The Rise Of The Ero Masseuse System

Chapter 40 - Requirements… Clear!

F.u.c.k! I'm not going to make it in time!

Even if I do make it, what can I possibly do?

Not even a single Battle-Skill I can use. I way to low leveled to provide even a decent meat shield.

The only thing I could possibly do to save her would be to push her out of way and take her place. But with the speed I currently have, I can't even do that.

Shit! Why am I so powerless!?

"Kate, get out of the way!!"

My yell fell on deaf ears as Kate remained where she was.

The only thing I could do was stare as time seems to move in slow motion around me. The Milez's raised front leg mercilessly slammed down upon Kate in frame-by-frame action.

Just as I was about collapse from despair for what was to come, the situation changed faster than I could even blink.

{Cyclone Sweep}

With a speed that shouldn't have been possible based on modern physics, Kate spun on the balls of her right foot into a killer low sweeping hook kick with her left leg straight at the Milez's other legs. Due to the reach difference between her leg and the Milez's leg, her sweeping leg obviously did not make contact with its legs at all. Just when I thought her attack had failed strong winds began to swirl beneath the Milez sending it flying into the air.


Thrown back by a good 20 feet into the air, the Milez could do nothing but screech as it was sent flailing backward while upside down.

What had been just seconds before a scene of impending carnage, the only thing left in the area is now just the appearance of the original victim on their butt and Kate sprawled on all fours.

… A-amazing. What was that just now?

Was that Kate's Skill? This is the first time I had ever seen Kate ever use an Attack-Skill before. This power… it's unbelievably strong.

The last memory I had of someone using an Attack-Skill was when I had an encounter with 'Sticks' and his little gang. However, with the difference between Kate's Skill and his Skill... I feel sorry for Kate for even comparing them at all.

My mind became blank from witnessing that shocking scene. Only when I noticed Kate on the ground that I snapped out of my trance.


Rushing towards where Kate was hunched over, I held my urge to grab her immediately before checking on her current state.

"Haa…haa….I-I'm….haa….fine… just a little… exhausted."

"You idiot!! What kind of stupid things was going through your mind to jump in front of an 'Invader' like that!? You could've died!!"

The moment I heard her words, I sense of relief washed over me. But at the same time, an uncontrollable rage came out of me. It wasn't something I had intended to do at first, but I couldn't help myself.

"Haa… hehe… are you worried about me? Haa… I'm glad….."

"You… not a single iota of regret inside of you, huh?"

I let out a huge sigh. I had my hands covering my face from exasperation,

"… Well, how do you say it? If it weren't for your quick decision, someone else would have probably died instead. Good work, I guess."

"Haa… haa… Yay, I got praised… hehe…" Kate let out a frivolous smile while still breathing hard.

"Don't get so happy. I still haven't actually forgiven you yet. I'm going to give you a punishment later so be prepared."

Making sure she doesn't let my praise get into her head, I made sure to suppress her. Whether it works or not is a different story.

"But, really, the Skill you used just now was really amazing. To blow away an 'Invader' like that… What was that?"

"Haa…{Cyclone Sweep}… haa… using the wind pressure from my kick… haa, and MP I can create a cyclone below anyone's feet to knock them in the air…. haa… I put all of my MP into that one. That's why it's so strong…haa…"

"I see, no wonder. That also explain why you so exhausted."

I myself don't understand since I don't have a single point of MP, but I heard about the sufferings of people who used all of their MP countless of times. A lot of people compare the feeling to the exhaustion of having run an entire marathon. That is what Kate is experiencing now.

I turned my head towards the Milez who had completely landed its back from Kate's Skill. Probably due to its anatomy, no matter how hard it tries the Milez is unable to flip itself back over. This would have been the greatest chance, but…

"… Kate, do you have other Skills you could---"

"It's impossible… I don't have any MP left…"

"Of course not…"

Like it's going to be that easy. It took Kate everything to just knock the Milez backward. It even looks like she didn't due a single bit of damage to it.

I let out a huge sigh once more.

"At least you got it immobile for the time being. Let's get out of here while we still can. Can you stand up?"

