The Rise Of The Ero Masseuse System

Chapter 37 - Kate, 'First Date' (2)

"Fuu~ That was fun!"

"Is that right? Then I'm glad."

I gave a small smile towards Kate who was as happy as a kid on a field trip. I could see her walk slightly ahead of me with a slight skip, humming a tune I don't recognize.

While we had a somewhat rocky start, the rest of the trip to the aquarium went without a hitch, after that.

Since we arrived so early, we toured around the aquarium for a bit as we patiently wait for the scheduled show to commence. Together, we went around the various exhibits, played with interactive events they do with the tourist, and just having some general fun all around.

When the time came for the show to begin, we made sure to arrive early in order to get some good seats.

Until the show actually began, Kate and I continued to talk to past the time.

Countdown until the show begins. Three... two... one... zero!


With that, the Luminous Aquarium Show has begun.

Time passed. We were already in the middle of the performance. Normally, at this point, my initial excitement would've died down as I got used to the show. However, that did not happen.

It was… amazing.

Honestly, I underestimated how amazing the show would be.

While I did make my preliminary research about the show since Kate has talked about wanting to see it, I only ever imagined it to be a slightly more advanced version of the shows I have seen in past aquariums I've been to before.

Never would I have imagined there would be a Marine Mammal Trainer with a rare Magic Battle-Type System working as an employee there. Also, they would use their Skills to create 'water roads' so that the dolphins and whales they train can swim or jump through them.

There had even been a moment where the Marine Mammal Trainer even created an extremely huge 'water road' right above the audience. Using the 'water road' like an extension of the pool, the marine animals they trained swam through the 'water road'. The distance between the 'water road' and the audience was so close, I felt as though if I reached out I could almost touch it.

I have never seen Kate get as excited as she was then when she saw this happening in front of her eyes.

"Dan: Look!! Can you see this!! Take a picture! A picture!!"


As a result, I was forced to take many pictures of Kate as she goes around trying to touch the 'water road' and interact with the animals. Kate even made me take a selfie of the two of us as we stand right beneath the 'water road' with all the marine animals swim and jump majestically all over. It was a mystical sight.

"Let me see… this picture is so good! Make sure to send it to me!"

"No problem."

After sending her the picture, Kate had a very satisfied expression on her face as she continued to look at her phone.

… How cute.

I can't help but think that coming here was the right decision. However, things must always come to an end eventually, .

After reaching the climax, the show finally came to a close. Still experiencing a heightened excitement from what we had just witnessed, I could see that Kate is somewhat sad that the show was actually over.

"… Let's go, Kate. There still much to see."

"Ah! Of course. Let's go!"

It goes without saying, afterward, we had seen all that Luminous Aquarium has to offer.

Lunchtime is just around the corner. Having seen all there is to see, we left Luminous Aquarium in satisfaction. That's where we are now.

"What are we going to do about lunch? Did you decide already?" Kate asked.

"Hmm… At first, the plan I had was to go wherever you wanted and I will foot the bill for everything…"

I looked at Kate and she looked back at me.

"But we can't do that, right?"

"What do you think?" Kate gave the dullest stare at my question.

Yeah, I thought so. What should we do now though?

As I continue to worry about what to do, Kate opened her mouth once again.

"But… let's see…. It's not like I don't have a place I want to go for lunch."

"You do?"

"Of course! Who do you think I am? Don't worry, it is cheap." Kate gave a mischievous smile.



"This is…"

As I was wondering where Kate was planning on taking me, I was brought to a rather inconspicuous alleyway.

Just as I was about to question her as to why we are here, Kate stopped in front of a certain building. In front of said building, a large sign saying 'Comfort Home Kitchen'.

"This should be the place."

Then, without hesitation, Kate opened the door to the building. The sound of jingling bells could be heard when she did.

"… Welcome."

... Scary.

What appears to be an extremely buff grey-haired Russian man complete with a trimmed mustache and less than friendly attitude greeted the two of us the moment we entered.

Um… ever since we went inside, I couldn't help but get some bad vibes. Not only was the location of this restaurant was less than stellar, it also has an apparent buff employee who looked like he could kill someone by ripping them apart with his bare hands.

I had already taken a cursory glance at the interior, but I was left with some mixed feelings. It looks nice enough. Properly cleaned and well-maintained. Yet no matter how much I look there is not another customer in sight.

Kate… is this really going to be okay?

"Hello, Owner!"

… What!? This man is the owner!? Why is he working the register? Besides, where are the other employees?

"… So it's you again."

"Yep! I brought someone with me this time."

