"Oh my God! Help

!" "Da Dan Yu! Run! The Chu army is coming! There are a lot

of Chu troops!" "Where did these Chu troops come from? What about King Zuoxian? Aren't they attacking the Chu State?"

The sudden appearance of the Chu cavalry stunned the Huns in the royal court.

No matter what they think, they will never think of it.

This state of Chu, which was being attacked by them, was able to drive a large army into their royal court.

"The whole army charges, don't let go of a Hun!" Now

that Xiahou Dun's troops have fought with Cao Ren's troops, under the impact of 60,000 iron cavalry, the unprepared Huns were stunned.

Under the onslaught of cavalry, the unprepared Huns could not make any resistance at all.

The screams, begging for mercy, and wailing spread throughout the entire Xiongnu court.

"Warriors of the Great Huns, don't panic!

Pick up your weapons, your Dadan Yu is here, I call Chuquan, and I will fight with you!"

Of course, not all the Huns have lost the heart to resist.

When Hu Chuquan learned that the Chu army was coming, he was really surprised at first.

But he knew that anyone could run, he couldn't run.

He is the great Danyu of the Huns and the king of the Huns.

Now that the royal court has been attacked, if he escapes, then the Huns will not be qualified to stand on this grassland.

You must know that outside this fortress, it is not only their Huns.

If the Huns showed the slightest cowardice and cowardice, then they would immediately be torn and devoured by other foreign tribes.

It's just that Hu Chu Quanguang thought about the foreigners on the grassland, but he ignored the killing intent of the Chu army in front of him.

You must know that this time, Xiahoudun and others came here from thousands of miles in the name of Cao Cao, just to destroy the Xiongnu royal court and kill him Huchuquan.

"Zixiao, you lead Erlang to encircle and suppress these Huns.

That Hu Chu Spring, hand it over to me!" found

the trace of Hu Chu Spring, Xia Hou Dun waved the spear in his hand, and commanded the war horse under his crotch to rush straight towards it.

Regarding Xiahoudun's request, Cao Ren naturally had no doubts.

Others don't know, but Cao Ren doesn't know.

He Xiahoudun, and his heart to make contributions and gallop on the field has not cooled down.

As for why he didn't simply leave the Chu State and become the military general under his command, it was only because his younger brother Xiahou Yuan died in the hands of the Chu army back then.

Although the two armies were fighting at that time, casualties were inevitable.

However, Xiahoudun still couldn't get over this hurdle in his heart.

For the sake of the overall situation, for the sake of Cao Cao, he can endure the alliance of the same nationality, he can also endure Cao Cao's choice to return to the Chu State, and he can also endure the wind and drink in the land outside the Saiwai.

However, Xiahoudun still couldn't bear to serve his own brother's murderer directly.

Therefore, now this opportunity to kill the enemy in front of the battle is really precious to Xiahoudun.

"Xiahoudun is here! The Huns are thieves, and they will not be killed!" The

spear in his hand flipped over, Xiahoudun hit his horse and rushed forward, and the Huns who dared to stand in front of him along the way were picked down and shot away by him.

Looking at the Hun Dadan Yu Huchuquan who was not far ahead, Xiahoudun's eyes were bloodshot with excitement.

As long as this guy is killed, then the Huns can basically be declared history

! You know, this is not some kind of bullshit Wuheng

! This is the Huns! This is the Huns! This is

the Huns who have been fighting with the Han Dynasty for hundreds of years! I think that back then, when Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, it was the Hou Weiqing of Changping and the champion Hou Huo who went all the way to attack and attacked thousands of miles away, so that the Huns, who were invincible in the grassland at that time, were defeated, and their tribe was divided into two.

(The main force of the Huns, who had been beaten away, fled all the way to the west, and finally became the Magyars, the majority ethnic group of present-day Hungary.)

As for the remaining half, it became the Eastern Xiongnu and became a subsidiary of the Han Dynasty.

But when the Han Dynasty declined, this so-called subordinate was the first to show its own minions.

How could Xiahoudun, who had often heard Cao Cao's explanation

of this, not know about this? Now that he had the opportunity to kill this Xiongnu Dadanyu and completely destroy the Huns, how could Xiahoudun not be excited?

However, at this moment, a Hun archer beside Hu Chuquan bent his bow and shot a sharp arrow at Xiahoudun's face.


Faced with a thunderous blow, the only thing Xia Houdun could do was to tilt his head slightly, hoping to dodge it.

However, this arrow was shot by the Huns, who were the best at shooting, and how could it be so easily dodged by Xiahoudun?

"Hahaha! General Chu, you know it's amazing!" Seeing

Xiahou Dun hit an arrow, the Huns who had been killed by him before celebrated one after another.

It's just that before they could make any moves, Xiahou Dun, who was hit by the arrow, had already taken the lead.

The ape's arm was raised, and Xiahoudun pulled out the sharp arrow that had been shot into his left eye, along with his left eye.

Subsequently, in the disbelief of the Huns, Xiahoudun actually swallowed his left eye.

"The body is skinned, how can you abandon it if you receive it?"

devouring his left eye, Xiahoudun stared at Hu Chuquan and the others in front of him with his only remaining right eye, his legs were clamped, and the war horse under his crotch accelerated again.

"Oh my God

!" "Run! Monster! He's a monster! He's

not a human!" "Da Dan Yu! Hurry back! This guy is not a human at all! He's a demon from hell!" Seeing

Xiahoudun do this, all the Huns around him were amazed.

This, something that could not have happened at all, actually happened in front of their eyes.

This guy, he was pierced through his left eye!

Even if ordinary people don't die, they are afraid that they will not be able to fight anymore, so they can only fall to the ground and wail.

But this monster, he didn't care about pulling out the arrow, and even ate his left eye.

Looking at Xiahoudun who rushed towards him again, whether it was the Huns who were single in Huchuquan or the ordinary Hun soldiers, there was no longer the slightest sense of war.

In their hearts, the only thing left is to stay away from this demon.

Looking at Xiahoudun who was rushing towards him, the Huns who had released the arrows before were already stunned.

This, this is not a human being at all!

This guy can make dodge movements instead of being shot directly in the forehead, which is already considered a quick reaction.

It can be said that I once thought that this demon was not good for the left eye that was shot.

In the face of Xiahoudun, the Hun archers had lost even the courage to escape.

"Huchuquan, where to run!" A

shot stabbed the Huns who had shot him to death, and Xiahoudun urged the war horse under his crotch again.

In his single eye, the only thing left was the Hun who desperately ran away, Da Dan Yu, Hu Chuquan!

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