After a while, the teacher said that he was going to sleep.

Ding ding ding...

In the afternoon, after the school bell rang, Lin Qixuan stood up and stretched himself. After packing his schoolbag and saying goodbye to Li Pengfei, he rushed out of the classroom first.

When he arrived at the school gate, Lin Qixuan just wanted to wait for the bus at the bus stop, but he saw his father Lin Li waiting at the gate on an electric bike.

After seeing his father, Lin Qixuan asked in surprise: "Dad, why are you here?"

Lin Li saw his son happily and said: "After seeing the message you sent in the group, your father couldn't sit still. I immediately asked for leave from the company to pick you up. Your mother also asked for leave, but she went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables. You can wait for a big dinner tonight."

Lin Qixuan was moved and silently thanked the light spot in his heart. If there was no light spot, his life might be different now.

At night, in the Xingfu Garden community, the kitchens on each floor were filled with the sound of cooking, full of fireworks.

This is an old community. Lin Qixuan lives on the fifth floor. There is no elevator. He used to be a little out of breath when climbing the fifth floor, but today he awakened successfully. Lin Qixuan's body was nourished by the light energy. He was the first to run up to the fifth floor in one breath without blushing or panting.

After entering the door, Lin Qixuan saw his mother busy in the kitchen. At this time, his mood was completely different from before. He went up to his mother and gave her a big hug, which made his mother Yin Nan a little embarrassed.

Originally, Lin Qixuan wanted to help his mother. In his previous life, he worked and lived alone outside and practiced good cooking skills. However, his mother smiled and drove him out, telling him to wait and eat.

An hour later, the table in the restaurant was full of food, all of which were Lin Qixuan's favorites.

"Come on, Qixuan, have another chicken leg."

Mother Yin Nan happily picked up a chicken leg for her son. After knowing the news that her son had awakened successfully, the smile on her face never disappeared. Father Lin Li had been answering and making phone calls on the balcony, thanking relatives and friends for their congratulations. He didn't have time to drink the newly opened red-capped white wine on the table. Of course, it is unknown how much of it was sincere.

"Mom, please go slow. I haven't finished the sweet and sour pork ribs in my bowl."

Lin Qixuan said this, but he didn't stop eating. He had just awakened successfully, and his appetite became very big. He felt that he could eat a full banquet, and most of the dishes on the table went into his mouth.

After his father Lin Li came back after answering the phone, Lin Qixuan also started to talk to his parents about business:

"Mom and Dad, can you help me see which college I should choose?"

Lin Li took a sip of white wine, "Then it must be Magic University or Beijing University. Although the conditions offered by other colleges are good, we have to take a long-term view. Although the competition pressure between Magic University and Beijing University is great, the college is there after all. After graduation, whether you go to a big company or an excellent ability firm, you will have a good qualification. You don't have to worry about tuition fees. Although your parents are ordinary people, they have saved some money over the years."

Mother Yin Nan also said: "Yes, Qixuan, you have the conditions now, so go to the graduate school and try it. Others may not succeed even if they want to go. You have to seize the opportunity. What's more, you awakened to the light system. You will be very popular as a healer in the future. You don't have to fight on the front line. Your father and I can feel more at ease. It's really good to awaken this ability."

Lin Qixuan nodded, "Well, I think so too. The strength of these two colleges is similar. I prefer the Magic University. It's close to home. It's convenient for me to come back to see you when I have time."

After listening to Lin Qixuan's words, his parents agreed and had a happy dinner.


After dinner, Lin Qixuan returned to his room, turned on the computer and started to check the information of this world.

After he came to this world, he still lacked knowledge of this place. He was troubled by the awakening ceremony before. He had no mood and time to look carefully. Now that he has awakened successfully, he finally has time to start to understand this world.

Through searching, Lin Qixuan discovered that this world was originally similar to his previous world, both of which were based on technology. However, a few decades ago, a major disaster occurred between heaven and earth. Earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions swept the world. Many places disappeared directly on the map and became forbidden areas for life.

After the disaster, people found that the world was filled with various energies and elements. People with strong talents could directly awaken their superpowers and become strong.

. In the restricted area, many magical plants appeared. Some of them produced fruits that could greatly change a person's physique, and some could directly enhance the level of superpowers.

At the same time, the animals in the restricted area also mutated. Mysterious runes appeared on their bodies, and they became monsters. They became extremely powerful and brutal. Humans of the same level were obviously one level lower than them. It was difficult for human weapons to effectively harm high-level monsters. The most fatal thing was that they were numerous and had a huge base. People who wanted to enter the restricted area to obtain resources had to face their challenges first. Some powerful monsters would rush into the human field from time to time to cause destruction, and humans could not bear it.

