"Traitorous thief, An dares to speak up!" Seeing

that the person in charge of attacking the south gate turned out to be Yu Ban, the Tibetan tyrant was immediately furious.

This damn it, I used to call you brothers, why is Nima's so shitty.

In the eyes of the Tibetan tyrant, as an old minister of the Chu State, and now he has followed the Chu State all the way to the present, even if you are defeated and captured, the overlord will never abandon you.

Even if, even if you die on the spot, so what

? As a general, isn't it fate to shroud the horse leather

? Since you have already carried a weapon to the battlefield, you should have thought that there would be such a day, right

? Even if you die in battle, will the overlord treat your descendants badly?

Now, you have secretly rebelled by yourself, directly harming your entire family.

Yes, because of Yu Ban's betrayal, Xiang Ji was furious and naturally would not spare his relatives in Pengcheng.

Thinking that this was an old courtier when he started his own family after all, Xiang Ji didn't wield a butcher's knife.

However, it is indispensable for men to be slaves and women to be prostitutes.

Originally, the Yu Ban family, which was also a Gaomen mansion in Pengcheng, was completely dissipated because of his stealing of life.

As an old friend of Yu Ban, the Tibetan tyrant who saw all this in his eyes was naturally angry.

Ma De, it doesn't matter if you want to forbid yourself to die, but don't cheat my daughter!

You know, the daughter of the Tibetan tyrant is married to the son of Yu Ban.

Now, for the sake of the Tibetan tyrant's face, for the sake of all the other women being prostitutes, his girl can still go back to her parents' house.

But it's a person who is nearly thirty years old, and there has been a tragedy, and his daughter has been banned in her life.

In this regard, how can the Tibetan tyrant not hate it deeply.

"Don't say more

, Tibetan tyrant, fight to the death!" Similarly, because Tibetan Ba and himself are in-laws, the result is that in the eyes of the ban, the Tibetan tyrant is a clansman who only saves his daughter but doesn't care about the ban.

This made Yu Ban also full of hatred for Tibetan tyrants in his heart.

When the enemy meets, they are very red-eyed.

The Tibetan tyrant didn't care about the messenger who helped for help break through, and picked up the ghost head knife in his hand, and it was a round of indiscriminate slashing against Yu Ban's head and face.

Similarly, Yu Ban, who was full of hatred for the Tibetan tyrant, was also unrelenting, and the big knife in his hand was also waved again and again, bringing a roaring sound of breaking the air, slashing at the Tibetan tyrant.

Without Yu Ban's command, the Han army at Nanmen, which had been suddenly attacked, suddenly fell into chaos, and the Chu army, which was killed out of the city, took advantage of the situation to rush out of the encirclement.

"Hahaha! Yu Ban, you are so clever about Lao Tzu's plan! Lao Tzu's reinforcement force has rushed out!" Seeing

that the reinforcement force successfully broke through, the Tibetan tyrant remembered where he was going out of the city.

However, it doesn't matter, anyway, the troops have successfully broken through, and the credit is naturally due to the Tibetan tyrant.

If it weren't for Lao Tzu taking the lead in holding this Yu Ban and not letting him command the army, how could he so easily let the reinforcements break out of the encirclement?

This can be regarded as a mistake between the Tibetan tyrant and the real coincidental encounter.

"Zangba, you are looking for death!" turned

his head and found that what Zangba said was indeed true, and Yu Ban was even more angry.

Nima, I am dignified and forbidden, known as the general of both civil and military.

Unexpectedly, one day he would fall for the trick of the Tibetan tyrant?

This can really be described as a loss to the adult.

was furious in his heart, and the strength in his hand suddenly increased a little.


the two knives collided.

resisted the blow of Yu Ban under the rage, and the blood on the Tibetan tyrant's previous head had completely dissipated.

Nima, this thing is crazy, this is obviously going to be desperate!

You know, Yu Banzang Ba Er's strength is not far behind, and now that a plan has been reached, he doesn't want to fight, and he just wants to fight hard, and he can naturally know at a glance which is better or worse.

"Yu Ban, Lao Tzu won't play with you today! Later, you and I will settle the balance and settle the score!" waved

the knife to swing away Yu Ban's attack, and the Tibetan Ba turned the horse's head, leaving Yu Ban with a dashing back.

The Tibetan tyrant fled, but of course Yu Ban didn't do it.

Just as he was about to chase after him, he didn't want to rush to a large Han army on his side, and the first person was Guan Yu, who was holding the Qinglong knife.

"General Guan!" The

boss came, and Yu Ban naturally went over to pay a visit to him immediately.

"Say, what's the situation? Didn't you send someone to ask for help?

This Chu army, is it going to break through or?"

In the military array, Guan Yu was naturally extremely tight, and there was no need to talk about any personal relationship.

"General, the Chu army is not trying to break through.

It's just that the Tibetan tyrant suddenly left the city to create an opportunity for his messenger to ask for help. Although

it is difficult to speak, after all, the Chu army has successfully broken through, and Yu Ban can only tell Guan Yu everything hard.

"Hmph! Asking for help? Then Lu Meng is afraid that he will soon arrive in Jingzhou, and Xiang Ji'er is leading a large army to confront His Majesty in the Luoyang area, where does he have reinforcements to ask for?

This time, a certain family will not blame you for underestimating the enemy.

If there is a next time, Hugh blames the military law for being ruthless!" "

After all, Yu Ban is a general, and Guan Yu still needs to use this product as an example to show the generals of the Chu army, so Guan Yu can only give him a verbal warning for his carelessness in letting go of the envoy of the Chu army.

"General rest assured, the last general is forbidden to take a head guarantee, and will never let the Chu army slip away from the place guarded by the last general!"

I thought that I would be punished heavily, but I never thought that it would be just a verbal warning.

In this regard, Yu Ban, who was very happy, naturally expressed his position one after another.

At the same time, Lü Meng, who was mentioned by Guan Yu, led an army of 100,000 troops and had indeed reached the boundary of Jingzhou.

Why is it a 100,000-strong army?

You must know that the 30,000 "new army" led by Wen Ping, after they surrendered their names, their loyalty even exceeded that of most of the Chu army soldiers.

With such a strong army, how could Lu Meng not take it with him to Jingzhou

? As for the defense of Yuzhou?

Lu Meng didn't care at all about this.

Even if I don't leave a single soldier behind, you Shu Han will have the ability to attack it?

You know, the only prefectures and counties that can border Yuzhou at present are Yanzhou, Xuzhou, Yangzhou, and Jingzhou.

Yanzhou and Xuzhou naturally did not mention it, but now that Jingzhou had arrived with a large army, could he still have the spare strength to attack Yuzhou?

This time and again, I'm afraid I will go in in a month.

Guan Yu, who wasted time, could not get anything else except to recapture Yuzhou.

Even, its old nest Jingzhou is at risk of being conquered by Lu Meng.

Guan Yu is also a veteran who has been fighting on the battlefield for many years, and Lu Meng absolutely does not believe that this product can be unwise to this point.

Therefore, today's Yuzhou really has no defense.

"Dashuai! The front is Wuyin, will our army directly conquer it, or will it take a detour and approach Xiangyang?"

Huang Zhong already knew about Lu Meng's strategic deployment.

Therefore, Huang Zhong naturally wanted to ask whether Lu Meng planned to kill all the way, or bypass all the prefectures and counties, and go directly to fight in the heart of Jingzhou, Xiangyang!

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