The Rise of the Shen Family

Vol 2 Chapter 753: End a feud

When the seven Jindan real men were fighting high in the sky, thousands of coalition monks rushed into the mine that had lost the protection of the guardian formation.

In an instant, the entire mine was plunged into chaos, and the surviving disciples of the Promise Sect and the monks of the Canglan County family retreated steadily under the offensive of the coalition forces, and fled like a dog in the family.

Located in an empty mine in the main mining area, Shen Ruiling photographed a piece of spiritual power, and skillfully took the storage bag from the waist of the mid-foundation cultivator who fell in the pool of blood into his hands.

This was already the third foundation-building monk he had come all the way to kill. The latter was hurriedly collecting Tier 3 spiritual materials in this mine, and he seized the opportunity to sneak attack and kill.

Shen Ruiling put away the other party's storage bag that was already filled with spiritual materials, and then immediately galloped into another deeper mine.

He had come in secretly and overtly in this mine no less than three times. Although in the past few years, the monks of the Promise Sect had excavated other mine tunnels, the whole mine was changed a bit, but the richest piece of mine The mining area is unchanged.

At this time, the mine that he entered, in his memory, was precisely to a main mining area where spirit materials above Tier 4 could be mined.

However, not long after Shen Ruiling entered this mine tunnel, he couldn't help but become vigilant, and his divine consciousness constantly scanned the situation in the mine.

He walked in this way, and he hadn't even encountered a monk of the Promise Sect, without mentioning the monk Zhuji, or even the monk who practiced Qi.

You must know that this spacious mine tunnel leads directly to the main mining area where Tier 4 spiritual materials can be mined, so it is reasonable to say that there should not be a single person.

It is excusable to say that the coalition monk did not rush to it, after all, he took the lead and entered here before everyone else.

But if there is no Promise Sect cultivator, it is not justified, unless all the Qi training cultivators who were originally in this time have escaped and are ready to leave a treasure for him.

Shen Ruiling resisted the doubts in her heart, and used the [Spirit Turtle Breath Restoration Secret Art], and proceeded cautiously from the underground to the depths of the mine tunnel.

After sneaking another distance underground, he suddenly stopped moving forward, and a touch of thought appeared in his eyes.

In the depths of the mine ahead, he felt an extremely violent and turbulent flow of spiritual power, which was full of strong earth-attribute spiritual power aura.

What happened before?

Shen Ruiling's heart couldn't help but wonder, and the color on his face became more dense, and there was a faint premonition in his heart.

After a brief pause, he used the [Spirit Turtle Breath Restoration Jue] to the extreme, and then moved forward from the depths of the ground again.

Almost his whole person is integrated with the earth, and it is impossible to easily find his trace even under the care of the real Jindan.

Soon Shen Ruiling felt that the turbulence of spiritual power became more and more intense. At this time, even the underground space he was in was agitated by a powerful force, which made him use the [Escape Technique] ] Strongly interfered by the outside world.

"No, the other party is destroying the veins here!"

Suddenly, a crazy thought popped out of Shen Ruiling's mind, and the moment this thought appeared, he was very affirmed.

At this moment, he could clearly feel the tumbling of the underground spiritual veins, and those strong spiritual power fluctuations obviously overflowed from that spiritual vein.

Thinking of this, Shen Ruiling immediately quietly walked to the ground, and slowly detected her divine consciousness, and found that the stone room on the ground was full of violent spiritual power turbulence.

He surreptitiously stretched out half of his body from behind a huge boulder, and began to look at the stone chamber, and the scene in front of him was just as he had guessed.

I saw that the entire stone room was filled with chaotic and violent spiritual power turbulence, and a huge mysterious formation was slowly operating in the center of the stone room.

And in the center of the whole formation, there is an earthy-yellow spirit orb floating, and the formation is forcibly stripping the earth-attribute spiritual power in the underground spiritual vein here, thus forming the formation of this spirit orb. .

When the spiritual power in the underground spiritual vein was stripped out, it could not be completely absorbed by that spiritual orb, so the turbulent flow of violent spiritual power spread out in the entire stone room.

"It's him!"

At this moment, Shen Ruiling looked at the figure next to the formation, and quickly recognized this person, and then a wave of killing intent surged in his heart.

