The Rise Of The Ero Masseuse System

Chapter 38 - Kate, ‘First Date’ (3) (*)

"Owner, it was delicious! Whenever we will get the chance, we will come again. Isn't that right, Dan?"

"Hm, yeah. Nothing against that."

Having finished our lunch, both Kate and I are now standing next to the front door of the restaurant preparing to leave. Before leaving, we also decided to say our good-byes to the Owner.

"… I will wait patiently for your next visit." Owner said while giving a nod in our direction.

After waving good-bye, we finally left the restaurant.

On our way back to the main road, Kate looked at me with an expectant expression.

"So… how was it? Your experience? Let me hear your honest opinion."

"… It's honestly amazing that you were able to find a restaurant with good food like this at all. I tip my hat off to you."

"Right!? I wouldn't be against you showing me some more sincerity if you know what I mean. Haha, just kidding!"

"Don't let it get into your head." To the ego inflated Kate, I gave her a strong flick in the forehead as punishment.

"Ow! It was just a joke!" Kate could not but rub her forehead in pain, and glared at me in protest.

"Heh. But, let's see… It is not like I don't have anything I can give you."

"Eh? You do?"

"A while back, I entered a sweepstakes for fun. As luck would have it, I actually won a prize. Unfortunately, the prize I won was movie tickets for a couple's seat for an upcoming romance film that came out recently and is being aired at Luminaire Theater. Originally, I had no use for it and was hoping for a cash prize instead, so it was gathering dust in my desk for the longest time. But rather than to wastefully allowing it to expire, might as well put it to good use, you know? You're a fan of Romance Films, aren't you? How about it?"



"These seats are amazing… is really okay, that we can sit here I mean."

"We got the tickets for the seat so I don't see why not."

"Yeah I know, but you know what I mean. For seats like these... I don't even know when I'll ever get to get something like this ever again. I can't believe you really won this."

Kate, before the movie even starts, is already getting excited from just having found our seats.

I'm not surprised.

Normally, a couple's seat in Luminaire Theater is already such a hot commodity that if you don't book tickets for it right away who knows when the next chance would come. However, for the couple's seat given for our use, calling it a mere 'hot commodity' is an understatement.

Once we arrived at Luminaire Theater, we checked ourselves at the ticket booth for our promised couple's seat only to be given a surprise. Having confirmed my prize ticket, one of the theater's staff instantly offered to lead us to our seat. Thinking nothing of it, we agreed. Being led around by the staff, we found ourselves now standing in front of certain locked room. Reading the silver nameplate on the door, 'Platinum Suite' could be read in fancy bold font. Before we could even comprehend what was going on, the staff opened the door with his card key without hesitation.

We were ushered into the room, only to be greeted with an amazing sight. It was a private room located near and on the same level the Projection Room of the movie with an open view of the entire theater. In the room is a large single couch seat complete with a footrest. One look of this room made us realize the huge special treatment we were receiving. Even I, the recipient of the prize, never knew we would get such amazing seats.

"… Let's count ourselves lucky for getting this and just enjoy ourselves. Okay?"

"… Yeah, let's do that."

Thinking any more about this would be a waste of time. Let's just enjoy what we can.



That movie has begun airing. The name of the movie we are watching is called, 'Crossing Paths of Twin Heroes'. It's a story of two protagonists, a boy and a girl, who are childhood friends. One day both of them reach the age where you would receive their Systems for the first time. However, something unexpected has occurred. The male protagonist received a System that was deemed useless, while the female protagonists received a powerful System that was said to be destined to save the world. Due to differences in their Systems, their treatment by others is also different, ultimately forcing them to separate. The rest of the movie focuses on how the male protagonist struggles to once again be with his childhood friend and the end save the world.

A cliché plot, but a popular one. There had been many great reviews online from those who had watched it previously.

20 minutes have passed since the beginning of the movie. My reaction to the movie is…

"… Hmm, somehow… it's normal."

My impression of the movie is somewhat unimpressed. The movie's highly story-centric, which I generally prefer, yet in my eyes, the movie is somewhat lackl.u.s.ter.

How it's Kate seeing this? I turn my eyes to its Kate who is sitting directly next to me on the couch.


Oh, she looks more invested than I thought. What part of the movie is that interesting, I don't know. Well if she's happy then it's all good.

But what am I gonna do now? I had already lost interest and was going on the screen, and can only look at Kate.

A completely focused Kate… how cute.

To be sitting next to Kate like this, there were never many chances of this happening before.

I am within arm's reach of her. With just a thought, I could touch her at any time.

… Wait a second!

I just got a fun idea. She might be a little angry, but I am willing to take the risk.

The core of my lips raised into a mischievous grin.




Kate's POV

… Ah, if he was just a bit slower..!!

