"Run, Da Shan Yu was killed by this demon!" Yes

, after Da Shan Yu Hu Chuquan was caught up by Xiahou Xuan, it meant that his life had come to an end.

In the face of the mad Xiahoudun, none of the Huns dared to raise their swords against him.

Their beloved Dashan is in Huchu Spring, and naturally no one can provide protection for it.

After the death of Da Dan Yu Huchuquan, the Huns were unable to organize any resistance.

In the face of the pursuit of the cavalry of the Chu army, there was only one way waiting for them, death.

Yes, Cao Cao adhered to Xiang Ji's attitude towards these foreign tribes, don't take prisoners, only exterminate the clan.

Of course, it was not that the Huns did not succeed in escaping, but that was only a small part.

Losing the royal court, losing Shan Yu, and losing the tribe, all that awaits them is to perish, or become slaves of other races.

"Xiahou, how are your injuries?"

After Xiahoudun killed Dadan Yu Huchuquan, Cao Ren realized Xiahoudun's bloody eyes.

Seeing this, it seems, his left eye is gone!

Seeing this, Cao Ren couldn't help but be shocked.

"Hahaha! It's okay, this little injury, you can't die!

Go back and let the military doctor deal with it, and then according to what the kid said, it's no problem to do something to reduce inflammation. For

Xiang Ji, Xiahoudun and others did not admit it, but they still admired and respected it very much in their hearts.

Not to mention anything else, it is the ranking of anti-inflammatory, if it weren't for Xiang Ji, they would have never heard of Xiahoudun.

Seeing Xiahoudun's state, Cao Ren immediately put his heart back in his stomach.

It's a bit miserable, but as long as you don't die.

When a soldier fights, it is inevitable to be injured, and no one will do that little daughter posture.

"Xiahou, this Huns should be the only one left to be humbled by King Zuo Xian, who is still confronting Gao Lan?"

Looking at the Huns who had been defeated, Cao Ren's heart had already drifted into the distance.

The Huns in front of him are no longer large-scale, and it is not worth Cao Ren's attention to continue to use here.

"That's right, this Huns have been suppressed by the Xianbei people in recent years, and there are not many of their tribes, and now this royal court has been wiped out by us, and there is only that bullshit Zuoxian King left outside.

Cao Ren, what a certain family means, let's go directly with our troops, and cooperate with Gao Ran to destroy the Zuoxian King together, then this Xiongnu can completely become history!"

As long as the Xiongnu are destroyed, then the northern foreign tribes of China will be left with the vast Xianbei.

"Don't worry, Xiahou, you better hurry up and deal with your eyes first!"

Seeing that Xiahoudun was about to gather his armor now, Cao Ren hurriedly spoke out to stop it.

Just kidding, you're all in this style, why don't you hurry up and get help.

Don't be good, you didn't die on the battlefield, but died at the hands of the disease.

And just when Xiahoudun and Cao Ren were cleaning up the battlefield and preparing to lead the army to the Great Wall Pass, Xiang Ji, who was in Luoyang, finally moved.

"Order! The whole army is assembled and sent out!" Today

, the front line of Luoyang has fully gathered 250,000 Chu troops.

This is the most elite army of the Chu State, and it is the condensation of the essence of the Chu State's combat power.

Among them, there are 10,000 Canglong riders, and the Xiang family army is even more 50,000.

The other armor is also an elite soldier in a hundred battles, and its combat power is definitely much higher than that of other Chu armies.

Now the war in the south and the north is unfolding.

I am not worried about the southern war book, with Lu Meng in charge, the navy army has the ballista designed by Huang Yueying, even if I can't completely defeat that Guan Yu, it will not be a problem to suppress it.

As for the north, Xiang Ji is really unthinkable.

After all, there are only so many troops in the Chu State, if you really forcibly recruit people as soldiers, although the quantity has increased, the quality has gone down, and these cannon fodder have not played a big role, so they can only be sacrificed in vain.

Xiang Ji didn't want to ignore the interests of the country and the nation like Liu Bei, and didn't think about the future.

Now Xiang Ji doesn't have much luxury for the northern front, as long as he can rely on the advantage of equipment to block the Han-Hungarian army from the Great Wall, it will be enough.

As for his father-in-law, Cao Cao, I really didn't expect this item.

After all, this is his own war, and Cao Cao is not his minister, and he is not obliged to help you.

After a series of preparations, Xiang Ji also decided not to wait.

Passive defense is not Xiang Ji's character, and both the south and north roads are taken advantage of by this Liu Bei.

Then the main battlefield in the middle of the road, Xiang Ji naturally has to take the lead and let the world see the heavy punch of the Chu State.

And the first target that was about to fall under the iron hooves of the Chu State was Tongguan!

With the order to dispatch the entire army of Xiang Ji, the entire Luoyang began to operate at high speed.

The generals of each department constantly commanded the troops under their command to line up and prepare for the expedition.

Just when the Chu army in Luoyang made a move, Zhang Fei, who was in Tongguan, also received the news as soon as possible.

"Wow, that Xiang Ji child, really dare to come and invade my borders?

Someone, send an order, I want Lao Zhang to let him know who is the master of this land!"

Zhang Fei, who had been sent to the front line by Liu Bei, was furious when he heard that Xiang Ji was really going to tackle the problem.

Nima, is it really Lao Tzu easy to bully? Is it really when Lao Tzu was still chased by you in the past and fled in embarrassment

? Don't you know that Lao Tzu is no longer what it used

to be? Now, Zhang Fei is leading an army of 200,000 people, and he is even more in Tongguan, and he is not afraid of the Chu State at all.

It is even said that in Zhang Fei's view, today's big man does not need to passively defend Tongguan at all, but should take the initiative to attack, just like his second brother Guan Yu, who wiped out this child in one fell swoop, and helped his eldest brother Liu Bei achieve that thousand years of hegemony!


Will be outside, have you heard of the king's order?

My eldest brother didn't know the situation on the front line, so he conservatively let me go to defense.

The soldier armor under the command of that child is only more than 200,000, what is Lao Tzu afraid of?"

Obviously, Zhang Fei is still the previous Zhang Fei, and his personality has not changed at all because of the promotion of his status.

After being abused and chased countless times

by that nationality, how strong is the anger in Zhang Fei's heart? Now that the time for revenge has come, how can Zhang Fei retreat?

This time, I Lao Zhang let everyone in the world know that that the child of that nationality is definitely not my Lao Zhang's opponent!

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