The Rise of the Shen Family

Vol 2 Chapter 754: Kill the Zadan

Accompanied by the violent spiritual power fluctuations sweeping out in all directions, the rocks shattered by the spiritual power quickly fell from the top of the stone chamber, causing endless dust in the entire stone chamber.

While the dust was flying, Shen Ruiling's figure couldn't help but retreat a few steps, a tingling sensation came from the mouth of the tiger holding the sword in his right hand, and there was a faint feeling of pain.

The opponent deserves to be a Monk Zadan, and the power carried by the blow just now is only seen in his life, and it is already above the ordinary foundation-building Great Perfection monk.

Shen Ruiling's previous knowledge of the monks of mixed alchemy had been learned from Shen Huanchi's mouth. He knew that this kind of golden alchemy true person who used secret methods to form alchemy was not recognized by the world at all. So they can forcefully mobilize the power of heaven and earth is pitiful.

Therefore, although the power of this kind of mixed alchemy monk has surpassed the level of foundation building, it is just a joke in the eyes of the real Jindan real person.

From the previous match, Shen Ruiling once again had a clear understanding of the strength of the Monk Pill, and he also felt the opponent's power to mobilize the mighty power of heaven and earth to attack.

Although this kind of power may surpass most of the foundation-building Dzogchen monks, it is not an unbearable terrible power for him.

Tiandiweili, not only the other party can mobilize!

At the next moment, Shen Ruiling's figure flew out like an arrow from the string, moving like a ghost, and the ink-colored long sword in his hand swung a few sharp sword lights in the direction Chen Tianzheng was standing at the same time.

Accompanied by the sound of several screams, a terrifying sword aura storm swept across, and the cold sword intent condensed into countless radiant sword auras, which fell to Chen Tianzheng in an instant.

Chen Tianzheng looked at the infinite sword aura that overwhelmed the sky, his muddy eyes narrowed slightly, and his hands again controlled the crescent shovel to form an airtight barrier in front of him.

The sound of crisp metal collision penetrated this space, and between the sparks, a few sharp stone thorns suddenly appeared on the ground where Shen Ruiling was walking.

The stone thorns that sprang out from the ground are like sharp spears, trying to block all the escape routes of the former and drive them into desperation.

When Shen Ruiling sensed the danger from the underground, his figure immediately dodged, and the ink-colored long sword in his hand continuously cleaved at the stone thorns that suddenly came out from the underground.


Shen Ruiling's body was shrouded in the horrible sword intent, and the sword intent flickered in his eyes. Numerous cold lights flashed by his side, cutting off all the stone thorns that hit below.

After a fierce fight, the two sides seemed to be evenly matched, and no one had the upper hand.

However, at this time, the gloomy color on Chen Tianzheng's face became more and more intense, and his gaze at Shen Ruiling was full of gloom and shock.

Judging from the fight just now, he seemed to have underestimated this young man from the Shen family before, and the strength he showed was far beyond the comparability of ordinary foundation-building Dzogchen monks.

This level of strength is no less inferior to the true disciples of the various sects!

And the more amazing the talent Shen Ruiling showed, the more killing intent in Chen Tianzheng's heart, and he could not wait to get rid of the opponent immediately.

Resolving a genius in the Shen family can not only eliminate a future opponent for the family, but also take advantage of the momentum to suppress the current arrogance of the Shen family.

"Boy, the old man admits that you are indeed very talented, but it's all here...!"

There was a hideous smile in Chen Tianzheng's triangular eyes. He seemed to have seen Shen Ruiling lying in a pool of blood.

I saw that his hands pinched several magic tactics in front of his chest, and an extremely powerful breath burst out of his body.

At this moment, an inexplicable power seemed to be injected into his body, and this power made his originally rickety body larger.

In the next moment, Shen Ruiling felt that the space he was in seemed to be frozen, and a pressure that was so heavy that people felt suffocating was enveloped on him.

Soon the soil attribute spiritual power in the entire stone room was mobilized, turning into countless flying sand and walking stones, sweeping towards the place where Shen Ruiling was standing.

Not only that, among the violent flying sand and walking stones, an earth dragon condensed from sand and stones is gradually emerging, and the aura from its body is not inferior to the monster beast of the third-order peak.

Seeing this scene in front of him, Shen Ruiling's brows couldn't help but frowned, and a dignified expression flashed in his eyes.

The mighty power of this world is really not comparable to other ordinary powers.

However, the dignified color in his eyes was fleeting, and replaced by a touch of indifference, and then he spoke slowly:

"You are not the only one who can mobilize the power of heaven and earth here!"

As soon as Shen Ruiling's voice fell, a bluish-red flame burned in his dark pupils, and the raging flame quickly burst out of his body.

Suddenly, the terrifying heat shrouded this stone chamber in an instant, and the golden core pressure that had originally imprisoned him disappeared without a trace.

