The Rise Of The Ero Masseuse System

Chapter 31 - Convincing Massage Results…(*)

Ella Hayden's POV

Eh? W-what is happening!?

A student I only just met today is now exposing my chest right in the middle in the office where I work!

"W-wait a minute! What are you doing!? I'm a teacher!"

Breaking free from my paralysis, I tried to squirm out of Daniel's embrace. However, for some reason, I couldn't escape no matter what I did.

"I know! But I can't stop myself now."

As if to prove a point, Daniel put his lips directly on my neck as he gave me multiple kisses. With each kiss, he slowly travels upward getting closer and closer to my face.

Wanting to escape, I tried with all my might to move my neck away from Daniel. But in the end it was a futile effort.


This feeling... is he kissing my neck? And it's not just one kiss, but multiple tiny short ones. With each kiss he plants, the skin where his lips touched me seemed to burn as if on fire.

At first, it was the sensation like a slow burn with just tiny sparks, not even a lick of flame.

Then with his second kiss, he fanned those sparks. Gradually it turned it into a small yet substantial flame.

His third… fourth… fifth…, with each continuous kiss, the originally tiny sparks had already turned into the hottest of bonfires.

"Haaa♥… haaa♥… haaa♥…"

My breathing became rough and heavy, as though trying to cool my now extremely hot body.

So hot… what's going on?… what's happening?... I don't know what to think anymore…

Once Daniel's lips had finally reached the jawline of my chin… he stopped his momentum.

Eh? My muddled mind cleared up for the first time. I couldn't help but be surprised. Why did he stop right there?

… Wait. Why am I acting so disappointed?

Wasn't this what I wanted? I shouldn't be feeling this way.

Unable to accept my own budding feelings of regret, I continue to fight against the maelstrom of emotions.

Trying to find an escape from my turmoil, I turn my head inexplicably towards the culprit that made me feel this way in the first place.

My eyes had finally taken in Daniel's gaze that had been trained on me ever since he stopped his advances. His eyes were looked deeply into mine. His expression was so serious it made my heart flutter from nervousness.

His dark brown eyes were like the ocean. Unable to pull my gaze away, I couldn't help but share direct eye contact with Daniel's in silence.

His face so clo---Mngh!!

Is this… a kiss? He's kissing me again right now!?

"Mnnngh….w-wai---mmngh, nnghhg♥♥♥"

Daniel's lips were not merely placed over mine. He had his tongue immediately invades deep into my slackened lips. Sloppy, messy, and rough. As if trying to overwrite my messed up feelings, he continued to use his deep kiss to blow my mind.

This… is really bad.

This kind of kiss... I never had anything like this before in my life. Even my husband, this kind of thing...

Even though I'm not supposed to like this… Why? Why does it feel this good?

"Mnnn♥��. Ahmn♥…. Nnngh♥… no mo—mmnn...♥♥♥!!"

No good, my mind isn't working right. Even though I can't allow a student do me like this, I just…

Ahh… right now he is also fondling my b.o.o.b.s. When did he take off my bra?

Having my hard and erect n.i.p.p.l.e exposed into the cold air, I could feel Daniel's index fingers gently flick both of them in a rhythmic manner. At the same time, I could feel his other fingers gently caress and squeezed my soft hills,

On one hand, his kiss was rough, like a beast. I felt as if I was being devoured whole in each passing second.

On the other hand, his hands that were playing with my chest were like those of a pianist. Gentle and smooth, I could feel his finger glide gently across my skin as he squeezes my b.r.e.a.s.t just as softly.

Rough yet gentle. Experiencing these two extremes, the only thing I could feel was a pleasure beyond my control. How is he this good.? Is this really something a teenager can do? Unbelievable…

I continued to be subjected to pleasures that I have no control over. It continued to happen over… and over… and over again. Wait… time is… I can't remember.

"Mmm…. haa~---"


Finally, his mind-melting assault has stopped. My mind is still a white mess. I can't think of anything coherent right now. All I could do was remember feeling and taste of his hot lips all over mine.

"Did it feel good, Mrs. Hayden?"

"Ahn♥… mnngh♥… If I say it felt good, will you stop this?... Nggh♥"

Although he had stopped kissing me, his hands continue to squeeze my b.r.e.a.s.t lewdly, making me m.o.a.n involuntarily each time.

If I don't stop him right now... I---

"Hmm, I wonder… But I do have one question for you."

"Ahn♥… mnngh♥…. W-what is that?"

"Between me and your husband… who was better?"

"….!?!?! Ahhnnn….♥♥♥!!"

To pinch my after asking that question… this is totally unfair!

"Mnnngh♥… i-it's my husband, of course… Ahnn♥♥… Who else would it be?"

That question is not good. Not good at all!

"Is that really true? You aren't lying to yourself?"

"Shut up! It isn't like that! It isn't like that at all…"

I could only try to deny Daniel's word like a child. If I were to agree to anything that he says, I felt I would have lost something important.

