The Rise of the Shen Family

Vol 2 Chapter 742: Stealing the Array

After the half-zhuxiang time passed, Shen Ruiling slowly opened his eyes, and his right hand was withdrawn from the man's Tianling cover.

At this time, the vitality in the man's body has completely dissipated, and the whole person is covered by ice again, becoming ice sculptures just like those around him.

Shen Ruiling learned from the memory of the man that this person was originally named Liang Xingchao, and it was only a few years after the foundation was built. He exists as a foundation-building monk hidden in the dark by the Liang family.

This time he went deep into this swamp to find a treasure, and the source of that treasure was a family that was exterminated by the Liang family on the edge of the swamp.

As for the ins and outs of this, Shen Ruiling didn't want to figure it out, anyway, the treasure that the Liang family was looking for was already in his body.

In addition to these, he also learned that although the Liang family had only five foundation-building monks on the surface, they still had three other foundation-building monks behind their backs.

And among the three, there is a foundation-building Dzogchen monk who doesn't show any signs of dew.

It is worthy of being an aristocratic family that has been inherited for thousands of years in Canglan County. There are eight foundation-building monks in the family, and two of them are Dzogchen foundation-building monks.

This time, Liang Wenbai, the head of the Liang family, took the other two foundation-building monks from the family to support the Tuyang Valley Mine, leaving five foundation-building monks to guard the family.

The five left-behind Liang family Zhuji monks, plus the third-order high-grade guardian array, are enough to deal with all possible dangers.

Such a defensive force, even if the cultivators of the Qingyunmen team attacked, I am afraid that they would not be able to break through the mountain gate of the Liang family in a short time.

In addition, Shen Ruiling also learned that there is actually a Tier 4 spirit peach tree in the back mountain of the Liang family, and their guardian formation is based on this Tier 4 spirit tree.

Needless to say, the value of a fourth-order spiritual peach tree is absolutely invaluable in the Lingnan cultivating world, and the value it can bring to the family is far from estimated.

Of course, in addition to the basic situation of the Liang family, Shen Ruiling now has a certain understanding of the ancestors of the Liang family.

The ancestors of the Liang family were born in the Wuji Sect, and he was also a disciple of a certain Jindan real person in the Wuji Sect. Later, for some unknown reason, he left the Wuji Sect and founded the Liang Family in Canglan County.

It is precisely because of the Yu Yin of the ancestors that the relationship between the Liang family and the Wujizong has always been very close. Nowadays, two members of the Liang family are inner disciples of the Wujizong.

From the history of the fortune of the Liang family, it can be seen that the Liang family is not a family established by ordinary casual cultivators, and the family heritage is therefore extraordinary.

Moreover, the ancestor of the Liang family was still a disciple of a certain Jindan real person of the Promise Sect back then, and he obtained a lot of resources, so naturally there would be no shortage of good things left to the family.

And this is what Shen Ruiling values ​​most, after all, these secrets are related to the plan to attack Liangjiashanmen this time.

However, Liang Xingchao seems to have just built the foundation, so he has not had time to be told about the secrets of the family by the elders in the family.

Therefore, Shen Ruiling couldn't find any information about the inside story of the Liang family from his memory.

Moreover, the development of the Liang family has been extremely smooth in these hundreds of years, and has not experienced the disaster of genocide, so it has not shown the family heritage in front of the world.

The only thing that was revealed, but it was only a third-order superb spiritual weapon.

Although it is not clear what kind of back-ups the Liang family has, Shen Ruiling at least has some precautions in her heart.

After a while, Shen Ruiling's gaze fell on the ice sculpture in front of him again, his right hand was slightly raised, and a ray of blue-red flame sprang out from the palm of his hand.

Under his control, this scorching flame entangled the ice sculpture extremely quickly, and the high temperature emitted began to melt the ice above it.


As the drops of melted water dripped down, the man's stiff upper body was revealed, and the storage bag connected to him also appeared.

I saw that Shen Ruiling immediately took a shot of spiritual power and took the man's storage bag into his hand, and then his powerful spiritual sense began to wear away the spiritual sense restriction on the storage bag.

