The Rise Of The Ero Masseuse System

Chapter 19 - Katie Campbell and Alexis Owens (3)(*)

"Okay, Alexis lets first get you----"Lexi."----what?"

Just as I was going to ask Alexis if she could lay down on one of the beds, she interrupted me with something I took a second to comprehend.

"Call me Lexi. Isn't it kind of sad? I've called you Dan-Dan all this time but you're not gonna call me by my nickname? It's like you're treating me like a stranger. It's not like you're going to lose anything, so it's fine right?"

All this time, I only thought Alexis was playing around with me calling me something cutesy like Dan-Dan to mess with my mind. But you were telling me it was just her nickname for me and now she expects me to do the same?

"Eh? Ah, but… it's not like we're that close, Ale--- "Lexi." ---….Ale---"Hmm?"---...Lexi."

Having casually suppressed me with her wordless pressure, I finally gave in and started to address her as 'Lexi'. Lexi now has a self-satisfied look on her face.

"Mmm! That's great! I'll keep calling you Dan-Dan, okay?"



Left on the sidelines, Katie is exuding a grumpier aura than before. Really, what is the matter? Noticing, Lexi gave a slightly knowing smirk.

"Dan-Dan, don't you think it's unfair that only I get to be called by a nickname. Seems KC agrees, though."



Eh? Does Katie also want a nickname? For the longest time I known her, I had only ever called her Katie and Katie never had said otherwise. To want to be called by a nickname after all this time…

"I don't think---"I might..."---what?"

Now it's Katie's turn to interrupt me mid-sentence.

"…I might... want to be called by a nickname."



I could only be surprised. Quite the change of heart, honestly.

Lexi seemed extremely happy and playful for some reason as she looked at the two of us with a Cheshire Cat-like grin.

"Fufu~ That's how it's gonna be. Ah! I'm telling you this though, you can't choose 'KC', I already got first dibs!"

"Ugh!?" How did Lexi know I was gonna merely reuse her already made a nickname for Katie for myself?

….Nah, who am I kidding? To choose the easy way for something as intimate as a nickname, if I were Katie I'll probably would never forgive myself.

But if it's a nickname for Katie, I had one I sometimes secretly call her in my head. Whether Katie accepts it or not is a different matter.

"Um... Is it okay if I call you….'Kate'?"

I already know its simple. Not a single lick of creativity. But it's the one I got.

"Kate?….Kate….Kate...Kate! Yeah, it's fine…no it's really great. You should call me Kate from now on!"

O-oh... it seems Kate likes that nickname quite a bit but is it really such a thing to be so happy over?

"Fufu~ isn't that nice KC? You got Dan-Dan to call you a pet name. It's like you guys are a couple!"

"Yeah! ….uh, I mean it's not like that. It's normal for a friend, not a big deal…"

To Lexi's tease, Kate tried to play off her earlier happiness as nothing special. Nah, it's a bit impossible to hide it now, Kate.

"….Okay! We've been putting this off for long enough! Lexi, I thought you were the one who wanted a massage?"

We've been getting off-topic for way too long. When did our reason for being here become deciding how to call each other and not about getting a massage?

"Fufu~…I didn't forget Dan, don't worry. Just that since KC just received her nickname and all, I think she should also get your massage first."

"Eh? Massage Kate?"

"Yeah! You see, when I had secretly watch you two, I wasn't able to get a good look at what you guys were doing. Since this is a good chance, I want to see a Massage-Type System Users Skills in action up close first. You're fine with that right, KC? Coming all the way here and all."

"Eh? Is that really fine?" Kate couldn't help but ask again in confirmation.

"It's fine, totally fine. Don't mind me, I'll just be watching from the side."

...What happened to my input? I don't know why it happened, but it seems I'm gonna massage Kate instead with Lexi watching closely.

Kate pulled me closer with her hand covering the side of her mouth as she whispers in my ear.

"What are you going to do now? Didn't you have a plan, before? Should we try to convince Lexi to go first?"

Similarly, I also whispered in Kate's ear with my response, "... Nah, this might actually be better for us. I'm actually not sure if my plan would work. But if I can practice it with you first, my chances of success might increase. Even if it doesn't work, I'll just end it with a normal massage. Their's no risk."

After saying what I wanted to say, both Kate and I broke apart only to stare each other in the eyes for a hot second.

"….Kate, it's really fine, right, for you to be first."

"….Yeah. I'll be in your care."

Just in case, I got the 'OK' from Kate and immediately guided Kate to one of the beds. More specifically, my bed that I normally sleep and lay on.

