Shu Han, Chang'an Imperial Palace.

"Report! Tongguan Front Urgent Report!" Liu

Bei, who was discussing state affairs with his subordinate Wu in a concave shape, was very unhappy.

Nima, don't you see that I am busy?

You know, Liu Bei is now busy with the most important of the big things!

Now Liu Bei has been the emperor for a while, but he has not yet established the empress of the main palace and has not determined the crown prince.

Now, the ministers in Shu Han are arguing about this matter.

Just as Liu Bei was discussing with his subordinate Wenwu that the girl was handsome and could be included in the palace as a key stall for the queen, this eyeless thing broke in.

What kind of emergency can Tongguan have? Is it that Xiang Ji hit Xia Tongguan? Are you kidding!

Could it be that my third brother and that Hu Che'er have beaten that Xiang Guan? Even, has Xiang Ji been killed?

Now, the only possibility that Liu Bei can think of is this.

"Say it quickly, what's the urgent news on the front line? Is it true that my third brother has already taken down that child!?"

Thinking of this, Liu Bei jumped up almost directly with excitement.

"Your Majesty... General Zhang Fei was killed.

His head was cut off by the rebel generals Fan Jiang and Zhang Da while he was asleep..."

As if looking at an idiot, the herald informed Liu Bei of the news from the front.

The three generals all returned to heaven, and they also won the title of Xiao'er, how to get

it, !!

was shocked to hear the bad news, and Liu Bei's original excitement suddenly disappeared.

Third brother, third brother is dead?

No matter what Ren Liu Bei thought, he would never have imagined that Zhang Fei, who had accompanied him for half his life and fled for half his life, died just when he was enjoying his happiness.

Death was so sudden, it was such a child's play.

But before Liu Bei could say anything, and even before the tears could fall, a sweaty herald rushed into the hall again.

"Report! Your Majesty! Urgent report from the front! Tongguan! Tongguan has been collapsed by the Chu army! Now that Tongguan has been broken, General Wang Ping is leading his army to resist the Chu army!"

After listening to the herald's words, Liu Bei's crying scene was saved.

Looking at Liu Bei, who fainted to the ground, the Shu Han civil and military forces in the hall were shocked.

Tongguan is lost, the three generals are gone, Your Majesty, you can't have something happening!

Just when Liu Bei was in a coma, Guan Yu, who was in the south, also fell into a dilemma of entering the team.

Originally, according to Guan Yu's thoughts, since Lu Meng waved his army into Jingzhou, he must go straight to Huanglong and directly attack Xiangyang, the seat of Jingzhou.

Unexpectedly, after Guan Yu, who retreated all the way, came to Jiangxia, he looked at the Lu Zi Daxu of the Chu State on Jiangxia City, and looked at the Chu army on Jiangxia City, and was almost directly angry on horseback.

This Nima Lu Meng, are you a madman? If you don't fight Xiangyang, you actually come directly to attack Jiangxia?

What do you mean? This is planning to cut off Guan's back road, and if you want to leave Guan's Jingzhou army here, Guan

Yu feels that he is arrogant enough.

Looking at it now, this Lu Meng obviously has a bigger mind than himself, and he is even more arrogant than himself!

How many troops does he Lu Meng have? When he is full, he is only about 100,000 people.

Even if Yangzhou's troops are added, it will only be 200,000 to death.

But what about Guan Yu?

Despite repeated setbacks, the number of troops under his command still has about 250,000.

You must know that Gan Ning's 100,000 sailors have never been counted within Guan Yu's 300,000 army.

Now that this Lu Meng is inferior to his own troops, he actually wants to leave the entire Jingzhou army in one battle, which is not shocking Guan Yu.

However, the military advisor Ma Liang was an unlucky child, and a round of crossbow arrows turned cool, which made Guan Yu not even have a person to discuss with now.

Yes, although Guan Yu has many generals under his command.

But don't forget, Guan Yu and his people, how lonely and high? These generals and martial artists, it's okay for them to go to battle and charge into battle, and discuss the matter of marching and arranging the formation? Hehe, Guan Yu really doesn't look down on them.

Fighting the horse, Guan Yu Qinglong sword swung sideways, standing alone in front of the army.

"Lu Meng'er, dare to sneak attack Guan's Jingzhou, why don't you dare to come out and see it!" "

Now, no matter how much I think about it, it boils down to one sentence, Guan Yu wants to return to Jingzhou.

The retreat has been blocked by Lu Meng.

Although you can still return by detouring, that is not Guan Yu's character.

Guan Mou's soldiers are far more than you Lu Meng, if you are scared away by only 100,000 people, then what kind of face does Guan have to stand in this world

? "General Guan, don't come unharmed? Meng has seen the general here."

If General Guan wants to abandon the darkness and surrender to the light and submit to the overlord of our family, then Meng will surely sweep the couch to greet him!

If the general wants to come to attack the city, then come and come.

My big Chu Erlang, between this heaven and earth, I have never been afraid of anyone!" Lu

Meng's voice fell, and the Chu troops guarding the battlements of Jiangxia were full of morale, and the weapons in their hands were constantly raised, shouting at the Jingzhou army under the city as if demonstrating.

Looking at the situation in front of him, Guan Yu's forehead was bruised.

This Nima, Guan shouldn't be looking for these cultural people to play some pre-battle dialogue, it's all special flowers.

One sentence hit his own morale and boosted the morale of the enemy, which made Guan Yu's heart full of chagrin.

"Don't talk nonsense! Lu Meng! Can you dare to be a fighting general!" said

a lot of mistakes, Guan Yu chose to give up.

Aren't you Lu Meng known as the commander of Chu State Lu and have countless generals under your account?

So, let's have a fight.

The lost morale is recovered from the battlefield.

General Guan invited, and Meng naturally did not dare to refuse.

So, let's ask General Guan to draw a line. "

Fighting general? Hmph, this Guan Yu is so arrogant, how can Lu Meng be afraid of him?

Whether it is the generals under his command fighting each other, or the main generals fighting, Lu Meng will not encourage him.

Don't forget that now the veteran Huang Zhong is in the Lv Meng formation.

Against this Guan Yu, even if he is defeated, he will never suffer a loss

!" "Okay! Yu Ban, in the first battle, you will fight, and you will meet these colleagues of your Chu State for a while!"

Seeing Lu Meng fighting, Guan Yu immediately made an assignment.

It's just that he didn't pay attention to the fact that when he named Yu Ban, Yu Ban's face was dish.

Nima? At this time, you remembered me?

What a special thing, Lao Tzu, I regret it! I knew that your Han Kingdom was so useless that you couldn't even defeat a special Yangzhou, and you also folded the five tiger general Gan Ning, Lao Tzu, I won't surrender if I say anything!

However, in this world, there is everything, but there is no regret medicine.

"It turned out to be this rebellion, but the overlord gave him a killing order.

Gentlemen, who is willing to take the head of this rebellious item for me?"

Seeing that it was a traitor Yu Ban to fight, Lu Meng was not calm.

This guy must be killed, otherwise the war will be unfavorable in the future, and there will be Chu generals to follow suit.

This kind of defection to the enemy before the battle must be completely stifled

! "Dashuai! Pan Zhang is willing to go!" Pan Zhang

even helped Sun Ce fight together in his early years, although he was vulnerable, but that battle also allowed him to receive a lot of goods.

At this time, Pan Zhang was already the most brave person in Wu Jiang.

Seeing Pan Zhang's request for battle, Lu Meng did not allow it.

Nodding, Pan Zhang is in battle!

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