It was as if a portion of space was condensed into the shape of a woman. Just from seeing the shape of her silhouette alone, Dan was able to get an impression of great beauty. It was as if she was an artist rendition of a perfect goddess coming to life from their canvas. Even Dan, who had his own personal opinion that a woman's true beauty is dependant on who they are, can only feel that this 'person' is the 'perfect' representation of beauty. It wasn't rational. Just inevitable.

However, besides this forced feeling of admiration, the only other emotions that he feels now are both caution… and fear.

From the moment this… 'person' had appeared, Dan knew. This 'mysterious beauty' could not be called a 'normal human' by any means.

(Fufu~ This appearance I have right now is merely an avatar traced in my image. Too bad for you, this isn't what I originally look like. Well, it's not that I'm saying I am a 'human' in the sense you Earthlings would describe it as though.)


It took a few seconds before Dan could comprehend that the 'mysterious beauty' could actually read his thoughts. Had he been not caught off guard from the get-go, he might have caught on the 'mysterious beauty' had done the same thing when she had first appeared. Feeling uncomfortable from having his thoughts read, Dan could not help but think of ways to try to get her out of his head.

(Fufu~ Unfortunately for you, as long as you are in this 'Space', anything you think about will be heard by me.)

'… Can I have the pleasure of knowing who you are, Oh Goddess? Were you the one who stopped everyone from moving?'

Dan immediately gave up trying to figure out a way for his thoughts not to be read. For a being powerful enough that were capable enough to freeze time let alone read minds, there is no other useless action as resisting. All Dan could think of doing to get by this ridiculous situation was to flatter the being and hope they don't get mad.

(Fufu~ It's fine if you talk as you always do. Don't worry, I don't bite.) *Wink*

It looks like Dan's mind has been read once again. Embarrassed that his 'flattering' plan was instantly found out, Dan wished nothing more than to hide in a hole he made far, far away. Even if one wishes to stop thinking, it is not something that could be done easily. Recognizing once again of this simple truth, Dan could not help but be reminded of something related to himself. With his own Skill [Senstivity Vision (H)], doesn't he too have the ability to read minds?

'… Let's be careful not to abuse it too much.' In an unexpected place, Dan once again grew as a person...

Finishing with his little escapism, Dan once again returned his mind back to the situation at hand. But, be it her mind-reading ability or her ability to stop time for everything around them this 'person' is not someone the likes of Dan can ever fathom. The ability to stop time... an insane ability he had never heard of someone ever having in his life.

Dan's thoughts went into hyperdrive as he imagined all kinds of conspiracies as how such a 'being' could ever exist. Maybe this 'being' was a top-secret experimental subject kept by the Earth Union hidden from the general public. Through countless inhumane human experimentation, the Earth Union had successfully developed a method for creating powerful Skills, any of their choosing. At the end of their experimentation, they had finally developed this 'mysterious being' who holds the unique Skill to stop time. Even before they could celebrate, the 'mysterious being' had used its newfound power, destroyed the facility that created it, and now is one the run using its newfound power as it pleases...


Instant shutdown!? Before his thoughts could get any crazier, the 'mysterious being' immediately denied Dan from going on this train of thought anymore.

(Fufu~ While I do wish to play this little guessing game with you a bit longer… Unfortunately, I don't have much time left so let's get started. I have a lot I want to talk about.)

The 'mysterious being' then clapped her hands with a loud smack.

The moment she did, Dan felt a sudden change to his body.

"… Eh? I can move again."

(I temporarily allowed you full access into the 'Akashic Space'. What you thought was me stopping time around you is actually the result of being inside the 'Akashic Space'. In the 'Akashic Space', time is in a compressed state compared to the 'outside world' giving it the illusion that time has stopped. By the way, while you can see the 'outside world' from inside the 'Akashic Space', you can't interfere with it.)

'Akashic Space...'

After hearing the 'mysterious being's' words, with curiosity, Dan stretched his hands out to touch the still 'frozen' Kate.

"… It's true. I can't touch her."

His hand, that should have made contact with Kate, went right through her. It was as if Kate had turned into a hologram. No matter how hard he tries, he can't seem to touch her. Dan could not help but become slightly disappointed with this phenomenon. If it not for this, maybe he could have used this chance to run away from the Milez along with Kate.

With a small sigh, he turned his attention back to the 'mysterious being'.

(Fufu~ Being called 'mysterious being' so many times is getting a bit stale after a while. Let's see… you can call me 'Agili' for now.)

