The more you go, the more you will be able to survive.

Looking at the puzzled students, Mao Zhixin continued to ask:

"As a healer, how do you think you can protect yourself?"

A boy in the last row stood up and said, "It should be buying defensive equipment or learning some defensive spells. After all, we are all healers and there is nothing to improve in combat effectiveness."

The boy next to him also stood up and added, "Yes, in addition to defensive equipment and spells, some equipment and spells that increase movement speed are also more suitable for us. With increased movement speed, it is difficult for the enemy to touch us!"

"That's right, these can greatly increase the survival rate of healers." Mao Zhixin nodded affirmatively, "Are there any other students who want to add?"

The students below thought for a long time. What the two boys said was right, and it seemed that there was really nothing to add.

Lin Qixuan felt nothing about the topic of self-protection, as he was very confident in his own abilities.

If he was in a team in the future, even if everyone around him died, he would definitely be the last one to fall.

No one added anything, and the scene fell silent again.

Mao Zhixin's eyes swept across the faces of his classmates, and a little disappointment appeared on his elegant face, but when he thought that these classmates were just a group of freshmen who had just entered the circle of ability users, he immediately felt relieved.

He adjusted his glasses and said in a gradually louder voice: "What the two male classmates said just now was very good. Defense and movement speed can indeed increase the healer's self-protection ability, but that is too one-sided."

'One-sided? '

The classmates looked at Mao Zhixin in surprise, wondering what he meant by this?

Mao Zhixin became more and more excited as he spoke. He left the podium and came to the middle of the students. "I know that the students are all confused now. They don't know what I mean by one-sided!" He paused and continued, "The one-sidedness I mentioned here has two meanings. First of all, the reason why you don't understand the meaning of one-sidedness is that you have overlooked one thing, that is, you have taken the therapist out of a team and turned him into an individual." When the students heard this, they suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment. Yes, how can they ignore their teammates when they join a team as therapists in the future! After Mao Zhixin put forward this point of view, he returned to the podium and picked up the black pen. The students didn't know what he wanted to write this time. He didn't let everyone wait too long, and wrote down the seven big words "Treatment is a whole" with a flying pen. After finishing writing, he turned back with an excited look, "Healing is a whole. This is another sentence I want to say to you in the first class today. It is also my biggest feeling after being a therapist for so many years!"

"How to understand this sentence? Students who have played online games or competitive games should know the importance of the nurse in a team.

Whether it is adding blood and returning mana, or removing negative status and adding buffs, it is the strength of the nurse. If used well, it can directly reverse the situation. So at the beginning of the battle, the nurse is also the first to be targeted.

At this time, if the nurse is still fighting alone and relying on her own equipment and magic to hold on, it is obviously unrealistic.

A smart team should know that they should try their best to protect the therapist at this time, and formulate a formation and combat plan around the therapist."

The students listened to him attentively and nodded secretly in their hearts.

But thoughts are the freest things in the world. If someone agrees, there will be someone who opposes.

A girl stood up and retorted: "Teacher Mao, are you off topic? You said before how to protect yourself, and now you say that treatment is a whole, and the therapist must fight together under the protection of the team.

But what if the teammates are caught in a fierce battle and can't take care of us? At that time, don't we still have to rely on our own magic and equipment to protect ourselves?"

Hearing the different views of this female classmate, Mao Zhixin was not angry, but looked at her with appreciation, "This classmate said it very well. This is how we learn knowledge. Don't blindly listen to other people's ideas. Have a bold spirit of questioning."

He picked up the teacup, drank half a cup in one breath, and then tightened the bottle cap.

"Okay, now I'll talk about how to protect yourself in the team. This is also the second one-sidedness I want to talk about. Your self-protection is still on equipment and magic, ignoring the role of wisdom and consciousness.

When our teammates are

When they are caught in a fierce battle and can't take care of us, I think... a wise healer will not let this happen. "

"There are two situations in which a team can't take care of the healer. One is that the teammates are too excited, they go deep into the enemy alone, and just want to quickly defeat the enemy. The other is that the enemy they encounter is too strong and they can't take care of their own healers. No matter which one it is, as a wise healer, you should learn to avoid it. "

"When your teammates are excited, you should be calm and have a big picture view, and speak out in time to stop them. When the team encounters a crisis, you must judge the situation in time and try to stay with teammates who can protect you. Even if you fail in the end, you must try your best to ensure that you are the last one to fall in the team.

In many games, the nurse plays the role of the captain, because he is the one who has the most time to analyze the battlefield situation after the battle. When to add blood to whom, how much blood to add, and when to stand close to which side, all these require wisdom and good awareness to cultivate. "

Mao Zhixin's words made everyone brainstorm and think of many things at once.

In summary, his words are like a competitive game. The equipment and skills of the nurse are indeed important, but the most important thing is how to integrate into the team and form a whole with the team to ensure his own safety, and then it is time to show his healing level.

His first class did not talk about healing, but about the awareness and cognition that a healer should have, which also proved his emphasis on this aspect.

After his speech, there was warm applause from the audience. These words changed the three views of the freshmen. They used to think that as long as they learned healing, they would be fine. Now it seems that they still have a lot to learn.

Lin Qixuan, who was sitting in the middle of the classroom, was a little uninterested. Mao Zhixin's words were indeed very useful for traditional healers, but for him, a weirdo, it was useless. It would be better to teach some real and good spells.

Because as a very capable healer, he only asked his teammates to take care of themselves...


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