The man had only built his foundation in the early stage of his cultivation, his spirit power was not strong, and now he has died, the restraint on the spirit was naturally quickly broken by Shen Ruiling.

When the man's storage bag was opened, Shen Ruiling's consciousness immediately penetrated in. It seemed that he already had a goal in his heart, and he went straight to the thing.

After a few breaths, an emerald green wooden sign appeared in his palm. The wooden sign bloomed with a faint green light, with the word "beam" engraved on it.

Shen Ruiling's faint gaze cast on the wooden sign in his hand, the corner of his mouth could not help but a slight upward movement, and an intriguing color flashed in his eyes.

From Liang Xingchao's memory, it is understood that this wooden sign is a certificate issued by the Liang family to the newly promoted foundation-building monks, and it is also a certificate for being able to enter and exit through the Liang family's guardian formation.

In other words, as long as Shen Ruiling holds this wooden sign, he can pass through the third-tier high-grade guardian array light curtain as unimpeded as Brother Liang Family.

Of course, Shen Ruiling didn't think that he could sneak into the Liangjiahu clan array with the wooden sign in his hand, at least it would not be so easy to succeed.

After all, the Liang family is also an aristocratic family that has passed on for thousands of years. How can it leave such hidden dangers? As long as the people of the Liang family cancel the access authority on the identity token of Liang Xingchao by changing the formation, then the wooden sign in his hand will lose it. The original role.

However, for Shen Ruiling, even if the members of the Liang family canceled the formation access authority on this wooden sign, he could still sneak into the mountain gate of the Liang family unconsciously with the wooden sign in his hand.

After all, no matter how much he is now a third-tier middle-rank formation master, and he has learned from the real person Dongxie, a fourth-order formation master who is famous in Lingnan.

Over the years, with the continuous improvement of Shen Ruiling's spirit power, most of the memory fragments of Dongxie true person left in [Containing Soul Crystal] have been refined by him.

From those memory fragments of True Person Dongxie, he not only gained the complete understanding of a Jindan True Person about his own avenue, but also learned a lot of magical secrets and various cultivation skills from it.

After all, the true person of Dongxie was known as the change of the sun and the moon of the Shangtong astrology back then, and the mystery of the trend of the mountains and rivers under the dawn.

And in both alchemy and formation, it has reached the realm of Tier 4 grandmaster!

However, Shen Ruiling chose only the alchemy and formation methods of those cultivation skills that the real Dongxie knew.

Because he also knows that learning too much cultivation skills will waste a lot of his time, and the most important thing for him now is to improve his cultivation first.

As for why Shen Ruiling chose the two skills of alchemy and formation, it is because the former is the cultivation skills he has learned since childhood, and he is also very talented.

Furthermore, alchemy is also the most profitable of all cultivation skills, and it can provide material guarantee for his future cultivation career.

Although it is difficult to get started, and the talents of the scholars are extremely demanding, it is also an indispensable skill in the world of cultivating immortals.

If you want to break through in the realm of cultivating immortals, you must learn some of the fur of formations, whether it is a protective formation or a variety of formation prohibitions, you can use the skill of battle formations.

Of course, although Shen Ruiling puts his energy on the two skills of alchemy and formation, he also dabbles in other skills such as refining and talisman making, but only understands some fur.

After all, from the current point of view, Zhao Jie can be relied on for refining tools, and there is a patriarch as for making talisman. These two skills do not need Shen Ruiling to worry about.

It is also thanks to the insight and experience of the real person of Dongxie, the fourth-order Array Dao master, that Shen Ruiling can leap from a beginner in the Array Dao to a third-order middle-grade array in just a few decades. Master Tao.

Of course, this is also inseparable from his own efforts and the teachings of his sixth uncle Shen Jinghua.

But then again, even a third-tier mid-rank formation master may not necessarily be able to sneak into the Liang family's big formation with this identity token.

But this is only for the general third-tier middle-ranking masters of the formation technique. For Shen Ruiling, he has full certainty that relying on the loopholes in this wooden sign in his hand, he sneaked into the Liang family unknowingly.

Because he learned a secret technique called "Stealing the Array" from the memory of True Man Dongxie, he could use some special methods to find the weak points of the big Array and sneak in silently.

