The Rise Of The Ero Masseuse System

Chapter 32 - I didn’t want to see that…

Whew... recruiting Mrs. Hayden as the Club Advisor? Success.

Really… it was a complete gamble whether or not I would succeed the entire time.

The Skills I had then… they just weren't enough for the job.

That isn't to say they aren't effective in their own right, it just that, for my current situation, they were a bit 'lacking' for my purposes.

5 minutes.

Objectively, a very short time.

Most debates cannot be resolved successfully within such a short period of time. Yet, I am going to have to convince someone like Mrs. Hayden to change their minds with nothing but my hands?

Truly, a difficult conundrum.

My Skills? Unless they have some fast-acting brainwashing effect, it's better not to depend solely on them to succeed.

So what shall I do now?

Obviously, if I don't have the right Skill currently… I'll just have to buy the right Skill right now!

Thankfully, ever since I 'massaged' Lexi and Kate last night, the number of points I obtained is an astronomical amount.





You have done the following:

• Through massaging, make the multiple women around you c.u.m a total of 20 times. Current progress: [36/100]

• Ejaculate through means other than initiated by yourself 2 times. Current progress: [3/5]

• Current Level: [1➝2]. Current progress: (650/2000)


Point Reward System

Point calculation in progress…

Normal Points

· Erogenous zone orgasm: 20 times. 2*20 = 40

· Clitoral orgasm: 8 times. First-time multiplier added. (5*19)+(5*2)= 105

· V.a.g.i.n.a.l orgasm: 2 times. First-time multiplier added. (10*2)*2= 40

Bonus Points

· Receive a fellatio: 2 times. 30*2 = 60


Normal Points: 296 points

Bonus Points: 120 points

Total: 416 points


Status Window

Stat calculation in progress…

HP: [130➝260]

MP: [0]

STR: [17➝18]

DEF: [15➝17]

VIT: [20➝24]

INT: [14➝15]

AGI: [16]


SKILLS: [Reflexology (H) LV2]

[Healing Touch (H) {PASSIVE} LV2]

[Ero Boost LV1]

[Swedish Massage (H) LV1➝LV2]

[Deep Tissue Massage (H) ) LV1➝LV2]




This is the partial view of my System prior to massaging Mrs. Hayden.

Besides the fact that I gained more points that I have ever seen before, I had also leveled up my P-level for the first time.

The benefits leveling up brought me was huge.

While, in the grand scheme of things, the benefits of leveling up just once would be chicken feed compared to what my future might bring, but to the current me, it felt like a life-changing event.

But this isn't the important thing right now.

What is most important is the number of points I gain gained from last night's 'activities' alone.

416 points total… if I hadn't bought 'those two Skills' earlier I would've had much much more, but this is already an exceedingly large number.

To have this many points and to not use them, that would be a crime!

But what should I use them for?

Luckily, I had an answer ready for that question at hand.

There is probably only one Skill that could help me at this point and I had been keeping an eye on it for a while now.

The name of that Skill? [Healing Touch (H)], the {ACTIVE} version, of course!

After hovering over the name of the Skill, the description my System gives out is as follows:




[Healing Touch (H)] {ACTIVE}: The upgraded version you have been waiting for has arrived. Everything you love about the {PASSIVE} version and more! Through the consumption of points, this Skill will activate and give off an extremely compressed energy wave that originates from your hands. Injuries that would have taken hours to days to heal, even with the 'passive' version, can now be healed instantly… for a price. And don't forget, not just the healing factor increases in this version! To those who succ.u.mb under your hands, release their hidden carnal desires they might not even know they had! (Free transfer between Active/Passive version is now possible)




This Skill… it could work!

A strengthened version of my [Healing Touch (H)]{ Passive}.

As long as it's anything like how the passive version works… but stronger, this will become the crux of my plan.

While it has that the demerits of using points in order to activate, the effects it can bring by far make up for it.

I don't know what 'hidden carnal desires' might entail, but it certainly sounds effective.

Having bought it, I immediately wanted to try this with Mrs. Hayden.

However, I began by using my other Skills first.

My aim? Getting her to loosen up was my first priority. The more I can lower her defenses, the better my success.

After seeing Mrs. Hayden seems to enjoy my shoulder massage for a while, I immediately activated my plan.