"Whew… somehow."


Seeing that Kate seemed to have recovered enough to walk, I finally turned my attention towards the original victim who had been left alone off to the side for a while now.

Taking a good look at this unlucky person, my first impression of them was that… they are a bit strange.

I don't' know why, but the more I keep looking at the person the more I felt that something about them felt different from other people. It's not like the clothes they wear is any different from other people's clothes. Wearing a dark green hoodie with a design on the front resembling the shape of a leaf or a feather, tight jean shorts, and sandals. With one glance you could tell that the person is a woman, but for some reason, they had their hood on the entire time.

"Sorry about that. Can you stand up?"

"…Ah! Yes. I can stand up."

I extended my hand to help the girl stand up. The mysterious girl hesitated for a while before taking my hand daintily. With a tight grip, I lifted the mysterious girl off the ground.

"…T-thank you."

"No problem."

She's still not gonna take off her hood I see…

Her hood is pulled quite snugly over her head so I can't even see her eyes. Is it on purpose?

I kinda wanted to get to see what the mysterious girl looked like under her hood since she got me curious. Judging from her voice, she looks to be the same age as us…

… Let's just stop there. People have their own reasons and now is not the time.

"Are you OK? Sorry you had to experience that." Kate is standing beside me as she addresses the 'hoodie girl' herself.

"You are…! It's OK! There is absolutely no problem! If it weren't for you I would've probably died so thank you so much. You were so cool!"

"I-I see. Thank you for the compliment… I guess?"

… Well, how do you say it… this difference in treatment between Kate and me is amazing.

I could just chalk it up to both of them being female and leave at that. She was pretty hesitant to grab my hand before after all. But the mysterious girl's attitude… it's not just that. I can tell.

Hidden behind her tone was unmistakable signs of a feeling akin to worship coming from her voice. It's not just any half-assed feeling.

Getting saved from the jaws of death would do that to you, no doubt.

If I were to see the eyes of the mysterious girl right now, I probably would be seeing hallucinations of her eyes turning into heart marks every time she looks at Kate.

"…Ahem! Let's just leave it that. We have all the time later to talk. We are not out of the wood yet. Thankfully we are only ones left in the area so once we leave everything is going to be OK."

Wanting the conversation to steer back to the right direction, I coughed to catch their attention. What I said about how we are the only ones left around here is true. Ever since the Milez appeared, everyone, stragglers and good samaritans alike, ran for the hills without looking back. As a result, the mysterious girl was left behind to become a meal for the Milez. I don't blame them though. Anyone would want to run if they're about to be eaten by a giant alien creature.

"Kate, if you feel better lets….!? Get down!!"

Without giving both of them time to comprehend, I grabbed both of their arms before dragging them backwards onto the road. From where we had stood moments before, a familiar-looking leg crashed straight down onto our shadows which made a huge crater on impact.

This attack… there's no way!!

The Milez that Kate flipped over is still flailing around unable to move. The chances that it was the one that attacked us is nil. Then who was the one that attacked us just now?

It's obvious. A 'second' Milez appeared from the 'Space Rift'!

This is bad.

No, 'bad' just doesn't cut it. It's the 'worst' situation!

Dealing with just one Milez was bad enough. Now with two in the mix, our chance of survival has gotten even lower.

Even as I think, the second Milez is now actually helping to get the first Milez back on its feet!

If the second Milez actually successfully pulls the first Milez back on its feet… on death awaits our fate.

The Milezs have shown that they are capable of speeds equal to my current fastest. This isn't even counting the Milez's ability to maintain that speed.

At her peak, Kate is probably capable enough to fully shake of the Milez if she was alone. But with her exhausted by her overuse of MP, she probably wouldn't be able to maintain her top speed for even a second.

I don't know how fast the mysterious girl can run. But if her one-time track record of falling behind while running away has anything to say… it's probably correct not to depend on this from her.

With all this information gathered in my brain, only one conclusion could come out of it. This is checkmate. We can't run away from them. We can't fight them. We can't even count on someone saving us. The OERF who was said to should have already been here at this time is nowhere to be seen.