Even as I watch the screen, a current scene shows the two main characters almost a reuniting once again only to mess up the timing by mere moments.

I surprised myself for becoming this invested in the movie I only started watching today.

When I look at the two main characters, somehow I see both myself and Dan within them.

Their successes. Their struggles. Their happiness. There despair. I couldn't help but compare it to the recent events between Dan, Tony, and I. There's even a male supporting character it behaves just like Tony around the female main character.

Somehow I can't help but want to support those two. I wish for their happiness so much.

… Would it become like this between Dan and me, too?

… That would be nice.

I rolled my eyes towards to where Dan is sitting as I thought this,

Would Dan think about this too?

All of a sudden I felt the sensation of something touching my hand.

Eh? W-what?

Is Dan touching my hand?

D-did he find about what I was thinking? So embarrassing…

But… holding hands while watching no romance movie together? I used to yearn for that kind of thing.

I can feel my face grow hotter from this situation.

As I continue to a bask in the embarrassment from Dan's actions, the situation in advanced in a direction that I didn't expect.

"… Hyaah♥!?"


This is not the actions of someone trying to hold my hand.

His hand movement… I felt something like this before.

It can't be….!?

"D-Dan… w-wait….mmngh♥!?

Ignoring my plea, Dan began to once again rub my hand.

No… to 'massage' my hand!

This feeling… it's the same feeling I felt on 'that day'.

'That day', I agreed to have Dan 'massage' me. 'That day' was also the day that changed everything.

What was only one hand, Dan now clasped my right hand in both of his, his 'massage' never stopping.


It's happening again… even though Dan is clearly only massaging my hand I can feel my v.a.g.i.n.a getting hotter.

Dan… What kind of skill do you have that can do something as weird as this?

In fact… isn't this feeling stronger than before? What's up with that? Is it that is still got stronger… or that I became way more sensitive?

This is bad. If Dan continues like this, I won't be able to hold my voice back,

Even though we are in a private room way in the back of the theater, it is still open to where everyone can see and hear me if they look back.

If I were to m.o.a.n even louder everyone will be able to hear me.

Everyone would be able to see me!

"Mmnn… s-stop it…. please Dan…. nnggh, mmmgh♥… everybody will hear us!"

Dan continued to remain silent.

Only his hands continued to reveal his intent to make me c.u.m no matter what.

"Mnnngh, nnnghh, nnnaa.....aaaahnn…♥♥♥!!!"

Finally, I could not hold it in anymore and actually let out a m.o.a.n.

Although I was trying to be quiet, it was clear that few people on the back heard.

I could see their heads turn left and right trying to find the source of the noise.

Ahhh… it's no good. We'll get found out.


As I was but then let out another m.o.a.n, Dan had his right hand cover my mouth, muffling it.

Whew… just in time.

If it weren't for Dan covering my mouth I don't know what would've happened.

But it was Dan's fault in the first place that this happens.

I turn to Dan to give him a glare, his hands still on my mouth.

As I was about to pull Dan's hand of my mouth to give a piece of my mind, Dan has his other hand wrapped itself around my waist.

My hands froze mid-grab because of it.

Dan is hugging me!? What's going on!?

More-so than his massage from earlier I became even more confused.

My lower body has cooled down from earlier still and he's doing something like this?

That was when I noticed his hand was going to a certain place on my body.

"….!? Mmm-Wait that's…!"

Don't! Don't do it! You can't! If you do, you're going to find out!

My inner struggles were useless. With nothing to stop it, Dan's left hand smoothly slid into my shorts, making contact with my soaking wet p.u.s.s.y.


If it were not for Dan's hand covering my mouth, I would've immediately screamed in pleasure.

No way… I actually came for him just touching me…

My already soaking wet panties Kate even more soaked from my hot juices from when I came.

My body became limp in Dan's embrace when I c.u.mmed.

What was that?

I came harder than I ever had before. I could feel my v.a.g.i.n.a convulse like crazy.

I can't put strength into my legs.

Dan, something must have changed! It must have! Otherwise, I wouldn't have felt like this.

Still out of it from the aftereffects from coming so hard, I was unprepared for what was to come.

"MMMmmggghh, NNnnnnngh....♥♥!!!!

Dan once again, playing with the labia of my v.a.g.i.n.a, started by using gentle strokes against it, gradually getting stronger and rougher over time.

Dan's hand barely covered my m.o.a.ns as I came continuously from the stimulation.

If he continues like this. I'm gonna become stupid from the pleasure.

My p.u.s.s.y can't seem to stop c.u.m.m.i.n.g.

Yet, somehow, I noticed there is a part of me that is somewhat unsatisfied, despite this.

The growing fire between my legs continues to burn even more… and even inside of me.

While the outside my v.a.g.i.n.a is getting so much stimulation, the 'itch' I feel inside of me seems to get that much stronger as a result.

