The Rise of Plants

Chapter 953: The birth of molten weapons

In the already hot weather, the test area became even hotter. The reason is nothing else, but a huge lava lake appeared in the middle of the test square. That's right, it's a lava lake.

"This lava grass is really amazing, and such a large lava lake can also be made."

Chi Nan exclaimed, when Romi Jiala had already left. In Romigara's words, she still has to train the maid guards, and strive to make those maids also break through the golden level.

After using the secret method, it is not easy to break through. But since Romigara has succeeded, and there are so many territorial resources to support, Romigara must train such a maid guard. Even Romigara hopes that this guard can surpass the guards in Chi Nan's hands.

Chi Nan also left Romi Jiala to do it. After all, it would be better to hand it over to the guards than to hand it over to the maids to protect his wife. After Romigara left, Chi Nan experimented with molten sorrel here.

The results of the test surprised Chi Nan. The magic pattern of this molten sorrel was very complicated. Originally, Chi Nan thought it was just a pure fire element, but only now discovered that it was actually a composite magic pattern of fire and earth elements.

Moreover, the lava produced is not made of lava grass using high-temperature melting of soil and rock, but directly turns the surrounding soil into lava, which is no different from real lava, and is completely real.

So soon, the center of the test square became a lava lake. If it weren't for some fiery red grass growing on the lava lake, everyone would really think it was an illusion.

"The fruit of the lava grass itself is the essence, and it contains powerful mutant lava elements. As long as it erupts, it will quickly combine with other elements in the air to create some lava out of thin air. This kind of lava may not last for a long time. It's very long, but it's more powerful than real lava, and it's just right as a weapon."

Everyone shuddered at the thought of replacing the original flames and explosions with lava weapons.

Lava not only has higher temperature and stronger destructive power, but also has adhesiveness and can continue to cause damage. It can be said that as long as the elements are not exhausted, this kind of lava can be destroyed like real lava.

This was created by the legendary smelt grass. Perhaps this destruction did not directly reach the level of legendary magic, but it had already brought some of the characteristics of the legendary level. Otherwise, it is impossible to create such a lava lake here. This is not temporary, but a lava lake that will always exist as long as the lava grass exists.

As long as there is a lot of accumulation, I believe that the power generated by the lava grass can definitely cause a real legendary master to suffer heavy losses.

It is also very simple to modify the weapon, anyway, just add it. Soon, Chi Nan added the fruit of this molten sorrel to his bat missiles and other bombs.

The moment the bomb exploded, it was no different from before. But the next moment, the molten sorrel fruit that burst out will instantly absorb the surrounding fire elements. So the flame that could have burned for a while disappeared.

This is not to weaken the attack, because if the fire element is absorbed, a large amount of lava will appear out of thin air. And wherever they appeared, they were all above the entities that the fruit attached to just after the explosion.

This lava adheres to the surrounding objects, and sustained and strong destructiveness is produced. If it is an explosive type bomb, it can blow up a large number of molten sorrel fruits to farther places, which is simply a large-scale magic.

The direct effect of this kind of magic surpasses even most golden magic. Because of the characteristics of the legendary level, even in the face of golden warriors and magicians, one who is not careful will be burned to death.

Then, Chi Nan also devised a method of aerial spraying. Use an airship to spray a large amount of fruit jam, etc., and there is no problem in isolating the surrounding elements at ordinary times. Once sprayed, it will turn into countless lava at high altitude. Lava spilled, as if it was raining. Now, his airship once again possessed weapons of mass destruction.

To this end, Chinan also specially built several special airships for spraying jam. An airship spray can easily turn a city into ruins. This is the terrible thing about this weapon.

I believe that if other forces know about it, they will definitely have trouble sleeping and eating. Finally, Chi Nan added the fruit of the molten sorrel to the self-detonation airship. This is the most powerful weapon he has now.

During the experiment, Chi Nan was really shocked this time. Because the self-explosive airship with the fruit of the molten sorrel has been added, it has truly reached the magical power of the legendary level after the explosion.

That kind of explosion, the fireball that used to be in the air will disappear when it burns, and a lava sphere will appear under the The lava will fall to the ground, and a real lava lake will be formed. The duration is not two hours anymore. After observation, the duration can even reach one month. Force interference with reality is very serious.

Even Chi Nan himself could feel the incomparable threat. "If it weren't for the slow speed and the time delay for the outbreak, these blew airships would be enough to threaten those powerful legendary masters." Chi Nan said to himself.

"Unfortunately, it is too difficult to manufacture. After all, the molten sorrel is of a legendary level. It takes all the energy of a small energy pool to give birth to one tree. The two trees are of no use, and the more energy they consume is too much. ."

Chi Nan sighed. There is no way to equip the entire army on a large scale with this weapon modified with molten sorrel grass. It can only be manufactured in small quantities for use. Unless one day I can continue to upgrade and improve the energy pool and energy harvesting system. Without enough magic power, legendary weapons are really not that easy to popularize.

What surprised Chi Nan most was that this special molten slurry would not go out even in the sea. The most is to consume faster. The weapon with the fruit of the molten sorrel can exert a nearly perfect effect in the depths of the sea.

"Only the characteristics of the legendary level can exert such an effect. It seems that the legendary masters will not be affected by the environment. The fire attribute can be fully utilized in the depths of the sea, and the water attribute can also exert all of their own in the desert fire. Strength. At this level, it is completely different from the normal level."

Chi Nan is also thinking about how to use his abilities. Except for condensing it out to imitate fighting spirit, there is no way to directly use his magic power to fight. Realm, it's all tears when you say it.

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