"Zhang Liao!" "Gao Lan!" When Zhang Liao

led the army to the rear, he soon encountered the Hebei army led

by Gao Lan.

The midnight battle has been fought so far, the sky has been slightly brighter, and Zhang Liao and Gao Ran can naturally see each other.

"Soldiers of the Chu State, the time for revenge has come, the whole army! Charge!" Seeing

Zhang Liao leading the army to come, Gao Ran did not hesitate at all.

Now, your Han army has been fighting for half a night, and it is no longer in the best state in terms of physical strength, energy, or morale.

This is the best time to break the Han army in one fell swoop and reverse the situation in the entire Hebei.

"Array, meet the enemy!" Seeing the

Chu army charge, Zhang Liao also did not hesitate at all.

Now that the connection of the Han army has been impacted, it has indeed reached its limit.

If it can't stop the attack of the Chu army guarding the pass of the Great Wall, then the Han army will be really dangerous.

Regarding the situation in front of him, Zhang Liao was also depressed in his heart.

Well, the situation suddenly took a turn for the worse, who could stand this

? Who would have thought that the Huns would suddenly withdraw their troops

? If you withdraw, you will withdraw, so what are you going to do when you come back?

Yes, the Huns' midnight charge really caught the Han army by surprise.

It is precisely because of the Huns' rush that the Han army is now also forced into a desperate situation.

Enemies everywhere.

Fleeing in the vast wilderness, without bringing logistical baggage, where can you flee to?

Therefore, no matter how bad the situation of the Han army is, Zhang Liao can only choose to grit his teeth and face it, and choose to carry the Chu army in front of him.

Only by repulsing them, after the sky is bright, can the Han army retreat.

Yes, it's a retreat.

Now that this round of midnight rush has been experienced, the Han army's armor has been reduced by nearly half again, and what Chang'an Pass is besieged?

What's more, the number of cavalry of the Chu army chasing the Huns was probably no less than 100,000.

This really surprised Zhang Liao and Ma Chaoda.

No matter what they think, they will never think of it.

The state of Chu actually has such a strong hidden force.

Although I don't know why the Chu State sent this cavalry at this time, no matter what the Chu State thinks, the Han army is no longer able to compete with the Chu army in the north anyway.


the horses are galloping, the earth is trembling, and the knights are roaring.

The two steel torrents of Chu and Han soon collided together.

Countless knights frantically brandished their spears and sabers in their hands, just to preemptively stab their weapons into the enemy's chest.

When they meet on a narrow road, the brave wins!

This sentence was vividly displayed in the duel between the Chu and Han cavalry.

"The whole army listens to the order! Assemble the array, fish scales, charge!" After

a round of hedging, Gao Ran found that the Chu army did not have any advantage, and immediately raised his spear and gave instructions to the Chu army behind him.

Under Gao Lan's order, the cavalry of the Chu army fought back one after another.

Looking at the cavalry of the Chu Army who were quickly assembled behind Gao Lan, the corners of Zhang He's mouth twitched slightly.

Damn, the individual combat power of this Chu cavalry is not stronger than that of the Xiliang cavalry.

But this battle formation really took the life of the Xiliang cavalry.

You must know that in the current war, because the cavalry is too scarce, most of the cavalry battles are just forming a group charge.

But only this Chu army, whether it is a few thousand Canglong cavalry or tens of thousands of Hebei cavalry, the first thing it does to build its army is to practice this damn formation.

The battle array can exist in China for thousands of years, and it naturally has its own reason.

After the Chu army formed a battle formation and launched another attack on the Han army, Zhang Liao could only helplessly watch as the cavalry under his command had to face the siege of two or three enemy soldiers at the same time, and then fell unwillingly.

"Damn, don't panic, ignore their battle formations.

The whole army obeyed the order and followed me! Charge!" After

a round of collision, Zhang Liao did not continue to support the big one, and hurriedly commanded the cavalry under his command, in order to launch an attack from the flank to break the battle formation of the Chu army.


"Zhang Liao! Gao Ran is here!" Discovering Zhang

Liao's plan, Gao Ran naturally didn't do it.

After several rounds of hedging, the Han cavalry was defeated.

At such a timing, how could Gao Ran let Zhang Liao reorganize his troops?

"Gao Ran! Don't stop me!" Gao Ran's

martial arts are not as good as Zhang Liao's, but they are not far behind.

It is simply unrealistic for Zhang Liao to win Gaolan in a short period of time.

Today, the Han army is constantly being divided and annihilated under the charge of the cavalry of the Chu army.

Looking at the situation in front of him, Zhang Liao's eyes were cracked.

But he was entangled by Gao Ran, and Zhang Liao could only keep roaring to tell the unwillingness in his heart.

As time passed, the Han cavalry became less and less, and only endless pain and wails resounded in this land, as if telling that a bloody slaughter had once broken out here.

"Zhang Liao, you have already been defeated!

It is impossible for Liu Bei to defeat the overlord, what are you still hesitating about? Why don't you quickly dismount and surrender?

Have you forgotten how Lu Bu died?"

Seeing that the overall situation had been decided, Gao Ran hurriedly spoke up and launched a surrender against Zhang Liao.

You must know that this Zhang Liao is different from Ma Chao.

This is Lu Bu's cronies.

Previously, if it wasn't for the armor under his command, he would definitely not surrender to Liu Bei and become his minions.

Now, the Xiliang army has been almost defeated by Ma Chao, and Zhang Liao has no worries, so Gao Ran naturally wants to seize the opportunity to recruit him.

This is the Five Tiger General who Liu Bei personally canonized!

If he can be made to surrender before the battle, it will really be a much greater blow than killing Liu Beilai.


Liao is willing to surrender, but there is only one thing that General Gao Ran will agree to.

These wounded Xiliang warriors hoped to be treated by the Chu State. This

is what Zhang Liao asked for in the end.

Fighting on the battlefield, the horse leather shroud.

For the fate of these warriors, Zhang Liao had already prepared in his heart.

It's just that these soldiers who haven't died yet, Zhang Liao can't bear to watch them wait for death in pain and wail no matter what.

"Hahaha! General Zhang Liao, please rest assured, this is inevitable!

I also ask General Zhang Liao to bring his soldiers to the rear. "

Now there are thousands of cavalry in the Han army above the battle array, and with the surrender of Zhang Liao, these Xiliang iron cavalry that went all the way with Zhang Liao naturally surrendered to the Chu army.

At present, there is still a cavalry unit of Ma Chao in front of it, which is still fighting with the large army led by the Huns and Xiahoudun.

Gao Ran naturally didn't have extra time to comfort Zhang Liao.

"General Gao Ran, rest assured, Zhang Liao's natural province.

Liao is here, I wish the general a victory!"

Saying this sentence with a bitter face, Zhang Liao led his subordinates to make way for the Chu army.

After this battle, the cavalry units of the Han army were completely wiped out.

Zhang Liao is convinced of this.

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