagine that this product is so flexible?

This Nima, why are you so smart, you can still fall for Guan Yu's scheme before, and even be banned from the pit? It's

just that how does the Tibetan tyrant know, Xu Shengzheng can be said to be smart but was mistaken by cleverness before.

It was precisely because of the unclear relationship between Mrs. Cai and her own overlord that Xu Sheng lost his vigilance and was bent on meritorious service, so he lost tens of thousands of troops, and turned the forbidden pit into a traitorous minister who was not guaranteed in the evening.

Seeing hope, the Tibetan tyrant swept away the previous decadence, went to the front line in person, and decisively rushed to the south gate to block the enemy army.

As for why he wanted

to go to the South Gate? Just kidding, if he wants to send people out to ask for help, shouldn't he also go to the South Gate, which is closest to the land and water?

Only by repelling the enemy troops at the South Gate can he have the opportunity to send a force for help, right?"

Hearing the report from his subordinates, Yu Ban knew that this Chu army must have some moves.

Is this going to repel my besieging army first?Or is it going to break through the siege and ask for help?"

Now, there is no turning back, so he can only completely destroy the Chu army and the Chu country.

Only in this way can you prove that your choice is not wrong.

But just as the herald had just left, the south gate of Shouchun suddenly opened.


!" "Rush with a certain family!" Kill

the Han army!" In order to let the messenger for help successfully break through, Zangba simply opened the south gate and directly attacked the Han army that was still besieging the city.

This is a big mess of the unprepared Han army.

No matter how they thought about it, they would never have imagined that this Chu army would dare to take the initiative to go out of the city to face the battle.

"Damn! We can't let the Chu army get away alone!" Seeing the

Tibetan tyrant who personally led the army to break through, he already knew about Yu Ban, who knew about him.

This must be to break through so that the envoy can ask for help!

If the Tibetan tyrant chooses another direction, then Yu Ban doesn't bother to pay attention to it at all.

But since you chose the South Gate, Yu Ban naturally refused to let you.

"Yu Ban is here! Tibetan tyrant, dare to fight!".

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