"Damn! The whole army obeyed the order and did not pay attention to the Huns.

Assemble immediately and prepare to break through!" Just

when Gao Ran defeated Zhang Liao's subordinates, Ma Chao had already made the decision to retreat.

Today, the Huns were the first army to be crippled when they were trapped.

However, Ma Chao knew that if he didn't make a decision as soon as possible, the outcome would definitely not be much better than that of the Huns.

As for Zhang Liao, who had already gone to meet the rear,

he was a friend of the dead Dao and a poor man.

Facing the Chu army in the rear was a choice made by Zhang Liao on his own initiative, what does it have to do with my Ma Ye?

Now, Ma Chao just wants to be able to quickly evacuate while the Chu army is still dealing with the Huns.

You must know that the Chu army led by Xiahoudun is close to 100,000.


the previous tackling, and then in the midnight scuffle, Zhang Liao took away 20,000 yuan.

Now there are only more than 30,000 soldiers around Ma Chao who can fight.

If this is against Xiahoudun's army, Ma Chao does not have any confidence in winning.

Rather than being defeated and captured, or even hating the spot, Ma Chao would rather choose to flee.

What if there is no grain and grass to carry the weight?

Even if this army only has a thousand people in the end, it doesn't matter, as long as Ma Ye and I are alive, it is enough.

However, it backfired.

Just as Ma Chao was about to lead the army to evacuate, a person appeared in front of him who he least wanted to see.

"Where are the horses!?Cao Ren is here!"

Yes, it was Cao Ren.

At this moment, Xiahoudun is leading his command to clear out the Huns, so it is naturally Cao Ren who is responsible for launching an attack on the Han army.

You must know that that that night, Xiahou Dun and Cao Ren led the army forward, and happened to meet the Huns who were retreating.

What else is there to say about this?

The Huns who retreated in a hurry were outmatched by the Chu army in terms of morale and strength, and they were defeated as soon as they fought.

In a panic, King Zuoxian of the Xiongnu went to Bei and was beheaded by Xiahoudun in the battle.

This made the Huns fall into chaos even more.

Chased by the Chu army all the way, the Huns had no choice but to storm the Han army camp for protection.

As a result, it could only be annihilated by the Chu and Han armies.

The Huns were destroyed, so the remaining Han army Xiahoudun and Cao Ren would naturally not let go.

Although there was a small cooperation before, this did not affect Cao Ren's determination to block Ma Chao's retreat.

All this, to put it bluntly, is because of the Han army, because of the Han Emperor Liu Bei.

The accomplice has been destroyed, how can this culprit allow you to escape easily.

"Cao Ren, you're not my opponent, get out of the way!" For Cao Ren

, Ma Chao is naturally not afraid, but what Ma Chao is worried about is being delayed by this goods.

If you wait for the Chu army to arrive, even if you have three heads and six arms, you will not be able to escape and ascend to heaven.

"Get out of the way, hmph, arrogant horse, today is your death!"

With that, Cao Ren swung his big knife sideways and rushed towards Ma Chao.

That's right, Lao Tzu is indeed not your opponent alone, but I have many brothers!

As long as you delay for a moment and a half, when Chu Jun frees up his hands and feet, isn't it enough to capture this

Ma Chao? "You are looking for death!" Seeing

Cao Ren killing himself, Ma Chao was immediately furious.

Since you beg for death, then Ma Ye and I will fulfill you!

The big knife that Cao Ren slashed at the opposite side, Ma Chao slightly sideways to avoid it, and then, the spear in his hand was like a dragon going out to sea, and stabbed at Cao Ren's face.


just this round, Cao Ren knew that the gap between himself and Ma Chao was definitely very huge.

Kankan dodged this blow, feeling the pain of being scratched on his cheeks, Cao Ren no longer had any contempt for Ma Chao in his heart.

This thing, I'm afraid it's difficult for Lao Tzu to delay him!

"Xiahou, hurry up and help me!" Knowing

that he was invincible, Cao Ren didn't care about any face, the big knife in his hand flipped over, and while defending Ma Chao's attack, he was not idle, and yelled behind him again and again.

In the chaos, even if Xiahoudun couldn't hear his voice for help, the Chu army soldiers could always hear it, right?

As long as the news was passed on to Xiahoudun, then Cao Ren's goal would be achieved.

Although your horse is brave, it will not be a problem for Lao Tzu to resist you for a while!

Cao Ren is relieved, but Ma Chao is anxious.

When he heard Cao Ren's cry for help, he was immediately shocked.

If this Nima

were to be defeated by the Chu army, he would still be able to maintain himself even if he was one enemy and two enemies, but the Han army under his command would not be able to hold on! If the Han army was defeated by the Chu army, then he would still be good

? But the more anxious he was, the more messy Ma Chao's marksmanship became.

This has greatly reduced the pressure on Cao Ren's defense.

"Hahaha! Ma'er, is that what you can do? Listen to Lao Tzu's words and surrender quickly!" Seeing

Ma Chao's panic, Cao Ren was even more excited, shouting again and again, interfering with Ma Chao's spirit.

"Don't be rampant, Cao Ren, look at the gun!"

was upset by Cao Ren's quarrel, Ma Chao was furious and didn't pay attention to the harassment of the surrounding soldiers, and the spear in his hand swung sideways, and swept towards Cao Ren.

Seeing Ma Chao desperately with himself !! the slot

, Cao Ren suddenly regretted it in his heart.

Why do you have to stimulate this thing?

However, the long knife in his hand has not been withdrawn, and it is impossible to block, it is just to dodge, and in the face of this thunderous blow, I am afraid that there is not much chance.

Cao Ren, who was helpless, could only choose to close his eyes and wait, waiting for his fate of being shot and flying horse.

At this moment, the only thing Cao Ren was glad about in his heart was that this Ma Chao was swept away.

At least I won't be stabbed by him.




waiting for a long time, Cao Ren didn't even wait to draw his spear under his horse.

Curious, when he opened his eyes, Cao Ren was shocked.

This Ma Chao is actually dead?

Yes, Ma Chao is dead.

Because he was enraged by Cao Ren, Ma Chao had completely ignored the interference of the enemies around him.

Originally, in Ma Chao's mind, there were only a few Chu army armors that interfered with him, and he couldn't cause any harm to himself at all.

Unfortunately, the horse was out of luck.

At this moment, Gao Ran had already led the army to arrive.

You know, it's already getting dark.

Far away, Gao Ran saw that Ma Chao was abusing Cao Ren with blood.

What else is there to say about this? Suddenly, as soon as his legs clamped his crotch and got off the war horse, Cao Ren rushed up at Ma Chao.

Originally, in Gao Ran's thoughts, his blow was just to help Cao Ren break the siege, and then the two would work together to fight against this Ma Chao.

Who would have thought that Ma Chao, who was engrossed, completely ignored the threat behind him.

When it sensed it, it was too late to make any movements.

Looking at the spear that penetrated him, Ma Chao closed his eyes unwillingly.

At this point, with the surrender of Zhang Liao and the death of Ma Chao, only Guan Yu was left among the five tigers under Liu Bei.

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