After hearing my words, is Daniel finally willing to listen to me? Before I knew it, Daniel had already released me from his embrace and stood up.

I covered my chest that still has the residual warmth from his hands still lingering. I could feel that my erect are still sensitive from his pinch.

... Why do I feel this disappointed? This is not right. This kind of thing can't be allowed. It can't!

Forcefully trying to convince myself, I continue to try to deny these new foreign feelings.

"Mrs. Hayden…"

Daniel now stands in front of me. Preoccupied with my feelings, I tried to avoid his gaze with all my strength.

Please don't say anything anymore.

"I'm very sorry!"


Eh? What did he say just now? I couldn't help but look up to see Daniel bowing his head deeply in apology.

"I had said many rude things and made Mrs. Hayden very uncomfortable. I shouldn't have tried to compare myself to your husband like that. It was my mistake."

"Eh? Wait… you don't---"

"While I said I would care about Mrs. Hayden more than your husband ever did, in the end, I only thought of myself. I had done something unforgivable. I can only give you my sincerest apologies."


I don't understand what's happening at all. Why is Daniel apologizing?

[… I only thought of myself]

Is he being serious?

However, what I do see is that Daniel truly feels apologetic about what he done to me. That much I can tell.

Honestly, I don't know what to think. Although it was forced, Daniel's rough and gentle embrace did not hurt me in any way. Rather I was able to tell how much he actually cares about trying to make me feel good.

For him to apologize about his behavior now… somehow it's kind of funny.

Fufu~ how strange.

"It's okay. You didn't have to apologize. All that happened was just an accident. Let's forget this ever happened. Okay?"

That's right. All of this was a mistake. We will go back to being a teacher and student… that is the best way.

…No! I can't feel any regret right now. It isn't allowed. I can't… I just can't…

"… I'm sorry, Mrs. Hayden. While I did apologize, that is a request I'm unable to comply with right now."

? What does he...?

Hyaah!? W-ait! What is he doing!? Why is he pulling down his pants!?

Without warning, Daniel suddenly dropped down his pants, revealing the large weapon of his he had hidden under his clothes.

What in the world is that? It's so big���

For the first time, I am seeing the p.e.n.i.s of another man other than my husband this closely. What I am seeing right now is the biggest p.e.n.i.s I have ever seen.

Even compared to various p.o.r.n stars I had seen in my younger years as a curious teenage girl, Daniel's size would be able to make them have a run for their money. My husband's…? Comparing them is impossible.

"You see? It was because of Mrs. Hayden I'm like this. Even now, I'm trying to hold myself back the best I can to try not to assault you right now."

This is… my fault? It got this big because of me…

"I know that after apologizing like that, that what I'm going to ask is probably the worst thing I can do. But I can't hold myself back any longer. Mrs. Hayden, I want you to give me a blowjob, please."

"…A blowjob?"

"Yes. If I can get that, I should be able to calm down enough. If done, I will listen to you from now on. Could you do that for me?"

"… If I do that, you will forget this ever happened?"

"Cross my heart and hope to die."

"... I understand. I just have to do it, right?"

Ahh… once again, I'm going to do something I shouldn't be doing with a student. But this is for making him forget. There is no other choice.

I reached my hands to grab his unbelievably huge rod.

So hot. And so hard. It takes two of my hands to fully grab it. Can I really fit this in my mouth?

Although I continue to hesitate, I finally steeled myself and put the head of his hot rod into my mouth.

"Nnnngh♥…..mmmghh♥...*slurp* *slurp*…♥♥"

I tried my best to move my head up and down, but I'm already feeling my limit. Even Daniel can probably tell how bad I am. Even with my husband, I don't do this kind of thing often. He rarely asks me to do so.

"~~~… you're doing good, Mrs. Hayden. Just do your best."

As if to encourage me, Daniel started to stroke my head while continued my really amateurish blowjob.

H-how embarrassing. But, I'm kind of happy.

Although this was only a deal, if I am unable to satisfy him the deal will become null and void. I have to improve myself.

I started to try to observe Daniel's responses. When I licked under the glands, I could see him visibly shiver from pleasure. When I suck the tip as hard as I can, I can feel Daniel's hand stop and tighten in the middle of stroking me.

So this kind of thing feels good to him...

At a rapid rate, I became more and more skilled in finding the right things to do to please Daniel.

I could see Daniel pant hard in pleasure with each move that I do.

This feeling of giving him so much pleasure… it's fantastic.

Is my technique really that good? Are you going to c.u.m?

A fire seemed to be lit beneath me. With increased intensity, I shook my head up and down. I could feel Daniel's manhood pulsate in my mouth. He's gonna c.u.m, isn't he? I can feel it.

"Nggh… Mrs. Hayden! I am close to c.u.m.m.i.n.g. Please, can you use your b.o.o.b.s to rub it one last time?"

"Mmm♥… Haaa♥… so you want me to rub it with my b.o.o.b.s?"

"Yes please."

"Fufu~ You have so many demands. Well, fine. That isn't too much to ask."