I wasn't actually thinking when I guided Kate at first. By the time I noticed, it was already too late to turn back. The bed that I do many 'questionable things' on for a daily basis is now the 'massage bed' for the first 'customer' I have ever made.

While thinking this might be rude, but ever since I imagined that, I could feel an uncontrollable heat I tried to suppress gather to a certain lower part of my body.

Nope, I should calm down. Now is not the time. Right now it's just a 'normal' massage. Nothing out of the ordinary. With great effort, I suppressed my desires as not alarm Lexi who had been watching so curiously on the side.

With slightly stiff movements, Kay sat on top of my bed and began to take off her shoes and sock. For a second, I was wondering why until it hit me.

"Actually Kate, I'm planning on doing a different massage than I did before so could you actually take off your blazer jacket?"

"Eh? R-really? Um….okay…it's just my jacket, right? Nothing else?"

"Fufu~ That's a good question. Are sure we don't need to take any more off? It's going to do that right? The massages they do in those spa commercials? Mm, it's a bit embarrassing, if you want..." While saying this Lexi slowly pulled down the collar of her shirt suggestively.

"Nah, I'm not a real massage therapist, so you don't need to do that. It's not gonna be anything like those commercials, so don't expect anything."

Don't give me any ideas! If I were to allow you guys to do that, my plan to hide my System would go down the drain. Oh shit, my son is reacting again just imagining what would happen.

"Ara~ Too bad." Though she's saying that, Lexi doesn't look all that disappointed. Seems it's just a light joke to her.

"Ahem! Well, now that that's settled, Kate, can I get you lay down on your front?"


With a nod, Kate obediently laid flat on her stomach, her back towards the ceiling.

As for me, I stood at the head of my bed. I removed the detachable headpiece so I had better access to Kate's body.

OK. Now is the moment of truth. Skills don't let me down!

"I'm going to begin now, OK?"

"Y-yeah, do it."

I started by placing the palms of both my hands onto Kate's shoulder blade.


...So soft. I used to roughhouse with my sisters all the time in the past so I already knew about how a girl's body felt, but for me touching a girl's body so blatantly like this, this is my first time. The feel compared to my own body is seriously different...

However, because of her softness, I could also feel this abnormal tension and tightness Kate gets as I continue to softly touch her.

Is she nervous?

"Katie, you okay? You feel uncomfortable or anything? You're kinda tightening up a bit too much."

"Mnngh…eh? N-no, it doesn't hurt or anything….sorry, I'm kinda nervous about having you touch me like this."

"I see…"

If it's like that, then it can't be helped.

Although, I could also say this is the perfect chance to try it out. With her so stiff like this, let's see how my new Skill actually works.

Ever since I bought the [Sensitivity Vision (H)], while I was unable to see anything out the ordinary normally, once I focused myself on Kate's body, I started seeing a multitude of various colored lights appear all over Kate's body.

The nape of her neck and ears are light pink. A light tracing her lower spine to all over her lower back and butt is a bright red. Her fingertips even radiate a pale pink color.

So… are these her so-called 'sensitive areas'?

What do the difference in the shade of red mean?

Well, only one way to find out.

I began to use the techniques taught to me since my baptism buying the [Swedish Massage (H)].


With large circular stroking repeating movements, I slowly slid my palms all over Kate's back while trying my best to avoid her 'sensitive areas' for now.

"Nnnngh…..mmmm....ahhhh….so good~♥…"

Under my careful yet firm massage, Kate began to m.o.a.n in pleasure.

However, unlike last time, her m.o.a.ns this time are not fully infused with e.r.o.t.i.c energy.

As expected, [Healing Touch (H)] is unable to fully activate through her clothes. So far so good.

My massage continued. My large hands felt the contours of her small back as they slide across her previously tight muscles, relaxing it bit by bit. With each stroke, it was as if I could sense Kate's nervousness ebb away. I became so focused in my task, I started to even forget about Lexi at the side who continues to look curiously at my techniques.

In curiosity, I changed up my massaging techniques with another one taught to me by the System.


With firm squeezing movements, I alternately lifted the soft tissues underneath her clothes with both of my hands, releasing the tension still within her body.


Kate's m.o.a.ns of pleasure increase in frequency with each squeeze. Her sweet voice seemed to echo in my small room.

Whoops, this isn't the result I wanted. While it looks like it feels good, relaxing seems a long way away. I immediately returned to doing effleurage as before.