"Eh? Kate, you've been here before?" I couldn't help but give Kate a stare. To top it all off, judging from her words, she has been here alone before!

"That's right. It was quite a while ago. I had been looking in for a good place to eat and luckily I was able to find 'Comfort Home Kitchen'. It was a bit of a hobby of mine to look for out-of-the-way restaurants that have great food. Up until now, I had no one else that I could share this hobby with. You are the first one I brought here!

... I see. I was the first one. In other words, even Tony has never been to places like this with Kate ever. It was a bit childish, but I couldn't deny I felt somewhat prideful of that truth.

"… For you to bring me here, I should assume that the food they make here is good?"

"Heh-heh, not only that! All the food on the menu is amazingly cheap! Even though it's so good."

"..... I don't know how it is in other restaurants, but this is how we do it here." Having been listening quietly from the side, the Owner interjected himself into our conversation.

"Owner, I always been on my mind, but why don't you increase your prices? With how good your food is, you deserve that much."

"... There are not many who come here. Even those that do, for some reason a lot of them leave the store as soon as they went inside. I got to make ends meet somehow."

Oh… I can see that. They probably just were…. 'extremely surprised' from seeing the Owner.

"It's so good though…."


I could see Kate making a pouting face from righteous indignation against those 'customers'. It goes to show how much Kate likes this place's food.

"Well Kate, how about we get to ordering? I haven't been here before so can I have you recommend something good to me?"

"Ah! Of course, how could I forget? Owner! Can we have the menu?"

"…. Here."

The Owner (I still haven't asked for his name. Does Kate know?) gave the two of us two menus.

After we thanked him, we sat ourselves at one of the tables nearest to the front desk.

Once I sat down, I finally got the chance to check the menu.

As I slowly read each and every menu item, only one thought kept surfacing in my mind.

"… It's true. How can food like this be so cheap?"

"Right!? But don't let the prices fool you. I guarantee that Owner makes the best pasta around. Even the salads are to die for…."

Kate continued to rattle on about each item on the menu with undisguised glee. A Kate that acted like this… I never saw such a side of her before. I had absolutely no idea she could be like this. It's kind of fresh.

As Kate continued to ramble, I gazed at her warmly.

"… What's wrong? Aren't you gonna order anything?"

"It's nothing. Let's see… how about I get…"

Once both of us made up our minds, the Owner quickly wrote down all of our orders and immediately went to his kitchen without a word.

Only a few minutes later, the Owner returned to our table with food. So fast!? How could he had possibly made two dishes like this in such a short amount of time? It's not even cold food.

I took a look at the meal that I ordered. In front of me, unmistakably, was the Pasta Carbonara that I ordered. Thick spaghetti noodles garnished with what appears to be bacon, black pepper, parmesan cheese, and a bay leaf. Topped with a delicious smelling sauce and sizable portion, my hunger is certainly stimulated.


It looks and smells good. There no doubt about that. But the difference between this dish and all other Pasta Carbonaras I had ordered in other restaurants, I can't tell. Well, it's not like I had been to many fancy Italian restaurants in the first place.

However, is this really good enough that Kate keeps giving such rave reviews?

Only one way to find out.

Using the fork given to me along with my food, I carefully twirled the noodles into a spindle of pasta.

With the newly made spindle of pasta, I placed it into my mouth without hesitation.

… Delicious!!?

What the f.u.c.k is this!? How could there be a pasta as good as this? The noodles were cooked to perfection. The bacon bits sprinkled all over the Carbonara gave the dish a satisfying 'pop' it needed. The parmesan cheese, black pepper, and the bay leaf enhanced the flavors of the noodles exponentially. Not forgetting to mention the sauce. Filled with deep flavor but not so overpowering that it overruns the entire dish, it brings the entirety of the dish into perfect harmony…

….Hah!? What the heck just happened!? When did I become such a food critic?

"Haha… How was it? Good?"

Kate who was giving me a look as though she pulled off the biggest prank she ever made, questioned me for my answer.

"… I'm surprised. This is probably the best pasta I had ever had."

"Right! Right! Owner!! Dan became a fan too! Isn't that great?"

The Owner, who poked his head out from the Kitchen gave a thumbs up in response.

Hey! I didn't say I was a fan or anything… but I won't say I won't be one.

I continued to feed myself the Pasta Carbonara. With every bite I do, I felt as I was ascending to heaven. Really, for food this good and at this price… it's got to be a crime.

Kate also at her dish with a look of pure satisfaction on her face. It seems that her food is good too.

She is eating a lasagna as I recall…. Maybe I should order one too.

For the rest of our lunchtime, Kate and I continue to enjoy ourselves.

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