The Rise of the Shen Family

Vol 2 Chapter 741: succeed

The Liang family monks followed the overflowing cold air and quickly entered an underground river, followed the underground river around and around to a dark and humid cave.

Everything in the cave was covered with a thick layer of ice, and the biting cold air filled the cave, causing the temperature in the cave to drop a lot.

I saw that there was a spring on the top of the cave, which was continuously pouring out white cold and cold air. This cold air seemed to be able to freeze everything in the cave.

When the Liang family jumped from the surface of the dark river full of ice floes, their damp clothes were instantly frozen into strips of ice, and even their hair and eyebrows were immediately covered with a layer. Hoarfrost, like a snowman just piled up.

"Uncle Nine, there really are treasures here..."

A cultivating cultivator closest to the cold spring cast his gaze on the cold spring not far away, his tone was full of joy, and he involuntarily took a step forward.

However, an unexpected scene soon appeared. The cold spring seemed to have just ushered in an explosion, and endless cold and biting cold air continued to gush out from the spring water.

When this white chill drifted past the Qi training monk, his whole person was instantly frozen, and his face still kept the look of fear when danger came.


Seeing this, the foundation-building cultivator couldn't help but screamed in panic, and then blocked the whole body's spiritual power to the rushing cold air.

When this terrifying cold air passed by, a thicker layer of ice once again formed on the thick ice layer, and the surface of the underground river that was originally full of floating ice was completely frozen again.

At this moment, even Shen Ruiling who was hiding in the dark river immediately felt a chill that pierced his bone marrow, and the fire-attribute spiritual power in his body immediately resisted the attack of the chill.

Although [Earth Yin Cold Spring] is considered a heaven and earth spiritual creature with water attributes, it possesses the unique icy chill of ice attribute spiritual creatures.

This cold and biting spring water infiltrated from the Nine Nether Lands. After coming out, it would not flow everywhere, but would turn into cold and cold air and accumulate inside the spring water, erupting out from time to time and then dispersing to the external environment.

Although [Diyin Cold Spring] itself is the most yin to cold thing, its own spring water will not freeze because it can keep flowing forever.

However, around the spring water, because of the radiating cold air, an icy cold area would be formed, and the old cold air that spewed out was enough to threaten all the monks below the Golden Core Realm.

When everyone in the Liang family sneaked into this cave, they happened to encounter an eruption of a cold spring, and the cold air that had been deposited for many years was released from the spring.

I saw that the white and vast cold air instantly froze the spiritual power released by the monk in the early stage of foundation building, and followed that spiritual power directly into the latter's body.

Suddenly, the cultivator at the beginning of the foundation construction immediately felt the spiritual power in his body stagnated, and the blood in his body seemed to be freezing at an extremely fast speed. Ruthlessly rushed to his pubic area.

At this moment, even if he wanted to escape, there was no chance. The dark river was covered by the thick layer of ice, and his lower body had been frozen by the ice, directly losing the ability to move.

The qi-training monks around him had long since lost any vitality and turned into a lifelike human-shaped ice sculpture.

Seeing that the vitality of the cultivator in the early days of foundation building was fading fast, Shen Ruiling finally couldn't sit still, after all, he still wanted to inquire about some confidential things about the Liang family from the mouth of the former.

In the next moment, a fascinating blue-red flame appeared in his eyes, and the blue-red flame spewed out of his body and soon enveloped it.

When those blue-red flames appeared, the icy river water around Shen Ruiling instantly boiled, and even the ice layer several feet thick on the river above him was melting at a speed visible to the naked eye.


With a loud noise, a huge hole suddenly appeared on the surface of the ice-bound river, and then a huge fireball quickly flew out from below the ice layer.

After the huge blue-red fireball appeared, it immediately released a terrifying high temperature to the surrounding area, and violently collided with the bitter chill in the cave.

At this moment, Shen Ruiling was the huge fireball. The blue-red flames wrapped his whole body. The whole person was like a red furnace, isolating the ubiquitous coldness in the cave.

Soon he cast his gaze on the foundation-building monk who had been frozen into an ice sculpture by the cold in the cave, and then directly waved a ray of blue-red flame at him.