[Healing Touch (H)]{ACTIVE}... activate!

With bated breath, I watch as Mrs. Hayden was infused with an energy wave that came out of my hand, just like what my System described. What happened next though was beyond my expectations.

Mrs. Hayden actually went asleep. Beyond that, however, no other changes were noted.

'Is it not working?', I thought.

Unsure the results, but refusing to give up, I kept using my new Skill

I, of course, did not forget to use my other Skills as necessary

Under my [Sensitivity Vision (H)], I tried to use its secondary effects to figure out Mrs. Hayden's current feelings.

The result was… strange to say the least,

Mrs. Hayden… there is no mistake that she is thinking about me. My Skill confirms it.

But no matter how I try, I was unable to elicit any clear results of what she felt about me. It was as if she was caught in a fog. It feels as if multiple feelings were being mixed together... yet also not at the same time.

I am completely unable to follow anything of what she is feeling. It is as if she is mist itself, like a cloud or a dream....!!

… Is she perhaps dreaming?

I don't know. I have no way of guessing.

Time continues, waiting for no one. 5 minutes was already up

With no choice, I stopped using my Skills.

While I felt slightly bad for Mrs. Hayden, I awaken her from her short nap.

When Mrs. Hayden has woken up, [Sensitivity Vision (H)] was still working.

However, no matter how much I tried to comb her feelings, I wasn't able to find any special response from her.

Eh? What happened to her feelings when she was sleeping? Did I fail?

Thinking I failed, I was already in a half-given upped state when Lexi decided to pop the question.

Mrs. Hayden's response, to my surprise, was not that bad.

It worked?

Beyond my expectations, it seems my efforts were rewarded after all.

"Haaa~…" I got so tired all of sudden.

Having completed our objective, both Lexi and I said our good-byes to Mrs. Hayden after telling her we will contact her later.

"Fufu~It was a great success. Good job, Dan-Dan."

"Lexi... next time, tell me first before we do anything like this... it's bad for my heart."

Having successfully obtained a Club Advisor, it is time that we address the other problem we have before we can establish our club officially... obtaining 5 members.

To fulfill the requirements to establish a club set by the school, a new club must have 5 starting members.

Assuming Kate, Lexi, and I as one the first members… we would need two more members otherwise the creation of the Club will remain naught but an idea.

"It seems KC is going to try to recruit her roommate, it seems. Tamaki Kageyama, as I recall.."

Tamaki, huh?

In my mind, the image of Tamaki appeared in my head.

Although I personally don't have much contact with her all that often, I would have no complaints if she were to become a member. From what I could remember, however, wasn't she part of the tennis club? Is it going to work out?

It seems Lexi noticed my worry and gave me a small laugh, "Fufu~ It's okay. I'll help out."

"Then that's fine. But what should we do about the last member?"

"Don't you have a little sister that goes to this school? How about you ask her to join?"

"… You know, Kay? Have her join the club?"

Kay… Kay, huh.

Letting Kay into the club… while I don't know it will work, it's not a bad option.

"Okay, I'll keep that mind"

"Fufu~, you do that."

After talking a bit more, Lexi and I made our final goodbyes and we both left on our separate ways.

At a breakneck speed, almost breaking the school rules, I sped walked through the hallways.

"The time I have left for lunch… Damn, it's not that long. Hopefully, I can buy a sandwich…"

Having use half of my lunchtime to go convince Mrs. Hayden to become our Club Advisor, I was in a hurry to buy lunch. If I had to miss lunch because of this...

"Hey! 'Porter'!! We got something to say to you so don't move!!"

Hmm? The hallway is strangely noisy. Isn't everyone either supposed to be at lunch or in class?

… Meh? It doesn't matter.

While I was curious for a split second, I never stopped my feet even once as I continue to quickly speed walk towards the cafeteria.

"Oi!! I f.u.c.k.i.n.g said stop!! Don't ignore me!!"

Hearing an extremely loud noise very close behind me, I could feel the sensation of a hand on my shoulder forcefully stopping me from going any further.

Eh? The yelling was directed towards me?

After shaking off the rude person's hand with a shrug, I quickly turned my attention to the culprit who tried to stop me.