This situation was not alleviated until humans mined the awakening stone from the underground of the restricted area. The awakening stone allowed ordinary people to have a chance to awaken superpowers. Through the awakening stone, a large number of strong people emerged in the human world.

At the same time, humans also discovered other special mineral resources from the underground of the restricted area. Smart humans studied the runes mutated from the monsters and engraved them on these mineral resources, which can create more powerful weapons and equipment, and can play a more outstanding role when used with ability users.

But these are just barely maintaining the status quo. If humans want to return to the dominant position, they must continuously create new strong people, and the Academy of Ability Users came into being.

Of course, there are all kinds of birds in the forest. After some ability users become powerful, their ambitions begin to expand, and they want to subvert the existing regime. Some ability users do everything they can to pursue power, and even some ability users with pure evil hearts have formed a team.

Among them, a group called the Salvation Society is particularly prominent. They are planning conspiracies everywhere, destroying the peace of mankind, and advocating that disasters are the punishment of the world's will on mankind. They follow the guidance of the world's will to cleanse mankind and get redemption.

After seeing this information, Lin Qixuan couldn't help but sigh that the world is not safe. Powerful monsters and evil people hiding in the dark are nightmares for ordinary people.

'This world needs heroes, and your brother Xuan is the man chosen by the light', Lin Qixuan thought so. No matter what, for the safety of his family and himself, he had to improve his strength as soon as possible, and he couldn't wait until something irreversible happened before regretting it.

People think that although the light system is very powerful in healing and purification, it is somewhat incapable of fighting. Lin Qixuan didn't believe this. He must develop and improve the light system and he wanted to be the spokesperson for the light system.

Thinking of this, he came to the bed from the computer desk, took off his slippers, and sat cross-legged on the bed. He closed his eyes and concentrated, and saw the light spot again in his consciousness, and the light spot stayed there quietly.

Lin Qixuan looked carefully for a while, and he was surprised to find that the halo on the light spot expanded and shrank dimly, as if it was breathing with a special rhythm.

Under the traction of the light spot, Lin Qixuan's breathing unconsciously imitated the light spot. At first, he couldn't keep up, and he was choked and coughed. Then he found that his breathing was disordered in the middle of the breath, but he didn't give up.

After countless failures, he completed a complete breath. After the breath was completed, his body and the light spot seemed to resonate.

In an instant, the light elements in the air continued to flow into his body, and then flowed to his limbs. Lin Qixuan felt a sense of peace in his heart, and the pores all over his body were dilated, and some impurities in his body were faintly discharged. At the same time, he could feel that the light spot was also constantly absorbing light elements. In just a moment, he was sure that his supernatural energy level had increased from level 6 to level 7, and the effect was immediate.

After a while, his body calmed down. Lin Qixuan felt that his physique had been strengthened again and he was full of strength. He started doing push-ups on the spot and did it for an hour without feeling tired at all.

After Lin Qixuan finished doing push-ups, he did not stop and started to use the mysterious breathing method, and then released the light power. The light became more dazzling. Lin Qixuan felt that under the blessing of this breathing method, his body and the light power were more and more compatible. He was ecstatic and understood the heaven-defying breathing method.

And this is just the beginning. Will this breathing method become more magical after practicing it? Lin Qixuan began to look forward to his future.

Because the breathing method expelled some impurities, Lin Qixuan took off his clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower. After taking a shower, he looked at his body in the mirror.

He was 1.8 meters tall, with an upright posture, strong limbs, and a faint feeling of strength in his abdomen and chest.

The lines of muscles. With short black hair, a handsome face, and a unique temperament after awakening, he looks like a sunny and energetic little wolf dog. I don’t know which girl he will marry in the future. Lin Qixuan suddenly laughed at the mirror...

After taking a shower, Lin Qixuan washed his dirty clothes. He didn’t want to go to school in a stinky school uniform tomorrow. His mother Yin Nan laughed and scolded him, saying why wash clothes so late at night. Even if he washed them, they wouldn’t be dry tomorrow.

Hearing this, Lin Qixuan was stunned for a moment, and suddenly had a bold idea in his mind. He activated his light ability and shone it on the clothes. After he continued to increase the output energy, the clothes dried in a short while, and there was still a smell of sunshine on them.

Then he picked out his underwear and shone it on him for a long time with his light ability, calling it sterilization.

Mother Yin Nan twitched her lips and said, "Your light ability is quite useful. You won't have to worry about having no food to eat if you help people dry their clothes in the future..."


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