The Rise of the Shen Family

Vol 2 Chapter 733: Hit the door

In the family meeting room on the Yuxiu stage, Shen Huanchi sat on the top of the first place with a solemn expression, holding the call order just passed from Qingyunmen in his hand.

When the two brothers, Shen Ruiling and Shen Ruizhi, who were sitting on both sides, frowned upon seeing the call-up order in his hand, Shen Huanchi immediately asked:

"Patriarch, what did Qingyunmen say in the call-up order issued this time?"

Facing the inquiry, Shen Huanchi slowly put the jade slip in his hand on the table, and said heavily:

"Qingyunmen is preparing to fully counterattack the Promise Sect, and requires us to join forces with the Baihua Palace of Ouyang's family to attack the Tuyanggu large mine in the north of Linhai County."

After that, he handed the Qingyunmen call-up order on the table to the two of Shen Ruiling.

"Let's see for yourself..."

Hearing this, Shen Ruiling glanced at Shen Huanchi in surprise, and then immediately picked up the jade slip on the table, and quickly peeked into it to check.

As the content of the call in the jade slip gradually appeared in front of his eyes, his expression gradually became serious, and he seemed to be thinking about countermeasures.

Compared with the levy orders issued to the rest of the vassal families, the sign order passed by Qingyunmen to the Shen family seemed a little more polite.

In the conscription order, Shen Huanchi was required to lead all the family members who can fight and the vassal forces in Linhai County to assist the Zongmen in the capture of the Tuyang Valley large mine with the Ouyang family and the forces of Baihua Palace.

Although compared to the levying orders issued to other vassal family forces, the levying orders issued by Qingyunmen to the Shen family were already much more polite.

But judging from behind the lines in this call-up order, Qingyunmen can ask the Shen family to do its utmost, and the attitude is very firm.

After a long time, Shen Ruiling's consciousness slowly withdrew from the jade slip, and after passing the jade slip in his hand to Shen Ruizhi next to him, he looked at the first patriarch again, and his heart was filled with confusion.

Why did Qingyunmen suddenly launch a counterattack against the Promise Sect this time?

The doubt in Shen Ruiling's heart can be said to be the doubt in the hearts of all the monks who received the Qingyunmen call, because this counter-offensive battle really came too suddenly.

There was no big blast of wind before, and now only a call-up order has caused half of the cultivators in the Lingnan Immortal Realm to act for it.

Originally, in Shen Ruiling's opinion, Qingyunmen had already suffered a lot of energy from the last invasion of the Promise Sect, and now he needs to recuperate and regain his strength gradually.

Moreover, as far as the current form of the enemy is, even if Qingyun keeper Ouyang family and Baihua Palace are under the command, the number of high-level monks is still slightly inferior to that of Wujizong.

That's why the Blue Cloud Sect made the true brothers in the sect begin to retreat and condense pills, in order to reverse the gap in the number of high-level cultivators on both sides.

However, the reality is now different from what Shen Ruiling considered. Qingyunmen has already begun to counterattack, starting without any warning.

Just when the three of Shen Ruiling fell into silence, a bright aura shot through the open door, quickly flew into the chamber, and turned into a magic talisman and fell into Shen Ruizhi's hands.

After reading the content on the talisman, he immediately turned his head to look at the two Shen Huanchi and said:

"There is a message from the clansmen in Yunbei City. This time, Qingyunmen has issued an unprecedented call-up order and gathered all the disciples in the sect who can fight. It can be said that they are ready to come out..."

After listening to these words, Shen Huanchi and Shen Ruiling's faces appeared again in contemplation, and they were still a little surprised.

Judging from the conscription order issued by Qingyunmen to their Shen family and the news passed back from Yunbei City, Qingyunmen is obviously ready to come out this time, desperately attacking the Promise Sect.

If this battle of Qingyunmen fails, the foundation of the sect for thousands of years will be completely turbulent, ranging from the failure to recover its vitality within a hundred years, and the entire sect will fall apart directly.

It can be said that this counter-offensive war launched by Qingyunmen will directly affect the pattern of the Lingnan Immortal Realm for the next few hundred years.

If Qingyunmen can win and successfully destroy the Promise Sect, an opponent that has fought against each other for thousands of years, then it can take advantage of the trend to unify the entire Lingnan Cultivation Realm.

