At the same time, a large number of people gathered in a bustling night market in Shanghai.

As a world-famous international metropolis, Shanghai has no shortage of people.

Office workers and workers sitting on various roadside stalls drinking and eating skewers. After a tiring day of work, inviting three or five friends to drink cold beer and eat supper is the happiest enjoyment of the day.

In front of a fried rice stall, a flat-headed young man was struggling to stir-fry rice. The hot summer air and the big fire in front of the stove made his whole body wet.

"Jia Tao, make another serving of egg and ham fried rice."

When Jia Tao heard the boss calling him, he subconsciously wanted to shake his hair, but when he remembered that he already had a flat head, he said with a bit of amusement: "Okay, right away."

If Lin Qixuan was here, he would have found that this young man named Jia Tao was the classmate who awakened to level 0 of the fire system at the awakening ceremony of Nanhu No. 1 Senior High School. At this time, he had cut off his non-mainstream hair, and his appearance was fair and even a little handsome.

As a former member of the Zangai family, Jia Tao used to hang out and fight in school all day long, not studying well, and even smoked in the toilet with other friends during the break. Every classmate would take a detour when they saw him.

After awakening to level 0 of the fire system, he became a laughing stock in the eyes of his classmates. And failing the college entrance examination was also expected. He couldn't even get a score to go to a technical secondary school. If he went back, he would be criticized by his parents and relatives. In a fit of anger, he ran away from home and came to the Magic City with a few hundred yuan.

He had heard from his good friend Zang Aileng Shao that there were money and opportunities everywhere, and he believed that he would be able to make a name for himself in the Magic City.

After arriving in the Magic City, he wanted to find a job to make money, but he was only a high school graduate and his education was too low, so no company wanted him.

He wanted to deliver food and express delivery, but the money he had was not enough to rent an electric car.

The housing prices in the Magic City were too high, and he couldn't rent a house with the few hundred yuan he had. He could only go to the Internet cafe every night to make do, and he could stay overnight after using the computer for an hour.

One night, he was too hungry, and the things in the Internet cafe were too expensive, so he left the Internet cafe and came to this night market.

It happened that the owner of this fried rice stall had injured his arm because of moving goods, so he took him in and taught him how to make fried rice, and also provided food and accommodation, which finally gave him a place to stay in the Magic City.

Although he couldn't practice the fire system at level 0, it was more than enough to be a cook. The stall owner was surprised to find that after teaching him a few times, Jia Tao could fry rice well, so now he is asked to cook in the evening and can pay him 100 yuan a night.

Jia Tao finally has hope for life now, hoping to save some money here, find a cooking school to study hard, and become a chef in the future.

While Jia Tao was struggling to fry rice, a middle-aged bald man, a beautiful young woman in cool clothes and a fat man sat at the stall next door and ordered a bunch of barbecue.

"Boss, how do you fry this fried rice? It's too salty."

A drunk strong man suddenly slapped the table and started to make a scene. The stall owner immediately stepped forward and smiled, saying that he would fry another portion for him for free.

The stall owner threw the fried rice in front of Jia Tao and said angrily: "How did you fry it? You fried the good rice like this!"

Jia Tao looked at the stall owner with a confused face, tasted the fried rice and said aggrievedly: "Boss, this is not salty, I know it."

But the stall owner did not listen, and still said: "Why would people make a fuss if it is not salty, Jia Tao, you are now strong, right? You have learned to talk back, right? You don't have to come from tomorrow!"

"No, boss, I was wrong, I will never talk back again."

Jia Tao immediately became anxious when he heard it. This was a job he had finally found, he cherished it very much, and his life had just started to have hope, he didn't want it to be shattered like this, and in his excitement, the flame in front of the stove suddenly became bigger.

This change made the middle-aged man who was eating barbecue next door look back with a bit of playful interest in his eyes.

The stall owner seemed to be determined and still insisted on letting him get out.

