The Rise of Plants

Chapter 982: The shock that followed

I don't remember how many years it has been, and it has always been the same as stagnant water. When the insects first started their attack, they had been studying the characteristics of the insects, and they had developed many ways to deal with the insects.

But at that time, no one paid too much attention to bugs, and there was even constant internal fighting. But later, the insects kept approaching, but they hadn't made any new inventions for many years.

The kind of strengthening of the army, the kind of breakthrough progress used to deal with bugs, hasn't appeared for a long time.

Many people, even desperate because of this, joined the bugs and became human traitors. Few people at the lower level may know it, but the upper level knows this very well. Every year, many people join the bug party and become bug people. After the transformation, these people quickly became completely different from normal people.

But in the past few days, various surprises have appeared continuously.

Those fruits and vegetables are nothing. The appearance of stamina beans has almost doubled the combat effectiveness of the front line. In small-scale battles, this combat effectiveness has been improved several times.

The soldiers on the front had confidence, and their morale is now completely incomparable with before.

Just when the senior leaders of the alliance made a decision to publicize the stamina bean and try to let the army take this opportunity to wipe out some more bugs, new surprises came again, and they were about to turn into fright.

The alliance meeting is usually held only once a year, and this time it was held ahead of schedule.

In addition to a regular speaker, the meeting is also a representative of the other major legions. There are humans, orcs, and logistics personnel, and even some of the larger nobles are among them.

"This time, it is a member of our nobleman who provided these things from the rear. This is the information, you can look at it." A traditional nobleman passed the information to others with a smile on his face.

"What you said is wrong. Although that person accepted the status of a nobleman, he was not originally a nobleman, at least not a traditional nobleman like you. So this is a contribution that belongs to all mankind and cannot be attributed to you."

Just when I heard that these nobles wanted to take credit, someone immediately retorted. The speaker frowned and tapped the table lightly: "Don't quarrel, this situation cannot withstand any internal friction now." Everyone knows this, so they closed their mouths after hearing the speaker's words. Seeing this situation, the speaker didn't care much.

"First of all, the following is the metal called Hongsha Steel, as well as those advanced metals. These metals can be produced in large quantities, and the iron ore that has been abandoned by us for a long time is used."

Hearing the speaker's words, an orc shouted loudly: "This is a good thing. Real metal weapon armor is much better than these insect shells. These things are not sealed at all. Besides, these things are difficult to modify, and the quantity is ours. The production of weapons just can't keep up." Others nodded one after another.

"The most unexpected thing is that this thing is actually produced by the use of plants. Is this Summoner profession so powerful?" Another young person said strangely.

"Summoners should be right. I did have this profession a long time ago, but they are basically all for summoning animals. I have never heard of this kind of plant summoning. Maybe they have a unique special inheritance. After all, they have not In this world, it is not impossible to develop and grow due to some special circumstances."

This was proposed by the nobles, and the nobles have the most comprehensive records of the ancient world.

"Everyone, since Lord Chinan took out this metal, he wanted to give it to us. But we have our own rules. It is impossible to take other people's things in vain, so we need to trade normally."

"Normal transaction? But what can we trade with, they don't lack anything."

Yes, some of them have it in Chinan, and there are also many things that they regard as treasures. The speaker thought for a while, and finally said: "Let's ask afterwards and see what he wants."

The others had no choice but to nod their heads. Even, they want to get more stamina beans. Many people have noticed that Chinan's production of stamina beans is much faster than paying them taxes.

"Then the second question is also brought by the lord of Chinan. That kind of bush warrior, specifically targeting beetles, has a very powerful killing effect. If there are a large number of such plant weapons, we may be able to advance and regain lost ground."

All of them breathed quickly. Regaining lost ground is what their ancestors have dreamed of for generations. No one has really achieved this for hundreds of years. In the past, even if there were only a few signs, there were countless people willing to fight for But now it is different. If the bush warriors can really multiply and they can control it, then this may be true. Maybe it can be done, but they are not excited.

"Wait a minute, can that kind of plant really target the beetles? Isn't it just relying on powerful forces to fight head on?"

Targeting and surpassing the opponent are completely different things. The strength is strong, so the planting must be slow. Even plants must follow the laws of nature, and no one can violate some basic laws.

"We have tested it, it is aimed at, there is no problem. The bush warrior is only at the black iron level, but even in the face of the bronze level beetle, there is a great chance to kill it. This is our test data."

The speaker passes the data to others. "But there is a problem, that is, if you want to control the bush warrior, then you must transplant the nerve brain, that is, this thing, this thing will take a certain amount of time."

The speaker rolled up his sleeves, revealing the green disc underneath. Seeing this thing, many people frowned. After all, they were doing their hands and feet on their bodies, and many people had lingering fears. Because the worms who have been transformed have used similar methods to do it, it is no wonder they have scruples.

"We have passed the test, this kind of thing is a pure natural plant, it will not cause the slightest harm to the body. It will not affect our own thinking and emotions, it is just an auxiliary thing."

"And if you don't want it, you just need to unplug it. There is no problem at all. I believe that in this case, no one will do anything to harm everyone for their own benefit."

The person who was still worried in his heart really calmed down. No way, this is the cruel reality.

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