The two of them were very busy, and the two of them were very busy.

"Lin Qixuan, Li Pengfei, come out for a moment."

Just as the scene fell into silence, the voice of the head teacher Tian Haitao appeared at the door of the classroom. For the first time, Li Pengfei felt that the head teacher's voice was so kind.

The classmates enviously watched Lin Qixuan and Li Pengfei walk out. Only today's duty student stared at Li Pengfei's back fiercely, cursing in his heart that he had bad luck and had to help this guy sweep the floor again if he failed to awaken successfully.

Outside the classroom door, Tian Haitao said to the two of them in a gentle tone:

"We have to go to the school's assembly hall now. The teachers of the ability academy want to see you."

Tian Haitao didn't expect Lin Qixuan to be able to awaken successfully. This slap in the face came too quickly, but fortunately he didn't do anything impulsive.

He looked at Li Pengfei next to him. The two of them had good academic performance, but they were not top students, nor were they the troublemakers in the class. His impression of the two was just four words - mediocre. He could only sigh at the metaphysical nature of ordinary people's successful awakening.

"Teacher, what are they going to do when they meet us?" Lin Qixuan asked curiously.

"Of course, it's a mobilization meeting before filling in the application form. Those colleges are very happy to compete for those with excellent awakening abilities. For people like you who have awakened to level 6, even the Magic City and Kyoto Universities will hope that you will choose them."

Tian Tao explained patiently, while introducing some other large schools.

As they talked, they came to the school's auditorium, where they could see dozens of students who had just awakened successfully arriving one after another.

After seeing that everyone was there, the dean of teaching hurriedly reported to the principal Wu Yang. After hearing this, Wu Yang walked to the front of the stage, picked up the microphone and began to host:

"Congratulations to all the students again. We hurriedly called everyone here because the teachers of various colleges are eager to learn about talents and can't wait to get to know each other. By the way, we will introduce the colleges we represent. You can choose your favorite school through the next meeting. Now, let's welcome the teachers with warm applause."

After speaking, amid the applause of the students, a group of teachers from the colleges came to the front of the stage one by one from behind the scenes of the hall to greet the students below. Wang Zhize was elected as the representative of the college teachers to speak to the students, "Hello, students. I am Wang Zhize, the representative teacher of Kyoto University of Abilities. Here, I first congratulate you on awakening your superpowers and starting a new chapter in your life.

Maybe some students have just tested their abilities out of curiosity, and the feeling is not the same as imagined."

Hearing this, Lin Qixuan glanced at Li Pengfei teasingly and winked at him. Li Pengfei rolled his eyes at him after seeing it.

Then I heard Wang Zhize say: "As a newly awakened person, it is normal that you are not familiar with your own abilities. This requires you to choose a good academy to help you use and develop your abilities.

Good schools have rich resources and experience in cultivating and developing superpowers. Of course, this is a two-way choice. When you choose us, we will also evaluate you. We will distribute enrollment manuals to you later. You can decide your intentions by comparing the manuals and the subsequent understanding. Now you can ask me any questions you have."

A student in the audience immediately raised his hand, "Teacher, how can we improve and develop our abilities specifically?"

Wang Zhize replied: "This is a good question. Successful awakening is only the first step towards becoming a strong person. We need If you want to use special methods to improve your ability level, the simplest and most direct one is meditation. "

"Meditation? Like a magician?"

"Almost. After you have awakened successfully, you should have been able to feel that the world we live in is now full of various elements. We need to absorb the corresponding elements through meditation to strengthen our ability energy level.

Of course, we can also hunt monsters to obtain their crystal cores to absorb and improve, or take some natural treasures. These need to be obtained in the restricted area. The restricted area is full of dangers and is not suitable for everyone at this stage. In the early stage, you still have to meditate honestly and exercise your body and skills. If your family is rich and you are a krypton gold player, just ignore what I said. "

"How do you improve your mental ability?" Chen Yu, who has awakened his mental ability, asked.

