The Rise Of The Ero Masseuse System

Chapter 18 - Katie Campbell and Alexis Owens (2)

"...Okay, no one's here."

Currently, my head sticking out the corner of a hallway T-shaped intersection. Carefully the lookout for signs of any passersby, I looked left and right.

Once I checked the coast is clear, I signaled both Katie and Alexis to follow me.

There were a few close calls on the way here where we almost cross paths with some of the guys but were able to tide through it.

After what felt like an eternity, we finally got to the front of the door of the rumored 'Forbidden Dorm Room: 609'. To me, it's just my dorm room.

I instantly opened the door using my card key and ushered the two girls inside quickly.

Once they're inside, I made myself run inside as well as I quickly but quietly closed the door behind me.

With a deep sigh, I let go of my tight nerves from the trip here.

"Fufu~ It feels good, doesn't it? The thrill of almost being caught." Alexis, with her trademark grin, said to me in a teasing tone.

"In what way that was good!? The only thing I could think of was the things that would happen if any of the guys here were to find out I was taking two girls into my room! I was standing on pins and needles the entire time."

"…Sorry, Daniel, for making you have to care so much about us." Katie had an apologetic look on her face from looking at my exhausted figure.

"You don't need to apologize, Katie. I just wanted to vent. Even if this was the best way to get rid of prying eyes, the process of getting here took years off my life."

I gave the main culprit of my exhaustion a small glare.

Taking it in stride, Alexis casually ignores my stare

"Fufu~…now, now. This is much better than doing it at the back of the school where just about anyone could come in and ruin the moment for us. I guarantee it. Didn't I say there was no need to worry about being caught? Is it really that untrustworthy? My Skill?"

"….No. If it weren't for that we would'be have been caught 10 times over. So I will give you that." While reluctant, I could only praise Alexis for her performance which saves our hides on the trip here.

Just before we set out back to my room, I was at first against having them over.

I mean, of course right? Even if the dormitory rules allow females to visit the Boy's Dorm, it's only for access in certain common public areas like the lounge or cafeteria.

But when she asked whether I had another place in mind, I could only shut up.

If at that time I were to look at Katie who looked like she was going to say something, but in the end didn't, our destination might have been a little different. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately?), I saw nothing.

That was when Alexis revealed something incredible about her.

According to Alexis, she is the holder of a super rare Magic Battle-Type System: the Empress of Shadow System.

Compared to the native inhabitants of Arrynna, Earthlings rarely gain any System that is highly magic focused. It is so rare that it is said that 1/10,000 Earthlings had a chance of obtaining one. According to System Researchers, this pattern is reasoned to be the result of until the opening of the Space Rifts, Earth had a shallow relationship with any magical or mystical phenomenon whereas the Arrynnians are capable of using magic ever since they were born.

But that is beside the point. Alexis's Empress of Shadow System contains a very amazing Skill that she was able to use ever since she received her System for the first time.

That Skill's name is [Shade Recognition].

Using this Skill, Alexis creates a field around her that lets her blend in or become 'recognized' as shadows within a certain area and not be seen. The darker the shadows, the stronger the effect. She is also able to share the benefits of that Skill to one other person.

By using it, Alexis was able to bring Katie along with her to sneak under the noses of anyone they come across.

As to why Katie is coming along even though she technically doesn't have to was because in her words, 'I still am unable to fully trust you, Alexis. I'm coming along, you have no objections, right?'

Despite Katie's forceful 'request', Alexie seems to not mind at all. She actually seemed happy to agree.

This woman...I have no idea what she is thinking.

With a powerful Skill like [Shade Recognition], the things she could be capable of doing is ridiculously wide.

Apparently, she also used this Skill when she was secretly taking the video of us behind the school. I couldn't help but shiver from the idea that even if I had been careful, I probably would be unable to stop her anyways. It is incredibly overpowered.

Knowing what I was thinking, Alexis also explained that her Skill is not as all-powerful as I might think. Not only it uses a ton of MP, it also only lasts a few seconds before it shuts off and has a cooldown of 1 minute. Not very useful for hiding in one area for a long time.

If it was like that, I also wondered if it was possible for me to discover her at that time since her Skill shuts down automatically. As if to dash my hopes, Alexis tells me about how if a human was to not notice anything out of the ordinary the first time they looked at something, they would not be likely to look at it again later. In other words, she was telling me, 'Think again, scrub. If you couldn't spot me the first time, what makes you think you can spot me later?'. She hits where it hurts.