"…Kate. Bring the girl with you and run away from here. I'll become a decoy the distract them."

"…!! Dan, no! You don't have to do that. There has to be another way."

"That's impossible, Kate. You know it's true."

"Tshhh~~!! Then I'll be the one to distract them. You run away with her."

"Don't say such stupid things! What can you possibly do? You're already exhausted as is."

"And what? To escape knowing that you will die if I do? Not happening."

Despite being in a life or death situation, its kind of funny that we could still fight in a time like this.

The hoodie girl could only just act fl.u.s.tered as both of us heated up our argument. Probably the one most pitiful out of all three of us is probably her.

"… You are not gonna back out no matter what?"

"… Always."

"I see. Then how about this. The both of us will go and distract one each. In the meantime… hey, 'hoodie girl'!. I'm sorry we never got to know your name, but we will do our best to let you escape."

"Ah… eh… eeehhhhh!!??

"I see. I'm in. The probability of us both surviving is higher with this.

While the 'hoodie girl' became absolutely shocked, Kate nodded multiple times in agreement.

Leaving the 'hoodie girl' behind, Kate and I walked slowly but surely towards the gate of hell on Earth. The second Milez has successfully rescued its kin and now the both of them are facing the both of us.

The pressure from having two monsters face us is nothing to laugh at. I felt that if I were to succ.u.mb to the pressure now, I'll probably not be able to stand up again.

"…. Kate. This might be the last thing I'll ever say to you so listen up. I'm sorry that the date had to come to this."

"Don't say such ominous lines. Say something more positive. Even if you don't mean it. And it doesn't matter. We were both unlucky."

"… You don't regret it?"

"I will never regret it. Today would have been probably the best day I ever had in my entire life."

"… Kate, I am in love with since long ago."

"..!! I'm so happy♥! Me, too. I love you!!"

Confessing our love for each other in the face of almost certain death, Kate and I turned to face others only to pull each other into an embrace. At the same time, we gave each other a powerful and deep kiss.

Our kiss didn't last long. Our tongues had only made contact for a full second before we separated from each other. This kiss was the shortest but the deepest and heaviest kiss we ever gave to each other.

Even now, I can skill taste Kate's lips and tongue, her warmth still left from our exchange.

Heh. What a strange feeling.

My heart is beating faster than ever but my mind is calm to a scary degree.


I can hear to sound of my heartbeat as loud as a drum, yet not a single ripple appeared in my thoughts.

Giving each other one last smile. Kate and I both tuned together to face our foes.

I said and did what I had too. I have no regrets left.

… Maybe a few left. I'm sorry Kay… Rain…. Mom. I'm might be a little late, but don't worry.


My heartbeat is getting louder.

I probably wouldn't be surprised if my heart gave out right at this very moment.

Can't have that though. I need to live long enough to play cat and mouse with some aliens.


There is nothing more to say.


Only the challenge of death.


"… HERE WE GO!!!"





I can't move. Don't tell me I got so scared I froze. Impossible. I had already prepared myself enough times!

At least I could move my eyeballs it seems. Why the f.u.c.k though besides my eyes I am not able to move a single muscle!?

… Wait. Something is strange. Why does it seem everything else is also not moving?

I can see that Kate seems to be frozen in place. She had a single foot in the air as she tries to walk forward with a face of determination. However, the strange thing is with the position she's making right now, she should not be able to hold. Her front foot should have already reached the ground! Her balance is way off to be her holding it up in the air.

Even the Milezs are frozen. Not a single appendage is moving.

Did time freeze… what the f.u.c.k is going on!?

(For this to happen at a much faster pace than I had expected… should praise you for completing the requirements or should I pity you for how unlucky you are?"


Who is that? Who are you!?

(Fufu~ Of course you get curious. Let see… let's just say I am someone related to your System if that makes any sense.)

Appearing out of nowhere, a mysterious sparkly silhouette of space, reminiscent of a night sky, taking the shape of a voluptuous beauty was seen smiling at my frozen self.

What the hell is going on now!?

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