The blue-red flames emerging from Shen Ruiling's body swelled against the storm, blocking all the flying sand and rocks that swept away.

The whole small stone room is divided into two diametrically opposed scenes, one side is flying sand and walking rocks, and the other is burning flames.

When the blue-red flames in Shen Ruiling gushed out, Chen Tianzheng's old face immediately showed an incredible look.

From the flames rising against the storm, he felt an extremely unique aura, and it was that aura that easily resisted the golden core pressure he exerted on Shen Ruiling.

That is the power of Dao Yun, to be precise, it is the Dao Yun of Fire, and it is a ray of mature Dao Yun!

As we all know, the most important thing for the foundation-building monks to achieve the Golden Core Path is to comprehend the power of Dao Yun. Only by comprehending the rhythm of this heaven and earth Dao, can they refine the power of this heaven and earth into their own when crossing the catastrophe. in vivo.

When Jin Dan Zhenren refines the mighty power of this world into himself, he is truly recognized by this world, so he can smoothly mobilize the mighty power of this world for his own use.

It can be said that the biggest difference between Jindan Zhenren and foundation-building monks, apart from the extra five hundred years of life, is that they can mobilize this world's mighty power for their own use, so that they can gain more powerful power.

However, now, Shen Ruiling has only just built the foundation of the Great Perfection cultivation base, but actually has successfully comprehended the mature Jindan Daoyun.

This is like a child who has mastered the power that an adult can control.

How can this not shock Chen Tianzheng!

You must know that even he has not yet comprehended the mature Jindan Daoyun. The reason why he can forcibly mobilize the mighty power of heaven and earth is only by means of deceiving the heavens.

If he could comprehend a ray of mature Taoist rhyme, how could he embark on this road of no return, not only handing over his own wealth and life to the hands of others, but also almost cutting off the future path.

Thinking of this, the shocked look in Chen Tianzheng's eyes slowly disappeared, and the look at Shen Ruiling was full of extreme jealousy and resentment.

Although the opponent mastered a ray of fire attribute Jin Dan Daoyun, but after all, it was only a foundation stage cultivation base, and the spiritual power reserve and spirit power in the body were not as good as him.

In all comparisons between the two sides, he still has the upper hand, so he has the confidence to behead the other side, so he can use the secret technique of corpse refinement taught to him by the black-robed man to refine his corpse into a high-level corpse refiner.

If Shen Ruiling's corpse can be used to refine a natal corpse puppet, Chen Tianzheng has the confidence to train it into a Tier 4 corpse that is comparable to the Jindan real person.

At that time, he has a Tier 4 corpse in his hand, even if he meets a real Jindan real person, he will not be afraid.

On the other hand, after Shen Ruiling released the flame-devouring flames in his body, he felt that the golden core pressure that was pressing on him was offset.

There is a ray of Dao Yun power in his flame-devouring flame flames, and with this Dao Yun power, he can also mobilize the power of heaven and earth in a small range for his own use.

It is precisely because of this kind of back hand that he is not afraid of Chen Tianzheng mobilizing Tiandi Wei Li to deal with him, and the idea of ​​wanting to compete with him can't help but ignite in his heart.

As for the power of Taoist rhyme, it was Shen Ruiling who has been constantly comprehending the Daoist rhyme in the dantian for decades, and then refined the original power of the flame-devouring flames, unknowingly. Comprehended power.

The power of fire attribute is the first power that Shen Ruiling grasps after stepping into the path of comprehension. At the same time, as his alchemist, his control of the power of fire attribute is far above other soil attribute and water attribute spiritual power. Kind of instinctive familiarity.

It is precisely because of all these factors and natural coincidences that Shen Ruiling was able to grasp this power that originally belonged to the Jindan real person during the foundation construction period.

However, he obviously hasn't gotten started with the correct use of this power.

Chen Tianzheng looked at Shen Ruiling not far away, and then pushed both hands forward at the same time, and the huge earth dragon condensed from sand and stone behind him rushed towards the latter.

Looking at the rebellious earth dragon, Shen Ruiling's eyes narrowed slightly, and two extremely dazzling huge suns slowly rose above his head.

When the two dazzling suns appeared above his head, the blue-red flames released from his body were firmly attracted to him.

In the next moment, the two huge suns engulfed an endless terrifying flame storm, swept toward the earth dragon that was more than ten feet in size.


The raging wind and sand encountered the scorching flames that burned everything. The sand of the former melted instantly, but the flames rising against the storm were also at a disadvantage under the cover of endless sand.

The violent spiritual fluctuations caused by the collision of the two immediately swept in all directions, causing the entire stone chamber in the belly of the mountain to vibrate violently, and it was faintly collapsed.

Although neither of the two players were real Jindan real people, the destructive power formed by the impact of the two great forces of heaven and earth was also very amazing.