… Who are these guys?

A group of 5 male students I never have seen before were all looking at me with extremely disdainful looks in their eyes.

I never saw their faces in my life (Besides, even if I did, I probably wouldn't have remembered them). I don't have a clue of who or what they are, much less why they looking at me so disdainfully.

Did I upset them before?

While I was still in pure confusion about this situation, the lanky male student that had grabbed my shoulder spoke first.

"Oi, 'porter', who said you could leave when I told you to stop?"

"… 'Porter' is referring to me?"

"What kind of stupid question is that? There is no one else but you!"


The first thing that popped into my mind when I heard this guy talk was, 'Ah… so he's that kind of person…'

In this day and age where becoming a System User is now the norm of society, it is pretty inevitable that 'negativity', once again, spread it's influence on society once more. The current form it takes this time is simple…. 'discrimination'. More specifically discrimination against those who don't own a Battle-Type System (BTS).

As BTS Users become more idolized thanks to marketing and their generally high demand by the Earth Union, Support-Type System (STS) Users, in turn, get the somewhat the opposite treatment.

While I say opposite treatment, it's not like all people began to despise STS Users all of a sudden. In fact, most people understood the benefits that many STS Users can give that helped enriched their livelihoods. There are many respected professions that have tons of STS Users in their workforce.

Of course, there are always exceptions.

Battle-Type Systetem Supremacist. A term used to refer to a small yet loud vocal minority that can be found in many different places who take BTS idolization to the next level.

Like their namesake, the 'Supremacist' place a huge, if not abnormal, level of support for all things BTS related. The importance they place on BTSs is so heavy, it reaches the point where they would discriminate against those who don't have a BTSs… namely to STS Users and none System Users.

In their crusade against them, this led the Supremacist to create various derogatory terms they use to refer to other none BTS Users. For STS Users, the Supremacist calls them 'porters'. Made through connecting the words 'support' and 'porter' together. The connotation behind the term was these supremacist considered STS Users as mere servants or luggage-carriers for the truly strong (BTS), hence the name 'porters'.

For none System Users, they call them 'empties'. Without having either type of System, they are merely empty shells and worthless in their eyes. To Supremacist, none System Users might as well be air to them.

For this student to use 'porter' as a way to refer me makes him either one of the Supremacists or a least a supporter of their cause. Either way, it's unpleasant to hear.

"… Meh, whatever. So what do you want with me? If its nothing important, I'm just gonna leave now."

With these types of people, it's best to just either ignore them or cut the conversation short as fast as possible. Hurry it up, man… I need to get my lunch!

"You---!! … Keh, fine. You, bring your face to the back. We got some questions you need to answer."

"What? You can't say it here?"

"It doesn't matter, does it? Who cares, just do it."

Hmm… yep! This is suspicious as suspicious gets.

"It seems you got nothing important to say. If there is nothing else, I'll be going…"

Are they stupid? Why would I follow people that obviously do not think fondly of me to an empty space?

"F.u.c.k! All I've been hearing is this wishy-washy shit… just f.u.c.k.i.n.g follow us, right now!!"

Having been silent until now, a rather 'fat one' of the group began to interject into the conversation with the profanities of his own.

Haaa… why do I have to experience something like this now?

All I wanted to do was to go get my lunch…

I gazed upon the group again with my eyes half-closed. Do you guys have anything better to do?

That was when I noticed that my vision started to be filled with pink and red lights.


Eh? Are you serious? Are you f.u.c.k.i.n.g serious!? I was only glaring at them for a few seconds and [Senstivity Vision (H)] just activated out of nowhere.

I don't f.u.c.k.i.n.g want to see it!! Who the f.u.c.k would want to see these guys' sensitive spots? And you, the fat one, why f.u.c.k are your so red!? That is something I didn't want to know! Ahhh… where is the bleach when you need one…

Traumatized by the vision forced upon me, I tried to immediately close my eyes to rid myself of this hellish image.


Through the trust of my Skill and pure reflex, I tilted my head immediately directly to the right side. The moment my entire head left from my original position, an invisible 'something' instantly passes through where my head would've been had I not moved.

Have I not reacted on reflex the moment I had notice…

"… Hey shitheads, what the f.u.c.k did you just do?"

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