The Rise Of The Ero Masseuse System

Chapter 42 - ‘Agili’, Continued.


Dan became a little surprised by having himself be mentioned by Agili.

(Yes, you. Because you had appeared in front of me that day… I knew I just had to have you.)

The longer Agili talks, Dan could only become more and more confused. He is sure that he had never met Agili in his life. But from Agili's tone, he also sure she knows about him or at least seen him before. Putting his brain into hyperdrive, Dan tried hard to recollect any memory of having contact with an 'alien space beauty' as unique as her.

(Unfortunately for you, due to '***', I am unable to freely speak about it to Earthlings such as yourself. What a pity… I wanted to brag about it, too. Because of the '***', I'm even unable to talk about you to anyone else, as well.)

'Eh? What did she say just now?'

As if to censor part of her words, Dan heard noise coming from an unknown source interrupting part of Agili's speech. It was as if the world around him wishes for him never to understand.

(Damn it those old codgers and their '***'. 'Ancient Contract' or not, it just makes it unnecessarily difficult…)

'Ah, there it is again. Old codgers? Ancient Contract? Can someone get a translator here so I can understand what she is saying?'

(Fufu~ Well, if I'm not talking directly to you, there is always a way around.)


(Listen carefully. From here on out until I say so, I'm just talking to myself. You got it?)

"? No, I mean, what's the---"

(As long as I don't consciously talk as though I'm speaking to you about it… while skillfully avoiding any 'traps'… I should be able to talk about it as much as I want! You understand, right? You hear nothing. Just some random noise you picked up while passing by. Do I have myself clear?)

It became clear that she is not listening to anything he is saying. Dan can only hope that he is not dragged into something dangerous as he nods his head.

(Really, I was so glad I went on 'that day'. I had thoughts of skipping it like I always do. I had no interest in it. Only because that 'Hag' I was forced out of 'happy time' with my 'kittens'. I wanted to curse that 'Hag' so much…)

Agili's hand clenched hard into a fist as she stares into a distant point in the sky.

(So I went to 'that place'. Still not interested in what was going on, I thought of killing some time by flirting with some new 'kittens', come back and act like I missed my chance and that was the end of it…)

Agili waves her hands with a flourish as she dove into her 'monologue' more and more. She acts as though she is an actress within a theatre play. Her voice modulates to match her every emotion.

(Just as I was about to go on my little 'adventure', something caught my eye. An image of a 'man'… no a 'boy' was caught in my vision…)

Suddenly, her dispassionate voice increased gradually into a crescendo.

(The moment I saw 'him', it was as if an electric shock went right through me. 'This is it', I thought, 'This was what I had been looking for all this time!')

Agili twirled herself in the air. Her spinning stopped only to return to the position she had been a second ago. She began to 'monologue' to herself once more.

(I knew I had to get him. If his turn pops up and I miss it, I won't ever get another chance. I had never seen someone so compatible with my System before. And for it to be a male! That 'talent'. That 'potential'. I got to have it!)

As Dan continues to tune into her words, a few key phrases pop up that caught his attention. 'Talent'? 'Potential'? Where had he heard them before? It did not take him long to connect those words into the image of a certain 'Black Stele'.

(Unfortunately, I noticed there were a few others who too had found 'him' as well. This 'boy' had quite a few 'talents' on him. None as strong as the one I saw on 'him', but enough for the 'boy' to get some second-rate System. That 'boy', with an overwhelming 'talent' that even I acknowledge… to be given some second-rate, no third-rate, System…? Unforgivable, that is something I will not allow to happen!)

Dan became shocked by Agili's surprising revelation. What to Agili had been only a casual comment, to Dan it could have been enough to change his life as he knows it. According to her, had it not been for her interference, Dan might have had a future where his System could have been completely different. What he had thought a person can only have one System 'fated' to them their entire life was in fact an auction for the fastest buyer. Dan could not help but feel complicated.

(However, there was one problem I had made me beating these fourth-rates to the punch… my 'Ero Masseuse System' is female-specific. More specifically, it was 'tuned' for my personal use. It's not something I can give out to a male as is. Not only it would become complete trash, but I would also lose my chance!)

With no one to stop her, Agili continued to reveal shocking truth after shocking truth.

(To change a System to one that is completely 'personalized', I had always been proud of this talent of mine. The other rabble would just be forced to use the 'default options' while I would be making 'specialty options'. There was no one else that could compete with me in that regard. And for a person, such as I, not being able to customize my own System for someone else's use… such a ridiculous notion. I could do it in my sleep.)

Spreading her hands into the air, Agili raised her arms as if appealing to an entire audience for applause. The pride and arrogance of her tone are palpable.

(There was no time. I immediately went to work on the spot. The 'boy's' turn has come. Before anyone else can take 'him', I had already taken first dibs. No one else is allowed to have him!)

"…Uh, yeah. Congratulations, I guess."