The mysterious being--- renamed 'Agili'--- snapped her fingers. The instant she did, a familiar set of holographic windows appeared circling around her.

(Just as I said before, I am someone related to your System, 'the Ero Masseuse System'. More specifically, I am the 'Original Owner' of it.)


Dan, having been completely shocked by hearing something unbelievable, became frozen where he stood. It was as if he was frozen in time once again.

The 'Original Owner'… another term Dan would have never thought would have any relation with his System ever. When did Systems become something like second-hand goods? He can not help but recall that day when he had received his System for the first-time. Aren't Systems created from the 'Black Steles'? And are these Systems not unique from one another? Is it just mine?

(By the way, it's not just you. All Systems had an 'Original Owner' before given to their Current Users.)

Unbelievable truths just keep coming without a sign of stopping. Dan imagined himself bringing this information out to the public… just thinking about what could possibly happen sends chills down his spine. An info drop of this caliber is not something a civilian like him should ever worry about.

(No need to worry about that. I only told you so it would be easier for you to understand what I'm about to say. You'll forget about anyways.)


(Don't mind it.)

Dan felt like he had heard something he shouldn't ignore. But unable to bring the nerves to ask about it again, he kept his mouth shut. Instead, he continued to ponder about what Agili had meant when she said 'Original Owner'. 'Original Owner' or in other words the previous owner of the 'Ero Masseuse System'. User of all the functions the 'Ero Masseuse System' has to offer. However, Dan could not help but feel an incongruency with Agili's words when he looks again at his System.

'Aren't a lot of the conditions and Skills the Ero Masseuse System offers mostly specified for Male Users?'

No matter how Dan looks at her, he can only ever see Agili as a woman through and through. Although it is probably unwise to assume the gender of a non-human existence like her, he can't see in any way that Agili would be able to effectively use the 'Ero Masseuse System' in its full capacity. In an involuntary spasm on his part, Dan allowed his eyes lower down to stare in Agili's crotch for a split second.

(While I do understand that you are confused, don't you think it's kind of rude to look at a woman's private parts like that? You perv.)

"Ah! I-I'm really sorry!"

(Fufu~ I don't mind. I actually enjoy that part of you.)

Agili then gave Dan a wide smile. The moment she did, his heart rate sped up rapidly, in spite of himself. Even he can't deny, Agili is unmistakeably an otherworldly beauty despite frightening strength and 'exotic' appearance.

(Fufu~ Well to answer your question, it's not that it's strange I can use the 'Ero Masseuse System'. Rather it's is strange that you should be using this System.)


(You didn't realize it? Originally, this System was made so that only 'females' can inherit it naturally. The current System's name was already a translation from my language, but I was able to find a suitable word from one of your Earth's languages as a substitute. 'Masseuse', in other words, it should mean 'female massage professional' if I'm correct. A perfect alternative!)

"...….. Wait. Seriously?"

In an act of surprise, not at all faked, Dan could not help ask back Agili for what she had just said. Even Dan, who had not studied a single French word in his life, knew that 'Masseuse' was a French word and that it refers to 'being a massager' but nothing more. Feeling satisfied with his limited understanding of the word, Dan had never bothered to research anything more about the origins of his System's name. This resulted in him getting caught completely off and surprised to learn that 'Masseuse' in 'Ero Masseuse' was actually a gender-specific term.

For Dan, it is unmistakably one of the stupidest misunderstandings he had ever made in his life. Thorugh it is probably too harsh to blame someone like Dan to know of a language he had never studied in his life. But why would a System used by an English-speaker like Dan have a French word in it's name?

No one knows of the mechanism of which Systems choose which language it uses, whether it's for its name or its interface. There had been various cases where Users who only have ever learned a single language in their entire life had Systems appear using words in languages they have never studied in. For example, there had been an Asian man of Korean descent. He who had learned only Korean all of his life received his System one day. The moment that he did and had it opened in front of him, he realized one thing. In the System Window, that should have his System's name written on it, a name completely is written in English was revealed before him. As one might expect unable to read it, the man had to go online for a translator to finally read his System's name.

While rare there are a few other people just like the Asian man with various incidences of being unable to read either the System's name or their Skill's name. The situation becomes even more baffling as the rest of their System continues to normally showcase the language they are most used to.