I saw that a ray of blue-red flame flew out from Shen Ruiling's body, turning into an unruly fire dragon hovering on the foundation-building monk who was about to die.

As the green-red flame hovered over the former, the hot temperature that radiated began to melt the ice on his body at a speed visible to the naked eye.


When the ice on his body gradually melted, the cultivator was moved by the warmth in the early stage of foundation construction, and the consciousness that had fallen into a deep sleep awakened again.

On this side, Shen Ruiling once again looked solemnly at the cold spring above the cave, and found that the latter was still gushing out a steady stream of bitter cold air.

According to ancient records, the eruption of [Di Yin Hanquan] may last for several hours or even days.

And when this [Di Yin Hanquan] cold air erupts, it is also the time when its power is greatest, even the real Jindan dare not easily collect the cold spring spiritual water in the spring's eyes at this time.

While Shen Ruiling was in deep thought, the flame he released seemed to have disrupted the balance in the cave, and the cold spring ushered in an explosion again.


With the constant churning of the purple spring water, endless white cold air gushed out of the water, causing the temperature in the cave to drop sharply again.

In the next moment, a bluish-red sun slowly rose above Shen Ruiling's head, and an idiotic solar storm immediately raged around the sun, intertwined with the oncoming chill.

While resisting the chill, he also had to protect the foundation-building monk, lest he would die by accident.

In this way, this cold eruption lasted for about a stick of incense, and after half a stick of incense, the cold air gushing out of the spring began to diminish.

When Shen Ruiling noticed that the chill was starting to weaken, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It seems that his luck is not bad, this time the eruption of [Di Yin Hanquan] did not last long, so that he could rush back in time to meet Shen Ruizhi and others.

Moreover, whenever the [Diyin Cold Spring] erupted, the chill contained in its spring water would weaken, and this was the best time for monks to collect the spring water.

When the [Diyin Cold Spring] in front of my eyes resumed its usual stability again, Shen Ruiling also gradually put away the flames released, only covering his body with a layer of armor like a flame, which can effectively resist the cave. The coldness that has not yet dissipated.

He quickly flew over to the small cold spring, and cast his gaze on the purple spring water that was constantly tumbling in the spring.

From the purple spring water, Shen Ruiling could clearly feel the water attribute power and the unique cold power in it, so she couldn't help but mutter:

"Sure enough, it is the most yin and cold thing..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he directly took a rusty copper pot from his storage bag and threw it over the spring.

Judging from the strong fluctuations of spiritual power emanating from the rusty copper pot, it is a third-tier top-grade spiritual weapon!

Shen Ruiling pinched a magic formula with both hands on his chest and hit it on the copper pot, which immediately burst out with a bright aura.

The next moment, the lid of the copper kettle was slowly lifted, and a huge suction force spread from the copper kettle, immediately introducing the spring water from the spring eyes into the kettle.

The purple spring water flew out of the spring's eyes, then turned into a water line and slowly entered the copper pot, the whole movement was as smooth as flowing water.

After half a cup of tea, the copper kettle suspended in mid-air collected all the water in the spring's eyes, leaving a spring bottom covered with ice for thousands of years.

I saw that there was a small gap at the bottom of the spring, and the purple [Di Yin Han Spring] flowed out slowly from this small gap that didn't know how deep it was.

Shen Ruiling's gaze slowly retracted from the gap, and once again he cast his eyes on the third-order high-grade copper pot containing the [Diyin Cold Spring] in midair.

At this time, the rusty copper kettle was already covered with a thick layer of ice, which had frozen the entire copper kettle into a piece of ice, and it continued to exude a bitter chill.

Seeing this situation, Shen Ruiling's eyes couldn't help flashing a hint of surprise. Obviously he didn't expect the [Di Yin Han Quan] in the pot to have such a huge power.

With a wave of his hand, he put the copper pot suspended in mid-air into an empty storage bag, then turned and flew by the frozen foundation-building monk.

At this time, the lower body of the foundation monk who was frozen into an ice sculpture was still frozen there, and the ice on his chest and head had gradually melted.

"It looks like you are already awake?"

Shen Ruiling's calm voice suddenly sounded slowly in the man's sea of ​​consciousness.