(Ara~ You still here? What a good boy.)

Without any warning, Agili instantly turned her body around and started to talk to Dan normally once again. Caught absolutely off guard, Dan could not help but jump from where he stood.

(Fufu~ Sorry, sorry. Now that we got that over, we can finally get back to the official reason why I am here.)

"Hmm? 'Official'…?"

(Yep, I just wanted to have some time for small talk and to vent.)


Dan became speechless beyond words. After being forced to listen to a 'monologue' he didn't even want to listen to (possibly becoming implicated by an unknown power from just listening), just to be told it was only a way to vent her feelings...

Once the 'Akashic Space' disappears and time returns to normal, Dan will be forced once again into a life or death battle between himself, Kate, and the Milez. His mind was set. I was prepared for the worst. And yet a completely random being came out of nowhere so that she can rant in his face? Even Dan couldn't help but get mad in reaction.

(Fufu~ You don't have to get so angry. Don't worry, you'll get something you will definitely be happy with. I guarantee it.)


*Suuu-haaaa*. He takes deep breathes. Understanding that remaining angry will get him nowhere, Dan plans to listen to Agili until the end.

(You, Daniel Foster, had successfully completed two of the following conditions: you have made contact and are in a battle with the 'Hungry Ones', and you have successfully entered a 'Love Contract' with one woman. As a result, you are entitled to receive your first upgrade.)

As though reciting some sort of text or set of lines, Agili's current inorganic actions, different from the way she had acted before, had thrown Dan for a loop.

"Um, these 'Hungry Ones' and 'Love Contract' mean?"

(The 'Hungry Ones' is a translation of what we call the 'Invaders' in your terms. As for the 'Love Contract'… I think you know what I mean.)

"I see."

Dan was then reminded of something Agili had said before. According to her, he had completed a few 'requirements' prior to her coming to him. One unmistakably his encounter with the Milezs... the other was a 'Love Contract' he has no idea when he made. After pondering for a hot second, Dan was able to make a connection between the 'Love Contract' and Kate's 'last confession'. Is this what it is?

"…Well this might be a stupid question, but why am I getting an 'upgrade'? I had never heard of such a thing happen to anyone else before. It's also wasn't written in the System itself. So why me?"

(Fufu~ Good question there. It's true that normally such a thing as an 'upgrade' to an already given System would've been not allowed. No matter who it is, such 'favoritism' is not allowed.)

"Is that so?"

(Fufu~ Well there is a reason for that. You see, the 'Ero Masseuse System' I gave you… it is 'incomplete'.)


(That's right. Due to some… 'circ.u.mstances' on my part… I was only able to give you a partially completed System.)

(Giving an incomplete System… normally such a thing would've never gone through. Right during the examination process, it would've been rejected on the spot. However, as luck would have it, even my 'incomplete' version was 'complete' enough that it works as a System without much drawback. As a result, the 'Ero Masseuse System' was born.)

The waterfall of new information is never-ending. Dan, long since numb, could not help but once again express his shock from knowing now that the System he currently has is actually something 'incomplete'. A System that already holds a number of useful abilities and even a ridiculous 'secret'... and yet nothing about it is done yet. Unbelievable.

(But, in the end, an incomplete System is against the rules. Having already given you my System, it was impossible to take it back. However, the rules can't have an incomplete System running around. That is where 'upgrade' comes in. In accordance with an 'agreement' I made, in the name of giving an 'upgrade' I can come to you 'complete' the 'incomplete' System.)


(Unable to travel down to where you are freely, I needed some kind of 'excuse' for as to why I am allowed to do this. That is why I had made a few conditions. Unless you, my '****' can clear this condition, I will be unable to come and 'upgrade' your System for you.)

The noise censoring that first appeared during Agili's 'monologe' has returned once more.

(For your information, the 'upgrade' I am giving you this time is not gonna 'complete' your System. Limited with the influence I can exert, I am only able to give a partial completion.)

"A 'partial completion'? You mean to say even after you give me the 'upgrade' right now, there is still gonna be more 'upgrades' later?"

(That's what it means.)

Having realized the implications of what an 'upgrade' will entail, Dan reached a point past enlightenment that it went into full circle back to emptiness. An already amazing System will in the future become even more amazing. An event that will not just once or even twice. Just to what end will this System reach?

(Fufu~ It's a bit too early to get all excited. I'm going to be giving you the 'upgrade' now.)

Floating closer to him, Agili slowly made her way to stand right in front of Dan. With her body closer to him than it ever been, Dan's eyes could not help but become entranced with Agili's mysterious yet beautiful body.

Involuntarily mesmerized by Agili, it was already too late before Dan notices that she is pointing her finger directly to his forehead. Suddenly, from those very fingertips, a mysterious energy stretches out only to enter inside of Dan's body.


