The Rise Of The Ero Masseuse System

Chapter 15 - Alexis Owens (2)

"…What are you talking about? What is this anyway? Amateur p.o.r.n? The video quality is pretty bad, considering."

In times like this, being calm is a very important aspect.

I don't understand? What is that? I don't have a clue what you're talking about.

As long as I keep playing dumb with absolute confidence, I can usually forcefully convince them that what I say is true.

Source? Me.

Experimental subject? Kay, my little sis.

At home, even when it's my turn to do the dishes I say, 'Isn't it your turn today, Kay?'. Thankfully, she forgetful in that aspect and usually loses to my insistence. Quite the cute aspect of her.

...Ah...I ran away from reality a little bit. Got to focus.

"Fufu~ Oh? Playing dumb, I see. I think that is a bit of a stretch there. Take a look a little bit closer. Can't you see that the clothes they are wearing are exact same design as one of our school uniforms?"

Seemingly amused at my struggle, Alexis begins her unrelenting attack on my already crumbling castle wall.

"Couldn't it be just some cosplay? I'm sure you could find any one of our school's uniform designs on the internet. They're not that unique."

"Even if there is a cosplay that matches the colors and design of our school perfectly, you see the surroundings? Doesn't it look kind of look like what the back of our school looks like?"

"I think buildings all look the same if you think hard enough."

"Muuu~. Kind of stubborn I see." Alexis begins to pout cutely.

Nah, even if you try to appear cute now, it's a little too late playing that card against me. Whether or not your previous attitude was your 'true personality', a little pout now won't move me in the slightest! I'll fake it till I make it! Kay can vouch for it!

As I tighten my resolve to continue my façade, Alexis suddenly turned her little pout back into that smile that only make me feel like I am caught in a trap.

"Too bad for you, this is not a video I found online. Rather I took it myself. I only wanted some kind of proof to show you."

That much I could understand already! The angle the video was taken in was already kind of obvious that this was the case.

Damn it, I'm already reaching my limit. I could only hope for her to not jab into my weak points, but it seems to be only my wishful thinking.

"....So it seems to be the case. But even if you did take that video yourself, how did you make the connection with this video and me? I don't think anyone will be able to tell who is who with this video quality."

This is the only thing I have left. I can only keep on insisting that I am not the person in the video.

But I already know. This was only stalling the inevitable.

"Fufu~ I think only a little video magic is enough to fix that problem. Besides, I got something else to show you. Here, a picture I took of the two of you as you went back to the dorms."

With a single tap, Alexis slammed the nail into my proverbial coffin.

In the photo she is showing me, the faces of both of us were capture in full HD.

Ah... seems the game is up.

"…What do you want?"

I could only give in for now.

I mean, what else could I do.

Even if I were to try to take the phone from her, I would never think that a person who does this much would not make a back up of the photo and video. And, of course, the number of eye witnesses right now don't do me any favors.

We…no I messed up, bad. Why didn't I make sure that there was no one in the vicinity when we did it.

Blame it all on teenage hormones or what not, it doesn't change the fact I wasn't careful enough.

However, now is not the time to wallow in self-pity.

I'll follow what ever Alexis wants to do to me... for now.

As long as she needs to use that video and photo as blackmail material, she is not likely going to do anything with it for now.

If there is a chance where we can be alone, I will...

...I seemed to have changed a lot. I was never the one to think of doing something like this before.

"Fufu~You finally gave up. I like boys like you who know how judge the situation. Good-boy." Alexis then suddenly patted my head.

Not only I was shocked, but the students around us also started a storm of words once again.

'Eh? Why is our Queen patting the head of that pervert!?'

'So envious!!'


'He must be forcing her or something! That's the only explanation!'

Oi, peanut gallery! If there is anyone forcing anything here it's not me but rather her!

Also why is she patting me!? Is she already considering me her loyal bitch at her beck and call? Is that it!?

I wanted so badly to slap her hand away right now, but I held myself in. If I accidentally touch her an reveal my Skill, my chance at retrieving the footage will be difficult.

"….Ara~. Your head feels strangely good to touch. My hand feels all tingly, but it isn't a bad feeling. It's not even that spiky..."


I never had a situation like this before so it completely slipped my mind. I currently have 'Healing Touch (H) (PASSIVE)' on right now. If she were to touch me anywhere on my direct body, its effects would activate automatically. Since I had only ever tried touch other people using my hands, I unconsciously convinced myself it only worked through my hands. Seems even my hair is no exception.

This is bad, she'll find out about my Skill!

I instantly jerked my head out of her hands.

"Ara~. How regretful."

Says the person who doesn't have a hint of regret on her face. She is even giggling at my expense.

"Like I said, what the f.u.c.k do you want?"

Being rude to my blackmailer? Probably not the best move. I just wanted to get out of here as fast as I can.

"Now, now. Don't be so impatient. Don't worry, I'm am not going to do anything bad to you."

Like I believe that.

"I just want a favor to ask of you."

A favor?

"What do y---?"

"Alexis! How are you doing? Sorry I wasn't able to greet you earlier."

Seems a new challenger has arrived.

Both I and Alexis turned to take a look at the interrupter.

I merely tilted my head in confusion, 'Who are you?' is written all over my face.

Alexis still had her smile on her face, but I strangely felt that her expression was kind of stiff when I glanced at her from the side.

Walking towards us, or rather Alexis, a very handsome male student had his arms spread wide while smiling.

Seems I'm not the target.

"Haha... Hello, Kenneth. You don't have to apologize for that. I saw that you were in the middle of a game just now and I didn't want to bother you. You were sooo~ cool out there."

...Who the hell are you and what have you done to the Alexis that I know?

"Haha, thanks a lot! I would welcome Alexis at anytime so there's no trouble at all."

While giving an amiable smile, as expected, he is also ignoring my existence.

That's fine. I don't know who you are but just keep doing your thing. Just let me get as far away as I can from here. Please.

…She wouldn't let me leave, would she.

"B and D groups, switch out!!"

It looks like the teachers are now switching out the dodge-ball teams. Judging from what Alexis said, it seems this Kenneth guy had been just playing in the previous game.

"I'm happy you feel that way. And, oops, it seems our turn is up. Sorry Kenneth, maybe we can talk next time."

"No worries, no worries! Who says we can't talk on the way over? If that's okay with you of course?"

"….hmmm? I don't see why not. Okay, let's do it."

So it seems that they have reached a conclusion. Great, great. Now if you would excuse it's time to g----.

"Oh before I forget, Daniel."


"Yes, ma'am."

"Fufu~… what is with that response? I want to meet up later. You have time don't you?"

"…. Anytime, milady. Just say the word."

"Thank you so much. Then I want to meet up at 'that' place. You know exactly what I am talking about, right?"

'That' place. The only place she could possibly be referring as 'that' is obvious.

"….I understand."

"Alexis, it seems that you are having a fun conversation with that fellow classmate over there. Mind if I join?" It seems Kenneth over here can't seem to ignore my existence any longer. His expression is all types of hard.

"It's fine. We were just finishing up anyways. Bye-bye, Daniel. See you later."

With a wave of good-bye, the she-devil finally left.

Not to be left behind, Kenneth quickly followed her. Not before leaving me a condescending look that says, 'Don't I ever find you talking with Alexis ever again, you hear me?'.

With those two gone, I could only let a sigh filled with both relief but also regret at what's is to come.

"Next group, quickly exchange places with the previous."

...I'm really not in the mood, but I can't leave. Sigh...

With a slight jog, I ran towards the field.

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