Wang Zhize looked at Chen Yu and said, "Mental abilities also rely on meditation, but instead of absorbing elements, you have to exercise your

Mental power, relatively speaking, it is a little harder to improve mental power, but we cannot deny the strength of the mental system. So even if you are an elemental student, I suggest you practice mental power. If the gap is too big, you may not even have a chance to attack and be killed. "

After speaking, Wang Zhize looked at the students, "Okay, the specific practice methods will be known when you enter the academy. If you have no other questions, we will start distributing manuals now. "

At this time, Lin Qixuan suddenly stood up and asked Wang Zhize: "Excuse me, teacher, if you enter the academy, how is the tuition collected?"

Hearing Lin Qixuan's question, the students below all looked at him with gratitude, because Lin Qixuan asked the question that everyone wanted to ask but was embarrassed to ask.

After listening, Wang Zhize smiled and said: "It's a very realistic problem. The Academy for Abilities is not a charity. Most of the tuition is 100,000 yuan a year, and the school system is 4 years. However, the academy will conduct evaluations every year, and outstanding students can reduce or waive tuition fees based on their own abilities.

The college will also issue its own tasks. Students can choose tasks that suit them to complete. After completing them, there will be generous rewards. Everyone can earn tuition fees through tasks.

If you can't pay the tuition fees for the first year, don't worry. We also have charity student loans with very low interest rates. After that, you can slowly repay them by doing tasks after your strength improves, so you don't have to worry too much about tuition fees. "

Hearing Wang Zhize's explanation, Lin Qixuan instantly became happy. If the tuition was too high, he might not be able to afford it with his ordinary family conditions. And there would be tasks to do later, and he could "work and study" to solve the tuition.

Seeing that the students had no other questions to ask, Wang Zhize asked people to distribute the admissions brochure. Lin Qixuan saw that the brochure wrote the admission standards of various colleges, their respective fields of expertise and advantages. The two best colleges were Kyoto University of Ability and Magic City University of Ability.

However, this has both advantages and disadvantages. Good colleges are not short of excellent talents, and the competition must be very fierce. After going to ordinary colleges, resources will definitely be tilted. This is indeed worth considering. He believes that after this meeting, there will definitely be colleges that will find students with outstanding awakening to negotiate and promise a series of conditions.

"Okay, today's meeting is over. If the students have other questions, they can come to us. After returning, you can discuss with your parents which college to go to. Tomorrow, everyone will come to the school to fill in the application. We will notify everyone as soon as possible after admission.

By the way, let me advertise again. Those who have awakened superpowers at level 6 or above can apply to our Kyoto University of Abilities with confidence. We are eager to recruit talents. "

Hearing Wang Zhize's subsequent remarks, the teachers of other colleges cursed this guy for being unethical, but they did not dare to be idle. They all went to the students they favored to negotiate conditions.

Lin Qixuan was approached by Wang Zhize and Guan Bei at the same time, persuading him to join their respective colleges, but they did not discuss substantive conditions. With the foundation of these two schools, there was really no need to discuss any conditions. They believed that Lin Qixuan would make the right choice.

Afterwards, teachers from other colleges found Lin Qixuan. Hearing the generous conditions offered by the other party, his little abacus in his heart was jingling, but he still promised to go back and ask Ask parents for their opinions.

After getting rid of the college teachers' entanglement, Lin Qixuan and Li Pengfei returned to the class and started to attend classes. Seeing the teacher talking about the topic on the podium, the two of them had no mood to listen at all.

After they successfully awakened, they didn't have to take the college entrance examination, and their lives started a new track.

The timing of the awakening ceremony card was also quite interesting. It was just a few days before the college entrance examination. Lin Qixuan guessed that on the one hand, the thoughts and moral qualities of the senior high school students had matured, and they had a stable worldview. After awakening their abilities, they would not act recklessly like children. On the other hand, their culture had not fallen behind, and their education level had a basic guarantee.

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