"Quack, little ones, prepare, aim, shoot hard at Lao Tzu in the place where the Huns are concentrated

!" "Boom!boom!boom!" Countless

drawn bowstrings let out a howl of rage.

With the launch of the ballista erected by the Chu army on the pass of the Great Wall, countless crossbow arrows of one zhang long were ejected by it.

The Huns, who had just lined up and were ready to launch a new round of assault on the Great Wall, were stunned.

What is this

? Is there such a big arrow? How is it possible?



Countless Huns were pierced by crossbow arrows, and then the crossbow arrows continued to castrate, still nailing the companions behind the Huns who were penetrated to the ground.

Looking at the military formation that had become like Senluo hell under the baptism of a round of crossbow arrows, the Huns were stunned, and Ma Chao was stunned.

This, this Nima is a

crossbow arrow? I'll go to your uncle! How could this play exist in this world?

Looking at the crossbow arrow that was one zhang long and thigh-thick, Ma Chao felt his heart tremble.

This, if this is given to Ma Ye and me for a while, Ma Ye and I can dodge?

After weighing it, Ma Chao sadly found that if this game should really shoot straight at him, the probability of him successfully dodging is really not high.

It's just because, this thing is so fast

!"Retreat! The whole army retreats! Withdraw from the attack range of this monster!"

No matter how he thought about it, he would never have imagined that such a terrifying weapon existed in the world.

There was no need to give an order, and the already frightened Huns began to flee in embarrassment.

Soon, the pass of the Great Wall became empty again, and only the corpses of the Huns buried under hundreds of crossbow arrows told what had happened here.

"General Ma Chao, General Zhang Liao! I need an explanation! Why does the Chu Kingdom have such a terrifying weapon? Why don't you tell our warriors of the Great Huns in advance!"

Fang Cai led his subordinates out of the attack range of the ballista, and came to Ma Chao and Zhang Liao with an angry face.

Although this round of ballistae went down to the Hun warriors with only hundreds of dead and wounded, the impact on morale was too great.

This is simply an irresistible weapon of manpower.

With this thing in the state of Chu, how could the Huns attack the Great Wall Pass?

Although the Huns were keen on the rich land of Hebei, they also wanted to go to the land of Hebei to plunder.

However, if the price to be paid is to die hundreds of thousands of Huns, then it will not be brainless to the end.

"King Zuoxian, we didn't inform the Xiongnu about this matter.

It's really that the secrecy measures made by the Chu State are too strict, and our Han has not received any news. "

After all, you have to fool the Huns to be a thug for yourself, and at this time, you naturally can't be humble and stubborn with the anger.

But obviously he is not a fool to be humble, and Zhang Liao's words did not make him completely believe it.

"Then why, your Han army was all withdrawn just now?"

Obviously, this is a very big loophole.

Zhang Liao knew that if this matter was not explained clearly, the fragile alliance of the Han-Hungarian alliance would collapse at any time.

But before Zhang Liao could speak, Ma Chao, who had a very poor sense of the Huns, spoke.

"What so much nonsense, how does our Han army act, and I still have to tell you that it can't be done?"

Before the 200,000 Xiongnu army, Ma Chao still had some scruples.

Now, after several sieges, the Huns have lost nearly 50,000 soldiers.

Now, the comparison between the strength of the Han army and the Huns is no longer huge, and Ma Chao is not as polite to the Huns as before.

"You !!"

Hearing Ma Chao's words, King Zuo Xian went to humility and drew his sword directly.

You can consider the comparison of the force between yourself and the two people in front of you, and when you think about the time of departure, you can only endure it.

"Hmph, it's a good thing to do.

General Zhang Liao, judging from a certain family, we don't have to be polite to them in the future. Seeing

that he was humbled away with a word, Ma Chao was even more imposing.

Seeing Ma Chao like this, although it felt inappropriate, Zhang Liao could only sigh helplessly.

After all, it's not your own people, and the two sides are already using each other, what else can you do?"

Tell the chiefs of the tribes that in the siege of the city in the future, our Great Huns should not disregard the lives of the tribal warriors as before.

In the future, just let them stand behind the Han army and release the arrows.

Also, if you find any section of the city wall that has the crossbow of the Chu army, stay away immediately.

After this incident, although Qubei did not lead the army to retreat directly, it was also completely separated from the Han army.

Nima, dare to be arrogant with Lao Tzu.

If it weren't for Da Shan Yu's exhortation to Lao Tzu to follow these Han armies before he set out, even if the losses were great, he would have satisfied them and deceived the Hetao into his hands, Lao Tzu and I would have sent troops to destroy these Han armies right now!

Although the 200,000 Xiongnu army has now shrunk to 150,000.

However, the Han army was only less than 90,000 strong.

If you really face him in the wild, you really won't be afraid of him.

Night, the big Han tent.

"Meng Qi, now that the Chu army has been supported by ballistas, with the current state of our army, I am afraid that this Great Wall pass will not be able to be overcome. "

Without the assistance of the ballista before, Zhang Liao still has the confidence to overcome this Great Wall pass after paying enough price.

Moreover, now the army of the Hebei Department of Chu State is concentrated in this Great Wall pass.

As long as it can be conquered, then there will be no soldiers and horses in Hebei to stop the Han army's iron cavalry.

Therefore, Zhang Liao did not object to using human lives to add the Great Wall passes.

But now there are ballistas...

Zhang Liao knew that this Great Wall pass would really not be able to be defeated.

Although the ballista cannot cause large-scale casualties among soldiers, the deterrent power of this thing...

And through today's events, Zhang Liao also understands that those Huns are afraid that they are not as obedient as before, and they are so iron-headed to rush through the pass.

"It's okay, General Zhang Liao.

Don't forget what Your Majesty said when we went on our march.

Your Majesty's original intention was to let us focus on containment.

It would be better if he could capture this Hebei, and if not, it would be better to contain the forces of Chu in Hebei, and it would be considered to have completed the task.

Anyway, the ones who are responsible for the main attack are those Huns, what are we panicking about, just spend it here. "

Now that it is no longer realistic to tackle key problems, Ma Chao doesn't care about those.

It's just that the two of them and the Xiongnu Zuoxian King don't know that the current Xiongnu royal court is ushering in an uninvited guest.

"The whole army is impacted, no one is left, kill!" With

a swing of the spear in his hand, Xiahoudun looked at the Hun royal court not far away, and a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

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