But if there is a defeat in the war, the Blue Cloud Gate will be in a slump, and it is very likely that it will be swallowed by the Wujizong in turn.

This will be a battle that will determine the life and death of Qingyunmen and countless Lingnan monks!

So what is the reason for the real person Qingyang and other senior Qingyunmen to make such a desperate crazy decision?

"Judging from the current situation, Qingyun Gate should have a great deal of certainty before starting this counter-offensive battle that determines the fate of everyone in the Lingnan Cultivation Realm..."

Shen Huanchi, who had been silent in the first place, said thoughtfully and slowly.

After hearing what the patriarch said, the two brothers Shen Ruiling and Shen Ruizhi immediately looked at each other, and a touch of enlightenment flashed in their eyes.

But where does the confidence and assurance of Qingyunmen come from this time?

At this moment, Shen Huanchi glanced at the two of Shen Ruiling, and then continued:

"Well, the family is already tied to Qingyunmen at the moment, so this battle must not be a thing of the past, and Qingyunmen will not let us perfunctory."

"Therefore, we still need to discuss which tribesmen will be arranged to follow the Qingyunmen army this time."

Hearing this, Shen Ruiling nodded, and after a moment of indulgence, he spoke again:

"Nowadays, the family and the Qingyunmen are both prosperous and both prosperous, and the relationship between the two will be destroyed. Therefore, if the Qingyunmen can completely destroy the Promise Sect this time, it will be a good thing, and the family can also benefit from the fallen Promise Sect."

"But the Promise Sect has stood in the Lingnan Cultivation Realm for thousands of years, and has fought with Qingyunmen for thousands of years. Now that there is help from outside monks behind it, it is certainly not so easy to destroy it."

"This time, Qingyunmen gambled on the fate of the sect and sent out. Although there may be factors that can affect the outcome of the battle that I don't know, there is no guarantee that this battle will be completely won..."

Having said this, Shen Ruiling paused slightly, and after looking at Shen Huanchi and Shen Ruizhi, he continued to speak:

"So this time the family needs to do its utmost to help the Qingyunmen destroy the Promise Sect, but they can't put all their chips on the Qingyunmen. They need to leave a way out for the family."

Shen Ruiling's remarks clearly analyzed the problems at hand. The Shen family needed to do their utmost to help Qingyunmen defeat the Promise Sect, but they also had to prepare for the defeat of Qingyunmen in this battle.

"So what do you think?"

Shen Huanchi nodded slowly and motioned for him to continue.

"This time the patriarch, you definitely need to go, and now there are twelve foundation-building cultivators in the family. Among them, my fourth brother, Yongxuan and I have all appeared in the sight of Qingyunmen. Naturally, we must also go."

"The four of Yonghuan, Yongling, Yongqi and Yongtai, who have just successfully built the foundation and have not shown up yet, can keep them in the family."

"In addition, Shen Feng's injury has not yet healed, so he stayed on Yunbifeng and stayed at the base camp of Yunbifeng with the four Yonghuan."

"As for the four remaining guest officials of the foundation-building period from the family, they all took away and followed us on the expedition."

"Finally, let all the foundation-building monks of the Du family, the Zhu family, and the Wei family apply, and 50 qi practicing monks from each family will come to Yunbifeng to join..."

Shen Ruiling's arrangement sent out all the foundation-building monks who were able to fight in the family, and the badly wounded Shen Feng and the four clansmen who had just built the foundation were left on Yun Bifeng.

And these four tribesmen who have just built the foundation are obviously the foundation of the Shen family's guarantee of inheritance in the future.

As for the family's four foundation building clerics and all the foundation building monks of the three vassal families, all of them were forced to enlist in the army to strengthen the team that attacked the Wujizong.

For Shen Ruiling's deployment arrangements, Shen Huanchi lowered his head and pondered for a long time, and finally looked up at Shen Ruiling and Shen Ruizhi and said:

"Let's do it... Arrange it now!"

"Understood, Patriarch!"

The latter two immediately agreed, then immediately turned around and left the chamber to prepare for the next battle.

When the Shen family began to prepare for the enlistment, the Ouyang family on Yizhou Island and the Baihua Palace on Yazhou Island also received the enlistment order from Qingyunmen.

The thoughts of these two Jindan forces are exactly the same as those of the Shen family. Although the elite monks from the various forces were arranged to go on the expedition, they also left a way out for themselves.