Anyways, with Alexis using her Skill, both girls were able not just only able to pass in front of the eyes of the other boys, they also cleared past under the eyes of the dorm supervisor at the front desk. However, with Alexis's Skill requiring a cool-down, I had to remain vigilant in case we were to run into someone while the cool-down happened.

As a result, I became drained as hell.

"Haha, good work. But still, so this what It's like in a boy's dorm room. Unexpectedly clean." With curious eyes, Alexis's eyes roamed around all over my dorm room.

Even Katie is seemed extremely curious as she too turned her head aimlessly while taking it all in.

"There are even four beds….it seems that it is true that you do live alone in this room. So this is the rumored "Forbidden Dorm Room: 609"."

"Don't speak about someone else's dorm room like it is some kind of horror spot. I was just unlucky I was met with roommates that had… questionable behaviors."

"Fufu~ sorry, sorry. I'm not making fun of it or anything."

Seems Alexis is having a lot of fun. Is it just me or is she really just that excited from being here?

After having her fill of fun, Alexis casually sat on one of the beds that were open (not mine…sadly).

"So, how about we get started?"

"… I'm ready whenever you ar----

"Daniel, come here!"

Just as I was about to give the okay, Katie dragged me off to the side where Alexis couldn't hear.

"I know it's a bit too late now to back out on giving Alexis a massage and I had already agreed this is for the sake of leveling up your System….but she still should be thinking that your System is just a normal Massage-Type System, right?. Is this really okay?"

I understand what Katie is trying to say. She is wondering if it is really okay for me to reveal my System's 'true form' to someone I barely know so easily. Seems she is worried the possibly backlash I would get if Alexis were to find out.

"I understand your concerns. But unless I actually make her orgasm, there is no point for me to do this at all."

"I know that, but…."

For Katie to be that worried... while I feel a little bad, I mostly feel happy about it.

"Don't worry. I have a plan. If this works, I can make Alexis orgasm while at the same time my System won't be exposed. This way even if I had to someone I don't know again, I will be ready."

"…Is that really true?"

Hm~? What happened to the worry she had before?

"It's true!"

"…I see. Then I will believe you."

Katie turned away from me in a huff and walked back towards Alexis. Hmm? Did I say something wrong?

No matter how much I wrung my head, I could not figure it out.

…Let's just forget about it for now.

It is true that I do have a plan to get Alexis to orgasm without her figuring out.

The core of my plan comes from the new Skills I had bought from the Skill Store prior to my arrival to my room.

With a grand total of 40 points, I had a few choices I could have gotten for myself.

In the end, I chose these three: [Swedish Massage (H)], [Deep Tissue Massage (H)], and [Sensitivity Vision (H)].

With the first two 10 points and the last 20 points, I used all my 40 points.

The details of each Skill are like this:


[Swedish Massage (H)]: Standard of standards. Through the use of long strokes, kneading, wringing, percussion, and vibration you can provide the female a heavenly full body massage. Provide relaxation and can make even a v.i.r.g.i.n not feel pain when they have their first time. Sooner or later you will need this, so stay sharp! :)

[Deep Tissue Massage (H)]: A more focused, ther.a.p.eutic massage. Using more deliberate, slow strokes or friction to reach deeper layers of muscles. Useful for removing the stiff shoulders and back pain for the big b.r.e.a.s.ted. Just by giving it to them the relief they want, they might give you the 'relief' that you need, if you know what I mean. *wink-wink*

[Sensitivity Vision (H)]: By using their eye, the best Massage Therapist is capable of visualizing anyone's most sensitive areas. Under your vision, even their deepest secrets can be revealed. Visualize and synchronize, don't just look, feel! 'The one who can control the most number of sensitive areas controls the massage' ~an unknown Ero Masseuse.


With these three, there is nothing I can't do!

With [Sensitivity Vision (H)] I can purposely avoid all Alexis's sensitive areas to not alarm her. Even with [Healing Touch (H)], as long as I can avoid touching her skin directly the effects of that Skill would be limited. Even more so with me avoiding all her sensitive area's,

Using [Swedish Massage (H)] I will forcefully make Alexis relax. If could make her relaxed just enough, I could possibly make her fall asleep. Once she is, I could make her orgasm as much as I want as long as I don't wake her up.... probably.

[Deep Tissue Massage (H)] is just a bonus. It's not like I was staring at Alexis's b.o.o.b.s and thought taking this would be a good idea. Don't get me wrong. ….Please, Katie, you don't need to glare at me so much.

Now that I'm ready, let's just get started.

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