The Rise of the Shen Family

Vol 2 Chapter 740: Diyin Cold Spring

After the monks from the Shen family, Ouyang family, and Baihua Palace, and Long Zhuqing and Zhen Naomen brought together the Qingyunmen monks from Jiangmin County, the total strength of the four coalition forces reached two thousand. The remaining people far exceeded the number of Promise Sect monks in the Tuyang Valley Mine.

So the four coalition forces quickly surrounded the Tuyang Valley Mine and cut off the connection between the monks in the mine and Canglan County, leaving them in a situation of isolation and helplessness.

Now they only need to wait for the Qingyunmen conquest army to arrive as scheduled, and they can immediately launch a thunderous and fierce attack on the Tuyang Valley Large Mine, relying on the human sea tactics to break through the fourth-order large formation that the opponent depends on.

While waiting for the follow-up army to arrive, the four coalition forces also dispatched elite foundation-building teams to bypass the Tuyang Valley Mine and attack the Canglan County behind the mine to disintegrate the Canglan County in the mine. The fighting spirit of the family monk.

Among these four teams, in addition to the Shen family, the Qingyunmen, Ouyang family, and Baihua Palace sent more than ten people, and they were all monks from the middle stage of the foundation construction and above, and the leaders were also the foundation construction monks. .

And now, most of the family monks in Canglan County are trapped in the Tuyang Valley Mine, and all the families left behind are the old, weak, sick, women, children, and a few left-behind monks.

In this comparison, the four teams of Qingyunmen clearly have an advantage in terms of numbers.

If the foundation-building families in Canglan County can't unite to the outside world, I am afraid that no family can face the attacks of more than a dozen foundation-building monks alone.

Over a plain in the southeast of Canglan County, Shen Ruiling and the seven others were driving the flying sword to the east, leaving seven looming arcs in the sky where they passed.

"Shen Daoyou, I don't know where I am going to wait?"

Above the flying sword, Du Mingjun, wearing a faint purple skirt, couldn't help but look at Shen Ruiling and asked, as if he had some criticisms about what Shen Ruiling did just now.

After hearing this, the others looked at Shen Ruiling, who led the way. Even Shen Ruizhi and Shen Yongxuan didn't know where they were going.

The seven of them had already passed over the land of several cultivating families before, but Shen Ruiling, who was leading the way, had no intention of doing anything at all, as if turning a blind eye.

Everyone thought that Shen Ruiling didn’t look down on those aura-training clan, but when they passed over a certain foundation-building clan just now, the former still pretended not to see it, and walked around from a distance, and continued towards Go east.

At this time, everyone didn't know what Shen Ruiling was thinking about.

You know, not only one of their teams has entered Canglan County, but the other three teams are also paying the same attention as them, all wanting to make a fortune from these families in Canglan County.

So if you can't do it as soon as possible, these limited number of cultivation families in Canglan County will become the prey of others.

Although everyone was puzzled, few people dared to ask Shen Ruiling. Shen Ruizhi and Shen Yongxuan didn't care, but Wei Chenghe and the two Shen Jiakeqing didn't know how to speak.

In the end, Du Mingjun spoke.

Facing Du Mingjun's question, Shen Ruiling turned around and took a look at the former, then looked at the other people behind him, and finally said in a low voice:

"Our target for this attack is Liangtaishan's Liangjia!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone couldn't help but was taken aback, as if they were thinking about which Liang family.

"Could it be the Liang family, one of the three prominent families in Canglan County?"

The first thing that came out was Wei Chenghe, who had discussed life in Jiangmin County when he was a casual cultivator in his early years, so he knew better about the great clans in Canglan County than the others.

"It's this famous family Liang family!"

When Wei Chenghe was not sure, Shen Ruiling spoke again.

Hearing this, not only Wei Chenghe, but the others could not help showing a look of surprise. Obviously, he did not expect that Shen Ruiling would directly target the Liang family.

Although they hadn't reacted immediately before, after Wei Chenghe spoke, the information about Liangtaishan Liang's family flashed in his mind.

As one of the three prominent families in Canglan County, the Liang family has been inherited for more than a thousand years, and the family heritage is even more unfathomable.

Moreover, in accordance with the customary rules in the Lingnan cultivating world, if you want to become a prominent family, you must have the foundation-building monks of Dzogchen, and the number of foundation-building monks in the family must be at least five.

