After a long time, the two of them were in a mess.

Following the three people, Jia Tao came to a dilapidated old neighborhood.

After entering one of the houses, Ding Baokun told Jia Tao about their origins.

"What! Are you from the Salvation Society?"

Jia Tao turned around and was about to leave. Although he was not in the circle of people with abilities, the notorious reputation of the Salvation Society was known to everyone. To put it bluntly, it was a cult.

Seeing Jia Tao was about to leave, Ding Baokun did not stop him, but said slowly:

"There are misunderstandings about the Salvation Society in the world. What is good and what is evil has always been determined by the victor.

Think about your experience. I know you are kind-hearted, but you are still bullied. Are those ordinary people who bully you just?

And we, who are defined as evil, helped you get revenge. Now we can still give you strength and let you live a different life. Do you think we are evil?"

Jia Tao stopped walking out and looked at Ding Baokun and said, "Thank you for helping me get revenge, but that boss is also kind to me. If he hadn't taken me in, I might have starved to death on the street."

"Oh? Then what about in the future? How are you going to make a living in this society with nothing? Without strength, you will only continue to be bullied and live a hard life with a meager salary.

You can't buy a house in a big city, and beautiful women have nothing to do with you.

When you are tired, you Will you go back to your hometown, find a job that can fill your stomach, marry an ordinary woman who can't be more ordinary, and live an ordinary life? Is this what you want? "

Looking at Jia Tao, whose expression gradually changed from firm to hesitant, Ding Baokun continued:

"And now the opportunity to change is right in front of you. Don't rush to refuse. You can stay with us first, and you can choose to join us if it's appropriate. "

At this time, Chen Shuya also stepped forward at the right time, and said with seductive eyes: "Little handsome boy, you stay first. Brother Kun doesn't look down on ordinary people. He is a natural awakener at the peak of the control realm. You are not better off working under him than you are like this. "

Jia Tao no longer hesitated. The desire for power occupied his mind, but he still retained a trace of reason, "I can stay first, but if I find you doing evil, I will choose to leave at any time. "

Hearing that Jia Tao was willing to stay, Ding Baokun's face showed a smile again. As long as he was willing to stay, he was not afraid that Jia Tao would leave.

"Okay, we are brothers from now on. I am older than you, so you can call me Brother Kun from now on. We should not play tricks on our own people. I will make you stronger now."

As he said this, he took out a glass bottle from his trouser pocket, which contained a hideous-looking insect.

Ding Baokun opened the bottle cap, pinched the insect's tentacles and lifted it up. The lifted insect shook its countless slender legs and tried to break free.

Looking at this disgusting insect, Jia Tao said in panic: "What is this?"

Ding Baokun laughed and said: "This is a good thing. Now the Salvation Society is eager for talents. Originally, you had to be in the extraordinary realm to join the society, but now the requirements have been lowered. I was appreciated by the evil ghosts and gods under the Insect King, and this holy insect was given to me.

Don't look at it as ugly, but as long as you swallow it, it can greatly improve a person's potential. Others want it but can't."

Do you still want to swallow this thing?

Jia Tao shook his head immediately after hearing this: "No, no, I can't accept it."

But Ding Baokun said nonchalantly: "Listen to me, I won't hurt you."

Seeing that Jia Tao was about to refuse, Ding Baokun became impatient. He made a seal with his hands, and a female ghost in white clothes and disheveled hair floated out of his body. The originally stuffy room suddenly became cold.

This horrible scene frightened Jia Tao so much that his legs went weak and he fell to the ground.

Looking at the female ghost, Ding Baokun showed a trace of disgust in his eyes, but still commanded her to possess Jia Tao.

As soon as the female ghost possessed him, Jia Tao felt a chill all over his body, as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, and his whole body was stiff and unable to move.

Ding Baokun picked up the holy insect and pried open Jia Tao's mouth, trying to stuff the insect into his mouth.

Seeing Jia Tao's terrified look, Ding Baokun smiled and said, "I'm not an unreasonable person. Since you are so scared, let's try another way."

As he said this, he placed the holy insect on Jia Tao's body. When the holy insect came into contact with human flesh, it opened its ferocious mouthparts and cut open Jia Tao's skin and drilled into it, constantly moving around in his body.

Finally, the holy insect came

It crawled on Jia Tao's spine, and strange patterns appeared on its body, and it just disappeared.

At this time, Jia Tao felt his spine numb and his whole body was in severe pain. He wanted to scream, but he couldn't scream because of the female ghost. He fainted in pain.

After an unknown amount of time, Jia Tao slowly opened his eyes on a bed. Ding Baokun and Qian Kang were gone. Only Chen Shuya looked at Jia Tao who had woken up and smiled:

"You're awake, how do you feel?"

Jia Tao sat up and got out of bed. He felt refreshed and full of energy.

He closed his eyes and looked inside. He found that his body was full of rich fire energy, and he could also feel the fire elements floating between heaven and earth at this time, but the hideous insect disappeared.

Jia Tao opened his eyes excitedly and raised his right hand. A ball of orange flame appeared in his palm, allowing his mind to change different shapes.

He said in ecstasy: "Is this... the control realm?"

Chen Shuya was not surprised and smiled and said: "Yes, now you know what Brother Kun said is true, you can meet Brother Kun is the greatest opportunity in your life."

Jia Tao scratched his head embarrassedly. He didn't expect that he could rise to the top in one step, from a useless person of level 0 in the fire system to a master of the control realm. The holy insect was really useful.

Chen Shuya took out a pair of black gloves at this time, which were covered with red patterns and looked very cool.

She said, "This is a gift from Brother Kun - Red Lotus Gloves. Wearing it will help you control the flames better. It also has the magic of Exploding Red Lotus. Brother Kun is really good to you. Even I am a little jealous."

Jia Tao happily took the Red Lotus Gloves. Brother Kun was really nice. "Where is Brother Kun? I want to thank him in person!"

Chen Shuya covered her mouth with her hand and yawned. "He took Qian Kang out to do something. You have just become a master of the realm. Have a good rest first. I also want to catch up on my sleep."

Looking at Chen Shuya who left with her slender waist, Jia Tao licked his lips and went back to bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

This experience was so dreamy that he felt that everything was not so real...


The next morning, Lin Qixuan got up on time at seven o'clock, facing the morning sun and breathing, and suddenly he was full of energy.

He went to the bathroom to wash his long hair, blew it into a 3:7 style with a hair dryer, applied some hair mud and sprayed it with hairspray, and then left the bedroom in a showy manner.

Jinghui was already waiting in the living room at this time. The two went to the cafeteria to have breakfast together, and took the bus to the third stadium of the Battle Academy.

It was exactly 8:30 in the morning, and the stadium was already full of freshmen participating in the competition. Among them were some seniors who had already returned to school, and they also wanted to see how strong the recent freshmen were.

After waiting for a while, the teacher who acted as the referee called the names of the freshmen participating in Group 6 one by one.

When the name Kong Jian was called, Lin Qixuan and other contestants looked up at Kong Jian at the same time.

This boy named Kong Jian was the gold-type natural awakener in Group 6. He looked handsome, but his body was very thin.

At this moment, he was holding a metal ball with a strange luster in his hand and kept throwing it, looking at other contestants with a playful look.

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