The Rise of Plants

Chapter 972: There is no summoner here?

"Don't listen to his nonsense. There are only rolling mountains to the east. How can there be people living there."

"That is, there are no monsters in the mountain to the east. Many years ago there was only wasteland."

The mountain range that Chinan walked out was to the east, but I didn't expect these people to get to the point all at once. I thought they would think about the place further east, who knew they would just want the place in front of them.

Is it because I can't keep up with the times, or because these people have a generation gap with them. Chi Nan rolled his eyes and said, "I don't know how you saw the mountain range to the east, but I do live in it." This is also true.

At this moment, an orc with a tiger's back and waist more than two meters walked out, and the red lines on this person's face were more rough and rougher than the others. "Well, the summoner from the East, I am the sheriff Cassie here. How do you prove that you are a human and not something dangerous?"

Chi Nan frowned as he wanted to prove that he was a human being. In this case, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

"Haha, the patriarch has been questioned. But that really isn't a human being, it's just a clone made of wood." Melia, who was next to her, didn't know when she came in, and was pointing at Chi Nan and laughing.

Chi Nan's face turned dark: "Who knows what they mean." Chi Nan himself was also very depressed.

"It seems that there is at least one thing in that world that can pretend to be humans, so they are so wary. Without that ID card, it would be difficult to get the trust of the world town over there." Sophia said thoughtfully.

"Have you said that you want to use a dead man? At least they can prove it." Yes, they only need to cut a few knives at themselves. But at this time, Chi Nan was really depressed. Seeing these people, the eyes of distrust are getting more and more, and if this continues, you will have to start.

Chi Nan could only helplessly say: "I don't know how to prove it. How do you want me to prove it?"

Cassie hesitated for a while, unexpectedly Chi Nan would ask like that. "I don't believe you have never had any contact with other people, and you don't even know this." Someone beside him could not help shouting.

Chi Nan immediately said: "I have been living in the mountains before. This is the first time I have come out. I really don't know everything outside." For the clone, this is fine, and Chi Nan comforted.

Others, as if watching a comedy, laughed while watching, just like melon seeds and popcorn.

Cassie frowned, wondering if he should believe Chi Nan: "To be honest, we have never heard of the profession of a summoner, but I don't think those things will use such bad excuses. I can explain to you. , As long as you cut a knife on your body and the blood is red, there is no problem."

Chi Nan keenly discovered that the things in their words made them feel terrified. And the blood is not red, there is a problem. But myself, the blood seems to be green.

No way, who made this an incarnation of nature, as it is made of wood, it would be nice to have something similar to blood, and wanting the red one is just kidding. With this cut, the woody flesh and blood would definitely make people doubt it.

"You mean, there has never been a career as a summoner outside, so let me show you something."

Although I don't know what those things are, as long as they are not related to plants, I believe they can be confused. If it doesn't work, then leave, because their strength can't hurt themselves anyway.

As he said, Chi Nan pointed at it casually, and a large pile of grass grew on the ground.

"This is the summoner? Summon the grass?" The people around him despised him. But the alert in their eyes was obviously much less. Their enemies can't control plants at all.

Chi Nan also breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, he had been observing other people. It seems that this plant and the thing in their mouth are not the same, and now I can completely rest assured. Even in other planes, occupations that can control plants seem to be rare, not to mention that there are only humans and orcs here.

"No, this is just a material for summoning." Chi Nan said.

"I see, the summoners must be very similar to the wizards in the legend. I have long heard that those wizards need to use casting materials if they want to cast spells." A voice among the crowd suddenly sounded.

"No, Master, that's a big figure in the legend. How could they come to our place? Shouldn't they all be on the front line of Cangming Mountain." Someone shouted again.

It turns out that there are mages in this world, but there are no summoning professions, which is really a strange plane. From the conversations of these people, Chi Nan quickly analyzed what is useful to him At the same time, there are several teams on his side that collect some information from their conversations for analysis. Chi Nan’s There was not a single person standing behind the clone.

At this moment, Chi Nan's clone only knew the grass on the ground: "I'm about to start summoning." As soon as the voice fell, the green light flashed on the grass, and the next moment it was no longer the grass.

Instead, there are three leaves and two tentacles, surrounded by a strange plant in the shape of a pillar more than one meter high. The root system below is not inserted in the soil, but is running back and forth.

This thing is not one or two. "This is the summoner? Doesn't it look great, so weak."

"It seems that it is a plant, and it really has nothing to do with those things. It's just a pity that such a small thing can't do much." Cassie's muscles relaxed, and at the same time she was a little sorry.

Chi Nan was a little dissatisfied: "I'm just showing you, this thing is a basic summon, bush warrior, not very powerful, but the battle is also good. See if the tentacles are there, there are strong narcotic drugs inside. , Can make people unconscious at once. And the blade, that thing is very sharp."

As he said, a bush warrior waved lightly towards a stone next to him, and a deep mark was left on the stone, almost cut in half from the middle.

"His, so sharp." There was a gasping voice around. This little guy who looks very cute is so dangerous. If this is not protected by armor and cut on his body, I am afraid I can't support it.

It is possible to protect the whole body with one's own fighting spirit in the presence, but only those big men above the silver level.

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