And this wooden sign in his hand pointed out a very good loophole for him.

Shen Ruiling had full confidence in sneaking into the Liang family's large array with the help of the "Stealing Array" secret technique, so as to break the whole large array together with Shen Ruizhi and others outside.

As long as they lost the protection of the guardian formation, the four foundation-building cultivators in the Liangjiashan Gate were not opponents of Shen Ruiling and the others at all.

By that time, all kinds of wealth on Liangtai Mountain were in the pockets of Shen Ruiling and others.

After a long time, Shen Ruiling slowly put the wooden sign into his storage bag, and then looked around at everything in the cave again.

In the cave at this time, although the spring water from the [Earth Yin Cold Spring] had been taken away by him, the surrounding space was still filled with the cold air emitted by the cold spring.

Although these cold airs are bitter and cold, their essence also contains extremely rich water attribute essence, which is also a rare heaven and earth spiritual thing for monks.

So Shen Ruiling quickly sat down on the site and began to cautiously drag the cold air from the cave into his body, and quickly started the "Three Yuan Zhuan Lei Jue".

Of course, no matter how confident he was, he didn't dare to absorb these cold air directly into his body, but was refined into his dantian after being neutralized by the fire attribute and the earth attribute spiritual power.

But even so, when Shen Ruiling pulled the outside cold into his body, a layer of white frost immediately condensed on his face and eyebrows, and his lips were also purple.

However, at this time, a blue-red flame was burning in his dantian, enough to ensure that the intrusive chill would not affect his life.

. . . . . .

At the same time, the Liangtai Mountain, which was shrouded by night, seemed very silent, with only a few scattered orange lights on the mountainside and on the top of the mountain.

In a secret place somewhere in the back mountain, a middle-aged man hurriedly pushed open a closed door, and then quickly walked into the house.

"Something happened to San Bo... Xingchao's soul card suddenly shattered tonight!"

Hearing this, the old man sitting cross-legged on the pad in the middle of the room suddenly opened his muddy eyes, and then the coercion that belonged to the Dzogchen monk Zhuji spread out.

The old man is no one else, but the foundation-building Dzogchen monk hidden in the shadows by the Liang family!

"Don't panic... tell the old man after all things are done!"

Facing the old man’s question, the middle-aged man quickly organized a speech and said:

"The Patriarch was afraid of nights and dreams, so he asked Xingchao to take a few members of the family to the swamp in the southwest of the family to find the treasures that the Xu family found there..."

After listening to the former's words, the old man's white eyebrows frowned, and said in dissatisfaction:

"Don't you let Xingchao return to the family as soon as possible?"

"I sent him a message during the day today, but I didn't expect to be tonight..."

The middle-aged man sighed with a heavy expression.

"Now the cultivators of the Qingyunmen have bypassed the Tuyang Valley mine and attacked my Canglan County. It seems that Xingchao is the hand of the fallen cultivators of the Qingyunmen..."

On this side, the old man couldn't help sighing, but quickly said seriously:

"If Xingchao really fell into the hands of those Qingyunmen cultivators, the other party would definitely have been eyeing my Liang family, and everyone in the family would have to wait for it..."

"In addition, immediately erase the identity imprint of Xingchao, the center of the formation, so as not to let those thieves sneak in!"

"Understand the third uncle, I will do it right away!"

Having said that, the middle-aged man immediately turned and left the room.

After the man left a heavy color flashed across the gully face of the old man, and he began to worry a little for some reason.

. . . . . .

In a blink of an eye, three days passed quickly, and Shen Ruiling, who was sitting motionless like a snowman in the cave, suddenly opened those eyes.

The next moment, a bluish-red flame appeared in his eyes immediately, and flames rose up even on his body, melting the frost on his body and returning to its original clean appearance.

Shen Ruiling stood up, looked around the cave again and made sure that nothing was missing, then escaped from the ice cave on the underground river into the water.

After returning to the ground along the dark river, he looked around carefully, and finally flew towards the agreed meeting place.

When he arrived at the agreed place, he found that Shen Ruizhi and the six others had already returned, but judging from the faces of everyone, they seemed to have gained little.

. . . . . .

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