Yangzhou, Shouchun.

Just when Luoyang's Xiang Ji began to prepare for an attack on Tongguan, the Tibetan Ba and Xu Sheng, who had been guarding Shouchun for a long time, finally ushered in a turning point.

"Hahaha! Coming! Coming! Our fleet of Chu is coming!"

Yes, standing at the head of the city, the figure of the fleet of the Chu State is already clearly visible.

Although even after adding the strength of the water division, the number of Chu troops is also inferior to Guan Yu's army.

But don't forget, the sailor, there is a ship.

As long as the sailors docked the ships not far from the shore and suppressed the Jingzhou army attacking the south gate and even the east and west gates, the pressure on Shouchun would be greatly reduced.

As for saying that there is also a danger of being attacked?

Just kidding, there is no danger in what you do when you are a soldier in battle? Unless you simply stay at home and don't go to war.

Besides, the sailor was standing on top of the boat near the riverbank, and the danger was really not great.

After all, if you Guan Yu Jingzhou's army wants to attack the water division, then you have to wade forward.

As long as your armor wades through water, it's not the same as on land.

Even if the water is not deep enough to submerge your body, it will greatly slow down your progress.

You must know that the current armor is all armed with iron weapons, dressed in iron armor, and easily wading into water, which is not the choice of a smart person.

It was not only the Zangba and others who were guarding the head of Shouchun City that discovered the appearance of the Chu State Water Army, but also Guan Yu and others who were under Shouchun City, and also discovered the arrival of the Chu State Water Division.

Seeing the arrival of the Chu Army's sailors, Guan Yu instantly understood that the Tibetan Ba had led the army to break through the siege and sent a messenger for help.

Its purpose is the Chu State Naval Division hovering above the Great River!

"General Gan Ning, the Chu State Naval Division, can you stop it?"

The Sailor brought the building boat to assist in defending the city, and he didn't have to think about it to know how much trouble it would bring to the Jingzhou army attacking the side.

After all, this Shouchun is close to the riverbank, standing high and low on the boat for archery, and the Jingzhou army really can't do it.

"General Guan, now that the ships of our naval division have been lost, this Chu State Naval Army..."

Looking at Gan Ning, who had an embarrassed face, Guan Yu knew that this product was also useless.

In this regard, Guan Yu could only sigh helplessly.

Nima's is also known as the Jinfan thief, known as the unparalleled general in water warfare.

As a result, 30,000 of the 100,000 sailors escaped, and hundreds of warships were lost.

Now that Jingzhou has completely run out of water divisions, in the face of the Chu State water division who rushed to support, Guan Yu can only stare dryly.

"That being the case... General Gan Ning, can the ballista of the Chu State Navy Division hit our army's garrison on the shore?"

Hmph, isn't your sailor planning to shoot arrows from a high place? Then I'll just get out of the south gate and not attack.

Even if there are two gates, even if you shoot it, how much power can be left?

Now, the only thing that made Guan Yu uncertain in his heart was the ballista gunboat.

I haven't seen Guan Yu before, and I'm just listening to Gan Ning.

If the attack distance is not too far and cannot hit the camp of the Jingzhou army on the shore, then the problem is not big.

But if that thing has a long range and can easily hit the camp of the Jingzhou army, then the problem is big.

"General Guan, don't worry! The ballista ship of the Chu army is going straight to the ground, and its power on the river is indeed terrifying, but it is not realistic to want him to attack the camp of our army a few miles away!"


Gan Ning, you led 30,000 sailors under your command to be stationed on the shore.

If the sailors of the Chu State just stood on top of the building boat and harassed them with arrows, then they didn't need to pay attention to it.

If the Chu army dared to approach the shore, General Gan Ning would immediately lead his sailors to board the ship and seize the ship. "

After arranging everything, Guan Yu was relieved.

Hmph, Chu State Water Master? Guan Mou will let you watch Shouchun fall this time.

Even, if this Chu State sailor dared to dock, Guan Yu planned to let Gan Ning lead the army to take down his ship in one fell swoop.

Regarding Gan Ning's words, Guan Yu still trusts him very much.

Come to think of it, if it weren't for that ballista ship, the individual combat strength of his sailors in the Chu State would not be an opponent under Gan Ning's command anyway.

Even, if they can take this opportunity to take the ballista gunboat in one fell swoop, the Jingzhou army can completely reverse the control lost on the river channel.

"Hahaha! General Guan rest assured, Gan Ning promised, otherwise, the Chu State Sailor

would be able to please him! If Zhou Tai dared to dock that day, Gan Ning promised that he would definitely dedicate his head to the general and His Majesty!" Gan Ning

, who had been shot indiscriminately by Zhou Tai and was defeated, was not reconciled.

However, most of the armor was lost, and all the warships were lost, and Gan Ning could only watch no matter how unwilling he was.

But now, if the sailor of the Chu State dares to take the initiative to send it to the door, then don't blame Lao Tzu for being polite!

As for what Guan Yu said, when the Chu army landed,

Gan Ning would not wait.

Hmph, sailor, sailor! What is a sailor

? If you can't wade into the water, is you still a sailor?

As long as Zhou Tai dares to drive the ship within a few miles from the shore, Gan Ning will dare to directly lead the water ghost to board the ship and seize the ship! Just as Gan Ning

led his command to

the shore to prepare, Zhou Tai, who was on the flagship, was also giving instructions.

"Jiang Qin, immediately let the standard-bearer inform the whole army that they should anchor and dock here, and do not continue to advance. Looking

at the shore of Shouchun City, which was still about two miles away, Zhou Tai decided that the army would anchor here.

Hmph, Guan Yu'er, you must think that Lao Tzu is planning to use the Lou Boat to support Shouchun City in the rain of arrows, right?

It's a pity, you are so wrong!

Yes, Zhou Tai came to this battle, and he didn't plan to rely on the Lou Boat at all.

The reason for this battle was the dozens of ballista ships.

Come to think of it, then Gan Ning must have told Guan Yu that Lao Tzu's ballista ships can only shoot flat, right?

Hahaha, it must be like this!

Wait, wait for the future, those boys will reinstall the ballistae on the ship, and Lao Tzu I will give you a big gift!

You know, the ballista, to put it bluntly, was installed on the ship in the later stage.

The angle can also be adjusted, but it will take a long time.

If it's an encounter, then naturally there is no time for you to disassemble and reinstall it from scratch.

But in this situation, Zhou Tai's sailor was docked four or five miles away from the shore, and Guan Yu could only stare at him, but he couldn't sit still.

This gave Zhou Tai the opportunity to adjust the angle of the ballista on the ship.

Zhou Tai is full of confidence in his ballista ship.

As long as it is adjusted tomorrow, it will definitely bring a big surprise to Guan Yu.

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