The Rise of the Shen Family

Vol 2 Chapter 734: Rat throwing device


Along with a violent shout from the mountain behind Luqiu Mountain, the real person Junshan, who was covered in a black cloak, quickly appeared in the sky.

He was suspended under the light curtain of the large mountain guarding formation, glaring at the real person Qingyang on the cloud through the large light curtain, his withered face was full of gloomy color.

Ever since he had to turn to the Ghost Dao Cultivation Technique, Madam Junshan has been staying in the secret place of Wujizong, and will not easily appear in the eyes of the world, and it is common that only Madam Wushang can meet with him.

However, now, when he discovered that the real person Qingyang had come in person, for the safety of the sect's foundation and the main sect disciple, he had to show up to stop the other party's actions.

"Old ghost Qingyang, you really want to destroy my Promise Sect today, and the inheritance is impossible!"

Madam Jun Shan's very strange and hoarse voice came out of his broad black cloak, and his tone was full of resentment and helpless regret.

Speaking of which, the real person Junshan and the real person Qingyang belong to the same generation of monks, and they are both rare and stunning generations of their time.

Therefore, since the two of them met, whether for their own sect or for their own personal gain, the fight between them has never stopped.

Majestic Qingyang and Majesty Junshan can be said to be each other's fateful opponents, but in a certain sense, they are also their partners in each other's path.

Both of them didn't agree with each other, and they all hoped to grow their own sect. At the same time, they all hoped that they could become the first Yuan Ying monk in the Lingnan Cultivation Realm since ancient times.

Even though his life was dying, Madam Junshan did not lose confidence. He still felt that he had not lost to Madam Qingyang, because although he did not achieve Yuanying Dadao, the latter also had little hope.

But when Dao Qingyang became a monk Yuan Ying and appeared in front of him, the obsession in Dao Jun Shan's heart was completely shattered.

The real Qingyang who he regarded as the enemy of his life became the first Yuanying great monk in Lingnan Cultivation Realm, but he almost died in order to get a glimpse of Yuanying Dao, so he had to turn to the Secret Technique of Ghost Dao, and became degenerate. A terrifying appearance that is neither human nor ghost.

The loneliness, jealousy, and unwillingness in his heart can be imagined!

Facing the questioning of the real person Junshan, a sneer flashed across the old face of the real person Qingyang, and he said in a deep voice:

"When your Promise Sect cultivator attacked my Qingyun Mountain that day, did you ever think that there will be today!"

After that, he flipped his hand down and patted a palm again, and the giant palm of flames fell from the sky, directly carrying the terrifying power of the mountains and the sea to suppress it.

However, at this moment, the black and white spiritual powers in the large array of light curtains over Luqiu Mountain rapidly rotated, and ancient patterns seemed to emerge from the light curtains.

When this ancient and mysterious pattern fully emerged, everyone discovered that this pattern was actually a mysterious tortoise shell.

The next moment, the giant flame palm fell heavily on this mysterious tortoiseshell pattern, and then the entire mountain guard array of the Promise Sect shook violently.


The huge impact sounded thousands of miles away, causing many Wujizong Qi Lian disciples on Luqiu Mountain to involuntarily cover their ears, but there was still black blood between their mouths and noses.

Above the heads of these Promise Sect disciples, the ancient black and white tortoise shell was slowly rotating, counteracting the terrifying power carried by the palm of True Man Qingyang.

On Luqiu Mountain, a series of hideous cracks continued to spread down from the top of the mountain, countless rubble fell from the top of the mountain, merged into that rolling torrent, and destroyed countless buildings.

At this time, in a large hall in the Promise Sect, the True Man Wushang sat cross-legged on the center of the great formation, and several elderly Promise Sect monks were sitting around him. Everyone's cultivation reached the realm of false pill.

Several of them are doing their best to maintain the operation of the mountain guard, their faces are very pale, and big beads of sweat are constantly pouring out of their foreheads.

Above the clouds, Real Person Qingyang looked at the mysterious tortoise shell pattern guarding the people of the Wuji Sect, a strange color flashed in his muddy eyes.

Obviously, the mountain guarding formation of the Promise Sect was far stronger than he had imagined.

As a sect that has stood in the Lingnan Cultivation Realm for thousands of years like the Qingyunmen, its accumulated sect heritage is naturally not much worse than the Qingyunmen.

