The Rise of Plants

Chapter 951: More and more research work

After sending the natural avatar to the foggy forest and opening the space channel, the avatar soon walked to the opposite side. The result was the same as Chi Nan thought, using the golden fold eargrass planted on the clone, as expected, it could be easily controlled.

However, after crossing the plane, through the control of the fold ear grass, Chi Nan also found some problems. That is, there is a gap between himself and the clone. "It seems that indirect control through fold eargrass is completely different from direct control. But this is not a big problem, at most it is a little uncomfortable."

If controlling the clone before, it was like controlling one's own hands and feet. Controlling the clone now is like controlling one's hands and feet after being sick. There is a little bit of trouble, but overall there is no problem.

And after trying his various abilities, Chi Nan found that there was no problem at all, and then he would be able to develop well in the undead world. Believe that with your own natural incarnation, you don't have to be afraid of emergencies.

Send the avatar of nature to the base, and then it is as if there is an additional Chi Nan controlling the development of the undead world. Between the clone and the deity, you can easily exchange all kinds of information. With the assistance and control of the natural incarnation, the world of the undead will develop faster. After all, Chi Nan himself has high authority, and he does not need to discuss any decision, and he reacts faster.

The natural incarnation is so easy to use, Chi Nan thought for a while, and once again gave birth to two natural incarnations. In a few days, the new natural incarnation will be ready for use. "In this way, some government affairs that need to be handled by me in the future can also be handed over to the incarnation of nature."

Chi Nan smiled slightly, of course, the most important thing is that some occasions that need to come forward can also appear through natural incarnations. That way, even if you encounter the danger of assassination, it has nothing to do with yourself.

Is your own safety the most important? Even if your strength becomes stronger, Chi Nan's temperament is still difficult to change.

The next step is to study the supporting plants of the coordinate tree, and strive to open up the passage as soon as the coordinate tree discovers a new plane, so that people on your side can pass.

"There are other issues. We didn't have enough strength before and there was no way to go deep. Now we can continue to study."

Chi Nan flipped through his notes, and the previous research on Mu Ling could continue. Mu Ling is very similar to his natural incarnation, and should be able to make similar, so I put a mark on it.

The seed of the tree of life in his own hands can also be spawned. As for the specific things to be made in the future, let's wait until it is planted. I believe that with my own ability, I can definitely transform it easily.

I don't know why, Chi Nan always feels that this tree of life, which was previously called the highest among plants, is far from the strange sapling in his body. In front of the sapling in his body, even the tree of life can only surrender. I can easily give birth to the tree of life, and I feel that I can easily transform it in the future.

There is also the transformation of the dragon clan that he secretly captured, and the next step can also be taken.

Chi Nan decided to completely lignify the entire dragon, and then experimented with using wood to replace all parts of the dragon's body. Once completed, Chinan is confident that he can use wood to create a dragon-like existence.

With the current battle, Chi Nan felt more and more that his airship did not seem to be the best combat unit. Compared with real creatures, the structure of my own airship is too cumbersome and too slow to react.

The dragon head flying boats of the Sacred Dragon Empire are so powerful, but according to the analysis of the news, no matter how powerful those dragon head flying boats are, there is no way to compare them with real dragons. This is the difference between creatures and alchemy products.

There was no way to do it before, but now, maybe you can try it.

In addition, there are many magic patterns of plants that need a lot of learning now. Some plants with magic patterns that seemed useless in the past need to be re-learned and planned by Chi Nan now.

There is no way, with the help of the energy pool, Chi Nan can indeed allow others to transform the magic pattern. But this is only the power of transformation. Chi Nan himself can instantly understand the meaning of the magic pattern, and understand how the transformation will have what kind of effect. But other people can't do it. All of this needs to be studied by Chi Nan and the clone himself, and then recorded.

After it is completely compiled into a textbook, it can be learned and tested by others. In this regard, other people are far from being able to compare with themselves. "It seems that it will be another busy day."

Having just lived a more comfortable life, he will soon be beaten back to his original form. Fortunately, the improvement in strength makes Chi Nan energetic, at least this work will not make Chi Nan feel exhausted and uncomfortable.

However, just when Chi Nan was about to start a new job suddenly heard news.

"Chi Nan, are you busy now?" Hermilla's voice rang in Chi Nan's ear.

Seeing Hemira's look a little tired, Chi Nan faintly distressed: "You are getting ready to be busy. Take a good rest yourself, don't be too tired. Now many things are left to others to do."

Hermilla nodded: "I know, I just finished meditation, so I am a little tired. We received people from the Mage Association before, and the people from the Mage Association sent a kind of legendary seed, hoping to establish good diplomacy with us. relationship."

Chi Nan was taken aback, and then smiled: "It's really a bunch of grassroots. I just broke through and I was known by them. I'm here to establish diplomatic relations. But it's nothing. Anyway, the Mage Association doesn't have any deep hatred with us. Even legendary plants. The seeds are preserved, and the foundation of the Mage Association is truly extraordinary."

"You mean, we just accepted it?"

Chi Nan nodded and said, "Yes, accept it." In fact, the main reason was that the people in the Mage Association did not pose a direct threat to him. If, like the Karan family, put himself in danger twice, Chi Nanke would not forgive him.

"Well, I'll have someone send it to you later." With Chi Nan's permission, the next thing will be much easier. This is the case with the Sacred Tree Collar. Anything that concerns Chi Nan requires Chi Nan to speak in person. No way, whoever allowed the entire Sacred Tree Collar to be built entirely on Chi Nan's role alone.

It seems that the work will take a while to proceed. Chi Nan didn't enter the research state for the time being, but waited at his own place. The speed was really fast, and after only a moment, someone delivered a box to himself.

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