Had it not been for the blessing of a fourth-tier ground vein below the stone chamber, I am afraid that the hands of the two Shen Ruiling would have collapsed here.


There was a deafening roar in the narrow stone chamber, and the violent spiritual power fluctuations caused by the explosion shook the surrounding and upper and lower stone walls one after another.

Amidst the violent fluctuations in spiritual power that continued to raging, Shen Ruiling's figure was like a ghost, approaching the direction where Chen Tianzheng was at extreme speed.

At this time, the Dao robe on his body had been shattered in several fights, and several strands of cloth were soaked with blood, and the broken part of the Dao robe revealed a strong body covered with dark scales.

There are hideous scars everywhere on those scale armors. Among them, there are several huge wounds that directly shattered the scale armor comparable to the third-order superb spirit weapon, and injured the flesh and blood under the scale armor. The red blood is coming from the scales. Flowing out of the cracks in the armor.

To be honest, it has been a long time since Shen Ruiling suffered such a serious injury, and it has been a long time since he met an opponent who could make him go all out.

And Chen Tianzheng, as a mixed pill monk, can also be said to be the most powerful opponent he has encountered in the past century.

Although Shen Ruiling's body is now full of scars, the aura exuding from his body is getting stronger and stronger, and the fighting spirit in his eyes is getting stronger and stronger.

Since he practiced the "Three Yuan Zhuan Lei Jue" to the completion of the foundation period, the opponents he encountered were either ordinary monks in the foundation period, who weren't his one-in-one enemy at all, or those Jindan real men, all of them were him. Existence that can't be offended at this stage.

The only battle with a monk of the same level was with Qi Sanye from Shanghai Shangfang, but because the situation was too urgent at that time, he had to use Tier 4 Talisman to quickly kill the opponent.

So now facing Chen Tianzheng, he has exploded out of his full strength for the first time.

Suddenly, from the chaotic spirit power fluctuations around, a black afterimage flew out, and the afterimage attacked Shen Ruiling, who was moving fast, with lightning speed.

Perceiving the fierce aura carried on the afterimage, Shen Ruiling didn't dare to be careless, and quickly patted the storage bag, offering a three-color spirit flag from it.

I saw that a three-color light curtain radiated directly from the tricolor flag and blocked him, successfully blocking the iron cone of the third-order best product.

At the same time, Chen Tianzheng was also extremely tragic at this time, covered in blood, his face was pale, and all the parts from his right shoulder had disappeared, leaving only one that looked extremely flat, about the size of a bowl. The wound, the wound was still surrounded by a burnt breath and fierce sword intent.

Suddenly, his face suddenly changed, and an abnormal halo of blood rose on his old cheeks, and then became abnormally pale again.


The next moment, he directly spewed a mouthful of red blood, and the whole person's breath suddenly wilted.

This sudden change caused Chen Tianzheng to panic immediately. He knew that his injury caused by the backlash of the guarding mountain formation had worsened.

Originally, he had suppressed the injury, but due to the fierce battle with Shen Ruiling just now, the injury in his body broke out again.

On the other side, Shen Ruiling also immediately noticed what was wrong with Chen Tianzheng, and a particularly cold smile flashed across his eyes.

I saw that a pair of huge silver wings suddenly appeared on his back, and his figure disappeared in the original place in an instant.

At this moment, Chen Tianzheng felt a chill in his heart. The old and cunning man quickly dodged, and strenuously sacrificed a defensive weapon above his"

Accompanied by a loud noise, a golden golden seal of one party fell from the sky and smashed heavily on the defensive spirit weapon that the former squeezed out.

The huge impact made Chen Tianzheng unable to help but fall a few steps forward, staggering to stand still, and the whole person was full of energy and blood.

But at this moment, Shen Ruiling's figure suddenly appeared beside him, and the black long sword in his hand immediately revealed a sharp black sword light.

Chen Tianzheng was suddenly shocked, he didn't understand why Shen Ruiling's speed suddenly became so fast, so strange.

Although he was shocked in his heart, his body still dodged instinctively, and he smashed the jade pendant around his waist while waving his hands, and the jade pendant turned into a light curtain to block the sword light.

This scene surprised Shen Ruiling slightly, but he gave a chuckle in his heart, and then sacrificed the white bead.

"Do not..."

This time, Chen Tianzheng finally showed a look of horror on his face. Even if he tried to dodge again, he was still pierced by the sudden white bead.

But after all, it was Monk Zadan. The moment the white ball pierced his chest, he once again resisted the pain and performed secret techniques to flee outside.

However, the next moment, a sword light full of hot flame aura fell instantly, and the sharp sword aura mixed with the hot flames chopped off his head.

The red blood immediately burst out several feet high, and the strong smell of blood spread out all at once.

(Actually, yesterday and today's should be sent out in one chapter...)

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