After dinner, it was already nine o'clock in the evening. Lin Qixuan washed the dishes and said goodbye to Liu Siqing with the packed food.

Originally, Liu Siqing said she would take him home, but Lin Qixuan refused. He checked and found that the bus would be coming soon, and it was not far from their dormitory, only ten minutes' drive away, so he didn't want to bother Liu Siqing anymore.

And Liu Siqing didn't force it. Because of Lin Qixuan, she still had a lot of things to do today, so she had to make up for it in time. After Lin Qixuan left, she went into the study and got busy.

Back at the door of the dormitory, Lin Qixuan pushed the door open. There was no light in the room, but Lin Qixuan could still see Jinghui lying on the sofa in the dark with his pupils.

Lin Qixuan turned on the light in the room and hurried forward to wake Jinghui. Seeing Jinghui slowly opening her eyes, Lin Qixuan breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he was just hungry and fainted.

Jinghui looked at Lin Qixuan and said aggrievedly: "Xuanzi, you are back. I just dreamed that I was eating sweet and sour pork ribs. It was so delicious."

Lin Qixuan was very upset and said: "Sorry, sorry, I was delayed by something, but your dream is still quite accurate and can predict the future. Look what I brought you?"

He took out the packed lunch box and brought it to Jinghui. Jinghui grabbed it and saw that there were really sweet and sour pork ribs in it. Her eyes were shining. She immediately opened the lid and started to eat voraciously.

While he was eating, Lin Qixuan told Jinghui about what happened today.

When Jinghui heard that Xiao Junzhe had attacked Lin Qixuan, she stopped eating, put down her chopsticks with her right hand, a flash of light flashed, and a brand new Desert Eagle appeared in her hand, "There is actually such a person, take me to find him, I will shoot him with one shot."

Lin Qixuan hurriedly grabbed Jinghui, and he didn't know where he had touched this pistol, and he copied it.

"Calm down, the matter is over, he has been punished, and I am standing in front of you."

"No, this matter is not going to pass, I don't agree to bully my brother."

"Oh, then you go."


Jinghui looked at Lin Qixuan, who seemed to be smiling, and was speechless for a while. According to the logic of gun battle movies, when the big brother wants to help others to avenge, someone will stand up and try to stop him. Who knew that Lin Qixuan was so weak.

"Well, the food will not taste good if it gets cold."

Jinghui picked up the bowl and chopsticks again and started eating, trying to fool him. He could only copy ordinary firearms now, let alone break the defense of the extraordinary realm, and it was hard to say whether he could hit the opponent.

Lin Qixuan naturally knew this truth, so he skipped this topic.

He also told Jinghui what happened later, how Liu Siqing taught Xiao Junzhe a lesson, and how he became Liu Siqing's disciple. Jinghui sighed in her heart that this roommate was definitely a person with deep fortune. He could turn danger into safety in such a situation, and good things happened one after another...


Late at night, Xiao Junzhe was still kneeling on the open space, with no one around. The torture of the Spear of Judgment made his nerves tingle, and he couldn't sleep even if he wanted to.

And the ground where he was kneeling at this time, without his knowledge, gradually softened and turned into a pile of quicksand. He sank into it and disappeared. After he disappeared, the ground returned to normal again.

Xiao Junzhe looked around blankly, all around was dark, and he couldn't see anything clearly.

"Who? Don't play tricks. Come out if you have the guts."

Xiao Junzhe was scared. He had the Judgment Spear stuck in his body and his strength was sealed. Now that he was in danger, he was no different from ordinary people. At most, he was a little thicker.

Seeing no response, he bravely said, "Friend, this is the Demon University. My second uncle is the school director. If you attack me, you must think about the consequences. I am not someone you can offend."

He thought these words would scare the other party, but as soon as he said this, a sound of breaking air came from right in front of him.


His head was hit by a stone, and blood immediately flowed out. He screamed in pain: "It's too much."


Xiao Junzhe's stomach was hit again, "Are you excited?"


