"The traitor is forbidden, I am Pan Zhang of Dongjun, and I don't want to get off my horse and surrender quickly, and wait for the overlord to fall!"

waved the long knife in his hand, and Pan Zhang killed from Jiangxia City.

In this battle, Pan Zhang's heart was full of belief in victory.

Previously, for the sake of Lu Shuai's plan, he went to accompany that garbage Zhang Wu to play all kinds of fraud, but Pan Zhang was disgusted.

Now, in front of the two armies of Chu and Han, it's finally time to show my face to Pan.

Although he became famous early, in Pan Zhang's opinion, it is nothing more than that.

Martial arts have always been a player in the Chu army, and if it weren't for the old courtiers who followed the overlord, I am afraid they would not have been able to reach their current status.

In the end, in order to survive, this thing came up with a drama of surrendering before the battle, but it made Pan Zhang, who was a self-proclaimed general, despise it.

What kind of barren play? A man who is greedy for life and afraid of death, even dares to go into battle with a knife? Let's go home and learn embroidery from the girls

!" "Pan Zhang'er, don't say more!" "

The most unacceptable thing about Yu Ban today is that others mention that he is a rebel.

I haven't heard of this Pan Zhang, but I think he's a nobody.

After some calculation, Yu Ban got the result that his reputation was far higher than that of the other party, so naturally, his strength was far stronger than this Pan Zhang.

Came to a conclusion in his heart, and Yu Ban's morale was greatly boosted.

In this battle, let me take the lead in Yu Ban to prove that a certain family's choice is not wrong!

With a clamp between his legs, the war horse under his crotch shot out.

Yu Ban took the lead in launching an offensive against Pan Zhang.

The big knife in his hand flipped over, and when the war horse rushed to Pan Zhang's approach, Yu Ban's right hand was forced, and the big knife was raised high, and it was a blow to Pan Zhang's head to split Huashan.

"Hmph, soft and weak!" In

the face of the forbidden knife, Pan Zhang did not dodge or dodge, and also raised the big knife, and the last hair came first, and he met the oncoming big knife.


the two knives met, and there was a loud bang.

Pan Zhang is young and vigorous, and his physical strength is sufficient, and he doesn't feel much about this blow.

On the other hand, Yu Ban is still over fifty years old, and he has long passed his prime, how can he be a strong man like Pan Zhang, who is in the prime of fighting?

With this blow alone, Yu Ban already felt his blood and qi surge.

Feeling the slightly numb arm, feeling the constant upsurge of qi and blood between his throat, Yu Ban panicked.

Damn! Where did this Pan Zhang come from, so powerful?

I know by myself that if it is an ordinary general, let alone blocking, even if it is dodging, I am afraid that it can only be done in embarrassment.

But this Pan Zhang blocked his full blow so easily.

This made Yu Ban unacceptable.

"Haha, Yu Ban, you are old, your time has passed!

Now, let you see how powerful Uncle Pan Zhang is!"

This product is definitely not his opponent.

is full of confidence in his heart, and Pan Zhang's morale is even better.

didn't get angry, the big knife in Pan Zhang's hand swung sideways, and swept between the waist and abdomen of Yu Ban, who had not yet closed the knife.


In the face of Pan Zhang's blow, it was too late to block.

After all, Yu has a lot of experience in the forbidden battle array, and when he can't afford to do anything, he doesn't think about it, and forcibly twists his waist, trying to avoid Pan Zhang's fatal blow.

However, age is Yu Ban's biggest weakness.

Because of his age, Yu Ban began to covet glory, and after being captured in the battle array, he chose to surrender to Shu Han.

Because of his age, Yu Ban's original courage is no longer there, and he has no power to fight back in the face of Pan Zhang.

is even more because of age, this blow could have been dodged, but Yu Ban couldn't succeed in doing it.

"How... Maybe..."

Watching the big knife sweep across his waist, feeling the pain that hurts into the bone marrow, Yu Jian unwillingly fell under the war horse.


Ping'er, this Pan Zhang will be handed over to you!" "

After losing the first battle, the only feeling in Guan Yu's heart was that Yu Ban had lost people to himself.

After receiving Guan Yu's instructions, Guan Ping immediately rushed forward and crossed the formation.

"The thief will be arrogant, can you know whether your master

Guan Ping is not!" and ignored Pan Zhang, who was celebrating, Guan Ping, who came to the front of the battle, immediately invited to fight.

What should you play? Winning one is forbidden to make you happy to be like this?

This Yu Ban used to be a defeated subordinate of my

Guan Ping!" Guan Ping, but Guan Yu's son?" Guan Ping's

name Pan Zhang had heard of it, after all, Yu Ban seemed to have been captured by this guy at the beginning.

"Now that you know the name of the little master, why don't you quickly get off the horse and surrender?"

Guan Ping was excited.

Unexpectedly, his name is already so loud?

"Idiot, master, look at your Uncle Pan Zhang's beating and you call a certain grandfather!"

Pan Zhang was not afraid of the arrogant boy.

It's just a waste thing that relies on the cute sound of my father.,What's there to install.。

It's just that after Pan Zhang's words were finished, Guan Ping was angry, and Guan Yu behind the battle was also angry.


, let Ping'er call your grandfather, how should Guan deal with it?

"Thief, suffer death!"

Insulted by his words, Guan Ping decided to get it back from the battle array.

"It's a good time! Let Ben kill two birds with one stone today!" Seeing

Guan Ping rushing over, Pan Zhang immediately raised the big knife in his hand and killed Guan Ping directly.

Just killing just one Yu Ban is not enough to show the ability of

this general! Only by winning this Guan Ping can the general really make a name for himself in this battle!

However, Guan Ping is not Yu Ban.

is also young and vigorous, and is also physically strong, Guan Ping is against Pan Zhang, which can be described as an opponent in chess and a good talent.

Seeing the two of them fall into trembling mode, Guan Yu's moldy head wrinkled.

I never thought that there would be such a young warrior under this Lu Meng.

"General! The last general Liu Pan asked for a battle to help the little general!" Seeing

that the second general had been fighting for nearly 30 rounds without deciding the winner, Meng Da, who was watching the battle, was anxious.

No one cares about Yu Ban, that's just a greedy person who is afraid of death.

But if something happens to this Guan Ping, then the problem will be a big problem.

For his son, Guan Yu was also full of worries.

This Pan Zhang, with Guan Yu's eyes, can naturally see that his strength is definitely not weak.

If Ping'er is not good and misses in the hands of this Pan Zhang, then it will be too late to rescue him.

However, Guan Yu is a person with status, so naturally he can't break the rules of the fighting generals so easily.

But for now.

This Liu Pan is very discerning.

You must know that this is Liu Pan taking the initiative to fight, and it has nothing to do with him Guan Yu.

"Liu Pan is here, General Chu is arrogant, eat a shot from a certain family!"

Seeing Guan Yu closing his eyes and not saying a word, how could Liu Pan, who had followed him for a long time, not know, this was a tacit acquiescence.

Then what else is there to say, he immediately rushed forward, and rushed to kill Pan Zhang, who was still fighting with Guan Ping.

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