At the beginning, the guardian formation of Qingyunmen had reached the pinnacle of Lingnan Cultivation Realm, the fourth-order peak, so the Promise Sect's guardian formation was naturally the same, and because of the existence of the mysterious tortoise shell, its defense power was even better than Qingyunmen. The big array.

True person Qingyang looked at the fallen Promise Sect disciples in the Wujizong Mountain Guardian formation indifferently, without a trace of pity in his eyes.

Following his thoughts, an ink-colored remnant sword appeared in his hand out of thin air, and the sharp sword aura swept out in an instant.

It is the broken Tier 5 spirit treasure in Qingyun Gate!

When Majesty Junshan hiding in the mountain guarding formation saw Majesty Qingyang offering this Tier 5 spirit treasure, he immediately realized that he could not wait any longer, and immediately yelled at Majesty Qingyang.

"Old man Qingyang, are you really going to fight with my Promise Sect to kill you!"

After hearing this, a sneer appeared on the wrinkled face of Real Person Qing Yang, obviously he didn't think Real Person Jun Shan had such an ability.

But soon he felt a terrifying aura appearing, and the feeling of palpitations hit his heart, as if something threatened him greatly.

At the same time, Situ Changkong, who had been silently paying attention to the battlefield situation in the nine days of wind that had been separated from Luqiu Mountain for a few miles, also noticed this sudden change.

"Unexpectedly, it was actually a Tier 5 Taoist talisman with a great loss of spirituality..."

On this side, Real Person Qingyang quickly looked at Real Person Junshan with a solemn expression, and quickly cast his cold eyes on the yellow talisman paper in the latter's hand.

This yellow talisman paper looks crumpled, just like the yellow paper that can be seen everywhere, but it is this shameless yellow talisman paper that makes Qing Yang's face extremely gloomy.

As the Nascent Soul cultivator, he can clearly feel the terrifying aura exuded by this magic talisman, and its level is obviously higher than the fourth-order high-grade magic talisman he recognizes.

So this must be a terrifying Tier 5 magic talisman!

After seeing the real person Qingyang stop, the real person Jun Shan shouted ferociously again:

"Old Qingyang, if you destroy my Promise Sect today, even if you die, the old man will fight with you to die!"

Above the clouds, the real person Qingyang glanced at the roaring real person Junshan like a ghost, and then looked at the magic talisman in his hand that exuded a frightening atmosphere with an extremely serious expression.

The Promise Sect actually hid a Tier 5 magic talisman, which really exceeded his expectations.

And this Tier 5 magic talisman is obviously the same as the ink-colored residual sword in his hand, both of them are the last cards in each other's sect, an existence that no one knows usually.

That day, True Person Cangsu was able to support True Person Qingyang back with an unexpected Tier 5 Spirit Treasure, and now True Person Junshan also had a bargaining chip to resist True Person Qing Yang with this Tier 5 spiritual talisman in his hand.

"Jun Shan, do you really think that with the fifth-order magic talisman in your hand, this seat will give up today?"

Madam Qingyang cast his gaze at Madam Junshan in the black robe, and said coldly.

Hearing this, a grinning smile immediately appeared on the withered face of the real man Junshan, and he laughed wildly:

"Old Qingyang, why bother to deceive yourself and others here!"

At this time, the real person Junshan was still full of courage, and directly confronted the real person Qingyang.

Although he knew that True Person Qingyang could kill himself instantly, he was also certain that before he died, he was hit hard by this fifth-order magic talisman handed down from the ancestors of the past.

On this side, True Person Qingyang stared closely at the already irrational True Person Jun Shan, and he constantly weighed the pros and cons in his heart.

Because Madam Junshan is hiding inside the mountain guard of the Promise Sect, it is difficult for him to kill with one blow, and if he misses, he will leave Madam Junshan with the reaction time to inspire that Tier 5 magical talisman.

Faced with the Tier 5 magic talisman in the latter's hand, even if he could resist it, he would be seriously injured, and his strength would not be one.

If he is seriously injured at this time, it will be a huge blow to Qingyun goalkeeper, and he will also lose control of the development of the matter, and his careful planning will be in vain.

So obviously he is not worth betting on all this with the real Junshan!

Moreover, he hit the Wuji Zongshan gate this time only to prevent him from sending reinforcements to Tuyang Valley and Jiangmin County, and also to draw out the demon monks hidden in the dark.