'Something'… I want 'something' to rid me of that 'itch'!

And, as if he read my mind, the movements that Dan was doing up until now is changing once again.

….!! Inside! Dan's finger is inside of me!

I could the sensation of a foreign object(s) forcing itself into my secret garden. I can feel my v.a.g.i.n.a hole getting wider as it excepts its new occupants.

Once inside, Dan's finger moved all-around within me, stimulating my v.a.g.i.n.a.l walls.

"MMMnnnghh, mmmmggh, nnnnnghhaaahh...♥♥♥!!!

My v.a.g.i.n.a.l walls convulse once again, squeezing around Dan's finger, as a sign of me c.u.m.m.i.n.g multiple times once more.

Even Dan's hand is now unable to fully block my m.o.a.ns.

Just as I was thinking this, Dan actually removed his hand covering my mouth.

Eh!!? Why!? If you don't cover my mouth, I'm gonna….!!

As I was panicking, used his free hand to pull my chin towards his face only to give me a deep kiss as a method to cover my mouth.


My mouth, deep kiss.

My p.u.s.s.y, intense finger action.

I could feel once again another wave of something coming from inside of me out into the open.

This the final spurt. I could feel it.

Anymore, I don't think I could handle it.

Recognizing my current state, Dan's variable finger movements had changed once again.

What was a movement akin to randomly smashing buttons on a controller, suddenly changed to the accuracy of a pro player doing a rhythm game.

Focusing all of his energy into one deep spot inside my p.u.s.s.y, a feeling akin to an electric current shocked my entire system.

Is this… did he stimulate the 'Mythical G-spot' I've only heard about? Up until now, even when I masturbate I could never stimulate it with my own fingers like this so matter how much I tried. If it not for Dan's fingers, I probably would've never known this pleasure.

"MMMMGGGHHH, NNGGGHHH….*Chu~chu~mgngh*….♥♥♥♥!!!!"

Letting out my final orgasm, I tried to hide my screams by aggressively kissing Dan even harder.

Having finished his job, Dan finally removed his fingers from my now flooded p.u.s.s.y.

However, both Dan and I continued to kiss passionately without stopping.

For the rest of the movie, within the private room, only sounds of wet sucking noises could be heard.




Dan's POV


"I'm really sorry. I really am."

With the movie finally at the credits, both Kate and I left the Luminaire Theater with the rest of the crowd.

The entire walk along the way, Kate had become silent like stone, intentionally ignoring me.

With nothing else I could do, I continued to apologize profusely to her. Trying to show my sincerity.

Ahhh… I really have done it now.

At first, I only wanted to play a little prank on her. Using a little [Reflexology(H)], I would gently tease her until she gets mad at me, and then I would stop.

However, no matter how long I did it. Kate did not get mad at me.

Unable to find a reason to stop, my actions continued to only get crazier from there.

I began to use my new and improved [Healing Touch (H)] active version to stimulate her desires.

Using my [Senstivity Vision (H)], I continued to read her mind while stimulating her weak spots.

And in the end, I even used a new Skill I just bought, [V.a.g.i.n.a.l Massage (H)], to make her orgasm even harder while kissing her at the same time.

Hmm, yep! I unmistakably went off the rails this time.

Doing this, I might have ruined the date in its entirety.

I have no excuses.

I could use [Senstivity Vision (H)] to try and find out what she is thinking, but I felt using it would be a bit 'dishonest' so I stopped myself.

I could only hope that Kate won't become too mad for long.

"…. Dan."

"…Uh, Yes!!"

After hearing Kate finally speak after so long, I let out a strange voice.

"… Next time you do something like this, warn a girl next time."

"Eh? Uh, yes…"

Huh? Somehow… it seems that she doesn't seem that mad.

Uuuh… never have I wished to want to use a Skill so hard! But no! I can't do something like so dishonest.

With confused feelings, I shelved my thoughts for now. The date is still not over, think about what to do next for now.

Making up my mind, I started to refocus myself on the task at hand.

… But it would seem like fate had other plans for the two of us today.

"….What is that."

Hmm? This voice is not from Kate or me. I turned to look at a young man who was staring into a certain direction.

What is it?

Curious at what the young man is looking at, I turned my face the same direction.

Af first I didn't understand what was wrong.

It was just a normal street. There might be a little fewer people over there, but that's it.

However, as I keep looking at it even longer, I began to notice something strange.

What appears to be a black line in the middle of space is getting wider and wider as I continue looking.

My look of confusion gradually gets more and more shocked and pale.

This phenomenon… I know it.

A phenomenon that all humans on Earth hope that will never happen to them is now happening.

This 'crack in space'… it could be only one thing.

A 'Space Rift'.

The 'Invaders' are coming…!!

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