The Rise Of The Ero Masseuse System

Chapter 14 - Alexis Owens (1)

Alexis Owens.

She is slightly taller than Katie's height of 5' 6" , but shorter than Violet Holland I had just met before. Her usually long wildly flowing strawberry blond hair is currently tied up in a ponytail fashion for Phy. Ed. class. Just like the other girls, she is wearing a white T-shirt and black shorts as stipulated by the Academy's rules for proper Phy. Ed wear. However, if there is anything that draws the line between her and the other girls, it would be the undeniable presence of the two soft pillows in front of her chest, unable to be hidden by her shirt in any way.

If I were to describe who Alexis Owens is in one word it would be this:


It's not like she is an actual celebrity per se. It's just with the amount exposure she gets around from people her age, she is as famous as any normal celebrity.

Within the same grade, there is likely no one who doesn't know who she is, me included.

Her fame even spread to the lower and higher grades.

The reason for her fame? Obviously, it is related to both her beauty and charismatic nature. Oh, and probably the fact that she is a famous fashion YouTuber with a growing 2 million subscribers.

Making videos about fashion, advice to be fashionable, make-up tutorials, even men's fashion, you name it she has done it.

The amount of die-hard fans that she has even exceeded the gender barrier. Male, female, none of the above, her fan-base is truly full of variety.

Of course, some of her fans also go to Raeparth's Academy as well.

She is basically a minor celebrity.

Her main gimmick is the ability to teach about the best ways to emphasize the 'natural beauty' of the body. To prove that what she does aren't just empty words, Alexis uses her own body to showcase her talents.

While Alexis does use make-up, as a lot of girls her age would, she herself doesn't actually use that much. In fact, the amount of makeup she usually wears is extremely minimalistic to the point of not being there. Not that her beauty is diminished in any way.

She is more into trying to wear clothes in a trendy way. She even modifies the way she wears her school uniform to the chagrin of the teachers who tried to stop her. She does things such as wearing her blazer jacket around her waist, rolling her sleeves, open neckline, and even minor jewelry.

However, this does not mean she is a bad student by any means. Contrary to her image, Alexis has one of the best grades in the school and the highest in the class.

There are even rumors that it was her System's ability that boosted her INT Stat, which allowed her to get such good grades. The truth of the matter is unclear.

Despite this rather unsavory rumor, Alexis does rather well in the social circles you find around in school.

No, does rather well is an understatement. It's more like overwhelming popularity.

No matter who or where she goes, she can as naturally as she breaths blend in no matter what.

As she continues to do so, her already overwhelming popularity continues to increase exponentially.

And it is that very same famous Alexis Owens who suddenly called out to me in the middle of Athletic Field where everyone who is not playing dodgeball can see us right now. Using my name no less.

I could feel the cold piercing stares of my classmates as they appraise the situation I am currently in.

'Hey, isn't that....?'

'Woah, you're right! I was wondering where she went, but to find her there. What is she doing...?

'Who the f.u.c.k is that?'

'I know him! He is that guy who is trying to seduce the girlfriend of one of our soccer players!'

'Isn't he also the guy who is currently rooming in the 'The Forbidden Dorm Room'!?'

'What, that's him? What a piece of shit.'

'Why is our goddess doing with him!?'

'Kyaaa!! She going to get assaulted'

'Kill!! Kill!!'

Scary!? Seriously scary!?

What the heck is this!? I was just merely talked to, so where did this hatred come from?

Besides, who are these people and why do they know so much about me!?

And why the heck did they talk so loud? I could even hear them all across where they are even when a dodgeball game is going on. The 'Kill' chant is still going strong.

While I was in the middle of being overwhelmed by the negative energy, the main cause of this, Alexis Owen, seems to want to take the matter into her own hands.

"Everyone! Sorry for the misunderstanding! I merely want to ask Classmate Daniel here some questions I have for him. He is not a bad person so don't be too hard with him. Okay?" At the end of her words, she gave a cute wink.

'…so she says, guys.'

'If our goddess says so, I'll believe it.'

'Well, I already knew about what she was going to say so I never blamed that guy in the first place.'

'Liar! You were chanting 'Kill!!' with us the entire time!'

With just a few words from Alexis, the bloodthirsty situation went away like it never happened in the first place.

Finally feeling somewhat safe again, I let out a sigh of relief.

As if finding my relief amusing, Alexis was grinning while she continued to look at me.

Feeling kind of complicated since it was her fault from the start that I fell into that predicament in the first place. I, albeit reluctantly, thanked her anyway.

"Thank you for your help. If you never said anything, I might have been ambushed in my sleep."

"No worries. It was partly my fault that it happens, so we're good."

Nah. Isn't it all your fault?

As if reading my mind, Alexis gave a small laugh as she opened her mouth again.

"Fufu~... Didn't you know, Daniel? You are actually kind of infamous in our grade. You were called things like 'the cheating seducer' or 'the hidden pervert of 609' or 'poophead'."