After lifting both of my b.r.e.a.s.ts into my hands, I immediately sandwiched Daniel's manhood between them.

Amazing, I know that my b.o.o.b.s are quite big but even I cannot seem to fully wrap them around Daniel's hard rod.

From the tip that was sticking out from between my valleys, pre-c.u.m could be seen leaking in copious amounts.

"…This is how they do this, right?"

Copying what I had seen in a once, I slowly allowed my saliva to drip all over his hard rod. Once lubricated by my fluids, I slowly began to move my b.r.e.a.s.t up and down in a deliberate manner. I did not forget to squeeze as I did so.

"Oohh… This feels really f.u.c.k.i.n.g amazing. But it is not enough! Mrs. Hayden, can you please suck on it too?"

I obediently did what he asked. While I kept his hard rod between my b.o.o.b.s, I began to simultaneously suck on the tip that sticks out.

"Nggh… This is good! I'm going to c.u.m!! Mrs. Hayden, take it all!!!"


Ah… so much hot stuff came out. Amazing, it's still going.

From the tip of Daniel's p.e.n.i.s, a copious amount so of white viscous fluid flowed out endlessly into my mouth. This is Daniel's s.e.m.e.n♥.

This amount, this volume… what a waste.

*Gulp* *Gulp*

Ah… I'm actually swallowing it.

Another thing I wasn't supposed to do…

After noting that Daniel's p.e.n.i.s seems to have finally released the last of his load, I finally released his now flaccid manhood from my mouth.

It's finally over…

"Mrs. Hayden… thank you very much. For listening to my selfish wish."

"… That's okay. It doesn't matter anymore. Now we can forget this all ever happen as you promised."

You are satisfied, right? Let this be the end now.

"… I'm sorry, Mrs. Hayden. It seems I am unable to keep that promise."

"…Eh? No way… Why is it hard again?"

Even my husband would take some time to recover after ejaculating even a fourth of the amount that Daniel did, yet it's already ready for more…

"Mrs. Hayden. This is my final request. I'm not kidding this time. Please let me do you once."

"… No… I can't allow that… such a thing…"

"It will really be my last. I promise."


I already know. This is something I have to refuse right now. If I accept him now, there is no going back from this (Although, I already think it's a bit too late…)

Still glistening with my own saliva, Daniel's revived manhood raises itself grandly, emitting its huge presence to my face.

This… would be going inside of me.♥

Ah… I can feel the space between my legs seemed to squirm and contract at the thought. I can't believe I'm this wet just from imagining.

Daniel looks at me and I look back.

He is waiting for my answer.






"----rs. Hay--- Mrs. Hayden. It's time."

I felt my shoulder being shaken softly as I slowly opened my heavy eyes that had closed themselves without me knowing.

"… Nnngn. This is…?"

With my bleary eyes, I allowed my eyes to roam my surroundings. Captured in my vision was the familiar background of the Teacher's Office along with the appearance of two familiar students.

"You surprised me. While I thought you were getting a bit drowsy when I was massaging you, to actually fall asleep so quickly…"

"…. Ah. That's right. I was getting a massage---"

I was supposed to be receiving a massage from Daniel for 5 minutes. I glanced at the clock. To my surprise, 5 minutes had already passed…

"Mrs. Hayden, you okay? You were sleeping so deeply we felt bad trying to wake you up. Maybe you should go to the infirmary…?" Alexis said her concerns.

"That's a good idea. Mrs. Hayden, you should probably rest a bit more." Daniel also agreed to Alexis's sentiment.

"… No, that won't be necessary. Somehow I'm feeling more rested than I have ever been these past few days. Even though I had only slept for under 5 minutes.. is this one of your Skills, Daniel?"

I'm not lying. Despite only resting for what should have been less than 5 minutes, I'm feeling more energetic than I have ever been lately.

Somehow, I even have the impression I had been dreaming for a long time despite having such a short rest. I don't remember a single thing about it though…

While I don't remember the specifics of my dream, I had the impression that the dream had been both the 'worst' and also the 'best' dream I ever had. What is this messed-up feeling?

"…. Hey, you two. Did I say anything when I was sleeping by any chance?"

In response to my question, both Alexis and Daniel looked at each other in the eyes for a hot second. Both then cracked a slight smile to each other.

"It's okay, Mrs. Hayden. You did nothing wrong."

"Fufu~ That's right. It was your husband's fault all along, to forget your anniversary together. Rest assured, we both are your allies in this."


S-so embarrassing!!

"… Please forget I said anything."

"Haha." "Fufu~"

Stop, please. Your warm gazes are killing me in the inside. Ahh.. what kind of things I'm showing to my students…!?

"Fufu~ So? How was it, Mrs. Hayden. Daniel's massage? Have you reconsidered yet?"


"… I can request having this done again if become your advisor?"

…Huh? What am I saying.!?

"Anytime, Mrs. Hayden. It's that kind of Club after all."

At this time, I have no idea why, but I could feel my panties were beginning to be soaked with my love juice having heard Daniel's final words.

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