"Order! The whole army will attack!" In

the end, Lu Meng still chose to attack Wuyin.

After all, this Wuyin is still a bridgehead connecting Yuzhou, if you go directly to attack Xiangyang as Huang Zhong asked, although there is still a chance to take Xiangyang with the strength of Lu Meng's army.

But the problem is that without logistics and follow-up support, Lu Meng's department is completely alone.

Being in an enemy territory, especially one as deep as Xiangyang, there are too many possible factors that will lead to unknowable risks for Lü Meng's army.

Instead of rushing forward so blindly, Lu Meng still chose to play steadily.

However, the route that Lü Meng chose to advance was not the heart of Jingzhou, Xiangyang.

"Dashuai! Wuyin has been captured, will our army continue to march into Jingzhou?" "

In the small city of Wuyin, the defenders are only 3,000, and in the face of 100,000 Chu troops, there is no effective resistance at all.

won the next dance yin, and Wen Ping was not satisfied.

After handing in the petition and becoming a traitor, he is now full of desire to make meritorious contributions.

Shu Han himself doesn't have to think about it at all, and Wen Ping, who has no way back, naturally wants to make more meritorious contributions to stabilize his position in the Chu State.

Although many of the generals of the Chu State were submissive from other princes and kings, they were submissive early!

If you don't take every opportunity to perform, it will be even harder to get ahead in the future.

Wen Ping knew that the promotion of the generals of the Chu State was definitely different from that of Shu Han, and it was all decided by Liu Bei.

Because Chu has been in the country for many years, it has long had a complete set of promotion assessment system, and if you want to be promoted, you really need to rely on military exploits to pile up.

Of course, Xiang Ji, the king of Chu, can still decide the promotion of generals based on his own preferences, but Wen Ping also knows that he is afraid that he will not have the face to let Xiang Ji personally promote.

Wen Ping thought about Lu Meng naturally didn't know, but Lu Meng could still see one or two about this thing's eagerness to perform.

"No, after the army is a little ready, we will go south directly!" Yes,

Lu Meng does not plan to go west directly to conquer Xiangyang.

Although it did have a chance to force Guan Yu's army back, it would also make his own troops fall into a state of loneliness.

Now that the battle between Chu and Han has begun, the state of Chu, which has fewer troops than Shu Han, cannot afford such a waste.

Therefore, Lü Meng's final decision was to go all the way south, capture the prefectures and counties along the way, and finally approach Jiangxia.

As long as Jiangxia is conquered, the retreat of Guan Yu's army will be completely cut off by himself.

At that time, Guan Yu's army, which has lost its baggage logistics, let alone 300,000, is 600,000, and he will also be left in Yangzhou.

Of course, there is also a very big risk for Lu Meng to do this.

First of all, if you go to attack Jiangxia, then you will have to face the counterattack of Guan Yu's army at any time.

If Guan Yu's army turned around before Jiangxia was conquered by himself, then Lu Meng's troops would face the risk of being attacked on their backs.

Secondly, Lü Meng's army went south, and the time consumed to attack the county along the way was also a big risk.

You must know that today's Shouchun is still under the siege of Guan Yu.

If Shouchun is lost, then Yangzhou in the Chu State will no longer have any place to stop Guan Yu's army.

This will make the entire southern front of the Chu army completely fall into passivity.

But even so, Lu Meng still chose to attack Jiangxia.

Although the risks to bear are very large, as long as Jiang Xia can be successfully taken, then the rewards that Lu Meng can get are also huge.

Although Jiangxia is not the seat of Jingzhou, although it is not as important as the strategic location of Xiangyang.

However, at the moment, it is the most core logistics location for Guan Yu.

It's a dug-and-do.

Lu Meng and Guan Yu's Du Bo.

It is to see who can take the lead in conquering the opponent's city, and who can be the first to attack the key points to deal with.

And just as Lü Meng led his army all the way south, the Chu and Han armies far north finally launched a head-to-head duel.

And the state, the Great Wall Pass, Wu Fort.

"I am the Hun general Wu Dati, a Chu person, can you dare to fight!" After

several days of marching, the Han-Hungarian army finally arrived at the gateway of the state, the Great Wall Pass Wubao.

Previously, the news that the vanguard would be defeated by the Chu State, Ma Chao and others had already learned.

did not open the gap into the Great Wall as expected, although Ma Chao and others were helpless, they would not back down.

Just kidding, how many men and horses do you have in Hebei? Now that our Han and Hungarian 300,000 iron cavalry have arrived, your Chu army should be able to hold off our charge

? Even if some of them are consumed by you at this Great Wall Pass, as long as the gap is opened, then the entire land of Hebei will not be left to us to gallop?

Now, the Han and Hungarian armies, which have reached the pass, will naturally announce their arrival to the Chu army on the pass.

This Udati is one of the fierce generals of the Huns.

"General, the last general is invited to fight!" Looking

at the Huns who were showing off their might under the pass, Hebei General Zhang Nan couldn't sit still.

Ma De, a bare-chested and bareback savage, also dared to come to our Chu Di arrogant?

Now that Gao Ran and Ding Feng have led a large army to this Wu Fort, Zhang Nan naturally seized the opportunity to show off.

Who doesn't know that as the war progresses, they, the deputy generals and partial generals, have fewer and fewer opportunities to come out.

After all, the real main battlefield is reserved for those generals to perform.

"Okay! General Zhang Nan is my Hebei fierce general, this battle is the first time our army has fought with this Han-Hungarian coalition army, don't weaken the morale of our army!"

Zhang Nan took the initiative to ask for battle, and Gao Ran did not allow it.

Today, the strategic goal of the Chu army is still to delay.

As long as he is dragged for ten days and half a month, Gong Du's crossbow convoy will come.

When the time comes, hum, cavalry?"

"Wow, yes! The barbarians are arrogant, and I am Zhang Nan, the general of Hebei!"

A wild man who doesn't even have armor and is bare-chested and bare-backed, do you plan to rely on the hair on your chest to resist Lao Tzu's attack!

Out of the advantage of equipment, Zhang Nan can be described as full of momentum.

"Quack, the one who suffers is coming!" Seeing

Zhang Nan, who was charging towards him with a big knife, Wu Dati howled excitedly.

Han people! Chu people! Let me show you today, the martial arts of my great Huns!

With the big stick in his hand, Wu Dati didn't even control the war horse under his crotch, and swept at the oncoming Zhang Nan.


!" "Bang!"

Immediately, Zhang Nan, who looked surprised, was directly slammed on his chest with an unabated big stick and flew straight under the horse's back.

I saw that the entire armor on his chest had been dented in, and it was obvious that he was dead and couldn't die.

"Whaha! Is this the general of the Chu army? If it's not enough, I'll fight!" killed

Zhang Nan in one blow, and Wu Dati shouted even more violently.

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