After all, the opening of the Qingyunmen counterattack against the Promise Sect was a gambling battle for their three forces.

If you win the gambling, you can follow behind Qingyunmen and get huge benefits from the fallen Promise Sect, but if you lose the gambling, there is also a retreat that can continue the family and the sect.

As Qingyunmen's call-up order was issued to the vassal families in the four counties of Qingyunmen and the hands of the three golden core forces including the Shen family, half of the Lingnan immortal world became busy.

Teams of monks from the vassal family rushed to the bottom of Qingyun Mountain day and night, and then marched towards Linhai County under the unified arrangement of the monks of Qingyunmen.

Suddenly, the Tuyang Valley Mine in the north of Linhai County became the focus of everyone in Lingnan. Everyone knew that a battle affecting the pattern of Lingnan was about to begin.

The mobilization of the forces of the Qingyunmen and the various vassal families under its control naturally couldn't hide the eyes of the Promise Sect, and they also began to prepare for the battle.

. . . . . .

In Luqiu Mountain, in a hall within the Wuji Sect, True Man Wushang sat on the first place with a gloomy face, and several Wuji Sect monks stood in front of him.

He already knew that Qingyunmen came out to attack his Promise Sect, and now he is thinking about how to deal with it.

Time went back to half a year ago, his Promise Sect also mobilized all the affiliated families, like Qingyunmen today, wanted to destroy the Qingyunmen in one fell swoop and prevent the process of Qingyang real person gathering babies.

The battle had already been won, but as the real person Qingyang accidentally became a cultivator of Nascent Soul, they still fell short in the end.

In that battle, although they caused huge damage to the Qingyun Gate, they also suffered heavy losses. A large number of monks fell under the hands of the real Qingyang who was already the Nascent Soul monk.

Today, the positions of the offensive and defensive sides have undergone dramatic upside-down replacements, and Qingyunmen has actually begun a large-scale attack on his Wujizong territory.

Originally, in the eyes of True Man Wushang, after the previous battle, the Blue Cloud Gate naturally needed time to repair, so there must be no time to counterattack in a short period of time.

But I didn't expect Qingyunmen to fight over now, and it was an all-out attack.

"Master, now Qingyunmen is preparing to aggressively attack the Tuyang Valley Mine where Senior Brother Ye Ming is stationed. How should we respond?"

In front of Zhen Wushang, a man in a gray robe couldn't help but ask.

Facing the questioning, True Person Wushang slowly woke up from his contemplation. He first glanced at the direct disciple in front of him, and then said in a deep voice:

"what do you want to say?"

"Returning to Master, the disciples believe that the mines in Tuyang Valley are extremely important to today's sect. It not only blocks the passage of the Qingyunmen monks to the north, but also provides a lot of spiritual materials for the sect."

"Besides, Brother Ye Ming is still stationed there now, so we must send someone to support it."

Hearing this, Mortal Wushang nodded slightly, then said:

"The division has ordered the families of Canglan County to support the Tuyang Valley Mine, and the reinforcements from the Zongmen are already on standby."

However, as soon as their voice fell, a huge rumbling sound came from above their heads, and then the Lingshan mountain standing under their feet began to shake violently.

Suddenly, the whole Luqiu Mountain shook violently, countless cracks covered the ground, and countless buildings on Lingshan were reduced to ruins.

At the same time, the mountain protection formation of the Promise Sect was also lit up, and the entire Luqiu Mountain was firmly enveloped by the black and white light curtain.

I saw that outside the large black and white light curtain, an old man in a red robe stood in the air, looking at the people in the large array with an indifferent expression.

The next moment Real Man Qingyang's eyes burned with red flames, and these flames instantly swept all over his body.

He slowly raised his right hand, and then struggling to shoot against the large black-and-white light curtain, and then a huge flame palm fell from the sky.


Accompanied by bursts of deafening sounds, the entire Luqiu Mountain trembled violently, and countless rocks fell apart.

However, what surprised the real person Qing Yang was that the Promise Sect's mountain guard formation was so strong that it did not immediately shatter in his hands.

At this moment, only a loud shouting sounded from Luqiu Mountain, and then a strange black shadow appeared in front of Real Person Qing Yang.

The man was enveloped in a large black cloak, his dry skin clinging to his bones, his whole body exuding the lingering stench of death, like withered bones in a mound.

This person is no one else, but the real Junshan who is not seen all day long!

. . . . . .

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