The one standing next to the formation was not someone else, but the ancestor of the Chen family, Chen Tianzheng.

It was this person who led the Wujizong monk to attack Yun Bifeng, driving everyone in the Shen family into a desperate situation. If it weren’t for Shen Huanchi to successfully enter the Golden Core Realm at a critical juncture, I’m afraid that after that battle, the entire Shen family would Will cease to exist.

In that battle, nearly half of the members of the Shen clan fell, and even the entire Yunbi Peak was destroyed.

How can Shen Ruiling forget such **** enemies!

However, when it comes to the blood feud between the Shen family and the Chen family, the blood feud is much more than that.

From the moment the ancestors of the Shen family established a family in Linhai County, the Chen family began to target the Shen family, and the **** enmity between the two parties had already begun at this time.

At that time, Shen Yucang, the ancestor of the Shen family, had the foundation of great perfection, and was able to firmly suppress the Chen family, making the Shen family the head of the four major families in Linhai County.

However, as the ancestors of the Shen family sat down, the two foundation-building monks of the Shen family fell into the shipwreck that year under the Chen family's secret calculations, and the Shen family began to go downhill.

Taking advantage of the internal and external difficulties of the Shen family, the Chen family seized many benefits from the hands of the Shen family by cleverly, and even directly brought down the Shen family.

At the beginning, as the only foundation-building monk in the Shen family ran out of life and left, the casual repairs in Linhai County and the offshore waters paid attention to the Shen family, and wanted to break through the Shen family’s gate and occupy the Shen family’s. Lingshan.

Had it not been for Lingzun to come out to rescue him, the Shen family would have been wiped out long ago.

Behind the incident of San Xiu attacking the mountain this time, it was the Chen family who was behind the scenes, and wanted to use the hands of San Xiu to destroy the Shen family.

It can be said that the two disasters that Shen Jiali faced were indirectly or directly caused by the Chen family, and the hatred between the two parties had long since been dissatisfied.

In response to the Chen family's pressing steadily, after the Shen family regained their vitality, they also counterattacked it.

When the Shen family learned of the Chen family's practice of the magic way, they immediately joined the Du family and the Li family to play the Qingyunmen.

Under the instruction of Qingyunmen, the three families of Shen family, Du family and Li family jointly attacked the Chen family, and the three monks broke through the mountain gate of the Chen family very smoothly.

However, the Chen family had already moved secretly. Only a group of dead men remained in the mountain gate.

In that battle, the Shen family and the other three succeeded in occupying the mountain gate of the Chen family, and divided the nearly a million secular mortals who were abandoned by the Chen family.

Although they did not completely wipe out the Chen family, they also forced the Chen family to leave their homes. Not only did they lose the Lingshan tribe on which they depended for survival, but they also lost a large number of secular mortal populations.

After losing a large number of mortal populations, the Chen family became a rootless tree, a source of no water, and the number of family monks increased very slowly.

After leaving Linhai County, the Chen family completely disappeared, and it was not until Chen Tianzheng became a monk of Zadan before it appeared in the eyes of the people of Lingnan again.

After that, Chen Tianzheng led the monks from Canglan County to invade Linhai County, and the Chen family who had been away for more than 20 years returned to Linhai County again.

However, not long after the Chen family returned to their homeland, Chen Tianzheng and others encountered Waterloo when they attacked the Shenjiashan Gate.

No one thought that Shen Huanchi actually broke the bottleneck of cultivation at the time of life and death, and successfully stepped into the realm of golden core, and only used one move to severely injure Chen Tianzheng, a monk of mixed core.

However, it is a pity that a powerful black-robed monk appeared at the last moment, and the black-robed monk took Chen Tianzheng away when he left.

That time, if it weren't for the appearance of the black robe, Chen Tianzheng would undoubtedly die.

Although Chen Tianzheng escaped that time, the Chen family members who followed Chen Tianzheng back to Linhai County's homeland were avenged by Shen Huanchi and the Shen family afterwards.

This time the Shen family's revenge almost wiped out all the Qi training monks and foundation building monks in the Chen family, leaving the Chen family completely dead in name. Only Chen Tianzheng survived the world.

And the Shen family's pursuit of Chen Tianzheng has never stopped, because Shen Huanchi deeply knows that as long as Chen Tianzheng is still alive, then it is not difficult for him to create a Chen family.

