The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1603: I started fighting outside

?You can't see what's happening outside in the void storm, but you can clearly see what's happening inside. At the moment when Cthulhu's top main **** launched a sneak attack, all the gods saw this scene.

"Hahahaha, our great evil **** lord is indeed the most powerful, you idiots and orthodox gods."

The Cthulhu side was silent for a while, and suddenly bursts of cheers erupted. Although there was one that was not killed, it was taken too far. The remaining five ghost shadows of the main **** who were attacking were all wiped out at once.

Five avatars of the main gods, such a big loss, for the morale of the evil gods, it is a huge improvement. The five top-level combat powers are missing, and for these low-level gods, they can also be safer.

As for their own five, these evil gods have already known that they are some inferior products. When the main gods confronted each other before, hadn't someone already told them?

"You despicable bastards, you can even do things like this."

"Haha, we are evil gods, we can't do anything, you idiots."

Both the Cthulhu and the orthodox spirit began to scold each other. Cthulhu thinks he is smart, and the other party thinks they are too mean. The most important thing is that this kind of thing has a bearing on the safety of both parties.

The two sides are in opposing camps, and no one is pressing them right now. Suddenly, there was a roar from the orthodox god, and a figure rushed out. If Chi Nan was here, he would definitely recognize that this person was the violent beast **** under his command.

As the patron saint of the mad orcs, the beast **** is also a racial god. Now with the continuous improvement of his race, his strength is also rising rapidly. After absorbing some law sources that suit him, the violent beast gods have already reached the level of the upper gods, and they are still the more powerful kind among the upper gods.

This time, among Chi Nan's gods, there was only one violent beast god, and his follower Chi Nan sent his clone. The others did not move out, but quietly watched in their own homes.

Seeing his divine lord being attacked by people, the beast and beast **** was furious. After seeing that Chi Nan was in no danger, he was relieved. But thinking that the Lord was sneak attacked and missed so much, I don't know the danger.

The violent beast **** suddenly became violent. Being able to use violent as his name, this violent beast **** couldn't have a good temper. So the violent beast **** roared, an axe facing the other side.

A blood-red violent divine power formed a sharp aura and slashed it mercilessly. The two lower Cthulhus who were cursing in front were split in half on the spot, with incredible gazes still on their faces. The body floated in the void and began to slowly dissipate, having lost the ability to continue to move.

This is a clone, not the deity, but it makes the other side feel incredible.

With a "bang", the red divine strength blade was blocked. A huge figure that looked like a skeleton came out on the opposite side. A bone stick in his hand is the weapon used to resist the attack just now.

"Bone Broken Beast God, dare you stop me." The violent beast **** roared, without hesitation another axe.

"Hmph, what can I do if I stop you." The Bone Broken Beast God was not to be outdone, and attacked desperately.

As the highest deity of the original evil orc family, the bone-broken beast **** is himself a high-ranking god. During this period of time, he has absorbed some of the essence of the gods, and his strength has been greatly improved. Even if it was a violent beast **** with the help of Chi Nan, it was not stronger than the opponent in strength. The two sides fought evenly.

The Bone Broken Beast God was also full of anger, and he just happened to find someone to vent. Once he was the strongest existence in the Evil Orc family, but when he chose, he didn't make himself the main god.

The current Lord of the Evil Orcs was originally just one of his own subordinates, who had been forcibly condensed into a new Godhead and raised. As a result, now I still have to do things under the other's hands, how can this not make him angry.

But there is no way to get angry. Here, the Cthulhu focuses on strength. If his strength is weaker than the opponent, then he must be obedient. Now I saw someone who dared to challenge myself, and that was just a fight to release his anger.

As far as the violent beast **** is concerned, the one who just attacked his **** is the lord of the evil orc, this guy is the **** of the evil orc, and that one's direct subordinate. The enemy's hand is the enemy, and the enemy instantly jealous when he meets the violent beast god.

The Cthulhu and the gods around were a little sluggish for a while, and they were cursing just now, why did they start their hands all at once.

It's just that as a god, there are not many people who are afraid of things. If you can become a god, which one is not killed all the way. When the battle started, the others were naturally unwilling to show weakness.

"Get rid of this wicked evil god." An orthodox **** chanted a slogan while summoning a ball of fire in the sky, and smashed it down without thinking. It seems to be huge, but in fact it is not very powerful. But this attack was originally meant to injure the enemy, but to show an attitude and at the same time envelop the opponent within the station circle.

When other people saw this, they also launched their own attacks. The anger in the hearts of the attacked evil gods broke out instantly.

Now they don't care about the fact that the opponent is stronger than their own, and they dare to attack themselves, no matter how they want to fight back.

So the evil gods also broke out murderous intent: "These orthodox have been bullying and hunting us all the time. I can't bear this kind of thing." Another evil **** was involved in it, crazy. Began to fight back.

The gods and the evil gods, who were originally distinct, suddenly became a pan of porridge. There are divine lights everywhere in the void, as bright as an aurora. But under this beauty, what is hidden is a fatal murderous opportunity.

In a short moment, several avatars of gods and evil gods were destroyed, and none of the avatars were even left. They were all shattered and turned into divine light spots, scattered in the void.

This loss rate is already even more terrifying than the largest battle of Gods. The battle here immediately attracted all the gods around. Whether it was an orthodox **** or an evil god, they all saw this battle at this time.

Except for the top clone of the main god, the cost of creating clones of the same level by other gods is not that big. Many gods do not have only one clone of the same level as themselves, there are even dozens of them. Although the losses in this kind of battle are great, they can start to lose. The most important thing is that this kind of battle is more direct than previous magical battles.

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