So although the Liang family sent some monks to the Tuyang Valley Mine this time, there must be a lot of foundation-building monks staying behind in the family.

In this way, it is not easy for them to break through the gate of the Liang family.

On this side, Shen Ruiling seemed to see what everyone was thinking, and then looked at everyone again and said:

"Everyone's difficulties and gains are directly proportional. The wealth accumulated by a thousand-year-old family is completely comparable to the wealth of the other foundation-building families..."

After all, he stopped paying attention to everyone, and directly accelerated towards Liangtaishan.

Seeing this, Shen Ruizhi and Shen Yongxuan immediately followed, and the remaining Du Mingjun four had to follow each other after a glance.

As the vassal and guest of the Shen family, they could not determine Shen Ruiling's thoughts, so naturally they could only act with the former.

As for Shen Ruiling, he led people to attack the mountain gate of the Liang family at present, which was just a cover-up. His real purpose was the place where the spirit of heaven and earth was hidden in the Liang family.

As for the mountain gate of the Liang family, it is natural to wait for him to act on the occasion after he obtains the spiritual water of heaven and earth, but it must not be let go.

How can the wealth accumulated by a prominent family for thousands of years make him unmoved?

A few hours later, Shen Ruiling took people to the outer area of ​​the Liang family land, and looked at the situation of the Liang family from a distance.

The Liangtai Mountain of the Liang family is a peak of nearly five hundred feet. At the foot of the mountain is a large tract of lingtian. From the mountainside up, there are various houses and buildings.

At this time, the Liang Family's guardian formation had been opened for some reason, and the turquoise light curtain covered the entire Liangtai Mountain strictly.

It seems that Shen Ruiling and other Qingyunmen cultivators have bypassed the Tuyang Valley Mine and invaded, so they are all prepared in advance.

"Wei Daoyou heard that you were from Canglan County, so I don't know what you know about this Liang family?"

Shen Ruiling withdrew his gaze from the Liang family's guardian array, turned to look at Wei Chenghe not far away, and asked.

Facing Shen Ruiling's inquiry, Wei Chenghe was taken aback for a moment, but still bite the bullet and said:

"I don't know much about the Liang family below. They are all things that everyone knows. Now there are five foundation-building cultivators who have appeared in the Liang family..."

Wei Chenghe explained everything he knew in a few words, but most of them were things that everyone knew.

Regarding the things that Wei Chenghe told, Shen Ruiling only nodded slightly, and did not make any comments.

In fact, he also had a piece of information about the Liang family in his hand, which was collected by Shen Huanchi during this period of time, in order to facilitate him to find the spiritual water of heaven and earth.

However, there is not much difference between the information and what Wei Chenghe said. They are all things that the Liang family is willing to let outsiders know.

After a long silence, Shen Ruiling looked at the others again and said:

"Now we don't know the Liang family behind this clan guardian formation, nor do we know how many monks the Liang family sent to the Tuyang Valley Mine, and how many foundation-building monks in the clan..."

After hearing these words, everyone nodded one after another, and Du Mingjun asked casually:

"So what does Shen Daoyou mean?"

I saw, Shen Ruiling glanced at her and slowly said:

"Just now I saw on the way here that there are several mortal villages and towns of the Qi Lian Family and Liang Family in the area around Liangtai Mountain. I think there should be news we need in these places..."

Hearing this, Du Mingjun and the others couldn't help but glance at each other, and they clearly understood the meaning of the former.

On this side, Shen Ruiling did not wait for everyone to speak, and directly ordered:

"In the next three days, we will explore the details of the Liang family around here, and we will meet here again after three days."

"All fellow daoists should carry the talisman with you, and immediately notify others if there is an emergency!"

Du Mingjun and others pondered for Shen Ruiling's decision for a moment, and finally nodded in agreement.

As the saying goes, know yourself and your opponents before you have a chance to win.

So after receiving the talisman to transmit information to each other, the crowd spread out and headed towards the mortal towns and vassal families around Liang's family.

Soon, Shen Ruizhi and Shen Yongxuan were left by Shen Ruiling's side. He looked at the few people who had left, and a trace of contemplation flashed in his secluded eyes.

He is not worried that Du Mingjun and the others will be attacked by the Liang family when they leave the meeting. If the Liang family's foundation building monks really dared to leave the protection of the big formation and hunt them out, then it would be just what he wanted. .

If the foundation-building monks of the Liang family can be eliminated in the wild, who is willing to attack the third-order formation?