"Seriously!? Wait, what was that strangely out of place one at the end?"

Am I really that infamous?

Well, it is true am currently rooming in the rumored 'Forbidden Dorm Room' so it can't be helped.

But 'cheating seducer'…

It's probably propaganda from Tony, that's why it spread so much.

And the last one…. No comment.

"There are also certain rumors about you having a Support-Type System related to massages yet you are aiming to get into the College of Defense."

"…who did you hear that from?"

"Not from particularly anybody, though? Just that it seems like there is person who is telling everyone he meets about it. It seems like he is from the soccer team, or so I heard."

…Tony again. No mistake. Absolutely none.

Seems to me he thinks he found a weakness of mine due to my reaction towards it this morning. Probably thinks this is a good way to attack me an lower my reputation even more.

Well, ignoring the fact that my reputation was already low from the other things I have (inadvertently) done, Tony is a bit naïve if he thinks this is going to get to me.

While it is true I do get the tendency to be hot and bothered when people question my abilities, at this rate I'll probably be immune to any provocation anyone has towards my System.

Even a sensitive cat can get used to it being poked so many times.

"Fufu~... While I have no interest in most of the rumors about you, I do have quite a bit of interest in one of them. Is your System really about massages?"

"Hm? Uuuuh, yes. My 'job' is a massage therapist actually. Or so my System tells me."

"Ara~… I see I see. That's good. Very good, actually."


What does she mean exactly? Is it really that good that I am a massage therapist?

And what is with her attitude for a while now. When she had calmed the mob down earlier, the tone she used was a much more light-hearted and flirty tone. Its the type of tone where I could see droves of horny teenagers falling into the trap of, 'Eh? Could she be actually interested in me?'. But not so flirty that she would make enemies with every straight girl she meets. Well, there are always exceptions.

However, the tone she uses when talking to me is much more mature and a.d.u.l.t. It originally gave me the feeling of talking to a 's.e.xy older girl next door' feel. Her eyes, however, tell a different story. With a deep stare that seems to see through my every move, I felt as if I was mere prey under the eyes of a lioness. Although, the moment I answered her question, her stare mellowed out a lot.

Really, what's her deal?

Did she figure out I was more than a regular massage therapist? But that shouldn't be possible with just the rumors spread by Tony.

Mngh... I don't have enough information

Still unable to make heads or tails of this situation, I continued to wait for Alexis to speak.

"Actually, there is something I want you to see that you miii~ght be very interested in." As Alexis says that, she pulls out her smartphone.

"...Where did you pull that from? It shouldn't be possible to bring a smartphone out here, the teachers would have confiscated it immediately." With how strict and thorough the teachers are, I would have thought her phone would've been found in one of their pockets right now.

"It's fine. It's fine. I was never caught before. But anyway, I want you to take a look at this video here…"

As my warning fell on deaf ears, I shrugged my shoulder and took a look at what Alexis was trying to show me.

Alexis pressed play on her smartphone and the video started.

At first, I didn't know what I was looking at. The video seemed to be taking a video of something far away. Even the audio is ridiculously soft and could not be heard over the noises of the other students.

Judging from the angle the camera is in, the video was taken from up high.

With her fingers, she casually placed her thumb and pointer finger on the screen and zoomed the video closer.


It took all of my willpower for me to not let out an exclamation in surprise over the shocking video that Alexis is currently showing me.

This is 'bad' is not enough to describe this!

In hindsight, I admit I had stopped caring about my surroundings in the heat of the moment... only for that decision to bite me in the butt. Of all things to capture in video, my 'massage session' is something I didn't want to see.

Fortunately, due to the bad angle, neither of our faces were actually captured in any capacity.

After watching the video for a while, the video ended right when Katie should have shouted during her moment of orgasming for the first time under my massage techniques. That would be fine if that was all but before then there was plenty of footage showing Katie squirm suggestively with her hands on top of her skirt each time I massaged her ankle sprain. It seems that there is no more footage beyond that, but I can't be sure.

If only I was able to swipe her smartphone's touch screen I could find out if she as more. But that would just reveal that I knew there was more to see.

Just this video alone is enough various problems for both me and Katie if it ever gets out.

While the video shows us going no further than massaging her ankle, Katie's reaction by itself could get us written up if it passes to the wrong faculty. This could hurt my chances of earning a scholarship for enrolling into the College of Defense. Without the scholarship, I have no chance of getting in.

If the video begins spreading out in social media, we would have to say good-bye to our social lives. It goes without saying what would happen if Tony knew.

But that's only if anyone is able to connect the blurry video of the two students to the both of us.

If I can pretend that this isn't actually us, maybe I can escape from this terrible situation without me having to become desperate.

I made a glance towards Alexis.

This whole time, Alexis had been staring at my face, instead of the video, with a wide smile on her face.

"You see, I wanted to know liii~tle bit more about what happened yesterday after school, so I called out to one of the people involved. Can you tell me?"

…Unfortunately, it seems I have no way of escaping unscathed, after all.

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