The sound of breaking glass vibrated in the air. Dan felt as if a 'shackle' inside of him had shattered, setting him free.

(The 'upgrade' is successful. Congratulations.)

Dan immediately went to pat himself up and down. Unable to find anything else different beyond the sense of 'freeness', he could only tilt his head in confusion.

"Um, while I did feel something had changed inside of me, why is it that I can't find any changes now?"

(Fufu~ That's because I merely unlock something inside your System and nothing more. You still have to buy your new power with the points that you have. Let's see… oho, seems you were pretty active recently. Want to see?)

With a flick, Agili moved one of the System Windows surrounding her into Dan's direction. Once within reading distance, he looked at the Window that she is trying to show him.





You have done the following:

• Through massaging, make the woman around you c.u.m 25 times. Current progress: [51/100]


Point Reward System

Point calculation in progress…

Normal Points

· Non-erogenous zone orgasms: 5 times. 5 x 1 = 5

· Erogenous zone orgasm: 20 time. 2 x 20 = 40

· Clitoral orgasm: 6 time. 10 x 6 = 60

· V.a.g.i.n.a.l orgasm: 9 times. 30 x 9 = 270

· Deep vagainl orgasm: 5 times. First-time multiplier. 100 + (50 x 4) = 300


Normal Points: 675 points

Bonus Points: 0 points

Current Total: 925 points


Thank you for your continued patronage of using the Ero Masseuse System.




1) [Ero Trigger Point Style (H)] (Price: 100 points)

2) [Ultimate: Last Touch (H)] (Price: 200 points)

3) [XXXXXXXX](Price: 500 points)

4) [XXXXXXXX](Price: 800 points)




The moment 'that' crossed his eyes, Dan had been unable to see anything else.

Batte Skills.

Showing within his System now, what had been unreadable text before, are words that seem glow brightly in his eyes (hallucination). It was what he ever wanted even before he received his System. It was something he wanted the moment he was thrust into the battle with the Milezs.

'As long as he had that... everything can be solved.' That was just how much he had wished for it.

However, there was still a shadow in the back of his mind. Can this really do it?

(Fufu~ Seems you are underestimating my gift. Don't worry, for weaklings like they are, those Skills are enough.)

Noticing his worry, Agili reassured him with a confident expression. Deciding to put his trust upon the 'Creator, he immediately bought both Skills. The moment he did, the space around him started to shift strangely.

(Ara~ Seems time is up.)

Looking all around her, Agili explained what was going on in a light tone. Even as she speaks, everything around her that was frozen began to move slowly bit by bit. The Milezs' legs could be seen moving ever so slightly. The slight heave of Kate's chest shows that she is breathing once again.

"So it's going to be over soon…"

(Unfortunately, yes. Too bad, I really wanted to talk a bit more with the 'man' I chose.)

"… While I had no idea what was going on most of the time, I want to give you my heartfelt thanks. It was because of you I can finally gain the power that I need. I don't know what I can do to help you but say the word. I will help you to the best of my abilities."

A lot has happened in a few moments. While had been forced to experience a rollercoaster of emotions he wished to do without, it is true that without Agili's help Dan would have never received a chance to survive like this ever. Not wanting to feel indebted forever, he immediately offered his help.

(Fufu~ You said the words. I only need one thing from you. Have s.e.x with me once. In my real body.)

"Eh? S.e.x?" Dan asked back.

(S.e.x.) Agili parroted likewise.

"… Is that really all I have to do? Well, if I had time, I probably would agree to do it right now."

(Ara~ It seems I'm being underestimated. Didn't you remember what I had said before? Fufu~ unfortunately, no man ever lasted even 1 second with me.)

With gentle movements, Agili raised her right hand and carefully touched Dan's left cheek.


It was as if a fire had lit underneath his loins. The moment Agili had touched him, a powerful urge to c.u.m seemed to want to 'rule' his mind. Using every last drop of his willpower, Dan was finally able to reign in his wild emotions. But even so, if Dan has taken his pants off right now, a small amount of clear liquid flowing from his tip would have been seen.

(Ara~…!! Fufu~ To have held back even after my touch… you have already exceeded all the men I had ever made contact with. I was truly right to have chosen you.)

"…T-this is your Skill?"

(Nope. Just my touch. I had already reached a level where just even a mere graze from me can make anyone c.u.m in a blink of an eye.)

With just a graze, her hands can make anyone instantly c.u.m uncontrollably…?

From just this one phrase, Dan could not help but feel fear even he cannot explain.

(That's why you need to get stronger. Get stronger and come and find me. Once you are strong enough, we will eventually meet. I will hold onto your promise.)

The 'Akashic Space' is finally starting to unravel.

With her final words, Agili's body began to fade at the same time.


A sudden gust of wind passed by Dan and he was forced to close his eyes.

Feeling the wind has stopped, he opened my eyes again and '*****' is now gone.

The Milezs are coming once again!

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