The doctor said that he was in a bad mood, but he was still very tired.

Xiao Junzhe slowly opened his eyes on the hospital bed, looking at the bandages wrapped around his body, he sighed helplessly.

"You are awake, how do you feel?"

Xiao Junzhe then found that his second uncle Xiao Mingyu was standing by the window. He struggled to get up, and Xiao Mingyu immediately stepped forward to stop him.

"You have multiple fractures all over your body. Although I have asked a therapist to help you with the fractures, it takes a hundred days to heal the broken bones. You should just lie down for now."

Xiao Junzhe's eyes were slightly red, and he said in a trembling voice: "Second Uncle, I have embarrassed you."

Xiao Mingyu waved his hand and said: "It is my responsibility that you have such a thing. I did not discipline you well. I am sorry for you and for my elder brother.

Over the years, you have been bullying your classmates in school. I have always turned a blind eye to it, thinking that it was just a normal fight between classmates. You will not continue like this when you mature.

Who knew that your character would become more and more extreme, and this time you would even kill your classmates. You are so stupid.

Fortunately, Liu Siqing stopped you. Otherwise, if you really killed Lin Qixuan and the principal knew about it, you would be dead. I can't protect you. I'm sweating when I think about it now. "

Xiao Junzhe knew that he had gone too far. Over the years, relying on his uncle's status, he did a lot of bad things and felt that he was a big shot. But Liu Siqing made him realize how insignificant he was. If he continued like this in the future, he would fall again sooner or later.

"Uncle, I know I was wrong. I will practice honestly in the future and never do those things again."

Xiao Mingyu's face eased and said, "It is great to know your mistakes and improve. You are a natural awakener. Your talent is better than mine. You have mastered my skills very well. If you follow the right path in the future, your achievements in the future will be limitless.

You don't have to worry about the school. Humanity is in need of strong people now. For my sake, as long as you don't do such things in the future, they will not pursue it.

You don't have to worry about the students. I have suppressed the photos, videos and posts they took. After time passes, no one will remember them."

After hearing this, Xiao Junzhe said gratefully: " Thank you, second uncle."

"Hey, we are all family, so there is no need to thank you. Let me remind you again, don't take revenge on Lin Qixuan. Liu Siqing has already accepted him as a student, and Lin Hansha has a special relationship with him. You also know who did this to you.

I didn't know what you wanted to do with her information at that time. If I knew, I would definitely stop you. Lin Hansha is destined to become a senior military official in the future, and I can't afford to offend her, so let's just let Lin Qixuan's matter go."

Xiao Junzhe really didn't know that Liu Siqing had already accepted Lin Qixuan as a student. When he thought that Lin Hansha would really take action for Lin Qixuan, he was immediately full of jealousy towards Lin Qixuan. This guy is really lucky.

But he won't take action against Lin Qixuan again. Not to mention the oath rune in his heart, these two women alone are not something he can deal with.

Seeing that he had almost finished talking, Xiao Mingyu stood up and said, "You take a good rest here. I have something else to do. I also took some time off from other places to come back. Also, I heard that your weapon is broken. I will transfer some money to you later and you can buy a new one.

If you are short of money, just ask your second uncle. How can your second uncle not give you money? You sold that sunscreen and caused so many things.

As for the space ring, you have to wait. This thing is a hot commodity and there is no market for it. But I will keep an eye out for you."

Xiao Mingyu's words made Xiao Junzhe blush. He was a man who wanted to save face and would not easily ask his second uncle for money, otherwise he would not have resold sunscreen.

It was really embarrassing for him to accept the help of his second uncle when he was so old. But he couldn't refuse. The most urgent thing was to buy a handy weapon. Weapons could greatly improve the strength of the ability users. He could only thank his second uncle again.

Xiao Mingyu walked to the door and suddenly turned back to look at his nephew and said:

"Junzhe, if you have time, go get your teeth fixed when you feel better. You always have a leak when you talk."

Xiao Junzhe: "..."


The school is very efficient. As soon as the training ended that day, a staff member came to Lin Qixuan to sign the copyright transfer contract for the simplified sunscreen talisman.

After signing the contract, 200 contribution points were immediately credited to the account, and the 200 contribution points promised by the sissy Wu Wenbin had also been credited long ago.

Lin Qixuan opened his phone and looked at the 53 displayed on the school's official software account.

5 contribution points, showing a happy smile, although he almost lost his life this time, but the harvest was quite rich, it is true that a horse cannot grow fat without night grass.

Before, he also earned nearly two million cash from the sunscreen charms he sold himself. For the first time in his life, he felt the joy of being rich.

As soon as he had money in his hand, he immediately looked at the school mall, wanting to get himself a handy weapon. Weapons play a huge role in the early stage of ability users. Good weapons can directly raise a person's strength limit. In the past, there was no need to think about it when there was no money. Now that there is money, it is time to krypton gold.

Looking at the dazzling array of weapons in the mall, Lin Qixuan searched for light weapons, and he shook his head repeatedly. The runes attached to them were all for treatment and purification, and there was no attack.

But think about it, even the Supreme Realm Rune of the Holy Tiger of Light has lost most of its function. Even if the attack rune is engraved, the light ability user cannot play a role.

Lin Qixuan didn't give up. He took a day off and took the bus to the physical store in the school to see if he could find good stuff in the store.

Although it's called a store, it's actually no different from a large supermarket. There are several floors, each floor sells different things, and the first floor sells weapons and protective gear.

Entering the store, it was very deserted. Since it's summer vacation, seniors are basically not in school. Only a few freshmen are shopping. Freshmen don't have contribution points, so they can only shop like this, so there's not even a receptionist.

Lin Qixuan didn't waste time and directly found a beautiful female clerk in an OL outfit in the corner to ask if there are any weapons suitable for her.

The female clerk was watching a short video at this time. Although she was interrupted by Lin Qixuan, she was not impatient. Her professional qualities made her smile and said, "Welcome, classmate, how can I help you?"

Lin Qixuan said quickly, "I'm sorry, I'm a light-type ability user in the manipulation realm. I don't know if there are any weapons suitable for me in the store."

When the female clerk heard that this handsome freshman had actually reached the manipulation realm, her attitude immediately became better and she said, "Yes, yes, I'll recommend one to you."

As she said that, she led Lin Qixuan to the weapon area and took out an exquisite scepter as tall as a person and said, "Look at this blessed scepter, it is very suitable for your light system. It can not only improve the treatment effect, but the runes engraved on it can also instantly cast a magic light shield, which combines treatment and protection. The price is good, only 100 contribution points."

100 contribution points, converted into money is 1 million, and the price in the school is cheaper than outside. If you buy it outside, 1 million is not enough. This is just a weapon in the manipulation realm. Ability users are not ordinary money-burning.

But this is not what Lin Qixuan wants. He scratched his head and asked embarrassedly:

"This one is pretty good, but do you have any offensive light weapons?"

When the female clerk heard this, a look of surprise appeared on her pretty face, and she said: "Student, are you serious?..."


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