The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1602: Here is another forbidden area

"It's really a clone of the main **** level, burning the power of the whole body. With this one-time explosion of the main artifact, although it is inferior, the power is really terrible." Chi Nan thought in shock.

There is no way, this power is still above oneself, but if there is no such power in desperation, then there is no need to desperately. A guy far inferior to him holding a low-quality artifact, the power he exerts is equally eye-catching.

At this moment, the Lord of the Evil Orcs, who had burned himself completely, didn't feel much anymore. Because the power is completely injected into that one-time main artifact, as long as you aim at the target, it will keep attacking. Until the power is exhausted, this main artifact will also be abolished. In the void, sparks continued to shoot.

"Damn it, how could the Lord of the Sacred Tree come with the Lord Divine Tool? Isn't he afraid of being lost in this forbidden land?"

"Follow him, if there is a chance, just **** it over." Divine light flashed in the eyes of the Nine-Headed King.

Although the King of Nine Heads has never used artifacts, it is good to collect them. Show it off in the future, it will definitely attract the attention of many people, the King of Nine Heads thought in his heart.

"This **** bastard, they should have thought of their purpose long ago." Chi Nan's demon incarnation wanted to rush over, but because of the powerful void turbulence in the middle, he could only approach little by little, very slowly.

Chi Nan's whip wrapped around the drill bit, constantly rubbing between the two, bursting out beams of divine light, which was extremely dazzling. It’s just that everyone has no idea of ​​watching, this problem is too serious.

If the Cthulhu succeeds, they will be able to destroy the six main **** clones and gain a lot. If Chi Nan succeeds, Cthulhu will not be able to do his best, and there will be some regrets, and there will be more competitors after entering.

Almost at the same time, everyone around them reacted. But things happened too fast, almost the moment of the attack, everything was over. Chi Nan launched a whip attack from the Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms, forcibly bounced that force away. But the power of sacrificing self-explosion also shook Chi Nan's hands and feet numb.

The most important thing is that Chinan's flight route has undergone tremendous changes. This force suddenly shook Chi Nan away and flew away in another direction. Chi Nan could only protect himself with all his strength from the damage of the void storm.

But he was also very fast, and flew towards the huge phantom of the kingdom of God in an instant.

As for the drill, it rushed in the other direction, leaving a huge gully in the void, which was then slowly filled. When the power is exhausted, the one-time main artifact will naturally be destroyed.

When everyone reacted, Chi Nan had disappeared in front of him. In this kind of void storm, even their main gods' perception ability is very limited. Chi Nan disappeared, and it was impossible to find it.

"Damn evil god, you are looking for death." Chi Nan's demon incarnation, angrily rushed in the direction of several evil gods, and flames fiercely attacked each other. It's just that the heretic gods didn't pay any attention to them. Instead, they speeded up, only used defense, and continued to rush forward, completely ignoring Chi Nan's attack.

"Don't be impulsive, don't fall into their tactics. If you pass and four of them besie you one, you are not an opponent at all."

The lord of giants held his axe and stared at them coldly. This look made the scalp numb of several evil gods. If the lord of giants and Black Lotus are here to oppose them, none of them will make a profit.

So under the mutual jealousy of the two sides, everyone continued to fly forward. The demon incarnation of Chi Nan also calmed down at this time.

Yes, you can't continue to make trouble. Even if you really lose a clone, don't you still have one? As long as you can enter it, you can get benefits. What's more, his own clone hasn't died yet.

And he can't show that he is too close to the deity, otherwise there will definitely be more speculations. Even now, the others regarded himself and the deity as allies. The abominable Void Turbulence, a little further away in this place, it is impossible for myself and the deity to contact, and it is completely separated by Void Turbulence.

On the other side, Chi Nan, who was shocked flying, also wanted to cry without tears, and the communication between the clone sent by the demon incarnation and himself was completely interrupted. There is no direction here, and even time and space are not clear.

Only the huge phantom of the kingdom of God in front of him, let himself know whether he is approaching or far away. Now there is no way to find Black Lotus, there is no way but to move on. "Hey, I hope I can meet it in the kingdom of God."

Originally, the two clones were able to help each other together and remain invincible, but unexpectedly, now they have to fight on their own. In this case, his own advantages have also been reduced to the extreme.

When he finally came to the kingdom of God, Chi Nan found that the kingdom of God was the same as the real one, except in a different shape. The huge barrier on the surface does not have the slightest strength to resist, it is completely open to welcome others to enter.

Without even thinking about it, Chi Nan flew towards the barrier, didn't he come here to enter it?

Only after entering, Chi Nan was depressed: "Damn ancient gods, what the **** is doing. This kingdom of God is like a forbidden Is this not leaving a way for others to survive?" "

Chi Nan cursed secretly, there was no way, after he came here, he felt a heavy pressure on his body. Under this pressure, it was difficult for his own divine power to burst out. Divine art that used to be very easy to use now consumes more power, and the effect is not as good as before, even the body has become heavier.

Although I can still fly here, the flying speed is very slow, far worse than walking on the road by myself.

The perception is suppressed only in a small area, which is far less than what one can see with his own eyes, and this aspect of perception has basically been abolished. The only advantage is that as long as you don't release long-distance or large-scale magic skills here, your own divine power consumption is very small. "Damn it, I don't know if my defenses have also weakened. Are these ancient gods all melee lunatics."

Chi Nan muttered, while adapting to the surrounding environment. "Perhaps, I have to do my best job again." Chi Nan thought for a while, a seed fell from his body, and then the seed began to germinate and grow.

Even if the strength of these plant weapons is not very good, if they are only used to explore here, they should be very suitable for them, Chi Nan thought silently in his heart.

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