This time, Xiao Junzhe's mouth was hit, and a tooth fell out. He was so painful that he couldn't speak anymore.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Continuous sounds of breaking through the air continued to ring out, and he was hit by unknown objects in many places on his body, making him dizzy and painful all over. He screamed one after another, and he felt the world

Malice towards him.

But this dark space seemed to be isolated from the outside world. No matter how much he screamed, no one came to check.

After an unknown amount of time, he was sent out of this space again in pain. His body was already fractured in many places, but he still knelt with his head on the ground.

Xiao Junzhe was not stupid either. There was only one person who could attack him at this critical moment. He murmured and slowly blurted out three words: "Lin...Han...Sha"

The next day, the sun rose, and the Judgment Spear on Xiao Junzhe's body slowly dissipated. Xiao Junzhe felt his whole body relax, his nerves no longer tingled, and then he closed his eyes and fainted...


The military bugle sounded, and after Lin Qixuan got up and packed up, he was the first to arrive at the door. Lin Hansha was still waiting there as usual.

After seeing Lin Qixuan coming, she looked at him carefully, and found nothing unusual. She smiled and said, "I heard that someone had a fight with someone from the Transcendent Realm yesterday. He's really amazing!"

Lin Qixuan touched his nose and said, "Sister Sha, don't laugh at me. If I wasn't lucky, you almost wouldn't have seen me."

Lin Hansha rolled her eyes and said unhappily, "You also know that you almost died. If a person from the Transcendent Realm asks you for something, just give it to him. Why do you have to show off? Money is something outside of your body. You can earn it again if you lose it. You only have one life. If you don't cherish it, others won't help you cherish it."

Although Lin Hansha was scolding Lin Qixuan, he could still feel Lin Hansha's concern for him. Thinking of what Liu Sheng said about her brother dying at the hands of a monster in his early years, he didn't refute it for a while and just endured it.

Seeing that Lin Qixuan was silent, like a little wife, Lin Hansha chuckled and said, "Why don't you talk? Aren't you usually quite talkative?"

Lin Qixuan touched his nose and said, "I know that what Sister Sha said is for my own good. If I continue to talk nonsense, wouldn't it be disrespectful to Sister Sha?"

Lin Hansha smiled, "It's good that you know. People should listen to advice. You should have heard about my brother."

Speaking of her brother, Lin Hansha's face became heavy. Lin Qixuan didn't expect her to bring up this matter on her own initiative. He said tentatively, "I know a little, but I don't know the details."

Lin Hansha pondered for a moment, and slowly said, "His name is Lin Hanyang. He was about the same age as you when the accident happened. He naturally awakened the fire system and was admitted to Kyoto University for Abilities. At that time He was also a big shot in school.

His strong talent made him proud and complacent. He entered the restricted area early to kill powerful monsters to prove himself, but he died in the restricted area. I didn't even see his body. "

Lin Qixuan looked at Lin Hansha, who looked a little sad, and comforted her: "Sister Sha, please accept my condolences."

"It's okay, it's all over."

Lin Hansha calmed down and continued: "So having strong talent is one thing, but you still have to be cautious before you can't turn it into strength, otherwise only your relatives and friends will be sad. This world is not safe, and people with abilities will face many dangers. "

Lin Qixuan also knew that what happened yesterday was too dangerous. If Liu Siqing hadn't taken action yesterday, he would have been a cold corpse now.

No, if he was hit by that kind of magic, he might not even be able to keep his complete body. How sad his parents would be. He said before that he wanted to give his parents a better life, but that would only become a joke.

"I understand. I won't be so stubborn when I encounter something I can't beat in the future."

Lin Hansha knew that Lin Qixuan had heard her words, and said with a smile: "I mean that you don't want to die in meaningless things, not to be a coward. There are some things that you have to do even if it costs your life."

Then she showed a dangerous smile, "Okay, the world of people with abilities is about strength. Only with strong strength can you have the right to choose.

In order to give you more choices in the future, I decided to go back and make a devilish training plan. You have to be prepared."

Lin Qixuan had this in mind, and said frankly: "Sister Sha, please whip me as much as you want!"

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