When attacking the Wujizong mountain gate is not in a hurry, he can first swallow the other areas of the Wujizong, and then gather heavy troops to besiege its mountain gate.

"Okay... I have to see when this Tier 5 spirit talisman can protect your Promise Sect, and how many spirit stones your Promise Sect has to support you to run this mountain protection formation!"

Madam Qingyang couldn't help but snorted, and his figure disappeared above the clouds.

However, at the moment when his figure disappeared, he still did not forget to slap a palm to the mountain guard, and the huge power shook the whole Luqiu Mountain violently again.

Facing the palm that he took when the real person Qingyang disappeared, the real person Jun Shan was helpless, and could only always guard against the former's sneak attack.

He clearly knew that even though the fifth-order magic talisman in his hand could threaten the real person Qingyang, most of them did not dare to easily destroy his Promise Sect because of the rat trap.

But once he was caught by the opponent, he probably didn't have the chance to inspire the magic talisman, and he would die first.

After the real person Qingyang disappeared, the entire Luqiu Mountain had been turned into ruins. The fairy family holy land that was originally like a paradise has long ceased to exist.

The surviving disciples in the Promise Sect began to clean up the mess in front of them. They sent all the disciples injured by the force of the backlash into the medicine room, and then began to repair the collapsed buildings of various buildings.

"Let the disciples hurry up and repair the ruined formation, and the mountain protection formation will be fully opened from now on!"

Majesty Junshan immediately gave orders to Majesty Wushang who rushed over.

"Understood, Uncle Master, I have already arranged it!"

On this side, True Person Wushang's face was still extremely pale. Obviously, it was not an easy task for him to just preside over the formation.

"At present, the real person Qingyang has blocked the mountain gate, and the sect disciples can't rush to the front line of Tuyang Valley. Master Ye Ming still sticks to it..."

The meaning of True Man Wushang is already very obvious. Ye Ming is now isolated and helpless in Tuyang Valley. If he is besieged by the Qingyunmen army, he is afraid that he will be more fortunate.

After hearing the words of Real Person Wushang, Real Person Jun Shan couldn't help but sighed, and then asked in a deep voice:

"What can you do about the current situation?"

"Now there is also Wang Yuanqing in Jiangmin County. I hope he can lead his troops to support the Tuyang Valley Mine. If they combine their strength and the guardianship of the fourth-order large formation, they may be able to hold on for a longer time."

"At the moment we only need to guard the mountain gate and drag the real person Qingyang, and wait for the rescue of those outsiders to survive this crisis..."

Speaking of this, Master Wushang paused, and finally said emphatically:

"Whether the sect can turn the crisis into peace this time, we must still rely on those outsiders..."

Hearing this, Madam Jun Shan nodded heavily, obviously he also knew the key point.

If he loses the help of those outsiders, his Promise Sect is not the opponent of Qingyun Sect at all, and a real Qingyang person alone is enough to destroy his Promise Sect Manman.

But at the moment those outsiders are in a state of retreat, and he doesn't know when the opponent will leave the customs, and whether he can catch up with the battle.

So they have no choice but to guard the gate and stand by for help!

"I hope I can survive this time!"

After a long time, the true talent of Jun Shan said solemnly again, his tone full of loneliness.

"Tell the sect disciples to prepare for the battle with all their strength and prepare to fight to the death with the In the next few days, the real Qingyang made several attacks on the guardian formation of the Wujizong, and wanted to find out. The flaw lies.

But the great mountain protection formation of the Promise Sect actually caused him a great trouble. When the real person Junshan appeared with a Tier 5 magical talisman, he had to walk away.

And every time the formation base destroyed by him, it will be restored to its original state under the desperate repair of the cultivators of the Promise Sect, and will continue to exert the power of the big formation.

On the other side, in the face of Dao Qingyang's seals and surprise attacks, Dao Jun Shan had to be vigilant at all times, fearing that he would be easily beheaded after the opponent seized the opportunity.

When the real person Qingyang sealed the Promise Sect monks in the mountain gate, the expedition monks from the Shen family, Ouyang family, and Baihua Palace were already advancing towards Tuyang Valley.

In addition, some of the monks of Qingyunmen and the vassal family monks under his rule rushed to Linhai County, and some of them quietly Chen Bing on the border of Jiangmin County.

All this heralds that a general war is about to begin!

. . . . . .

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