Woo ~ Woo ~ Woo ~

The vast battle horn sounded under the Great Wall Pass in Bingzhou.

Under a series of shameless operations by the Huns, Ma Chao and Zhang Liao's two generals lost their interest in continuing to fight generals.

This Nima has made the Chu army angry with the enemy, and he is still fighting.

Winning or losing is a matter of boosting the morale of the Chu army, and Ma Chao is not interested in doing it.

Under the battle call of the attack, the Han-Hungarian coalition forces on both sides launched a charge against the Chu army on the Great Wall Pass.

Everyone knows that as long as the Great Wall pass can be broken, then in front of the Han-Hungarian coalition army is the land of Hebei with a flat river, which is a paradise for them to gallop.

"Rolling wood, quick, rolling wood

!" "Shoot arrows!" "Archers

, shoot arrows!" "Fire oil, get the oil ready, once they rush to the ladder, they will pour it fiercely

!" "Brothers, avenge General Zhang He, shoot, shoot these shameless people!"

Because it owns the entire land of Hebei, the Chu army is still absolutely well prepared in terms of logistics and materials.

In the face of the Han-Hungarian coalition army rushing through the pass, the Chu army did not panic.

Yes, your 300,000 cavalry field cattle lot.

But so what

? If Lao Tzu doesn't go out to play with you, Lao Tzu will shoot you the top of the city, what can you do?

You know, the height of the Great Wall is two zhang high, that is, 6 or 7 meters high in modern times.

With such a high distance, it is not easy to rush to the pass, not to mention that the Chu army guarding the pass is now in the stage of high morale, hatred of the same enemy, and sufficient supplies.

Zhang Liao, Ma Chao and others also knew that it was unrealistic to easily rush to the Great Wall Pass, and they were afraid that tens of thousands of people would not be able to easily occupy this pass.

But, so what

? I didn't see that those Huns had been deceived by their blood, and they only thought about occupying and plundering the land of Hebei in the Great Wall Pass?

Anyway, the main force rushing through the pass was the Huns, and even if they died, Ma Chao said that he didn't care.

And just when the Han-Hungarian coalition army stormed the Great Wall Pass, Xiang Ji, who was in Luoyang, finally decided to take action.

"Gentlemen, now that the cold winter has gradually receded, King Gu is determined to send troops after ten days to directly engage in a decisive battle with that Liu Bei!"

Now, it's Lao Tzu's turn to take the initiative.

Xiang Ji knew that now was the best time to fight a decisive battle with that Liu Bei, otherwise he would be given a few more years, so that he could completely stabilize the country and completely integrate the forces of the various ministries, I am afraid that it would not be so easy to annihilate him in one fell swoop.

Although, the heritage of the Chu State is far superior to the bullshit Shu Han established by Liu Bei, and the Chu State still has a very big advantage in the protracted war.

But Xiang Ji didn't plan to play with him for ten or eight years.

You must know that at this time, the foreigners have already shown their fangs, ready to come up and bite when the giant lion in Huaxia was injured due to infighting.

If the entire Chinese national strength is weakened because of the more than ten years of competing for hegemony with this damn Liu Da'er, that title has really become a joke.

"Overlord! Although there are 200,000 troops on the front line of Luoyang, the Tongguan Pass is a well-known dangerous pass in the world, if our army rushes through the pass, I am afraid that it is..."

You must know that the friendship between Zhao Yun and Xiang Ji is almost detached from the monarch and minister.

It's no problem to take the initiative to send troops to attack Liu Bei, but in Zhao Yun's opinion, I'm afraid that Tongguan will not be easily broken.

If Tongguan could not be conquered, that Xiang could only confront Liu Bei on the Luoyang front.

"It doesn't matter.

The lonely king has made a decision in his heart, just a Tongguan, hum. "

Yes, Xiang Ji has already made a decision in his heart.

It's just a Tong Pass, everyone thinks that Tong Pass is dangerous and difficult to overcome, but Lao Tzu has to do the opposite.

You must know that after Huang Yueying's unremitting efforts in the past few years, the crossbow technology has long been mature.

Now, Xiang Ji is carrying a big killing weapon designed by Huang Yueying, a giant

ballista car! Although this kind of ballista is extremely bulky, it can only be used for so-called defense at all.

But Xiang Ji still spent a lot of manpower and material resources to transport it to the front line in Luoyang.

Although there were only two giant ballista trucks, Xiang Ji believed that this game should definitely surprise that Liu Da'er.

Hmph, Liu Bei, have you ever seen a giant tree that requires two or even three people to hug each other become a cannonball with that power?

Of course, it is precisely because this giant ballista truck is scarce and difficult to carry, so it can only play a role in conquering a Tong pass.

As for Chang'an, if Xiang Ji is willing to wait for him for a few months, it is estimated that he can still be transported to the place...

However, this is enough for the item.

As long as there is one gram of Tongguan, then the entire land of Guanzhong will no longer be able to defend it.

Why did you Liu Bei move the capital to Chang'an? Hmph, Lao Tzu, why don't I call you back to Xichuan, Lao Tzu, I will have the same surname as you!

Of course, it is precisely because of the amazing power of this giant ballista car that Xiang Ji did not even tell Zhao Yun, and its purpose was to keep it secret and give that Liu Bei a big gift.

After all, now that the Han State has been established, Xiang Ji does not believe it, and there is not a single traitor in his own military array.

Sure enough, it was not expected by the entry.

In Chang'an three days later, Liu Bei, who was in the palace, received the news that Xiang Ji was preparing to send troops for a decisive battle.

"Prime Minister! That person is so arrogant that he dares to take the initiative to use troops against me.

I am determined to send a large army to the front line of Natong Pass and firmly contain the main force of the Chu State here!"

Arrogant boy, I don't take the initiative to beat you, I don't laugh secretly, I dare to take the initiative to attack me?

Hmph, Tongguan is not a child's play, I want to see how many corpses your Chu army will leave in Tongguan

!" "Your Majesty's Yiliang has no opinion!" Regarding Liu Bei's

decision, Zhuge Liang did not have any objection this time.

If you don't keep it, wouldn't you be a fool.

If this nationality dares to take the initiative to tackle key problems, then he is looking for death.

Through this, Zhuge Liang saw this book clearly.

However, just like his ancestors, he is just a brainless reckless man.

"Okay! Someone, pass on the edict! Order General Dart Banner to command 150,000 troops to be stationed on the front line of Tongguan, and refuse to allow the Chu State to be outside the border!" There

were already 50,000 defenders in Tongguan, and now Liu Bei was asking Zhang Fei to lead an army of 150,000 to rush to defend.

Come to think of it, even if that book has the ability to reach the sky, it will definitely not be able to conquer Tongguan.

As long as he guards him for ten days and a half months, when the Chu army shows fatigue, it will be the time when Shu Han sends troops to completely dominate the world!

Looking at the morning glow in the east, Liu Bei was intoxicated.

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