Only after that time, Chen Tianzheng has been hiding in the bounds of the Wujizong and was sheltered by the Wujizong. Even the Shen family has been unable to hunt him down.

This time, it was a coincidence that Shen Ruiling was able to meet each other in this mine!

. . . . . .

Shen Ruiling hid behind the huge boulder, quietly looking at Chen Tianzheng. The chaotic spiritual power flow in this stone chamber just concealed the aura that might radiate from him.

At this time, Chen Tianzheng's face was very pale, and it seemed that the backlash produced by the breaking of the previous guardian formation had caused him serious injuries.

Although the blood in his body was tumbling, he was still working hard to preside over this formation, trying his best to strip out as much spiritual power as possible from that fourth-order spiritual vein.

The Spirit Orb that is gradually taking shape in the formation is a Tiandi Lingzhen that Chen Tianzheng obtained in his early years has not yet been fully conceived, and it can only be cultivated if it is to be fully conceived.

That's why he kept secretly placing this heaven and earth spirit treasure here, gestating by extracting the spiritual power of the fourth-order earth vein under the ground here.

In normal times, in order to avoid being discovered, he dare not blatantly steal a large amount of the spiritual power of the earth veins, and only quietly extract a part of it.

However, nowadays, as the Tuyang Valley Mine is in chaos, no one will care about the changes in that vein, so he has no worries about the future, and uses extremely rough means to forcibly strip away his spiritual power.

It is precisely because this treasure of heaven, material and earth may be related to his future path, he will not hesitate to take risks and want to rush to cultivate it before the Qingyunmen coalition forces arrive, and then take it and flee together.

At this moment, several sharp sword auras roared from behind Chen Tianzheng, and every sword aura contained extremely terrifying power.

This sudden attack could not help but make Chen Tianzheng's complexion change drastically, his figure quickly dodged, and even more so, he wielded a spiritual force to guard the formation.


He looked around the small stone chamber with gloomy eyes, and quickly looked at the stone pile in the distance, his eyes narrowed slightly.

I saw that Shen Ruiling's figure flew directly from behind the pile of rocks, holding an ink-colored long sword and appeared in front of Chen Tianzheng.

"Hehe... I didn't expect it to be you, a junior from the Shen family..."

After seeing Shen Ruiling who appeared in front of him, Chen Tianzheng couldn't help but sneered. Obviously, he also recognized Shen Ruiling's identity.

After all, Shen Ruiling, as the proud son of the Shen clan, second only to the patriarch in the past hundred years, his reputation has been spread throughout Linhai County.

While speaking, he also started to look at Shen Ruiling in front of him, and unexpectedly discovered that the other party's cultivation base had reached the stage of foundation building to great perfection.

Suddenly, Chen Tianzheng's face became gloomy, and his eyes were full of Ling Li's killing intent while looking at Shen Ruiling.

Obviously, Shen Ruiling's talent now displayed completely caused the former to kill.

In Chen Tianzheng's view, Shen Ruiling now has reached the stage of foundation building at a young age, and the breath exuding from his body is also exceptionally vigorous, no less than those old antique monks.

Such talents will surely give a glimpse of Jindan Avenue in the future!

And once that time comes, the Shen family will truly rise up completely, and his Chen family will never have a chance to stand up again.

Therefore, he must behead Shen Ruiling today, otherwise this person will have endless troubles for Jin Hui in the future!

Thinking of this Chen Tianzheng's hands suddenly closed to his chest, and then opened again, and a khaki crescent spatula quickly attacked Shen Ruiling directly.

It is worth mentioning that this earthy yellow crescent shovel is not a Tier 4 magic weapon, it is just a Tier 3 best spiritual weapon.

Seeing that the weapon offered by the opponent was not a Tier 4 magic weapon, Shen Ruiling couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

I saw that the black long sword's sword bloomed with bright lines, and the endless sharp sword aura swept all around, as if it could tear the void in an instant.

As the sword fell, a scream came out from the sword, and then the black light flashed into the sky, and a black sword light that was several feet long flew out of the sword.


Accompanied by the sound of a clear metal collision, the terrifying black sword light directly fell on the crescent shovel, and the sparks shot in all directions, sweeping out strong spiritual power fluctuations around.

. . . . . .

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