The vitality of the foundation-building cultivator is not as fragile as imagined. Even if the lower body is frozen to death, as long as the heart and soul are not destroyed, he can continue to breathe.

And if there is a great monk who is willing to rebirth for him at this time, he can continue to live, just change his body.

When the spirit of the foundation-building monk who had just woke up heard Shen Ruiling's voice, fear instantly enveloped his whole body.

At this moment, another extremely powerful Divine Sense appeared in his Sea of ​​Consciousness. The coercive aura emanating from the other's Divine Sense made him feel deep fear.

That seems to be the real Jindan? !

"I want to know how bad your situation is now, and answer my questions well. If you behave well, I don't mind saving your life..."

Shen Ruiling communicated with the other party through divine consciousness, and his voice was extremely indifferent.

It seems that because he has only experienced the threat of death just now, this man's desire for life is extremely strong now, and the desire for survival expressed in his soul is what Shen Ruiling is most willing to see.

"Are you from the Liang family of Liangtaishan?"


The man quickly replied.

Upon hearing this, Shen Ruiling asked again:

"How many foundation-building monks are there in your Liangjiashan gate now?"

Hearing this question, the man suddenly hesitated, and did not speak immediately. From his soul, Shen Ruiling could feel the entanglement and anxiety of the other party.

"Since you don't want to say it, I don't force it..."

As soon as Shen Ruiling's words fell, his spiritual consciousness began to withdraw from the man's sea of ​​consciousness like a tide.

At the same time, the man's spirit felt that cold chill invaded his body again, and was coming towards his sea of ​​consciousness at this time.

If his soul is frozen by the chill, he won't be able to wake up completely.

A deep fear came from the man’s soul, so he hurriedly said:

"I said! I said!...There are now four foundation-building monks in the family..."

After hearing this, Shen Ruiling from the outside nodded slightly, and then waved a fire-attribute spiritual power to dispel the chill that was spreading in the man's body.

Although the [Diyin Cold Spring] in the cave has been taken away by Shen Ruiling, the biting chill in the cave has not yet completely dissipated.

At this time, the whole body meridians of the man who built the foundation were frozen, and only the soul was retained, and it was impossible to stop the invasion of the external chill.

He can still live his life, it is Shen Ruiling who is helping him drive away the chill!

"How are the cultivation bases of these four foundation-building cultivators?"

"The third uncle is the foundation of the Great Perfection, the seventh uncle is in the middle of the foundation, and the rest are in the early stage of the foundation..."

After asking the left-behind monks of the Liang Ruiling asked about the Liang family's guardian formation.

"What is the formation of your Liang family's guardian formation, and where is the formation?"

"The family guardian formation is called [Sen Luo Wanxiang Formation], which is a third-tier high-grade formation based on thousands of spiritual trees on the family mountain..."

After several beatings, the man's line of defense completely collapsed, and he told Shen Ruiling all the details of the family he knew.

"Have you ever had a high-level monk from Liang Jiazu, and have you left behind for your family?"

"My family's ancestor was a law enforcement elder of the Promise Sect. As for the family's back hand, I really don't know it. I only know that the patriarch possesses a Tier 3 superb spirit weapon..."


After more than half an hour of questioning and answering, Shen Ruiling asked everything he could ask, and even the man himself was not very clear about some of the questions.

Looking at the shivering man's soul hiding in the corner of Shihai, Shen Ruiling shook his head slightly and said:

"Well, I will send you one last trip!"

Having said that, his divine consciousness immediately left the opponent's sea of ​​consciousness, and immediately his right hand was directly buckled on the opponent's heavenly spirit cover.

With a heart-piercing scream from the man's soul, Shen Ruiling's mind immediately showed scenes of memories of the man's life.

Although Shen Ruiling had asked everything he could ask, in the end he still chose to search for souls. In fact, he just wanted to know the Liang family more deeply.

Moreover, it is impossible for this man to continue to live, unless a high-level monk is willing to spend a lot of resources to rebirth for him.

As the images in her mind kept flashing, Shen Ruiling couldn't help showing a touch of joy, and she seemed to have discovered some more important information from the other's memory.

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