The river breeze caresses and the ships ripple.

On the battleship swaying in the wind, the two figures were constantly intertwined.

"Haha, Zhou Tai, don't be strong, you are not Lao Tzu's opponent!

Not before, still not!"

Ba Jiang waved in his hand, facing Zhou Tai who was sweating profusely, Gan Ning's face was flushed.

Having already gained the upper hand, Gan Ning's heart of only planning to snatch a few Chu State ballista ships gradually grew.

Why, Lao Tzu, can't I take this opportunity to kill this Zhou Tai, and then directly destroy this Chu State naval army with one move and snatch all their warships?

Gan Ning knew that this possibility was very high.

Now that Zhou Tai has been suppressed by himself, the ballista ships of Chu are basically in the competition between the two countries.

As long as Zhou Tai can be successfully captured, then the morale of the Chu army will definitely not be able to resist their own attack.

Although in terms of troops, Gan Ning is now inferior to Zhou Tai.

But as long as all the ballista ships can be snatched over, the other warships of the Chu army are simply fish on the board.

Through his previous encounters, Gan Ning was very confident that he would use the ballista ship to fight a turnaround battle and completely bury the Chu army's naval division in this big river.

It's just that he obviously overestimated himself and underestimated Zhou Tai.

"Gan Ning, don't be arrogant, do you really think that after all these years, Lao Tzu and I have not made progress!?"

With a loud shout, Zhou Tai swung the sawtooth blade in his hand sideways, his feet were forced, and his whole body pounced on Gan Ning with the help of momentum.

Idiot, looking for death?

In the face of Zhou Tai's attack, Gan Ning only sneered at him in return.

Ba Jiang was lifted high by him, and he slashed at Zhou Tai, who pounced on the fit.

Seeing Gan Ning's offensive, Zhou Tai, who had already planned it, did not dodge or dodge, and forcibly withstood this blow with his flesh and blood.

When the Bajiang knife slashed into Zhou Tai's body, Zhou Tai had also successfully pounced on Gan Ning.

It's not nonsense, the sideways sawtooth blade swept straight towards Gan Ning's waist with the help of the momentum.


that Zhou Tai would rather fight to the end than put himself to death, Gan Ning was suddenly shocked.

However, Ba Jiang was between Zhou Tai's shoulders and flesh and bones, and at such a close distance, Gan Ning would not be able to do it even if he discarded Ba Jiang and dodged.

Seeing the serrated blade sweeping into his waist, and feeling the sharp pain after entering the flesh, Gan Ning's eyes widened.

"You... It's a... Madman..."

Dropping the last sentence, the Jinfan thief Gan Ning, one of the five tiger generals of Shu Han, the general of the Zhenjun army, unwillingly left this prosperous world.

"Haha, hahaha, woahaha!

Gan Ning is dead, herald... Ahem... The whole army, kill all the Jingzhou sailors, one... Don't stay!"

killed his lifelong enemy, Zhou Tai was excited.

Feeling the pain in the wound, Zhou Tai knew that he was temporarily powerless to fight again.

However, Zhou Tai is not worried about the next battle.

With Jiang Qin under the leadership, in the face of these Jingzhou sailors who lost the command of Gan Ning, the Chu army will definitely not fail.

With Zhou Tai's shouting, the news that Gan Ning was killed in front of the battle was quickly transmitted between the ships.

Whenever the news was transmitted to a Chu army ballista ship that was in a struggle for control, the morale of the Chu soldiers suddenly soared, and the sound of killing shook the sky.

On the other hand, when the Jingzhou army learned that Gan Ning was killed by Zhou Tai, its morale fell rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the fighting spirit dissipated at any time.

You must know that the shadow left by the Chu Army's sailors to the Jingzhou Army has not yet dissipated.

What they rely on is the invincible figure on the water, Gan Ning.

Now, Gan Ning, who was invincible in the eyes of Jingzhou Sailors, was actually killed in front of the battle, which made the beliefs in their hearts begin to collapse.

As the saying goes, defeat is like a mountain.

Gan Ning's death completely became the fuse for the defeat of the Jingzhou naval army.

More and more follow-up Chu troops joined the battle with the arrival of the main warships, and more and more Jingzhou naval troops were killed by the Chu army in a state of uncertainty.

Finally, after the first Jingzhou navy army that almost collapsed tried to jump into the river to escape, a large number of Jingzhou sailors who had lost their fighting spirit dropped their weapons and jumped into the river in an attempt to escape with their lives.

It's just that this has intensified the speed of the demise of the entire water division.

"Shoot! Shoot them to death! Shoot hard into the river, shoot all these Jingzhou sailors to death!" Under

Jiang Qin's order, the sailors of the Chu army who came later shot arrows in their hands at the river.

Countless arrows fell, and the Jingzhou sailors who jumped into the river could not show their heads at all, otherwise they could only become the souls of the arrows.

Countless Jingzhou sailors drowned in this river in grievances, and countless Jingzhou sailors were shot by flying arrows in the process of ventilation, so that they could no longer breathe a breath of air.

Finally, the Jingzhou Sailors, who were still stubbornly resisting in the end, collapsed.

A large number of sailors knelt on the planks of the ship and prayed to surrender to save their lives, and a large number of Jingzhou sailors wept bitterly and couldn't stop kowtowing to the Chu soldiers beside them and begging to surrender.

"Report! General Guan! Gan Ning... The naval division of General Gan Ning was wiped out, and General Gan Ning was also killed on the ships of the Chu army. Guan

Yu, who led the army to retreat several miles !!, finally learned about the battle situation of the navy after the duel between the generals of Chu and Han and the naval divisions.

No matter what he thought, he never thought that Gan Ning would be killed in front of the battle, and the sailors under his command would also end up with a total annihilation.

This really made Guan Yu unacceptable.

You must know that Gan Ning is the Five Tiger General personally appointed by his eldest brother Liu Bei.

Now that Shu Han has just established the country, one of the five tiger generals has been killed.

This has too much impact on the morale of the entire Shu Han.

Moreover, with the loss of the naval army, Shu Han completely lost the right to speak on the river.

In the future war, Shu Han could only watch the Chu army's sailors gallop on the river but could not do anything.

The sailors are not as easy to train and reorganize as the army.

In less than three years and five years, there is no need to train a combat effective sailor unit.

Moreover, the requirements of the sailor for the general are also extremely high, if there is no general who is proficient in water warfare, then the sailor is also cannon fodder with no combat power.

Now that Gan Ning is dead, Shu Han no longer has a general who is good at water warfare.

What's more, now that the war has begun, it is impossible for the Chu State to give Shu Han time to let him retrain the Sailor Army.

Guan Yu knew that the future war in the south would really be unfavorable to Shu Han.

"Order the whole army to give up the siege!

We, return to Jingzhou!" Now

that the naval division has been destroyed, the Jingzhou army has lost control over the river.

If Shouchun is besieged again, it can only be constantly attacked by the ballista ships of the Chu army.

After experiencing that baptism of ballistas, Guan Yu was not interested in experiencing that feeling again.

Now, Shouchun can no longer be conquered, and Guan Yu can only choose to return to Jingzhou and deal with Na Lu Meng's incursion of Jingzhou first.

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