The Rise of Plants

Chapter 981: Better material red sand steel

The iron bark tree was planted, and under the catalysis of Chinan, it quickly absorbed iron ore particles, and pieces of bark continued to fall off as they grew, turning into pieces of red iron bark.

No one can imagine that this method can be used to open a vein. The guards and some blacksmiths brought by Chi Nan's eyes widened, and their faces were all inconceivable. The sound of the iron sheet falling to the ground made them almost think they were dreaming.

"Well, this is really iron? With such easy mining of iron ore, we will be able to make a lot of farm tools and some common weapons in the future." Life is not good, partly because of different farm tools.

"Uncle Blacksmith, what do you think?" Chi Nan said to a big man who was only 1.6 meters tall but looked very old with muscle ligation. This was only found by Chi Nan, and it is said that this person has the blood of a dwarf. Yes, there used to be dwarves in this world, as good at mining and forging as the legend.

Only later in the raging insects, the family of dwarves whose hometown was in the West completely perished, and now there are not many people with dwarf blood. But I have to say that each one has extraordinary talents in forging.

If Chi Nan hadn't used countless high-level materials as a temptation, this old blacksmith would really not follow him.

The old blacksmith stepped forward and picked up a piece of bark and said, "It's not simple, it's really not simple. If I read it right, this should be a material that has reached the black body level. Perhaps it is more than the ordinary beetle shell we have processed Easy to use."

Chi Nan nodded lightly: "Of course, this is a natural black iron level magic metal, there is no problem with using it to build weapons."

"I'll give it a try." The old blacksmith took off the iron plate from his back, and then randomly pulled some iron sheets and placed them on the iron plate. Then he slammed it down with a big iron cone around him.

The continuous smashing sound made many people feel pain in the eardrum. A large number of Mars burst out continuously.

Chi Nan's expression was incredible, because the old blacksmith seemed to be using a lot of power, but none of the scattered iron sheets were shaken out. Instead, with the constant beating, the temperature continued to rise, and these iron sheets quickly became as if they were being heated by the fire. This saves even the stove.

It really deserves to be the advanced skills inherited from the dwarves, and it really deserves its reputation.

In the hands of the old blacksmith, these iron sheets were beaten into one piece after a while. Soon after that, the iron sheet became a big red sword. Putting down the hammer, the old blacksmith grabbed the big knife casually.

Regardless of how hot the knife is, a single wave cuts the stone next to it in half. "Very well, I was right. This material is better than the processed beetle shell. After enchanting, it will exceed ordinary weapon armor. I don't know how large the output of this thing is." The old blacksmith looked at Chi Nan.

"The output is very large, as long as there are iron ore veins, and ordinary iron products are also acceptable. The important thing is the number of tin trees."

Chi Nan pointed to the side, thinking that these tin trees were rapidly multiplying under Chi Nan's planting, the old blacksmith finally smiled with satisfaction. Suddenly the old blacksmith bowed slightly: "Thank you for your contribution, this kind of red sand steel will reduce countless sacrifices."

Chi Nan smiled and helped the old blacksmith up: "The blacksmith is too famous. These are what I should do as a human. But this red sand steel is not the final form, there are two more advanced ones."

As Chi Nan spoke, he planted a more advanced tin tree. "Look, it is this that has been absorbed and evolved again based on Hongsha steel, blood cloud steel, this is a metal that has naturally reached the level of bronze."

"And this, a silver-grade material forged on the basis of blood cloud steel, red grain steel."

Looking at the new metal, the old blacksmith became more and more excited. "It's great, great. The weapons of Red Sand Steel can replace the weapons used by ordinary fighters. The Blood Cloud Steel can replace the weapons of elite fighters. Weapons made of this red grain steel can be used by our golden fighters. Are there more advanced ones?"

Chi Nan spread his hands and said, "Not yet, it's still under study." He was also helpless.

Who didn't let himself study this thing carefully, the golden tin tree, it hasn't been completed yet. "In other words, is there really no problem with weapons made of silver materials for gold masters?"

"Of course not, as long as it is enchanted." The old blacksmith said naturally.

Chi Nan asked hurriedly, only then did he realize that the enchantment in this world was completely different from his own. These are all special enchanted scrolls made by the mage engraving some special runes on the scrolls.

As long as there is a golden enchantment scroll used to wrap the weapon armor, the magic rune will be attached to the weapon armor after activation, exerting its due effect. Under the protection of magic the strength of weapon armor can definitely reach the golden level.

The more advanced the bottom material, just to be able to withstand the more advanced magic circle. High-level magic arrays can not only reinforce materials, but also allow weapons to have some special effects. This is the first choice for warriors. It's just that under normal circumstances there are too few good weapons and armors, and no one has the opportunity to use the enchanting scrolls that these mages have worked so hard to make.

It seems that this method of enchantment also needs to be studied, and this aspect is far beyond one's own plane.

In their own planes, the alchemists all merge different materials and then carved runes on them. The importance of the material itself is sometimes more important than magic runes.

Unfortunately, the old blacksmith is not a mage, not at all. The mages are also on the front line, and they can't recruit them on their own. Sure enough, it's better to develop first. When it develops and grows, many things will naturally come in hand.

"Then, I will trouble you. I will catalyze a large amount of these metals, and I will leave the promotion to you. I hope that everyone can use the weapons made by our Hongsha Steel."

Although Hongsha Steel is the worst, it is also the easiest to popularize. The quality is good but the price is not high, this is the most important point. After all, there are always a few masters in a world, and most of them are relatively ordinary people.

"This matter is left to me. I still have many friends. For the alliance and to get rid of those big bugs, everyone will do their best." The old blacksmith recruited the work himself. Without waiting for Chi Nan to say anything, the old blacksmith turned around and left, looking more anxious than himself. The guards under him were all excited at this time, as if they were celebrating a holiday.

Forget it, let them go, and continue to build on their own.

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