In fact, the children of his relatives from his hometown also came to Shanghai and called him to ask for help in taking care of them. He couldn't refuse, and his arm was healed, so there was no point in keeping Jia Tao.

They were also a small business, and two people were enough to run the stall.

At three o'clock in the morning, Jia Tao packed his luggage and wandered around the street in a daze, with 100 yuan of today's salary in his hand.

The huge Shanghai had no place for him at this time, and he felt very sad.

The time was extremely painful, and he regretted that he did not study hard in high school, which led to his current situation.

When he passed by a large Internet cafe, he remembered the days when he played dance and racing with a group of brothers in the Internet cafe in high school.

At that time, his online name was Zang Ai Ting Tao, with a killer style, sitting in front of the computer and typing on the keyboard with his fingers flying. It was funny to think about it now.

That was his lost youth, and there was no other place to go at the moment. He thought that he would spend the night in the Internet cafe like before, and then go out to find other restaurants to work tomorrow.

Just as he was about to go in, a middle-aged bald man blocked his way, followed by a beautiful young woman and a fat man.

The middle-aged bald man smiled and said, "Jia Tao, right?"

Jia Tao looked at him blankly and nodded, "I am, who are you?"

He didn't know anyone in Modu, why did this middle-aged man find him and know his name?

The middle-aged man was avoiding the camera intentionally or unintentionally, and said with a smile: "My name is Ding Baokun, you can call me Brother Kun, this is my girlfriend Chen Shuya, and this fat guy is Qian Kang."

Jia Tao hurriedly said: "Hello, hello, I don't know why you are looking for me?"

Ding Baokun still smiled and said: "You are a fire ability user, right?"

"How do you know?" But Jia Tao immediately laughed at himself again, "I am a level 0 fire ability user, a useless person."

Ding Baokun nodded and said: "Haha, I know, we are looking for you for this matter. This is not the place to talk. I wonder if you can go with us?"

Jia Tao was a little hesitant when he heard this. Although he had no money, he had heard that bad guys would capture people and sell human organs. He didn't want to be choked out of a kidney after leaving.

Seeing Jia Tao's hesitation, Ding Baokun winked at the beautiful young woman beside him. The beautiful young woman Chen Shuya immediately understood and stepped forward to grab Jia Tao's arm. Her towering breasts pressed tightly against Jia Tao's arm, making Jia Tao feel a little helpless. He wanted to break free but was reluctant to do so.

Chen Shuya looked to be in her thirties, but she was well maintained. She had a mature charm in her every move. She smiled and said:

"Oh, handsome boy, we are good people and also capable people. We won't hurt you.

We just had dinner at that night market and saw how the boss bullied you. Brother Kun was very angry and taught him a lesson after you left. If you don't believe it, we will show you the video."

As she said that, she took out her mobile phone with one hand and opened the video, while holding Jia Tao's arm tightly with the other hand.

In the video, you can see that Brother Kun, named Ding Baokun, pressed the stall owner on the table, and a slight twist broke the stall owner's arm. The stall owner kept begging for mercy in pain.

Seeing the miserable appearance of the stall owner, Jia Tao felt a little happy in his heart. It's good to be a person with special abilities. If I were also a person with special abilities, I would not be bullied by these ordinary people.

The video was still playing, but Jia Tao's eyes gradually looked at Chen Shuya's chest.

It was the hot summer at this time. Chen Shuya was wearing a white low-cut tight camisole. Her chest, which was close to his arm, changed shape under the squeeze. The deep ravines made Jia Tao swallow his saliva unconsciously.

Chen Shuya was very confident in her figure. She had already felt Jia Tao's eyes and said with a smile:

"Handsome boy, you see we didn't lie to you. If you want to gain power and don't want to be bullied, just come with us. There will be a surprise."

Looking at Chen Shuya with a smile like a flower, coupled with his desire for power, Jia Tao slowly said:



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