"Four brother, you also take Yong Xuan to find the news nearby!"

After a while, he turned his head to look at Shen Ruizhi and Shen Yongxuan, and said softly.

He didn't plan to take Shen Ruizhi together to find the spiritual water of heaven and earth, although it might be more convenient to find two more people, but the goal will also become bigger.

Moreover, if Du Mingjun and others discover that all three of them are missing, they will surely guess something, which will easily cause unnecessary trouble.

"Well, you should be careful too!"

On this side, Shen Ruizhi nodded, seeming to know that the former should have something to do, so he took Shen Yongxuan and headed towards the Qi training family he encountered on the way.

After Shen Ruizhi and Shen Yongxuan left, Shen Ruiling also flew out and flew in the other direction.

After flying hundreds of miles, he suddenly turned his head and flew to the northwest. After changing directions several times, he came to the edge of a low-lying swamp.

The terrain in Canglan County is full of lakes and rivers, so swamps like this are also very common, and the only difference in this swamp is that it has a wider area.

Although this swamp is located in the territory of the Liang family, several nearby families will also send tribesmen into it, looking for some common elixir.

At this time, the sky was dark, and in this swamp, a middle-aged man with cheeks appeared suddenly, and he was advancing quickly to the southwest of the swamp.

This middle-aged man is not someone else, but Shen Ruiling who has performed [Vanxiang Hongchen].

He had no choice but to do so. After all, the monks who went to Canglan County this time were not the only one of them, there were also dozens of foundation-building monks such as Qingyunmen, Ouyang Family, and Baihua Palace.

If these people discover his whereabouts, don't even think about the matter of Lingshui that day.

According to the map given to him by the patriarch, the hiding place of the heaven and earth spiritual water is in this swamp, so it shouldn't be difficult to obtain it.

The night was like ink, and the looming bright moon sprinkled the faint moonlight in the swamp, and Shen Ruiling's agile figure moved quickly under the moonlight like a ghost.

Suddenly, his figure stopped, and an unexpected look appeared on his face.

Since Shen Ruiling's cultivation base broke through to the nine-layer foundation, his divine consciousness has once again been greatly improved, and now the range that divine consciousness can detect has reached a radius of about a thousand feet.

At this time, at a distance of eight hundred feet away from him, the breath of several monks appeared, and it was obvious that there were other monks active.

The sudden appearance of several cultivators surprised Shen Ruiling. After all, all the cultivation families in Canglan County are now sealed off, how could they send clansmen out.

After thinking about it for a moment, Shen Ruiling immediately displayed the [Divine Tortoise Restraining Secret Art], and began to sneak towards the place of the cultivators.

It didn't take long before he saw six monks. Among them, the one who took the lead was the monks in the early stage of foundation building, and the remaining five were the Qi training monks.

"Are you really sure that the treasure is here?"

The foundation building monk looked at a Qi training monk beside him, and asked in a rather unkind tone.

"Return to juniors must be here, but I don’t know exactly where..."

Hearing that, the foundation building monk did not say anything, but turned his head and said:

"Find me carefully, don't let go of any corners!"


The words of these people were heard by Shen Ruiling in the distance, and a thoughtful look flashed across his face.

From the conversations of these people, he could see that this pair of monks were from the Liang family, and what they were looking for was probably the heaven and earth spiritual water he was looking for.

This is really good news for Shen Ruiling. At the very least, it can prove that the spiritual water of heaven and earth should not have been swiftly ascended.

"Uncle Jiu, there seems to be a cold air from below..."

At this moment, those Liang family members seemed to have some new discoveries.

Hearing that, the foundation-building monk hurried over and was overjoyed after discovering this phenomenon, and immediately led people into the pond.

On this side, Shen Ruiling hurriedly followed after seeing this. He was now sure that what these Liang family members were looking for was the heaven and earth spiritual water.

Relying on the concealing ability of the [Divine Turtle Restoration Technique], he integrated himself with the current, and easily concealed the perception of the monk in the early days of foundation building.

Following the Liang family, Shen Ruiling quickly dived into an underwater space, swimming forward along a gloomy river.

It didn't take long for the people of the Liang family to jump out of the water and came to a small cave. The entire cave was shrouded in cold air.

Through the obstruction of the water, Shen Ruiling could perceive a spring hole above the cave, and the piercing chill that made people feel terrified was constantly gushing out of the spring hole.

That is the cold spring of the earth's yin!

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