The Rise of Plants

Chapter 973: This is the end of the world, right

"You said this thing has a strong anesthetic effect, can you let me try it."

An orc suddenly walked out, and the others gave way. Chi Nan glanced at him. Although the strength of this orc was good, he did not reach the level of silver. He had an armor and rough weapons with a strong aura.

"Are you sure, if you are anaesthetized, you won't be able to wake up all day." Chi Nan knew that to be convincing, he had to show a certain amount of strength, and he had to hide a part of his assassin.

"It's me, I won't make you embarrassed." The orc strode up and looked at those little things with disdain.

"Well, since it's what you requested, then it will fulfill you." Between the words, it seemed that nothing happened. But the orc suddenly straightened his eyes, and his footsteps began to stagger. All of a sudden, the orc fell to the ground. The people around hurried forward and checked carefully.

"It's just a coma, it's okay." A few of the orc's friends were grateful.

But for a few people, their pupils shrank. These people had reached the silver level, so they could see the rapid attack from the tentacles of the bush warrior just now. Because other people didn't pay much attention, they didn't see clearly at all.

At that moment, the tentacles suddenly stretched out and placed them in the gaps in the orc armor. Then a thin thorn pierced straight out, because the thorn was too small, so the armor had no defense at all. After all, these armors are not a good thing, the workmanship is very rough, they are just made of insect shells.

As a result, in such an instant, they put one of their famous players directly. This is just a narcotic, if it is a poison, wouldn't it mean that he would die on the spot?

Even if they are silver-level people, if they don't know in advance, if they are rashly approached by these things, I am afraid they will be recruited. It is impossible to say that such a strong anesthetic is useless to oneself.

"Stop it, just this bush, the bush warrior shot, it seems that you are a very strong summoner. How much can you summon with this kind of thing." Cassie looked at Chi Nan hopefully.

Chi Nan nodded slightly: "Able to summon a lot, at least one small-scale war is no problem." Chi Nan is absolutely modest, let alone small-scale wars, giving himself enough time to cover the entire plane is not a problem. .

When the people around him heard Chi Nan's words, their expressions became strange, and they seemed to be relieved, happy, and afraid.

Chi Nan is a little unclear about what is going on. Cassie bowed slightly: "Your abilities are very useful. Now is the time when you need a strong fighter like you. I hope you can join our town."

Chi Nan has already understood that these people are in great need of combat effectiveness. Although many people worry that they will affect their status, perhaps their interests. But these people didn't say anything. It was obvious that the external pressure was too great, and it far exceeded the internal pressure. In order to deal with the enemy, they don't even care that someone is pressing on their heads.

If this is the case, then you have to take a closer look. "I have always lived in the mountains, and I don't know everything about the outside world, can you tell me about it." Chi Nan suddenly said.

Hearing this, many people were very strange and relieved at the same time. Chi Nan said before that he didn't know anything. If it was an enemy, then it was absolutely impossible to know nothing.

"Well, we can explain it. Now the world is full of these things. By the way, do you know the history before the great change of the world." Chi Nan shook his head, and Cassie and the others looked at each other and could only helplessly explain Up.

"This world used to be our world. The most powerful are humans and our orcs. We were not together at the beginning, but two opposing forces. We have our own civilizations, and humans have powerful wizards, but we The orcs have stronger fighters and numbers far surpassing them, and they have been fighting each other all the time."

"Once, we thought that when one of us destroys the other, we can become the master of this world, but we never imagined that the outcome of the matter was completely different from our thoughts."

A woman behind said: "It is said that these things suddenly appeared in the West hundreds of years ago."

"What are those things?" Chi Nan asked quickly.

The woman over there said calmly: "It is our greatest enemy, the beetle, the overwhelming beetle appeared and began to ravage the entire West, but at that time we didn't take it seriously."

"Yeah, we think it is just some bugs, which can just help us solve some disobedient people, at least it can weaken their strength, but then we found that we were wrong. Those bugs are getting more and Some different types have appeared, and the overall strength has become stronger and stronger, until after the demise of several countries, we found that it was too late.

Cassie took the words and continued: "In the beginning, we still fought separately, or even three-way melee. While cleaning up the bugs, we attacked each other's territory. But later, the number of bugs increased."

"The reproductive capacity of insects is far from what we can match, and it was very chaotic at first. Later we discovered that those insects actually started to have commanders. By the time we realized that something was wrong, a lot of land had been lost."

The woman behind continued: "Since that time, we humans have cooperated with the orcs. However, because of the hatred between each other, many people have violated yang and yin, which led to the failure of the war. Until those bugs destroyed us. When it was one part of the world, we discovered that we had made a mistake again."

"Now, those bugs have reached the front line of Cangming Mountain, and the most elite soldiers of our coalition have been guarding there. The world has also been knocked down by bugs by four-fifths, and only less than one-fifth of the world remains. On the land, we are still lingering."

All people were silent: "We don't know how long this situation will last, or even if we still have hope, but we have never given up resistance, and we don't want our destiny to end here."

A ray of flame flashed through Cassie's eyes, the ray of hope that was eager to see in despair.

But Chi Nan was stunned at this time, what is going on in this plane. I originally wanted to find a safe way for myself, but this world is more dangerous than my own. This is the end of the world. Is it such an exaggeration?

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