The m.o.a.ns of pleasure that had been echoing all around my room eventually slowly receded until complete silence.

If I were to closely look at Kat's face now, I could see the precious image of a beautiful highschool girl's sleeping face. It's a success.

"Ara~ Did Kate just fall asleep? Fufu~ she really is cute to have fallen asleep during a massage. Or maybe…it's just that Dan-Dan's massage is just that good?" Lexi gave me a deep look as she slightly teases me with a slight grin.

"Hmm…who knows? I'm going to continue now."

Playing innocent, I ignored any further interjections from Lexi and began to focus on my next step.

Kat finally fell asleep.

Now I can finally begin my experiment.

Different from my movements from before, I begin my real plan since all this time, 'Mission: Make any girl c.u.m while she's asleep!'

Since a while ago, I had been avoiding Kat's 'sensitive areas' as I continued to massage her. Now, its time to use them.

Disguising my actions as the effleurage technique I did before, as my hands pulled back, I slid my fingers tips all across her spin all the way to the bare nape of her neck.

"Zzzz... Nngh, aaaa...♥! Zzzz...."

Yikes! I quickly glanced at Lexi. She didn't hear that right?

Lexi only gave me an innocent questioning stare once a looked.

I secretly let out a sigh of relief. Seems she didn't find anything unusual

OK! Note to self. Careful when touching their 'sensitive spot's' even when they are asleep.

Having that engraved into my mind, this time even more gently, I slowly let my fingers and palm massage the areas around her shoulders, but occasionally casually touching her nape at times.

"Zzzzz….nngh, ahn…zzzzz….nngh…..:

Silently and gently. Slowly but surely. Gradually bring her into a gentle climax.

My palms became sweaty from the tension in the air. I could feel the loosened muscles of her back I had made before seem to tighten once again. Her body imperceptibly quivers yet Kate still does not waken.

Suddenly an overwhelming feeling seemed to wash all over me. Building anticipation. The desire for more pleasure. Waves of intense greed for more stimulation runs rampant within my body.

I became confused. This feeling... it's not that of mine. Can it be....Kate's?

Urged by berserk desires within me, my massages became more intense. Without even caring whether Kate becomes awake or remains asleep, my hands slid firmly along her spine until it reached the small of her back. Once there, with thumbs from both of my hands, I moved the muscles beneath my hands against each other, with each push the rising feeling pleasure inside me reached a point even I don't understand.


"Zzz….ahhn, ahhnn…..nnnnghh...Aaahhhnn…..♥♥♥!!!"

All of a sudden, Kate's body seemed to completely lose all her tension all at once. The feeling of pleasure I experienced before gone without a trace.

Slightly shocked, I quickly moved my head towards Kate's face to make sure she's okay.

Her eyes still remained closed. However, something seemed different from before.

Did she….faint?

Is that even possible? At the last moment, just as she climaxed, Kate actually fainted from pleasure.

"Ara~Ara~ You did quite a number on KC here. I feel kind of sorry for her. Or…should I congratulate you for making KC c.u.m so hard?


Shit! As expected, the reaction that Kate gave right now was way too big.

"C-c.u.m? What do you mean c.u.m? How can I possibly make Kate c.u.m with just a massage?"

"It's fine, it's fine. You don't have to keep making excuses." Right on cue, Lexi gives me that signature smile.

…. it seems the jig is up.

"…When did you know?"

"Right from the beginning, you know. It's true I deleted the only video of the at you guys did and it only depicted the earlier parts of it, I actually did that on purpose and watched the rest directly the whole time. It was all for the sake of lowering your guard. And it seems I was successful."

Seriously? Then what was I even trying for this entire time!?

"Fufu~ it was quite interesting to see how you massaged KC this close. But to really fall asleep…maybe you actually aimed for that? Let me guess, you thought of using Kate as a guinea pig first so you could later massage me to sleep, and just like you did with KC here, you would also make me c.u.m the same way? You thought it was a good way to hide your System's Skills, am I right?"

!! To have guessed my entire thought process exactly... rather than 'the Empress of Shadows System', a Mind Reading System probably matches her instead.

"Fufu, seems I'm right."


Is there nothing I can hide from this person?

"Fufu~. As it seems KC is unable to continue, how about we get started as well?"


Having been shocked by Lexi too many times, I didn't understand what she said at first.

"I should lay down too, right? Fufu~, I can't wait! I counting on you Dan-Dan. I'm leaving my body to your capable hands.♥"

As she began to lay on an empty bed on her own, she turned her head around and looked at me with a seductive smile.

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