"Ready, dive, take the ship!" Gan

Ning, who had been lurking on the shore, was excited.

Previously, when Gan Ning came to the shore and waited for a day, this week Tai didn't even move a single step, and he didn't let the fleet approach the river bank at all.

This is completely bitter Gan Ning.

When Zhou Tai asked the ballista to bombard Guan Yu's camp throughout the whole process, Gan Ning didn't look at it at all.

Although Gan Ning couldn't see the situation in Guan Yu's camp, he also knew that it would be bad to be hit by this ghost.

Thinking of the package ticket he had made to Guan Yu before, the cold sweat on Gan Ning's forehead couldn't stop flowing wildly.

But when Gan Ning was almost desperate, he didn't want this Chu army to pull out the anchor and set sail towards the shore.


Gan Ning's order, the sailors under his command dived into the water one after another, and swam along the river to the oncoming Chu army ballista gunboats.

This moment is the moment of revenge for Gan Ning, and it is also the moment for the revenge of the navy army under his command.

You must know that after being baptized by a ballista by the Chu army, Gan Ning and the naval army under his command lost a grievance.

Now that he finally has the opportunity to engage in hand-to-hand combat and hand-to-hand combat with the Chu army, how can the naval army under his command not be excited.

Finally, as the first Jingzhou Navy came up, the Chu Army also discovered the Jingzhou Navy that had infiltrated under its ship.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack! There are water ghosts! All ships beware of the enemy boarding the ship!" Under

the frantic shout, the Chu soldiers who first discovered the Jingzhou army also attracted Gan Ning's attention.

For this Chu army soldier who dared to destroy his own good deeds, Gan Ning naturally hated him.

didn't talk nonsense, he directly bit the Bajiang broadsword in his mouth, and Gan Ning climbed up along the side of the ship.

"Sons, little ones, the time for revenge has come.

The whole army, kill!"

Bajiang waved again and again, and the Chu soldiers who were the first to discover the traces of the Jingzhou army were killed by Gan Ning.

"General! Oh no, General! Gan Ning, along with his sailors, has already boarded the ballista ship by diving!" Just

as Zhou Tai wondered why the ballista ship was not launching for a long time, Jiang Qin, who was his deputy, hurriedly ran over.


What!?Gan Ning!?

Oops, Lao Tzu was careless!

When he heard Jiang Qin's words, Zhou Tai didn't know what was going on.

This must have been due to his own carelessness in bringing the fleet too close to the shore, thus giving Naganning a chance.

"The whole army advances, go and fight a white-knuckle battle with Naganning, the ballista ships can't fall into the hands of the enemy under any circumstances!"

If the ballista ship is lost, it will not only be a decrease in support for Shouchun.

If the ballista was obtained by Shu Han and then successfully imitated by it, then the trend of the entire Chu-Han war would have to change, and he, Zhou Tai, would become a sinner in the entire Chu State.

You must know that there are many mountainous roads in Shu, and if the Shu Han successfully sets up a ballista, there is no way to attack it.

As soon as he thought that it might cause such a bad result, Zhou Tai broke out in a cold sweat.

"Gan Ning! Zhou Tai is here, dare to fight!" Quickly

moving forward, Zhou Tai's flagship soon came to the location of the ballista ship.

Seeing that bewitching figure was constantly shuttling on the ballista to slash and kill the soldiers of the Chu army, Zhou Tai's eyes were suddenly bloody.

"Whaha! Ugly ghost, are you willing to come over

? Single-handedly?I'm sorry, you Uncle Gan Ning don't have time now!" Zhou Tai's

shout alarmed Gan Ning, who was killing.

But obviously, Gan Ning is now busy grabbing ships and abusing vegetables, and he doesn't bother to pay attention to Zhou Tai at all.

Although this goods has been defeated by himself, but after so many years, Gan Ning does not dare to guarantee that he can take him.

Even if, even if his martial arts are still above Zhou Tai, but the two generals fight each other, it is definitely not ten rounds, and twenty rounds can tell the winner.

Now is the time to expand the results, and Gan Ning is not so stupid.

"Thief dares!" Seeing

that Gan Ning ignored his invitation to fight, but continued to attack the soldiers of the Chu army, Zhou Tai was immediately furious.

The evil consequences of all this were because of the carelessness of his rival, and Zhou Tai blamed himself.

Now when he saw this Gan Ning so arrogant, his eyes were bloodshot, almost bursting.

"Jiang Qin, you command the fleet here.

Remember, no matter whether Lao Tzu lives or dies, these Jingzhou people must not be allowed to take away a ballista gunship

! Even if there is really no way to use the warship to ram and sink Lao Tzu and me!"

Dropping a sentence, Zhou Tai took the sawtooth blade in his mouth and jumped directly into the rolling river.

You Gan Ning don't want to fight with Lao Tzu? Lao Tzu took the initiative to find

you! "Boss, don't be so impulsive

! Hurry, hurry! Go and support the general, what are you looking at, do you plan to let the general board the ship alone to deal with the Jingzhou navy?"

Seeing Zhou Tai jumping into the river without saying a word, the unprepared Gan Ning was shocked.

"Poof! Poof!"

With Jiang Qin's order, the Chu army sailors standing on the flagship also jumped into the rolling river like dumplings in the water.

Water ghosts are not unique to your Jingzhou sailors!

"Gan Ning'er, your grandfather Zhou Tai is here!" In

a moment, Zhou Tai had successfully boarded the ballista where Gan Ning was.

"Yo he? Take the initiative to come over and beg for death? Then don't blame you Uncle Gan!" Seeing

that Zhou Tai dared to take the initiative to come over, Gan Ning was also taken aback.

But since the enemy has already come, Gan Ning will not be afraid to fight.


Bajiang collided with the sawtooth blade, and Zhou Tai and Gan Ning, the two largest bandits on the Yangtze River, fought again after many years.

"Gaga, Lao Tzu, when you dare to take the initiative to kill, how much progress you have made over the years.

What's the matter, your strength is still the same as before?"

This week, Tai has not improved his strength much in these years.

This made Gan Ning's hanging heart completely fall back into his stomach.

"Aren't you still the same!" Although he

fell into the disadvantage, Zhou Tai never showed weakness in his momentum.

You must know that if you want to significantly improve your strength if you want to improve your strength significantly, you don't just have to rely on diligent training.

If there is no special opportunity, then it is really difficult to improve your strength.

After all, not everyone is like Xiang Ji, Lu Bu, and Zhao Yun.

"Zhou Tai, next year's today is your taboo!"

Knowing that Zhou Tai's strength has not improved, Gan Ning's previous cautiousness gradually disappeared.

Since you took the initiative to come up and give Lao Tzu a head, how can you not accept the gift!

"Whoever dies is not certain!" Seeing

Gan Ning wielding Bajiang and slashing, Zhou Tai's sawtooth blade in his hand was also raised.

In this battle, the two Yangtze River bandits must have a winner or loser.

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