And the state, Chang'an Pass, Wubao.

"Hahaha! Gong Du, your kid is finally here, it's so hard for Lao Tzu to wait!"

was besieged by the Han-Hungarian coalition army for several days, although the Hebei army of Chu State was well prepared in terms of city defense materials, but it still paid the price of nearly 10,000 deaths to be able to hold the Great Wall Pass.

There is no way, although the Huns are not good at attacking cities, but with the cooperation of the Han army, it is definitely not one plus one equals two.

You must know that the Huns are not good at attacking cities, but the Han army is good at them!

All the ladders and well railings are all erected by the Han army, and the Huns can only charge.

This greatly solved the embarrassing situation that the Huns were not good at attacking cities.

Moreover, the Huns also had one of the greatest advantages

, mounted archery! Yes, it was mounted archery! Although mounted archery

was not as good as the galloping shooting of the Canglong cavalry, it could release arrows when the war horse was running, but even so, this also caused very big trouble to the Chu army defending the city.

You must know that the Huns are all soldiers, and they are good at shooting.

All the Huns were excellent archers.

When they rode on horseback and kept firing arrows at the defenders on the Great Wall Pass, the pressure on the Chu army was not ordinary.

Most of the soldiers and armor killed by the Chu army also died under the bows and arrows of the Huns.

In this regard, although Gao Ran and Ding Fenger were anxious, they were helpless.

The Huns are naturally good at this kind of play, what can you do?

Now there is still a chance to delay time if you stubbornly defend the pass of the Great Wall, and if you go out to fight, then the Chu army can only become cannon fodder for glorious righteousness.

But now, with the arrival of Gong Du's department, Gao Ran and Ding Fenger have dissipated the haze in their hearts.

Hmph, Han army, Huns, this time it's your turn to taste the power of Lao Tzu's crossbow arrows!

As Gong Du felt it, the Chu army on the pass of the Great Wall also began to fall into a hurry.

Countless armor helped Gong Du's ballista soldiers to build and install the ballista they sent to Pengcheng.

The work on the Great Wall is in full swing, and Ma Chao and the others who are under the pass will naturally not be unaware.

"General Zhang Liao, do you know what the Chu people are doing

? Why does a certain house look like something is being installed?

Could it be a catapult?" According to Ma Chao's thoughts, what the Chu army installed on the pass of the Great Wall is nothing more than a catapult


However, it's okay to use the siege city to defend the city... You

know, the catapult is so slow to load and fire at a frighteningly slow speed.

It's better if it's an object that doesn't usually move on the wall, because the defenders on the wall are so narrow that they can't dodge the boulders coming from the air.

But to let it attack the kind of army that is in the wilderness would be embarrassing to say hehe.

When you calibrate the angle and load the bullets, the other people's troops have already shifted their positions, who can you hit?

From Ma Chao's point of view, this Chu State is simply a manifestation of the skill of the donkey.

never thought that Ma Chao was just curious and asked, but Zhang Liao on the side was surprised.

What was installed on the city wall of the Chu army

!?This Nima!?Why does this sound so familiar?

You must know that during the previous attack on Luoyang, Zhang Liaoke had this kind of grief experience.

Now hearing Ma Chao's words, Zhang Liao immediately looked around.

At this glance, the cold sweat on Zhang Liao's forehead flowed down wildly uncontrollably.

Why is this Nima so familiar?

It's just that the number of ballistae installed by the Chu army this time far exceeded the number of twenty or thirty crossbows installed on the head of Luoyang City.

Now within Zhang Liao's field of vision, the ballista that the Chu army is assembling at the same time above the pass of the Great Wall is probably not less than a hundred, who knows if there are still ballistae being assembled in the place where he can't see?

"Ballista! It's a ballista! Meng Qi immediately ordered the whole army to retreat!"

The reload speed is just as impressive, but the power ...

What kind of play is that? Why have I never heard of Ma Ye? Ma

Chao, who grew up in Xiliang Wuwei, has obviously never heard of such a thing as a "crossbow".

"Meng Qi! Listen to me once, and quickly order the whole army to retreat!" Among

the five tiger generals, Ma Chao ranks third, and his official position is also one level higher than Zhang Liao.

Therefore, the real commander of this army is still dominated by Ma Chao.

"Is that ballista really as terrifying as you say?

Seeing Zhang Liao's eagerness, Ma Chao also knew that he was afraid that the ballista really had a power that he didn't understand.

However, seeing that the Great Wall Pass was already crumbling, Ma Chao was unwilling to give up no matter what.

At the very least, it's no problem to let the Huns test it, right?"

"In this case, Meng Qi, no matter what, let my troops and horses withdraw first." Seeing

that Ma Chao had made up his mind, Zhang Liao also knew that this product was a typical example of not shedding tears without seeing a coffin.

If you don't see the power of the ballista with your own eyes, you won't believe it.

It's just that Ma Chao didn't know how much he regretted it when the Chu army's ballista on the Great Wall Pass was launched.

If he hadn't escaped prematurely in the Battle of Hebei, how could he not have heard of a ballista...

"General, the first batch of ballistas has been installed, and now the angle is being calibrated!"

Looking at the Huns who were about to rush through the pass, Gong Du's face was flushed with excitement.


know my own ability, if it weren't for my good luck and so many meritorious achievements, the position of ballista general would not have fallen on my head.

Charging into battle is considered a third-rate player, and sending troops to deploy himself is also not as good as flowing.

But with the help of this crossbow convoy, as long as there is a battle to be fought, I am afraid that there will be no merit to take the initiative to send it

to the door? This time, in order to deal with the Han and Hungarian coalition forces, Gong Du brought 300 ballista carts to the door.

Now there are 100 of them installed on the pass, and the remaining 200 small ballistae are the kind that can be assembled at any time for field battles.

In this battle, Gong Du came with the heart of making meritorious contributions.

Now that the ballista has been installed, and the Huns under the city have lined up to welcome their arrival, how can Gong Du not be excited?

"Okay! General Gong Du, it's up to you next!" Hearing

that Gong Du reported that the ballista was ready to participate in the battle, Gao Ran naturally handed everything over to Gong Du to command.

You must know that Gao Ran and Ding Feng's second generals are also full of expectations for the ballista.

Whether the Great Wall Pass can be held, and whether the battle between Chu and Han Hebei can be reversed, depends entirely on the power of the ballista!

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