The teacher said that the teacher was very happy.

Looking at Mao Zhixin on the stage, Lin Qixuan hesitated for a long time, and finally raised his hand.

"Please speak, classmate!" Mao Zhixin pointed at Lin Qixuan.

After Lin Qixuan stood up, he cleared his throat and said, "Teacher Mao, I want to ask, if a therapist who doesn't want to take the ordinary path, what should he learn?"

"Ah? What do you mean, classmate? I don't quite understand." Mao Zhixin looked at Lin Qixuan with a confused face, not knowing what Lin Qixuan wanted to express.

"Uh... I mean..."

Lin Qixuan didn't know how to explain it. If he said directly that his combat power might be the highest in the team and his teammates were all garbage, he would be suspected of being a pretentious person.

"Teacher Mao, what Lin meant is that he doesn't need the protection of a team, he is a team by himself!" A very considerate female classmate stood up to explain for Lin Qixuan.

After she finished speaking, the other people in the classroom showed their approval. With Lin Qixuan's abnormal combat power, he really didn't need to learn anything like self-protection, just do it.

Lin Qixuan looked at the female classmate gratefully. Such words should be said by others. It is too shameful for him to say it himself.

After hearing the explanation of the female classmate, Mao Zhixin looked at Lin Qixuan in surprise, "So that's the case. I guess this Lin classmate is very confident in his combat power, but don't worry, I do have something suitable for you to learn."

"Before I say it, I would like to ask all the students present, for a therapist, what does his level of treatment depend on?"

"Is it the use of energy in the technique?" A classmate said a little unconfidently.

"The use of energy is indeed important, but it has not yet played a decisive role." Mao Zhixin said with a smile. When talking about these professional knowledge, he seemed to be a different person, full of confidence.

"That must be the problem with the magic used. As we all know, the higher the level of the magic mastered, the better the treatment effect." A girl said affirmatively.

"Yes, the higher the level of healing magic a healer masters, the better his healing skills will be." Mao Zhixin nodded, "But do you know the difference between high-level healing magic and low-level healing magic?"

"High-level healing magic uses less energy, but the healing effect is better!"

"High-level healing magic restores a large amount of blood, and one move can restore the injured to the best condition!"

"High-level magic... is more expensive, and ordinary people can't afford it..."


The students spoke freely and expressed their opinions one after another. Even the students who couldn't think of anything wanted to try to say something. Even Lin Qixuan frowned in this atmosphere and started thinking. He vaguely felt like he had thought of something.

Mao Zhixin was very satisfied with this atmosphere. He pushed his glasses and said, "Everyone is right, but you haven't got to the point yet!"

'Haven't you got to the point yet? '

The students showed bitter faces one by one. After thinking for a long time, they couldn't think of anything else?

Mao Zhixin saw that everyone was still thinking hard but couldn't come up with an answer, so he decided not to embarrass them anymore, "The key to high-level healing techniques is..."

"The key is vitality!" Lin Qixuan, who had been silent all the time, suddenly stood up and said.

At the end of the resort, Qu Lang said that vitality is a high-level thing, and he, who is in the extraordinary realm, can't grasp it. When extracting Chen Shuya's vitality, it will also cause a lot of waste, which made him suddenly think that vitality should definitely have an inseparable relationship with the therapist.

"The answer... is correct!" After Mao Zhixin finished speaking, he actually applauded, "Not bad, not bad, this classmate Lin seems to be not simple, he even knows this!"

"Fortunately, fortunately, I also heard about it from a therapist friend." Lin Qixuan scratched his head embarrassedly.

Mao Zhixin took a sip of water and continued, "What Lin said just now is right. Vitality is the key to whether a healing technique is advanced or not."

"How do you understand this sentence? Low-level healing techniques contain a small amount of vitality. The energy of our therapists can help wounds stop bleeding and sterilize, and perform simple repairs on wounds.

But this is not the point. The point is that our energy will activate the vitality of the injured person himself, and in the end it depends on the activity and division of the injured person's own cells to heal the body."


It's okay for a minor injury, the injured can recover by relying on their own vitality. But if it's a serious injury, it's not so good. When we perform a healing technique, the injured's cell activity is activated, and the body begins to actively participate in repairing the wound. But even if the injury is finally healed, the injured will be seriously injured and need some time to recover. "

Hearing this, Lin Qixuan nodded secretly, but he felt that the injured also had to be divided into different situations. The ability of the high realm has strong vitality, so the healing technique is just a trigger, and their own vitality can repair the injury.

"And high-level healing techniques don't have this disadvantage, because high-level healing techniques often contain a lot of vitality, which can make the injured still alive while repairing the injury. "

Mao Zhixin's words made everyone understand the importance of vitality, and they also had infinite yearning for vitality in their hearts.

Looking at the infatuated expressions of the classmates, Mao Zhixin smiled and said: "Life force is undoubtedly very important for the practice of healers. But the level of vitality is very high, and it is very difficult to cultivate and master it, which is why we humans lack advanced therapists. "

"Teacher Mao, according to what you said, how should vitality be cultivated?" Lin Qixuan asked doubtfully. According to Mao Zhixin, vitality is essential to becoming a top therapist, but he has no idea at all.

"The cultivation of vitality is simple and difficult. Everyone knows that exercising and improving physical functions can prolong life to a certain extent, because exercise can enhance our resistance and delay muscle aging.

In some fantasy novels and martial arts novels, people who know how to keep healthy will do boxing to improve their spirit and nourish their bodies, which is to slowly improve the vitality of the human body.

In modern times, we have found that these exercises are making cells more active and genes more powerful.

So the great therapists among us humans have finally sorted out a set of techniques suitable for our therapists to practice through continuous research and experiments. "

"And the name of this set of techniques is called-immortality! "


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