The Rise of Plants

Chapter 952: Are you Romi Gara?

"Lord Lord, a woman brought Mrs. Hemila's token to deliver something, saying it was from the Mage Association."

"It's really fast, let her come in." Chi Nan had already seen the person coming through the spar. The plant seeds of the legendary level, Hermira did not allow Chi Nan to bring them through a long distance through plant analysis.

After all, in everyone's eyes, the level of legend is very mysterious, so it is only for people to send it directly.

Chi Nan saw a woman who was one meter tall and eight people tall, holding a beautiful box with both hands, and the box was still shining with mysterious brilliance. At first glance, she knew that this thing came from the hands of a mage.

When the woman came in, she walked towards Chi Nan without hesitation, striding to the stars, full of the boldness of the man. Well, if it weren't for looking at that hot figure, I really couldn't tell that this was a woman.

That face is exquisite, and the figure is still a rare beauty, but this height is a bit too tall. Similarly, Chi Nan, who is over 1.8 meters tall, is not as tall as the opponent, which is really oppressive.

"Well, have we met somewhere?" Horn took the box over, while Chi Nan looked at the visitor with a puzzled expression on his face. I don't know why, Chi Nan felt that this woman seemed a little familiar.

"Of course I have seen it. I often see each other." The woman folded her arms and stared at Chi Nan without any twist.

The wild but clear eyes made Chi Nan feel so familiar. Suddenly, there was a flash of light in Chi Nan's mind, this look in his eyes. The only maid who didn't flatter herself, but was full of domineering, who also created a muscular maid guard for herself, which made herself a headache.

"Romigara, no, how could you be Romigara, Romigara is obviously like that..."

Chi Nan gestured with both hands, and the person's face turned dark. "Lord Lord, his subordinate is Romi Jiala, you are not mistaken." Chi Nan's hands stiffened as the gestures were stiff, and his face became extremely embarrassed.

Any woman is very persistent about beauty. The Romigara used to be like a muscle pimple, but now it's just a taller beauty, it's not the same thing at all. I haven't seen it in such a short period of time, is it possible that Romijiara has lost weight successfully? No, didn't it mean that Romigara got into that way because of cultivation.

Before Chi Nan asked, Romi Jiala took the initiative to say: "In order to quickly improve the strength, so I used the secret method, this will become like that. As long as it breaks through the golden level, it will be restored."

"The territory's various resources are very rich, and there are many high-level vindictive secrets, which are used by subordinates as a reference. They finally broke through the golden level two days ago and have now recovered." Romigara said coldly, seemingly completely Did not take it in mind. But if you look closely, you can see that the gratitude in Romigara's eyes flashes by.

Chi Nan didn't break it either, and the embarrassing topic was finally over. "Haha, that's good, that's good."

Romijia pulled his hands tightly, and said disappointedly: "Unfortunately, there are sequelae after using this secret method. There is no way to shrink my height. After all, the bones and muscles are completely different."

It seems that Romigara is still a little dissatisfied with his height. That kind of secret method is also really strange, it can make people's bones swell, but can't shrink back, this body is indeed very tall.

"Haha, you are not bad, although it is close to 1.9 meters, but it has not yet reached. I remember that there are many people over 1.9 meters in height, don't they still live very well." Chi Nan said nothing. Said.

Fortunately, that little girl Romilia won't grow like this, now she looks like a little loli, very cute.

Horn and the others, who were checking the box for danger, suddenly stiffened. They are also very familiar with Romigara, and suddenly seeing this familiar comrade-in-arms become like this, everyone is very confused.

That's right, Romigara has always been a comrade in arms in their eyes. It was just because of practicing a strange secret technique that caused some problems in himself. Wanting to break through the golden level within a short period of time has become an obstacle instead.

Unexpectedly, Romigara broke through suddenly, so the sequelae caused by the next secret method should be no problem. It's Romigara, so there can be no problem with this thing.

Soon after the inspection was completed, the box fell into Chi Nan's hands. Chi Nan opened the box, and there was a note in it to record the true effect of this kind of child. The seed is very small, red, and only one seed. "It turned out to be a grass seed. No wonder it is so small. Such a small seed is packed in such a big box. They really have them."

Chi Nan muttered a word and then continued to read it. This kind of seed is called molten sorrel, and according to the note on the note, this plant is very special. In itself, it's just a little grass.

At the beginning, the people of the Wizards Association thought it was a kind of grass that could survive in lava, but later they discovered it. It turns out that when the lava grass matures, it will absorb a lot of fire elements, and then turn the surrounding environment into a lava environment. This is an environment created by Xiaocao himself, which is very scary.

The Mage Association tried to train, but later found that the cultivation failed. Even though this plant is of a legendary level, the people of the Mage Association have no way to use it. It has been preserved to this day.

For legendary plant seeds, they will not lose their vitality even if they are preserved for thousands of years. I don't know how long this seed has been stored in Chinan, but the activity inside has not changed. "I'll test it out. If it can be made successfully, it may be a powerful weapon plant. This Mage Association is really sending a good thing."

"It's not only a weapon plant, but it can also be used as a moat. The lava moat is much easier to use than the ground thorn ferns you made, but the temperature is a bit higher." Romi Gala reminded him from the side.

"That's also true. If you are farther away, you might be able to make a natural hot spring." Chi Nan rolled his eyes. The lava environment is a very special environment, and it is very useful to use.

Although this is a legendary plant, it is only a small grass after all. Under Chi Nan's control, it is easy to give birth to success. One seed blossomed and sprouted. Before it matured, more seeds appeared. Soon Chi Nan had a lot of seeds in his hands. At this time, some experiments on molten sorrel can finally begin.

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