In the end, though, none of this actually matters. Even if Dan had understood what 'Masseuse' had truly been, nothing about his action would ever change. The 'Ero Masseuse System' still gives out conditions made for someone as male as him to complete. His Skills [P.e.n.i.s Size+1] and [S.e.m.e.n Volume+1] are Skills, biologically, no woman can ever use. Calming himself down after his initial surprise, Dan continued to remain confused as to how Agili can be the previous 'owner' of the 'Ero Masseuse System'.

(It was hard work, you know. Completely transforming this System into something a man can use. I probably wouldn't have this much trouble if I allowed a woman to use it as it was intended.)

Reading his confusion, Agili, once again, answers Dan's question with another 'bomb' of her own. To her, it was nothing but a casual comment. To Dan, however, a piece of new and even more shocking information had been revealed. With Agili's 'coming-out' of having the ability to manipulate the System directly, Dan could not help but ask another question.

"So you had the power to change an entire System as you please, but usually would not because of how annoying it is to do so, correct? Why is it that this time you decided to do it anyway?"

(Don't you think it's just a waste?)

"… A waste?"

(For 'this kind' of System... letting a woman have it is honestly just 'overkill'. When I first 'made' the 'Ero Masseuse System', my first thoughts were all about my ambition to fish and reel in all the hot hunks around me. I mean, I just can't can not, right?)


With Agili revealing 'troubling' information about herself that Dan would have never expected, he was troubled about finding a way to answer her normally. What Agili, to him, had once been the image of an untouchable goddess... now she had become the image of a neighborhood man-hunter. The gap between these two images was so great, Dan's ability to think rationally came grinding down to a halt.

(So that's what I did. With my System, I had the confidence I could overtake any random floozy in the fight for a good man. At the beginning it was great. Other women were no match. I had flocks of handsome men come after me in droves. I was at the peak of my life.)


(I had them eating from the palm of my hands. Each and every one of them kept wanting to bring me back to the bedroom as soon as they can whenever they were alone with me. It was kind of cute how desperate they were.)


(I had high expectations for them. All of them are quite 'players' of their own right. They had looks, some had brains, amazing strength, and even powerful Systems. None of them would have any kind of trouble finding a woman to play with. They are for sure great in bed, as well. I just know it! Do you know what happens next?)

"…What is it?"

(Listen to this! Each and every single one of them. I only touched a bit over their clothes and they instantly c.u.mmed before I even realized it!)

"… Eh?" Shocked for different reasons than he had been before, Dan could not help it but want to express his surprise.

(Every. Single. One. Without fail. To top it all off, no matter how many times I made them hard again, they c.u.m again instantly in the next moment! Not a single time had they even tried to make me feel good. All of them just focused on ejaculating, instantly get satisfied by themselves, and then fall unconscious from feeling too good.)


(This happened to guy after guy. Not one of them lasted more than two times. Thanks to that, even now I still have my chastity.)


(My System, for men, is way too potent. Unless they have some kind of Skill that lets them resist pleasure... I don't see how they could ever resist. After a while, I started to become tired of men. If I can't feel good, might as well just do this myself! In desperation, I even started to spread my hands onto women instead. Ironically, all women I 'played' with lasted longer on bed than any of the men I had ever did. They could c.u.m multiple times in succession and still be ready for another session right away, unlike men. Honestly, I had a lot more fun.)

Dan has now completely lost all the words he can say. Having been silenced completely from Agili's shocking confession, there was only one thing that had left in response to everything Agili has said. Just only one thing.

'Somehow... this truly pitiful'.

(But… once again, after a while, I began to be dissatisfied once more. I once felt like I'm not feeling as much pleasure as I would've liked. It's not that playing with my 'kittens' didn't feel good at all. It's just… not enough. I can feel it in me. My w.o.m.b aches for something… more. It's a feeling of heat none of my 'kittens' can ever get rid of. I could have tried to rid myself of it myself using 'toys' as an alternative. But I despise doing such things. If I am gonna lose my v.i.r.g.i.nity, it's not gonna be with a mere toy.)

Since the beginning of her speech, Agili had her eyes gradually looking straight up the longer she continues. Once she finished her last words, she lowered her eyes to make eye contact with Dan. Likened to swirling galaxies, Dan could feel his consciousness disappear seem to disappear within her gaze the longer he looks at them. Unable to handle it any longer, he looked away as soon as he can. However, it wasn't even seconds later that Dan forced himself to immediately look at Agili once more.

(That's where you came in.)

With a flourish, Agili had her hand point in my direction.


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